

2273 Uppsatser om Language constructions - Sida 11 av 152

Steven Pinker på svenska Översättning och översättningsanalys av ett avsnitt ur The language instinct: the new science of language and mind

Den här uppsatsen utgår från en svensk översättning av ett avsnitt ur Steven Pinkersbok The language instinct: the new science of language and mind (1994), samt enanalys av några av de problem som påträffades i översättningsarbetet. De problemområden som analyseras berör översättningen av de språkliga exempel, kulturspecifika företeelser och det personliga bildspråk som förekommer i källtexten. Analysen visar att många av källtextens språkexempel måste behållas på engelska för att argumentationen och budskapet ska bli tydligt även för en svenskspråkig läsare.Även i översättningen av de kulturspecifika företeelserna och det personliga bildspråketbehöver textens engelskspråkiga ursprung göras tydligt för att inte budskapet,argumentationen och den personliga prägeln ska gå förlorad. Däremot behövs imånga fall tydliggörande pragmatiska tillägg göras för den svenskspråkiga läsaren..

"Man vill ju se bra ut" : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars syn på sociala medier

This thesis examines young people's thoughts about their presence on social media. With asocial constructive approach the study focused on how young people think and act on socialmedia in relation to constructions of gender and normality. The analysis is based on fourgroup interviews with 13-year old boys and girls. The theoretical approach is based partly onsocial constructionism where discourses and ideas of normality are identified and analyzed.Erving Goffman's theory of social interaction was central to illustrate how young peoplepresents themselves based on the prevailing discourses. It is clear that they adjust theirrepresentations of themselves depending on the context.

Språk och minne ? hinder eller verktyg? : En studie om pedagogers förhållningssätt till elever med språkstörning i lärandesituationer, med fokus på arbetsminne

The purpose of this study is to generate knowledge about how teachers relate to students with language impairment in learning situations, with particular focus on working memory. The questions are: What kind of knowledge do teachers have regarding language impairment and working memory?, What experience do teachers have regarding lack of working memory abilities among students with language impairment and which consequences do the teachers believe such defects may have for the students? and How can teachers create a learning environment that reduces the working memory demand for students with language impairment? A review of the field shows that there are gaps to fill regarding students with language impairment and working memory. Language impairment has so far been neglected by researchers and within the public debate. How working memory capacity affects the students has only recently begun to receive attention in school and research.

Låt inte maten tysta mun! : En kvalitativ studie om samtal vid måltider i förskolan

 The aim of this essay was to examine the way preschool teachers and children converse during school meals, and also the way preschool teachers start and develop conversations during meals. The conversations were analyzed from the topic of conversation and the teachers' ways of using language acts such as questions, remarks, exhortations. The study was based on observations, tape recording and contact schedule. The result shows that the topic of conversation is significant for how involved teachers are in conversations during meals. The result also shows how conversations develop or end depending on what language acts teachers use.

Kakie i Potjemu : En studie av vilka elever som väljer att läs aryska på gymnasienivå och de motiv de anger för sitt språkval

This essay investigates the pupils, in Swedish upper secondary school in the greater Stockholm area, who choose to study the Russian language as a foreign language. The essay asks; who are these students, and what is motivation behind their language choice? In order to answer these two questions the essay uses both interviews and paper survey. The theoretical background ofth is essay is based on the works and theories of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, and thus the question; who are these students is aimed at the students' social and economical background in lines with Bourdieu's theories. The essay also uses the earlier study of Swedish sociologist Mikael Palme, in which he maps the different schools and programs in the greater Stockholm area, in a socio-economical context based on habitus.

Evidensbaserad logopedisk intervention vid strokeorsakad afasi hos vuxna : En verksamhetsknuten litteraturstudie

Background: The speech- and language deficit aphasia affects 12 000 persons annually in Sweden. Aphasia is caused by injury in the brain and the most common etiology is stroke. According to the tool for describing and assessing aphasia, A-FROM (Kagan et al., 2008), the four following aspects of aphasia need to be considered: severity of aphasia, participation in life situations, communication and language environment and personal factors. Several different interventions and treatments can be performed in every domain. There is scientific evidence for interventions performed by speech and language pathologists; however, the question is yet being discussed since results are unambiguous.Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to investigate which aphasia interventions performed by speech and language pathologists that are supported by evidence.

Att tala ett främmande språk - Att behärska det nya landets kultur : En studie utifrån intervjuer med åtta ungdomar om flerspråkighet och identitetens betydelse

This work is an essay on language, multilingualism, and identity. My purpose in this work was to try and explore how today's young people views in their native language, identity and language development in a multicultural society. I was also interested in how young people find a balance between two very different cultures. Since my work will be based on interviews, I have chosen a qualitative approach. My choice of the qualitative method is primarily related to my purpose.

Litteratur - varför då då? : En studie av skönlitteraturens plats, syfte och innehåll i ämnesplanerna för svenska och svenska som andraspråk 1

This study deals with the new curriculum GY11 in Swedish and Swedish as a second language, the first course at ?Swedish Gymnasium?. The subject is the status and aims of teaching literature and its contents. Eva Hultin?s thesis (2006) Samtalsgenrer i gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning.

Sms-och chattspråkets inverkan på svenskan i klassrummet : - en undersökning av högstadieelevers skrivande

My paper deals with SMS and IM language's impact on students' language in school. Text messaging and instant messaging involves several simplifications and abbreviations for the user to be able to write quickly and short but in the same time have made them understood by the recipient. The spelling, punctuation and use of capital letters are also of a secondary importance when writing via the text chat. My purpose with this paper is to investigate the prevalence of SMS and chat language in student texts, using students in the senior level. My respondents were asked to answer a questionnaire and write a text to a picture.

Modersmålsstöd på mitt vilkor? : En studie av pedagogers upplevelse av möjligheter och begränsningar gällande modersmålsstöd på förskolan.

It is common today that many children in Sweden  grow up in families that speak two or several languages. Language and identity building is connected to each other. So is also Languages and learning (Becknert m. fl. 2008:13).

?Man behöver språket för att visa sig som människa? ? Språkcaféer ? en väg till empowerment

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether publiclibraries language cafés can support or enable the empowerment of the participants. Empowerment means that the individuals ability to take control of their own lives is strengthened and that the individual becomes more independent. Empowerment also means that the individual takes part in a community. An important part of this is the language. I have developed two research questions: What forms of empowerment can be seen in the respondents' statements? What role do language cafés play for people from other countries, in terms of empowerment? The thesis empirical material consists of interviews whit five people involved in different languages cafes in public libraries in the city of Malmö.

Språk och identitet : en intervjustudie av några gymnasieungdomar med svenska som andraspråk

This study aims to investigate, describe and discuss the views of a group of adolescents on their identity and the process of second language acquisition. They all came to Sweden and started studying in Swedish schools in the last three years without any knowledge of the Swedish language.The study has been conducted with respect to the adolescents own perspectives and what they consider important.The methods used are group discussions/ interviews, observations in class and informal discussions with teachers and adolescents.Their voices are described and discussed in this paper. One must take into consideration that there is no objective of being neutral or to generalize the results to any other group or category. On the contrary the study has involved critical self- scrutiny and active reflexivity according to ethnographic tradition.Symbolic interaction has provided a theoretical framework for the study. Looking into how social identities may be constructed or communicated from the adolescents voices and looking in to their use of language the study reveals that several expectations and situations need? to be met by different identities.

Träning av lexikal förmåga hos ett svensk-arabisktalande förskolebarn : Utredning och intensiv intervention av det svenska ordförrådet

Sweden has a growing proportion of children living in a multilingual environment. It is thus highly important that caretakers as well as professionals who meet these children have knowledge of multilingualism and its impact on language development. Also, an increase of referrals of multilingual children with suspected language impairment to speech and language pathology clinics is seen.The objective of this study was to investigate the linguistic ability in both Swedish and Arabic in a four year old child with suspected language impairment. A further aim was to implement an intensive intervention and evaluate the efficacy of it. Language testing in both languages showed that the boy?s greatest need was in the lexical domain.

?Gift att dö eller drömmar att leva?

The purpose of this study is, based on theories of gender and hegemonic masculinity, to studyhow masculinity and femininity is constructed and reproduced in one of the most popularSwedish podcast: Filip & Fredriks podcast. The main theory in this study is that gender issocially created and sustained by humans through language and interaction with others.The study's research questions is: How are gender roles/gender portrayed in Filip & Fredrik'spodcast? What characteristics are attributed to men and women in Filip & Fredrik's podcast?How does Filip & Fredrik's podcast represents conditions and power relations between menand women?Through an linguistic textual analysis, which is an application of discourse analysis, I seek toget beneath the surface meanings of texts and examine more implicit social meanings andideologies regarding gender. It includes an analysis of metaphors, word choices and syntax.The analysis shows underlying values and ideologies that indicates gender structures in abroader societal context. Choice of words and metaphores in Filip & Fredriks's podcastexpresses symbolism where men and male-typical attributes are highly valued, whilst womanand female-typical attributes is being devalued and representative of the opposite.Masculinities and femininities are also constructed and represented in various ways throughsentence constructions that guides the listeners in certain directions.

Offentlighet och sekretess i upphandlingar enligt LOU

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers work with Autism pupils in two different schoolforms: a traditional elementary school and a language school. The study was based on three questions: 1. How do teachers in elementary school prepare, plan and implement reading and writing instruction to Autism pupils? 2. How do teachers in the language unit prepare, plan and implement their reading and writing instruction to Autism pupils? 3.

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