

5119 Uppsatser om Labour market policy. - Sida 65 av 342

Eurons dolda agenda Hur externa faktorer kan förklara skapandet av EMU

The aim of the thesis is to highlight external factors to explain why the EMU was created. The external factor considered here is the monetary policy of the United States, which often conflicted with European interests. The statistical data in the thesis, as well as previous research, show that even though the EU economically in many ways had become an equal partner of the US during the second half of the 20th century, the union still faced US influence and dependence.The results of the thesis can be explained with neorealist theories on power measured as an actor's distribution of capabilities and balancing of power. An actor that is equipped with the world's leading currency is more independent from others. Other actors, on the other hand, become increasingly dependent on the major currency and the policy of its owner.

Hur långt kan man gå? : En kvalitativ studie om fyra pedagogers syn på elevinflytandes omfattning och förutsättningar

Student influence is a well debated subject and all Swedish teachers should let the students influence their education. According to research the student influence is generally low and something that varies from school to school. The school policy documents do not clarify how much impact the students get to have on their education and the impact is therefore something that every individual teacher decides. These individual differences are the reason of this study.This is a qualitative study about four teachers work and thoughts focusing on the subject of school democracy and student influence in the school environment. The study is based on qualitative interviews in order to highlight four different teacher?s thoughts.

Lärares syn på hur den fysiska klassrumsmiljön påverkar elevernas lärande

My main purpose for this paper was to find out what the four teachers I interviewed thought about the design of their classroom and how they linked that to pedagogy, pupils learning and policy documents. I also wanted to find out if classroom design were something they discuss and reflects on in the college.My questions for this study were: What do some teachers who work in the early ages in the school think about the classroom design? Do these teachers link the classroom design to policy documents or pedagogy? Do these teachers consider classroom design to be something that should be discussed in the same way as other factors (for example teaching aids, resources etc.) within the college?My method was to make qualitative interviews with four teachers, analyze their answers and link them to my main theories and research in the area of the study. My main theories were multimodal communication, which means that there are several systems of signs in communication, which all have an essential function for the meaning of the communicated. It also means that learning happens both individually and socially and that school is a social construction, and that the system of opportunities and boundaries in which it takes form is mediated within our multimodal systems.

Vad ska religionsämnet vara bra för? : En undersökning angående elevers uppfattning om religion och religionsundervisning från ett interkulturellt perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the lower secondary school teaching in religion leads to a positive understanding and openness, concerning different religions and cultures. We want to study how pupils in grade eight and nine in two lower secondary schools in a multicultural community comprehend different religions. Since we choose a pupils perspective we decided to do a questionnaire to get a wide ground. As a complement we interviewed twelve pupils and also did observations during their religion classes. During our study we focused on three different themes.

Marknadsföring : Att som artist nå framgång

AbstractThe object of this study has been to analyze how companies within the music industry can successfully market their artists, this due to the complexity of today?s marketing environment, where technology has rapidly changed the way of communicating, and therefore contributed to a highly competitive market. The vast change of technology has resulted in several possibilities as well as difficulties breaking through, what could be seen as, a media sorl. Our purpose has been to outdo how companies market, as well as which factors that are vital, for a successful promotion of their artists. To be able to carry out our aim, we have created one key question; How can companies within the music industry market their artist to make them reach success?We have used a qualitative research approach for this study, this to be able to generate more depth concerning the chosen topic.

Price is what you pay, value is what you get : A study about the power of value investing on the stock market

Syfte: Undersöka om det är möjligt att generera en överavkastning på aktier gentemot marknadsindex på OMXS Industrials enligt Net Current Asset Value strategin.Metod: Studien baseras på en kvantitativ metod för att undersöka historiska aktievärden. Datan som används i undersökningen hämtas från Thomson Reuters Datastream och de statistiska värdena bearbetas i Microsoft Office ExcelTeoretiska utgångspunkter: Studien har sin förklaring med utgångspunkt från teorierna om den effektiva marknadshypotesen och CAPM modellen, samt ett avsnitt som utreder principerna om hur värderingsstrategier bör följas.Resultat: Beroende på längden av innehavsperioden visar studien att det i de samtliga fall är fullt möjligt att överträffa marknadsindex, och att den riskjusterade avkastningen i de flesta fall är högre än marknadsindex..

Sexuella trakasserier och övergrepp inom barnidrotten : en studie om idrottsföreningars policys, handlingsplaner och arbetssätt kringsexuella trakasserier och övergrepp i jämförelse med Riksidrottsförbundetsriktlinjer

SammanfattningSexuella trakasserier och övergrepp är välbeforskade ämnen inom många områden, forskning saknas dock i stor utsträckning inom idrotten. Sexuella trakasserier och övergrepp bör belysas inom de svenska idrottsföreningarna, bland annat då de aktiva är i beroendeställning till sina tränare. Syftet med denna studie är att åskådliggöra hur idrottsföreningar i Umeå kommun förhåller sig till sexuella trakasserier och övergrepp, som begås av tränare på aktivt barn, utifrån Riksidrottsförbundets policy och handlingsplan. Studien är en kvalitativ studie som bygger på sju intervjuer från fyra olika idrottsföreningar. Studien har en deduktiv ansats och har sin utgångspunkt i riksidrottsförbundets riktlinjer.

EU:s normativa makt inom miljöområdet : En fallstudie om EU:s roll i det globala klimatarbetet

Over the past twenty years, the cooperation within the European Union (EU) has strengthened and expanded with both more number of Member States and stronger influence on international politics. The unique character of the Union and its ability to enforce peace and humanitarian intervention has attracted attention in political science. This prominent position of the Union is perceived by many scholars who often hold this derived from the Union's influence in international relations. Various terms have been used to define the powers of the Union. The British researcher Ian Manners states that the unique identity of the Union in the international arena is formed by its normative power.  An important policy area within the Union is the environmental cooperation.

Icke dödande vapen : Försvarsmaktens senaste verktyg i internationella insatser

Due to the increasing international operations for the Swedish Armed Forces these new types of opponents needs new tools to cope with these commitments. A couple of years ago the Swedish Armed Forces had no non-lethal weapons, but today the Swedish soldier has a number of tools to choose from.The purpose of this paper is for the reader to get a presentation of which non-lethal weapons are used today by the Swedish Armed Forces and a sample of what non-lethal weapons are out on the market today. My main question is which non-lethal weapons do the Swedish Armed Forces? miss in their non-lethal capabilities set.I have collected information from a wide selections of sources like reports from the Swedish Defence Research Agency, the Swedish Armed Forces? own regulations and the Internet. The information is then processed and divided into five chapters: The development of non-lethal weapons, description of technologies, non-lethal weapons in the Swedish Armed Forces, Non-lethal weapons on the market and Results.This paper is limited to handheld, portable and man to man non-lethal weapons, all non-lethal weapons in the Swedish Armed Forces or on the international market are not covered.My conclusion is that the Swedish Armed Forces should acquire three 40 mm projectiles, one 12-gauge projectile and one TASER®..

Ekonomiska konsekvenser av etanolproduktion i östra Sverige : en analys ur lantbrukarens och förädlingsföretagets perspektiv

This study analyses the economic consequences due to ethanol production in Eastern Sweden. The analyses consider the cooperative and the farmers as one vertically integrated company. The area that found the market in this study is illustrated in figure 1. The analyses assume that all members act jointly with the objective of maximizing joint profits at the farm level as well as at the cooperative firm. A mathematical model is created to calculate the optimal use of arable land.

Vad är verklig kostnad per koplats? :

Purpose There are almost infinite numbers of ways to build dairy farms in Sweden. When building a new free stall barn you have the possibility to affect both working environment and animal welfare for many years to come. The construction costs are influenced by which type of barn that is built and what functions it contains, for example one can predict that automatic milking systems are more expensive to integrate than milking parlours. But what is the real cost of today for the construction of free stall barns with milking centres and how is it affected by construction methods and functions? Is the labour time influenced by the building costs? These are some of the questions this report will try to answer.

Finanskrisens inverkan på byggbranschen

Recently there have been a lot of talk a about the financial crisis and recession. This is understandable since the crisis, which initially was limited to the U.S. now has spread its concern globally in form of bankruptcies, less investment and lots of people have lost here jobs. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the financial crisis have affected the construction industry relating to market and personnel, but also examine what measures the construction companies have taken. The examination was carried out by information received from the majority of construction-related websites which then was followed up with interviews in the various construction sectors.

Hur styrs kommunikation via e-post?

Under de senaste åren har e-post blivit ett allt viktigare verktyg för kommunikation och företag använder i allt större utsträckning sig av denna kanal. Användningen av e-post har även fått negativa konsekvenser, till exempel att en stor del av de anställdas arbetstid går åt till att hantera e-post. Detta har inneburit att e-postens roll, vilken är att underlätta arbetet och leda till bättre effektivitet, går förlorad. Syftet med vår studie har varit att undersöka hur kommunikation via e-post styrs och att skapa förståelse för behovet av styrning av e-posthantering i organisationer. För att kunna besvara syftet har vi utfört en fallstudie av tre företag.

Interdependens för Sverige: Hur svenska politiker påverkats av ökad internationell interdependens

This is an examination of how interdependence affects the behaviour of politicians and their ability to govern the way they want to. I analyze the memoirs of two Swedish prime ministers, Tage Erlander and Ingvar Carlsson to explore their experiences. I focus on how the increasing interdependence affects the politicians with regards to security, welfare, and financial policies. Sweden had a special position between Soviet and NATO during the cold war. This meant Sweden gave priority to it's neutrality policy during the cold war, compared to increased trade cooperation.

Den osynliga diskrimineringen i rekryteringsprocessen : -Dyslektikers och arbetsgivares rättigheter respektive skyldigheter.

People living with disabilities in our society today are more likely to be without a job compared to the rest of the population. The fact that a high number of people are not given the opportunity to work, and thereby being self-sufficient, is a failure for both the individual and the society. My purpose with the study is to increase knowledge and understanding regarding disabilities in the working life, with focus on the disability dyslexia. In the study, I am investigating the employer?s obligations and rights when employing a person with disabilities.

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