

11 Uppsatser om Laden - Sida 1 av 1

Skillnaden mellan stötta och störta- En studie av Boomerang-effekten

AbstractsUppsatsen är en teoriutvecklande studie som behandlar Boomerang-effekten, det vill säga fenomenet när forna allierade till stormakter vänder sig mot dem och blir dess fiender. Uppsatsen baseras på två fall; Osama bin Laden och Manuel Noriega eftersom de passar in på fenomenet i fråga. Teoriavsnittet behandlar det internationella systemet, dess egenskaper och komponenter samt alliansbildningar. I analysavsnittet belyses bland annat varför dessa oheliga allianser bildas och senare bryts samt faktorer som ligger bakom det nya fiendeskapet. Vi kommer fram till att kortsiktigheten som präglar politikers och tjänstemäns tänkande och agerande är en av anledningarna till att allianser bildas med opålitliga personer.

?Dead. He is Dead. God blesses America? : Den Amerikanska pressens gestaltning av kriget mot terrorism kring Usama bin Ladins död

Almost 10 years after the attack on World Trade Center Sept. 11 2001, Osama bin Laden was shot and killed on May 2 2011 in Pakistan. How was this event framed by the media with regards to the global war on terror? This study compares two different American newspapers ? the New York Times and the New York Daily News ? and how they framed the war on terrorism in the Middle East from May 2 to May 15 2011. By analyzing the framing in a perspective of the four functions of framing theory: define problems, diagnose causes, make moral judgments and suggest remedies, we found considerable differences in each papers frames.

Välkommen till Vischan! : Gotlandsgården i Roma

Gotland is famous around the world for its unique nature. The agriculture here has always been an important source of income and part of the identity of the island. But today the profession has low status and hard to survive. How can the interest for farming be increased?Gotlandsgården is an investigation about how the agriculture could develop.

Skadegörelse klotter nedskräpning förbjuden : Graffitiborttagning som ikonoklasm

This essay concerns graffiti, and in particular graffiti removal regarded as iconoclasm.Graffiti is described as a visual symbol Laden with both negative and positive values, and sometimes as a meaningful expression in the urban public space. One problem with graffiti as a field of study is the diversity of both the meaning of the term as well as the diversity of the phenomenon itself. Therefore I have defined the term graffiti as follows: words and images painted on public walls by a person usually in an unauthorised manner. Specific examples of graffiti and related phenomena are presented. Within the Swedish anti-graffiti discourse the pejorative term klotter (scribbling) is used to describe what I above define as graffiti.

Ensam är stark!?

I am interested in humans, bodies, movements, directions and how they affect each other. How we move towards each other or away from each other, inside a home or outside. How we relate to each other and to what people say and do. Co-operations between people that occasionally, possibly, do not work; how certain relationships, like certain materials, can have various breaking-points; that materials can be Laden with numerous preconceptions, for instance what they should be used for.Beginning from the perspective of a feminist commune, I have explored the concepts of family, belonging, and loneliness. I have interviewed, observed, photographed, and through living in the commune during shorter periods of time, I have taken part in their every-day life.

World Trade Center : ett arbete om hur myten påverkar oss

Det här arbetet fokuserar på den profana och religiösa människans omedvetna arketypiska arv som vi fått genom myterna, och vidare på hur detta påverkar oss i särskilda situationer. Som exempel har jag fördjupat mig i terroristattacken mot World Trade Center den 11 september 2001.I min första del beskriver jag myterna och olika mytkriterier, hur de är uppbyggda och vad de innehåller. Gemensamt för de olika myterna visar sig vara kampen mellan kaos och ordning och/eller det onda och goda, där harmoni måste råda på det jordiska planet såväl som på det gudomliga. I denna del tar jag också upp tidens betydelse och hur både den profana och religiösa tiden är av cyklisk natur där nyåret och återupprepning av högtider är av stor vikt för den psykologiska bearbetningen och personliga existensen.I min andra del beskriver jag staden New York och dess betydelse för innevånarna själva och omvärlden, som en stad med grandios arkitektur som själv talar om sig som en stad som symboliserar absolut frihet, välgång och tillväxt. Jag beskriver också tvillingtornen i World Trade Center som en axis mundi, ett mänskligt strävande åt det gudomliga, i världens navel, den absoluta mittpunkten.

Om konstruktionen av vetenskap i kriminalserier på TV : En kritisk diskursanalys av CSI och Bones

AbstractTitle: The Construction of Science in Television Crime Shows ? a Critical Discourse Analysis of CSI and Bones (Om konstruktionen av vetenskap i kriminalserier på TV ? en kritisk diskursanalys av CSI och Bones).Number of pages: 45 (50 including enclosures)Author: Lovisa SandbergTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communications Studies DPeriod: Spring 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim was to explore the construction of science in the television crime shows CSI and Bones.Material/Method: The method used is critical discourse analysis based on the thoughts of Norman Fairclough. The analysis includes three episodes of CSI and three episodes of Bones,broadcast from between the 10th and 25th of April, in 2006 on Swedish television.Main results: The scientists in CSI and Bones are constructed as rational and calm; they are mainly concerned with finding the truth. On the surface, the truth is objective and reachable, although, in these TV-shows all observations are theory Laden.Keywords: CSI, Bones, crime shows, television, science, discourse analysis..

COIN vs DynCorp International : Hur har nyttjandet av DynCorp International påverkat Operation Enduring Freedom ? Afghanistan genom sin medverkan i utbildningen av Afghan National Police?

2001 störtades ett antal flygplan in i World Trade Center och Pentagon i USA, detta genomfördes av organisationen al-Qaeda med Usama Bin Laden som ledare. Påföljden av detta blev att USA inledde sitt krig mot terrorismen. Skådeplatsen för detta blev Afghanistan som sedan tidigare har varit krigshärjat av Sovjet på 80-talet. 2003 vann DynCorp sitt första kontrakt kopplat till Afghan NationalPolice, detta innebar att de ansvarade för att utbilda poliser som skulle arbeta på lägre nivåer. Då Tyskland ansvarade för utbildning av poliser på nivåerna commissioned och non-commissioned.

Sveriges mest ojämställda ämne? : en kritisk diskussion om jämställdhet och mäns förhållande till de genusvetenskapliga disciplinerna

The purpose of this study is to interogate the tension-Laden relationsship between men (of the dominant classes and ethnicities) and feminism. Closely linked to this lies the question of how valid and relevant official Swedish goals of gender equality can be to the Centres for Women´s Studies and Gender Research in Sweden.The essay is mainly an in-depth qualitative study concerned about questions such as; how does feminist researcher in Sweden perceive the question of men in/doing feminism and what are the implications of these perceptions for the Swedish goals of gender equality? Thus, in this study I´ve interviewed six feminist researchers, five women and one male, about their view of men doing/in/and feminism and about the adequacy of equality goals to the Centres for Women´s Studies and Gender Research in Sweden.The main questions I posed in this essay was prompted by the Swedish political scientist Bo Rothstein accusation of two feminist Swedish researchers, Yvonne Hirdman and Maud Eduards, of deliberately harassing men interested in feminist theory and striving to create women-only spaces at the different Centres for Women´s Studies and Gender Research around Sweden. This would according to Rothstein violate the Swedish goals of gender equality where equal representation is essential.However, the empirical material shows a benign attitude towards men doing feminism and the interviewed all stressed the importance of diversity among feminist scholars and students.As for the Swedish goals of gender equality, the interviewed expressed diverse and contradicatatory answers concerning how valid those goals should be to the Centres for Women´s Studies and Gender Research in Sweden.Contrasting the empirical material, my own argument in this essay circles around a critique of the validity of the Swedish goals of gender equality to the Centres for Women´s Studies and Gender Research in Sweden. Seeing men as a group with groupbased experiences, perspectives and interest puts the female dominance at the Centres for Women´s Studies and Gender Research in Sweden in another light, making the absence of men not a question of harassment but a question of male privilege to stay ignorant and indifferent of gender relations..

Is the Use of the Rubber as a Preventive Measure to the Spread of HIV/AIDS Morally Justifiable? Ethical Reflections on the Controversy

Since the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was discovered in the 1980s, the condom has scientifically proven to be the only technological device that can prevent transmission of the virus during sexual intercourse. This technical approach to the HIV has strongly emphasized that prevention is only possible if the condom is properly used. However, as a technological artifact the condom has shown that its use is Laden with values. The question of values on condoms has brought in a heated debate on the moral justifications of its use. In Malawi, just as in other African countries, the Faith Community has rejected the Governmentsplea to promote condoms as the preventive measure against the virus.The Faith Community has emphasized on abstinence and mutual faithfulness as the only reliable means to the prevention of HIV/AIDS.

Kampen om klasskampen : en undersökning av de politiska maktförhållandena inom Grov 84:an i Västervik mellan 1925-1930

After being excluded from the Swedish Social Democrat party in 1917, the Revolutionary Socialists founded the Social Democrat Left Party. From this point onwards, the Social Democratic hegemony and dominant position within the Swedish workers movement and political landscape was challenged. This thesis aims to investigate the power struggles between these two parties, the Revolutionary Socialists and the Social Democrats, and their desire to influence control of the unions. Taking cues from earlier research calling for a more localized look at this struggle, this thesis turns to a case study of union matters of the the Factory Workers Union Local 84, at Västerviks Tändsticksfabrik, a match manufacturer and largest employer in the Swedish coastal town of Västervik from 1925 to 1930. Organizational material including meeting protocols, annual reports and member registration lists from the local political parties, cooperative union organizations (VFS) and Local 84 serve as secondary data sources.