

7981 Uppsatser om Land development - Sida 6 av 533

Förväntningar på IUP : Analys av vilka förväntningar lärare, elever och föräldrar har på Individuell utvecklingsplan

AbstractMy purpose of the investigation is to enter deeply into the knowledge of the Individual plan of the development and to examine how teachers, pupils and parents look at the Individual plan of the development and the purpose of the Individual plan of the development in school. My question of the main problem in this investigation was to examine the expectation on the Individual plan of the development from teachers, pupils and parents and if the Individual plan of the development has been influence the cooperation of parents and the influence of the pupils also how and if teachers, pupils and parents apprehend some kinds of changes.The review of the literature begin with a closer study about our document of control, witch are the curriculum of the compulsory school (Lpo 94), The National Agency for Education General Advice for the Individual plan of the development (2005), a study of the development of the cooperation of the parents and the influence of the pupils under the years of research about it.I have in my investigation used qualitative interview in different forms like the ordinary interview, interview on telephone and focussed group interview with teachers, pupils and parents. The result of my conclusion from the investigation is that the information and the knowledge of the Individual plan of the development are important to be able to increase the influence from the pupils and a different cooperation from the parents in the development of the school with the Individual plan of the development. My examination is small and not generalised but I believe that it still can represent the attitude of the Individual plan of the development. The consequence of the investigation shows that pupils and parents have vague idea of the Individual plan of the development.

Slam ? en outnyttjad resurs i skogsbruket

Every year about 210 000 tones dry weight of sewage sludge is produced in Sweden. Most of the sludge is applied to agricultural land, plantsoil and landfill cover. Sewage sludge contains essential nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen is limiting growth on solid ground in Sweden and can therefore be used as fertilizer to increase productivity. In order that the sludge can be spread to forest land it requires first a conversion of sludge to pellets, to make it more manageable.

Svensk havsmiljö i förändring: En studie om aktörers miljöperspektiv och etablerandet av Havs- och vattenmiljömyndigheten

Till följd av en havs- och vattenmiljösatsning tillsatte regeringen år 2009 en utredning för att ta fram förslag på utformningen av en ny havs- och vattenmiljömyndighet. Detta skullekunna ses som ett skifte inom svensk miljövård som präglats av en integrerad syn på miljöfrågor som rör land, luft och vatten, under hantering av Naturvårdsverket. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka om vattenvårdens inblandade aktörer lyfter perspektivet om sammanhållningen mellan land-, luft- och vattenfrågor när de argumenterar för eller emot den nya myndighetens etablerande samt huruvida detta kan förankras i deras institutionella ställningstagande. Genom en kvalitativ textanalys har frågeställningar om och hur en integrerad syn på land-, luft- och vattenmiljö lyfts av aktörerna undersökts. Vidare undersöks en hypotes om förankring mellan integrerad syn och val av Naturvårdsverket som institution.

Från verksamhetsmodellering till verksamhetsutveckling? : Leder kompetensutveckling av personer i ledarskapsroller till verksamhetsutveckling?

Learning organizations and organizational development are interesting subjects that does not examine municipal organizations and private organizations an equal amount.  Furthermore, there exists little research on the effects of competence development for individuals in a leadership role within organizations. Because of this, we wanted to examine the impact of competence development in business modeling and how it affected local government activities. Competence development is used by organizations to develop their business and achieve a greater competitive advantage, but does competence development for individuals in a leadership role lead to organizational development? This paper examines competence development in the form of a business modeling course via the Bitstreamproject and the effects that occur within three municipalities as a result of the competence development. By interviewing three participants and four coworkers within different municipalities and studied the data from the Bitstream project, we can not conclude that competence development within business modeling leads to organizational development, only that it exists a tendency for it.

Demolera och rekonstruera : En studie av religionskunskapslärares erfarenheter kring undervisning på yrkesinriktade progam

Målet med uppsatsen är att jämföra likheter och skillnader i gestaltningen av främlingskap i Ivar Lo- Johanssons roman Kungsgatan och i Theodor Kallifatides roman Utlänningar. Uppsatsen jämför förhållandet mellan stad och land i Kungsgatan med förhållandet mellan hemland och nytt land i Utlänningar. Socialpsykologiska perspektiv på främlingskap, identitet och acklimatisering i kombination med litteraturteoretiska begrepp från postkolonial litteraturteori används för att undersöka hur romanerna fiktivt gestaltar uppbrotts- och acklimatiseringsprocesser. Analysen indelas i förhållandet mellan stad/land och hemland/nytt land, kvinnans dubbla främlingskap, språkets inverkan på identiteten samt individens förmåga eller oförmåga att anpassa sig till en ny miljö. Det skildrade främlingskapets anknytning till en ny dubbel identitet analyseras för att tolka karaktärernas hantering av främlingskapet.

Stationsområde i Landskrona : En studie om exploateringen av jordbruksmark, stadsutveckling och stadsstyre med Landskronas stationsområde som exempel

In this essay a proposal of city renewal is made for the new train station area built on highly productive agricultural land in Landskrona. The proposal is based on how the situation for the agricultural land in terms of exploitation looks like today and also on theories of urban governance to find out why the area turned out the way it did..

Never heard about Pärnu? - En fallstudie om post-kommunistisk profilering

?Coming from Sweden and you haven?t heard of it?? Detta citat exemplifierar den självbild som det post-kommunistiska profileringsarbetet tenderar att präglas av. Bristen på insikt känns påtaglig under ett möte med en högt uppsatt tjänsteman inom Pärnu Development Department. Denna problematik skall dock inte förlöjligas utan måste sättas i relation till de omständigheter som skapat den.De tidigare socialistiskt präglade staterna har varit tvungna att anpassa sig till markandsekonomin med förändrade efterfrågemönster och nya konkurrenssituationer. Dessa förhållanden kan verka självklara för ett västeuropeiskt land, men för ett post- kommunistiskt land där marknadsföring och destinationsutveckling i princip inte existerat, var de här förutsättningarna något nytt.

Lönsamheten i vindkraft : en studie om den förväntade lönsamheten i landsbaserad vindkraft

This thesis analyzes the expected profitability in land based wind power plants. The expected profitability is calculated on the basis of a wind power project in Vartofta, Falköping. The information required to calculate the expected outcome is then concentrated to this project, which is in this thesis called project Näs. In project Näs they plan to build three wind power plants, with each an effect of 2 MWh. These wind power plants are very capital intensive investments with a long and uncertain payback time.

Ändringarna i expropriationslagens ersättningsbestämmelser : Har lagändringarna lett till några effekter för Trafikverket?

In December 2005 the government ordered a group to investigate the compensation law of expropriation. The purpose was to change the law so that it would reflect today?s conditions of expropriation.  The result of the investigation was that some changes were made in the law of expropriation. The aim of the changes was to strengthen the ownership of properties. Following changes was made in august 2010; the deduction of tolerance was rescinded as well as the rule of presumption and a new rule was added saying that the market value/decrease in market value should be multiplied with 25 percent when the compensation was calculated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Trafikverket has experienced these changes from 2010.

iup vs. åp : vad är bäst för eleven?

Abstract This paper focuses on whether individual development plans as well as action programmes are needed.Pupils in need of particular support get to be involved in an action programme ? the school needs to provide any particular support a pupil needs. However, the individual development plan does not substitute the action programme. Thus an action programme as well as an individual development plan will be provided to students in need of particular support.The individual development plan follows the pupil throughout the entire education, regardless of whether its content changes, whilst the action programme pertains to a limited period of time. Pupils that are not in need of particular support are not likely to need to set goals for themselves in addition to those already set outside of school.

Teknisk förstudie för bearbetning med industrirobot

In December 2005 the government ordered a group to investigate the compensation law of expropriation. The purpose was to change the law so that it would reflect today?s conditions of expropriation.  The result of the investigation was that some changes were made in the law of expropriation. The aim of the changes was to strengthen the ownership of properties. Following changes was made in august 2010; the deduction of tolerance was rescinded as well as the rule of presumption and a new rule was added saying that the market value/decrease in market value should be multiplied with 25 percent when the compensation was calculated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Trafikverket has experienced these changes from 2010.

Från sagor och högläsning till samtal och estetik

SammanfattningDet här är en tur i sagans land, där jag visar er vad pedagogerna använder högläsning av sagor till och vilka syften som är bakomliggande. Genom litteraturen får ni en bild av vad högläsning av sagor skapar, hur sagoarbete bör ske enligt författarna och arbetets syfte. Jag har valt att använda metoden intervju med två pedagoger i en förstaklass. Resultatet i min metod d.v.s. mina intervjuer visar de två pedagogernas arbete med högläsning av sagor och deras åsikt om vad högläsning av sagor kan ge till barnens utveckling.

Hållbar stadsutveckling : En utopisk vision eller realistisk framtid?

The aim of this study is to make clear the conception ?Sustainable Urban Development? through an investigation dealing with how the sustainable goals are attained in today?s Swedish urban planning. And also try to clarify where and why sustainable development is failing or lacking. Besides that I have investigated how actors take position towards urban sustainability. The essay is based on a literature study about sustainable urban development and it?s changes through the time and place.

Svartgran ? ett alternativ när allt ser mörkt ut? : en kartmodell för att visa lämpliga ståndorter för odling av svartgran

A common problem in forestry is plant death caused by frost. The risk of frost is highest on wind protected, flat or low-lying areas in the terrain. Here you often have regeneration problems with Norwegian spruce which is especially sensitive to spring frost. Swedish tree experiments have shown that the black spruce can be a suitable alternative on these areas, for example on moisture frost prone areas. The species originates from North America and its pioneer tree characteristics make it more frost hardy than Norwegian spruce.

De-Icing Management Tool V2 : Utveckling av grafiska gränssnitt till ett system för hantering av avisning

In December 2005 the government ordered a group to investigate the compensation law of expropriation. The purpose was to change the law so that it would reflect today?s conditions of expropriation.  The result of the investigation was that some changes were made in the law of expropriation. The aim of the changes was to strengthen the ownership of properties. Following changes was made in august 2010; the deduction of tolerance was rescinded as well as the rule of presumption and a new rule was added saying that the market value/decrease in market value should be multiplied with 25 percent when the compensation was calculated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Trafikverket has experienced these changes from 2010.

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