

2345 Uppsatser om Language and sexuality - Sida 28 av 157

"Om jag sitter ensam, då får jag nästan skylla mig själv." : En kvalitativ studie om äldre homosexuella män och åldrande.

The aim of this master thesis is to create an understanding of what it can be like to grow older as a homosexual man in Sweden today. The study has an intersectional and queer theoretical approach and is based on eight in depth interviews with men who are aged between 68 and 82 years old. In the analysis I deal with the problem of how sexuality can be inter- preted with the experience of aging. Central to the analysis is the criticism of norms connected to age, sexuality, social- and family life and gay culture.The results show that the norm-breaking sexual orientation of the men affects their life path in terms of how to organize social life, where friends often replace the traditional family. New ways of forming relationships and living their lives imply other obligations rather than the traditional for significant others, which was shown to influence the expectations and outcome of old age in terms of care and support.

Förberedelseklass ett mångkulturellt möte av språk, lärande och vänskap : en kvalitativ studie om en grupp nyanlända elever och deras två SVA-lärares tankar om hur verkligheten kan se ut i en förberedelseklass

In a preparatory class are newly arrived students who have no or very little knowledge of the Swedish language. Some of the newly arrived pupils may have arrived in Sweden very recently and some of them have no or very limited understanding and experience of how the school system works in their country of origin. The purpose of this study is to find out how education in a selected preparatory class works seen from two SVA-teachers and students perspective. Questions related to my purpose reads as follows:In which way can two of the SVA-teachers respond in a selected preparatory class to their group of newly arrived students?What methods can be used by the two SVA-teachers in a selected preparatory class to their group of newly arrived students' language learning?How does the newly arrived student in a selected preparatory class experience their education and friendship?The study was conducted through a qualitative approach in a selected preparatory class in a multicultural school in a suburb in southern Stockholm. Through observations on six separate occasions as well as interviews with two of the SVA- teachers in the selected preparatory class, and with three of the newly arrived pupils during a period of three weeks.

skönlitteratur i det flerspråkiga klassrummet

The aim of this paper is to examine why Swedish teachers and multilingual secondary   school pupils think it is important to read fiction, how Swedish teachers work with fiction in the multicultural classroom and how they motivate their multilingual pupils to read more by adapting fiction to their capabilities and experiences. We have done interviews with four Swedish teachers and 12 multilingual pupils. The following questions are the starting point of this essay:Why do Swedish teachers and multilingual pupils think that it is important to read fiction?  ?How can the Swedish teachers in the multicultural classroom motivate their multilingual pupils to read more fiction?The result of this paper showed that both the Swedish teachers and the multilingual pupils thought it was important to read fiction because it partly gives themselves the opportunity to acquaint with other cultures and it helps them to improve their language. The teachers motivate their multilingual pupils by reading out loud, reading in groups and by minimizing language difficulties that may occur in the fiction.

Towards an Understanding of Heterosexual Risk-Taking Behaviour Among Adolescents in Lusaka Zambia

This thesis investigates the underlying factors behind sexual risk-taking and non-risk-taking behavior with regard to Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) among adolescents in Lusaka, Zambia. The Qualitative Approach was used for data collection and analysis and using the theory of Social Construction, the author explains how different contexts and aspects in the Zambian Society, that is Traditional, Socio-economic, Political, etc., influence the sexuality or sexual behavior of young people in Zambia. Hermeneutics was used to interpret the meanings in the texts/transcripts acquired through data collection and from the author?s knowledge and understanding of the Zambian historical and cultural contexts within which the participants of the research were constructed. Max Weber?s Ideal Type concept was also used to explain that each young individual?s sexual behavior is uniquely constructed by societal aspects.

Hedersrelaterat våld: hur beskrivs det i den politiska kontexten? En kritisk diskursanalys av begreppet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.

The concept of domestic violence pertains to different definitions of violence, one of which is the concept of honour related violence and oppression. This paper looks at honour related violence and oppression, as defined in policy documents at a central political level, and how various discourses stand in relation to social categories and power relations. Consequently, the theoretical and methodological premise of the paper has been based on discourse analysis and an intersectional perspective has been applied to gain further depth and breadth in the analysis of the material. The intersectional perspective houses various approaches to the understanding of specific phenomena based on factors of gender, ethnicity, sexuality and class. The analysis concludes that the concept of honour related violence and oppression is a concept without a single scientific definition. There is, however, a general consensus in the political context that honour related violence and oppression is a collective force that can be directed at both sexes.

Engelskundervisning i årskurs 1 : På väg mot A1-nivå i enighet med den europeiska referensramen för språk

The aim of this study was to explore how young students can be taught during their first year of learning English towards the A1 level according to The European Framework of Reference for Languages, and how the students understand their own learning. The study was carried out in two different classes but with the same teacher, who is qualified to teach English to young learners. The result is based on the analysis of a total of twelve observations of English lessons in two classes in school year one and eight group interviews with the students. Recurrent ingredients through all lessons were activities such as listening to teacher talk, watching films or film clips, singing songs and doing rhymes, using drama activities, talking about the meaning of learning English, practicing guessing competence and learning new vocabulary. The teacher consistently talked about and taught different strategies for language learning.

Serbiens symboler : en fördjupning och bearbetning av den traditionella folkdräkten och dess symboler i kontrast till serbiska kvinnan idag

I have always been told that form follows function. But does it have to be that way? I decided to see it  from another angle.Kinesics is a term form non verbal komunication. In my thesis project I have been working with body language in furniture.  I believe that furniture, just like us, has an expression and a character. We often tend to desccribe furniture with the same words as we describe people, for example: "A relaxed chair" or "a cocky table".

Wilde ? Mannen som föll offer för den hegemoniska maskuliniteten : En begreppshistorisk analys av fem författares framställning av Wildes homosexualitet 

The aim of this study has been to examine six books about Oscar Wilde?s homosexuality during the years 1906 ? 2003. I have been analyzing their descriptions about his sexual orientation and compared them to each other to see the changes through time. In order to see some clear changes the main focus was to choose time differences between the books. It was clear that the earlier writers had negative opinions and thoughts about his sexual deviation the way they described it.

Hur fyra gymnasielärare möter ideal och verklighet : En jämförelse mellan främmandespråksundervisning i Sverige och Australien

This degree project shows how four language teachers teach foreign languages with focus oncommunicative competence, and how their vision of teaching correspond to their reality in the classroom. How do they motivate the students in class and are the conditions good enough tohelp the teachers reach the national goals? A teacher?s vision is formed by his or her education and experiences. However, there are a number of factors which can help or hinder a teacher to reach his or her ideal teaching. Among these factors are the curriculum, the preknowledgeof the students and available technical resources.

Tre lärarperspektiv : En studie om olika arbetsmetoder i förberedelseklass och i ordinarie klass

The Swedish school reflects the society that we have today, a society with many different ethnical and cultural backgrounds. The purpose of this investigation is to study how the school is working with children that recently immigrated to Sweden. What kind of methods are they using at school, to get the best development as possible? Do the teachers manage to be concerned of the students in the school? What kind of reception do these children get in the school? What methods are the teachers using? And are these methods really the best to use to enhance the language and cognitive development of these students?The methods I have been using to examine these questions have been qualitative. I have interviewed three teachers about their everyday work in a multiethnic school south of Stockholm.

Attityder hos sjuksköterskor på hjärtintensivavdelningar gällande samtal om sexualitet med hjärtpatienter : en enkätstudie

Tidigare studier har visat att sjuksköterskor inte diskuterar sexualitet med sina patienter, trots att behovet finns. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva attityder hos sjuksköterskor på hjärtintensivavdelningar gällande samtal om sexualitet med hjärtpatienter och undersöka skillnader mellan ett universitetssjukhus och ett länsdelssjukhus samt undersöka samband i attityder för respektive avdelning. Data samlades in med den svenska versionen av instrumentet Sexuality Attitudes and Belifes Survey (SABS). Sextiofem enkäter delades ut, varav 34 besvarades. Huvudresultatet visade att sjuksköterskorna från båda sjukhusen var positivt inställda till samtal om sexualitet med patienterna.

Fågel fisk eller mittemellan?

The project is a thesis which intends to strengthen the form language and increase the user friendliness of an International Moth. This is a single handed dinghy with only one sail. It sails on two hydrofoils and receives a very high speed compared to its size, and are therefore often referred to as ?the Formula One on water ?. The result is a new concept where the aerodynamic forces have been used to stabilize the boat and relieve the hydrofoils.

Det Nya Sydafrika : Nationell identitet och bygget av en regnbågsnation

The South African nation and society have experienced significant changes and reforms over the last decade. Less than ten years ago black and white people were not even allowed to share a bench in a park. Today they are expected to live side by side in what is called a"Rainbow Nation". When a new society is built language plays an important part. The language constantly reproduces daily the small things that identify a nation and the people living in it.

Klippbögar? : hällristningar ur ett LGBT- och queerperspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to do an inventory of Swedish Bronze Age rock carvings depicting intercourse, and other sexual acts; applying gender traits on these in order to get a glimpse of what kind of normative outlook people at this time had upon sexuality. .

Webbplatser för alla : Om tillgängligheten på folkbibliotekens webbplatser

The aim of this master thesis is to study if the websites of the Swedish public libraries are accessible to all people. According to the library law all people must have access to the public libraries and their information services. Today, when the Internet is one of the largest sources of information, it is important that all people, including those with different kind of disabilities, children, elderly, immigrants and people with old technical equipment, have access to the public libraries websites.We have in this study considered the graphic user interface, the language, the structure and the navigation possibilities at ten public library websites. We have from a checklist of our own, based upon the opinion of different experts such as Jacob Nielsen and Tommy Sundström, investigated the websites.The main finding of our study is that the websites are generally accessible even thou we found a lack of accessible for immigrants. Most of the websites had some pages in English, but none hade all pages in this language.

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