

2167 Uppsatser om Language acquisition - Sida 32 av 145

DET AMERIKANSKA PRIMÄRVALET I NÄRBILD : En kvantitativ studie av hur Barack Obama och Hillary Clinton framställs och kommunicerar på Internet

  Purpose/Aim: To achieve a deeper knowledge and better understanding of how Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama use rhetoric figures and body language to convince the people that they are the individual who should be elected as the democratic nominee and if and in which way Internets characteristics take practical expressions in the supply of videos on YouTube and Barack Obamas and Hillary Clintons official websites.Material/Method: Quantitative content analysisMain results: Hillary Clintons and Barack Obamas ability to spread out exactly the information they want on their official websites takes expression in form of videos with only positive information. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama try to create a form of advertising on their official websites through the publication of these videos. Internets special characteristics are highly visible and realized in the videos on YouTube. Users are very active which take expressions in creative creations of videos. On YouTube there also exists negative information about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Grammatik undervisning : Studie av grammatikens roll i den tidiga språkinlärningen

This essay aims to generate understanding for todays grammar teaching in the early grades.Through base in previous research, I intend in this work to seek understanding of what affects the grammar development and its impact on education. I investigate in this essay teacher's approach to grammar and how it affects the incidence of grammar teaching.Work empiricism consists of qualitative research interviews and a survey with the intention to present a broad picture of grammatical meaning. Regarding to the informants that are involved in the investigation, I have deliberately chosen teachers from different generations to find reflections of their own education and how itinfluenced their view of grammar. My study shows that teachers acquire greater part of teaching about languagefunctional side compared to the form of the language. The teachers who participated in the survey indicated that the language functional side priority by reason that the more responds to students' learning needs and promotes a desire to learn through meaningful for the student.

?Jag kommer aldrig säga att jag är svensk? : En kvalitativ studie kring sex elevers förhållning till sin flerspråkighet och hur den har påverkat synen på dem själva och deras identitet

The purpose of this paper is to examine how six students who attend a high school relate to their multilingualism and emphasize how their multilingualism has affected their views of themselves and their identity. The fundamental questions were:How do six students who attend a secondary school relate to their multilingualism?How has students' multilingualism affected their views of themselves and their identity?I did use a qualitative research method in terms of interviews to receive answers for my inquiries.Carla Jonsson (2010) speaks inter alia about ?the third space? which concerns adolescents creating a ?third room?. Almqvist (2006) believes that adolescents that are exposed to discrimination and prejudices can lead to them turning their backs on society in disappointment. Boyd (1985) has, in his thesis, found that multilingual students communicate with the majority language and with their mother tongue with their parents.

Att arbeta med tolk vid bedömningar : sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kvalitén

Background:Studies show that when nurses are experiencing problems in the care of non-Swedish speaking patients, it is often due to obstacles in the communication. Studies also show that a prerequisite for adequate care is that there is a basis for a direct communication. Nurses perceive interpreters as an important link to the patient when they do not share a mutual language, the nurses perceive interpreters as a bridge in the conversation.Aim:The purpose of the study is to describe nurses' experiences of the quality of assessments done with the help of an interpreter.Method:The study was conducted through interviews with ten nurses, working at psychiatric clinics. Qualitative content analysis was used for the analysis, which resulted in five categories.Results:The analysis resulted in one theme: "it´s the interpreter who tells me and have not the feeling that the patient has" and five categories: "shades of the language", "conversation structure", "the interpreter's competence", "interpreting implementing" and "the interpreter's gender and origin". The nurses experience working with interpreters as a challenge.

Arte Mundit - en granskning av produkten, dess rengöringseffekt samt påverkan på muralt måleri

Titel in original language: ARTE MUNDIT- En granskning av produkten, dess rengöringseffektsamt påverkan på muralt måleri.Language of text: SwedishNumber of pages: 50Keywords: Arte Mundit, cleaning, mural painting, cleaning poultices, latex, EDTA..

"Det är svårt att gå i två klasser samtidigt" : En studie om nyanlända elever i den svenska skolan

The essay aims to highlight the newly arrived immigrant students? experience of social integration and social security in the Swedish school system, which is important for their further language and learning development. This essay aims to see it from the student's perspective. The main question in this essay is: What factors seem to matter the most for the newly arrived immigrant students in their language and learning skills, and what does the students themselves think about the issue? The study is based on a qualitative research method in the form of interviews and observations conducted in a multicultural school for a period of two weeks.

Språktest för medborgarskap? En postkolonial läsning av debatten kring språktest.

On the third of August 2002, in the middle of the ongoing Swedish election campaign, Lars Leijonborg beeing the leader of Folkpartiet (the Peoples Party) presented the partys new intergration programme for foreign nationals. One of the proposals was to instigate a language test for all immigrants seeking to obtain Swedish citizenship. This thesis addresses the medial debate that followed the proposal in the daily press. Using discourse analysis and postcolonial theory this thesis looks into the fact that there were not unity in the wake that followed the language test proposal resulting in one medial and one popular discourse. The newspapers investigated were largely negative in their tone, whereas on the opinion pages, the view of the people seemed much more positively inclined.

Att skriva en berättelse : En studie av hur elever i årskurs 3 anpassar stilen i sina berättande texter

The present study has two purposes. One aim is to investigate to what extent 20 pupils in grade 3 use two different forms of presentation in their narrative texts and how these choices of forms of presentation create certain patterns in the pupils? texts. Another aim is to study to what extent the pupils use various features of spoken language in their narrative texts and whether these features correlate with the forms of presentation. The material in the study consists of 20 narrative texts from the national test in Swedish in 2011.

Vilt växande Fula Flickor. Om kvinnoblivande hos Mare Kandre - an analys av "Bübins unge" och "Aliide, Aliide"

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine from a psychoanalytic point of view how Mare Kandre narrate the complex process when girl becomes woman. Earlier theoretical work concerning Mare Kandre is sparse and limited to narrow cut-outs of her authorship. There are two dissertations, but none with Kandre and her unique fictional works alone in focus. Most frequently she is presented as part of different groups of authors.

Tecken som alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation : ett hjälpmedel för barn med/i kommunikationssvårigheter

AbstractThe purpose of this paper was to examine preschool teacher?s thoughts about using Manual Signs as Alternative and Augmentative Communication as an aid for children in/with communication disabilities. The method I?ve used in the survey is qualitative interview.The three interviewed preschool teachers use Manual Signs foremost for those children who have a poorly developed spoken language. Manual Signs are used as a complement to the spoken language and the preschool teachers use it to increase the children?s power of concentration.

Elevtexter - en analys av elevers skriftspråksutveckling och syn på musik från grundskolan till gymnasiet

The purpose of the present study is to explore differences in the musical opinions and preferences and the quality of written language between pupils of two age groups (12 and 17 resp). Two classes were chosen, one from each age level. Each class/group was also divided by gender. The pupils asked to write an essay on their musical opinions and preferences. The essays were analyzed with respect to musical content and linguistic form.

Den åländska hembygdsrättens omgestaltning - Från jordförvärvsskydd till regionalt medborgarskap

This article seeks to re-imagine the Alandish hembygdsrätt to a regional citizenship. Hembygdsrätt is a judicial tool that regulates acquisition of property and voting rights. Its a central part of the autonomy as it constitutes a social-border between Finns and Alanders.However as Åland and Finland became members of the European Union questions arouse concerning the legitimacy of the current statues. The community argued that it could be considered as a breach of the anti-discrimination principle. Therefore Alandish autonomy was recognized as an exception in the joint-accession treaty of Finland and Åland.

Natten är naken och månlös : Subjektsinversion i Marie Unders 20-talslyrik

Like several of her female peers, Marie Under (1883 - 1980) has been denied the international acclaim she deserves. The earliest text on Marie Under in swedish told of her greatness, but in classical fallic maner reduced her poetic production by marking it with pathological symtoms. Though latter texts by author Enel Melberg have put a feminist perspective on Unders work, the theoretical complexity of her poetic images and language, and its polemic relation to contemporary literary currents, has yet to be recognised. This study will seek to portrait Marie Under and her poetry in this new light.The study moves from an installation of Marie Under in the modern discourse she so far has been estranged from, to an analysis of her earlier works (in the 1910?s and 1920?s).

Language Minority Students

Syftet med detta arbete var att ta reda på vilket stöd det finns för språkminoritetselever, dvs elever i USA som inte har engelskan som modersmål, i de amerikanske klassrummen. Jag intervjuade fem amerikanska lärare i Atlanta. Jag ville ta reda på hur medvetna dessa lärare är om de speciella behov språkminoritetselever har. De fem intervjuade lärarna kände till grundläggande ideer om att undervisa språkminoritetselever i sina klassrum men ingen av dem hade läst om det under sin utbildning. Undersökningen indikerar att andra språk än engelska inte har så stor betydelse i skolor i Atlanta och att lärare inte får tillräckligt med undervisning om språkminoritetselever.

Grammatik och språkorientering på grundskolan

AbstractThe debate on grammar has been on the agenda for thousands of years. Several different arguments and theories have been used in order to explain the importance of grammar in school. Some newer arguments have been added, while others have stayed, either in their original version, or in a modernised one.This essay aims to clarify the role grammar play in school. In order to do that we have looked into its history, the curriculum, modern research and interviews made with active teachers.The results of the literary studies, the studies of the curriculum and the field studies show that the very presence of grammar in school is disputed. The curriculum of today speaks of an orientation in language, with grammar as a part of it, based on the students? own language.

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