

2167 Uppsatser om Language acquisition - Sida 26 av 145

Vem förstår sig på mig som liten är? : Att arbeta med barn som har känslomässiga svårigheter på förskola

In my story there are daily conflicts that occur around the boy Peter. I focus on the role of the educator and the preschool, on the grey area children, on the interaction with parents and on "fighter relation". I have during my work tried to see this dilemma from differentperspectives. I question my role as a teacher and recently become a preschool teacher. Peter has no diagnosis, but I have decided to proceed from emotional disorders and language difficulties..

En studie om barns läsvanor och läsutveckling

The aim of the study is to investigate how pedagogues working with gesticulation and facial expressions to communicate with children aged 3-5 years. The methods used are observations as well as interviews of educators. My empricial evidence was collected on two different preschools in Värmland County. The pedagogues are dealing with body language in a conscious way by collections as they sing and they reinforce feelings of characters support. In my conclusion I have come come to the conclusion that there is no difference on how male and female educators use gesticulation and facial expressions without its personality traits and body language often are unconsciously in conversations with children..

Vem är du på Flashback Forum? : En studie av identitetsskapande på ett forum.

With this study we aim to learn more about the process in creating an identity onFlashback Forum. We have observed four members of the forum to find what themesdefine thier way of making an identitity. Besides to our empirical material we foundearlier research that could support our study. The methods we used was qualitativesince we wanted to get a deep understandning for their behaviour. We found thattheese three themes were central: Language, Content and the feeling of beingAnonymous.

Konstruktiva och destruktiva former av språklig kommunikation i moderna arbetsorganisationer : - En teoretisk undersökning med kompletterande fallstudier av Leksands vårdcentral och Mora vårdcentral

A main aim with the essay ?Constructive and destructive forms of language communication in modern work organizations? is to try to develop methods which can be used to measure and classify different forms of language communication. Methods that hopefully also can be used for analysis of in which ways dominating language communication forms affects employees health in modern work organizations. Quantitative methods have chiefly been used in the essay. A questionnaire study based on sociological research and psychoterapeutic research and practice has been used to collect data around communication in two work organizations (community health centers). Then communication has been classified in two main forms: constructive and destructive language communication. Results in the essay indicate that there are tendencies to links between high illness-absence and destructive communication in a work organization.

Konstruktiva och destruktiva former av språklig kommunikation i moderna arbetsorganisationer : - En teoretisk undersökning med kompletterande fallstudier av Leksands vårdcentral och Mora vårdcentral

A main aim with the essay ?Constructive and destructive forms of language communication in modern work organizations? is to try to develop methods which can be used to measure and classify different forms of language communication. Methods that hopefully also can be used for analysis of in which ways dominating language communication forms affects employees health in modern work organizations.Quantitative methods have chiefly been used in the essay. A questionnaire study based on sociological research and psychoterapeutic research and practice has been used to collect data around communication in two work organizations (community health centers). Then communication has been classified in two main forms: constructive and destructive language communication.Results in the essay indicate that there are tendencies to links between high illness-absence and destructive communication in a work organization.

Hur arbetar lärare med nyanlända elevers andraspråksinlärning i förberedelseklasser? : En kvalitativ studie om undervisningsmetoder och materiel för nyanlända elever i förberedelseklasser

We are living in a multicultural society where people from other countries and other cultures are coming to Sweden, including children. Regardless of reasons why these students have come to Sweden, it is common that they are newly arrived and have to learn a second language, in this case Swedish. This will be a challenge, opportunities and difficulties for the student, students? families and for the school and their staff.The purpose of this essay has been to illumine the teaching methods, models and what materials are used by teachers today to contribute to the best possible second language learning for newly arrived students. In this essay the focus has been on one theory and several model-based approaches.

Skolans organisering och pedagogiska arbete med svenska som andraspråk : ur ett lärarperspektiv

Research has shown that students with another mother tongue than Swedish terminate elementary school with lower grades in all subjects, compared to students having Swedish as a mother tongue. This fact justifies further research on the forms of teaching Swedish as a second language. Attention has been given to the fact that the students with another mother tongue than Swedish have to cope with "dual learning". Parallel to the learning of a second language they need to obtain knowledge in all other subjects. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the School organise the work with students having another mother tongue than Swedish, and to find out how teachers in other subjects solve the problem of having students that struggle with "dual learning".

Grundläggande läs- och skrivinlärning : Är stavelsen en gynnsam arbetseneht?

The aim of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the syllable as an alternative to the phoneme at the basic reading and writing. This report is based on a qualitative analysis of Håkanstorp school´s approach to the basic reading and writing in class. Their approach to reading and writing is controversial, as it is based on the syllable instead of the phoneme, as usual in the traditional reading and writing. The education result, I have found, is that the syllable leads to a very clear and structured working procedure, which ultimately leads to class teachers being able to work from a diagnostic approach. This structure, with many parts of the course helps educators to clearly follow what level students are at.

Fanfictionskrivande på engelska : Språkinlärning i en nätbaserad praxisgemenskap?

The purpose of this study was to investigate the English writing activities of young Swedes on the site FanFiction.net to determine what type of differences were perceived between this activity and the writing activities taking place in upper secondary English courses, what effects fan fiction had on their English skills as well as what possibilities were perceived in regards to using fan fiction as a tool of learning. Methods used include an interview study along with a textual analysis to determine changes in grammatical complexity, errors and mistakes. Results indicate that partaking in fan fiction-related communities of practice in English can potentially improve language skills. Results also showed that informants valued interaction and practical language use, largely perceiving the formal teaching of English as lacking in opportunities for practical, contextually relevant and creative language use. However, introducing fan fiction and its practices of peer-reviewing in a formal educational setting was also perceived as risky, at the same time as there existed a sense of optimism that the fan fiction format and its practices could both be used to facilitate learning..

Elever med språkstörning : Skiljer sig strategierna för elevernas utbildning beroende av elevernas ålder?

This thesis investigates strategies used to include students with language disabilities in schools and whether they differ depending on the age of the students. A interview guide for qualitative interviews was used to interview two groups of respondents (teachers with longer and shorter experience) The material was categorized according to students ages (grade 5 and below respective grade 6 to 9) The results show that there is no common plan for how to work with children with language disabilities in the investigated municipality. However, similar strategies are used for both groups of students, but how the strategies are applied differs..

Högläsningens betydelse för barnens språkutveckling

The main thing we wanted to find out with this thesis was, can reading aloud help the natural language development. We also wanted to know how libraries in Sweden work with reading aloud and if children with reading and writing problems are being helped by being read to. We also wanted to find out what authoritarians on literature think a good reading-aloud novel should contain. To find this out we decided to do a literature study, we have taken part of a number of authoritarian opinions on this matter and we also studied some theories on this subject. We also decided to do a couple of interviews to exemplify how regular libraries work with reading aloud.

Tvåspråkiga barn i förskolan : Pedagogens arbete i dagens mångkulturella Sverige

Today?s Sweden becomes more and more multicultural, with a mixture of many different languages. Many children are raised to learn two or more parent languages. If you work as an educationalist in preschool you will probably come in contact with these children. The question is how you should treat them and ease their development of languages.The purpose with this work is to find answers to the question if bilingual children develop their languages by the same method as monolingual and how one as an educationalist can make these children?s development of language easier.The papers preface is a part of literature that describes different researchers view on the bilingual children?s development of language and how one, as an educationalist, can ease it.To my study I have chosen to interview three educationalists in preschool who all work with bilingual children.

Bedömning av prosodisk förmåga hos vuxna med förvärvad hjärnskada.

Prosody is the melody and rhythm of speech and language. Prosodic ability is of great importance for communication, and has been shown to be affected in adults with acquired brain injury. Studies have shown that Swedish children with specific language impairment have prosodic  difficulties to a greater extent than e.g. English speaking peers. It is thereby possible that prosodic ability is more vulnerable also in Swedish speaking adults with acquired brain injury.The aim of the present study was to assess prosodic ability in adults with acquired brain injury, and to evaluate the prosodic assessment procedure that was used.

Den fula ankungen - en studie kring film i förskolan

The purpose of this thesis is to see how film can be used to invigorate children?s language development. There is not much research regarding this, which is why we have chosen to study this particular topic. The study consists of questionnaires, an interview and a pilot study. We have chosen to proceed from a socio-cultural perspective, language perspective and learning perspective, thus we are interested in the teacher?s views and thoughts about film as a learning tool complemented by what children can gain through film.

Reading- and writing-disabilities from a second language perspective

Abstract Denna uppsats handlar om att undersöka hur andraspråkselever som misstänks ha läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi utreds på en skola. I en empirisk studie intervjuas sex stycken pedagoger som arbetar med att göra de inledande testerna/kartläggningarna på elever med misstänkt dyslexi/läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Lärarna i undersökningen arbetar inom samma upptagningsområde som speciallärare/pedagoger. Uppsatsens resultat visar på att tillängliga diagnosverktyg på undersökt skola inte är anpassade för att kunna säkerställa en eventuell diagnos hos elever med ett annat modersmål än svenska..

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