

1444 Uppsatser om Läromedelsanalys. global uppvärmning - Sida 1 av 97

Hur l?ngt bort n?r v?rldslitteraturen? En l?romedelsanalys om representationen av sk?nlitter?ra f?rfattare som skrivit p? andra spr?k ?n svenska inom gymnasiekurserna Svenska 1 och 2

The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about the representation of fiction authors who have written in languages other than Swedish in educational school books within the Swedish subject. This is done in relation to the school's promotion of cultural diversity, a globalized world and to the Swedish curriculum. The study is a combination of a qualitative and a quantitative analysis that takes its starting point in six educational books for the courses Swedish 1 and 2. The analysis shows that all study materials include a broad representation of authorships from Europe and the USA. The selection of authors from other parts of the world is, however, limited.

Ansvarsutkrävande i global miljöstyrning -Möjlighet eller utopi?

Is accountability possible in global environmental governance? The purpose ofthis thesis is to examine if accountability is possible in global environmental governance. From an accountability perspective the thesis tries to illuminate global environmental governance. An investigation about the conceptaccountability is made and the thesis also illuminates the possible problems that exist in global environmental governance which exist of such a large amounts of different and often private actors. By investigating and examine the concept of accountability from different aspects and by using Global Compact as a example of global environmental governance the thesis try to answer if accountability actually exist in global environmental governance and in what way it is possible to demand accountability.

Energiutredning på Chips AB, Åland

En energikartla?ggning har gjorts hos Chips AB fo?r att underso?ka hur energin fo?rdelas o?ver de olika produktionslinjerna. Energianva?ndningen fra?n processer som a?r gemensamma fo?r alla produktionslinjer har ocksa? underso?kts. Energianva?ndningen fo?r dessa har fo?rdelats o?ver pro- duktionslinjerna eftersom produkterna a?ven ska ba?ra upp dessa energikostnader.

Effektivare energianva?ndning i va?xthus : Fo?rslag till miljo?fo?rba?ttrande a?tga?rder fo?r ett ha?llbart odlande

Va?rlden sta?r info?r en av de kanske sto?rsta utmaningarna na?gonsin, att begra?nsa ma?ngden va?xthusgaser i atmosfa?ren till ha?llbara niva?er. Fo?r att uppna? detta ma?ste alla delar av samha?llet effektivisera och begra?nsa sin energi och resursanva?ndning.I detta kandidatexamensarbete har ett av A?sbacka Tra?dga?rds va?xthus i So?derhamn studerats fo?r att underso?ka mo?jliga investeringar till reduktion av den energianva?ndning som idag ra?der. De energireducerande a?tga?rderna har simulerats med programvaran IDA ICE 4.6 och da?refter analyserats och ja?mfo?rts med varandra.

Stockholms blodbad i historieboken: En l?romedelsanalys under perioden 1869 - 1996

This thesis explores in which ways the portrayal of the event known as the Stockholm bloodbath has changed during the period 1869-1996. This is done through textbook analysis. In Sweden, history has been a school subject since the 17th century, and has throughout its history had a formative role in the Swedish school system. In the middle of the 19th century it was specifically stated that the aim was to help students nurture a sense of national pride and love of country. The aim of the study is to investigate how nationally loaded events have been portrayed in text books, as well as if and how the evolution of said textbooks reflect the evolution of the history subject as a whole.

Global arbetstillfredsställelse : Och dess samband med arbetsattityder, personlighetsegenskaper och psykosocial arbetsmiljö

Syftet med studien var att undersöka samband mellan global arbetstillfredsställelse, personlighetsegenskaper, psykosociala arbetsmiljöaspekter och arbetsattityder på arbetstagare i en verkstadsindustri. Dessutom var syftet att få ökad kunskap om vad det är som bidrar till global arbetstillfredsställelse. 74 deltagare besvarade frågeformuläret innehållande 53 påståenden rörande global arbetstillfredsställelse, personlighet, arbetsattityder och psykosociala arbetsmiljöaspekter. Resultatet visade samband mellan global arbetstillfredsställelse, upplevelsen av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön och arbetsattityderna job involvement, organizational commitment och arbetsengagemang. Det fanns inget samband mellan personlighetsegenskaperna och global arbetstillfredsställelse.

Global uppvärmning : A survey of students? knowledge about the phenomenon

Global warming is one of the most debated environmental issues right now, and it could be argued that it is important to study how the phenomenon is treated in schools. The main purpose of this study is to put students? knowledge about global warming in relation with the control documents for chemistry, biology and physics studies. Interviews have been conducted with six students in the 9th grade. The conclusion of the survey indicates that the students generally have a satisfying knowledge about the phenomenon and that they know how they should behave from an environmental perspective..

Internationalisering av Born Global-företag : En studie om bakomliggande faktorer vid internationalisering av Born Global-företag

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence underlying factors have in connection to the internationalization of Born Global firms. Methodology: This study has a qualitative approach in which data is obtained mainly through interviews and secondary data which consists previous theories about the internationalization in small and medium sized firms and recent theories that entitle these firms as Born Global. Conclusion: Based on the existing theories and the qualitative data, we have concluded that the underlying factors for the Born Global firm?s internationalization are abilities and opportunities to create insidership in relevant networks. The most crucial underlying factors for Born Global firm?s internationalization are the ability to create processes to break old patterns of thoughts and the ability to ally with right partners. .

Centraliserad decentralisering? En studie av Marrakechprocessen och dess relation till global governance

The current debate regarding organizational strategies for sustainabledevelopment is influenced by the theory of global governance. Decentralizedstructures of the global society are taken to use in the realization of a sustainabledevelopment. New roles of transnational networks and partnerships raisesquestions of the ability of global governance to co-ordinate and implement longtermsolutions without assistance from centralized and hierarchic structures basedon government. The aim for this thesis is to illustrate the current conditions forwell-functioning networks of sustainable development and examine therelationship between global governance and government. Issues of participation,decision making and compliance are examined by a case study of the Marrakechprocess, a global process to support the implementation of sustainableconsumption and production.

Uppsalamodellens aktualitet : En granskning av påverkansfaktorer för born-globalföretag

Under de senaste 20 a?ren har born global-fo?retag, som fenomen, sta?tt i rampljuset fo?r forskning. Detta fenomen anses av vissa forskare strida mot tidigare ka?nda internationaliseringsteorier. Uppsalamodellens fo?rklaringsgrad fo?r born global-fo?retag har da?rmed blivit ifra?gasatt.Fra?gesta?llningen som denna uppsats har som ma?l att fo?rklara a?r om ett born global-fo?retags internationalisering fo?rklaras av Uppsalamodellen? Om inte, hur kan man utveckla Uppsalamodellen till att a?ven inkludera born global-fo?retag?Fo?r att underso?ka forskningsfra?gan har det genomfo?rts en granskande litteraturgenomga?ng, en sammansta?llning av born global-fo?retag samt en fallstudie.

Container Security Initiative - En diskursanalys utifrån teorier om det il/legala

Container Security Initiative was launched in 2002 by the US Customs and Border Patrol in order to secure the global flow of containers destined for USA. This thesis attempts to analyze Container Security Initiative in relation to a possible future scenario made by the weapons industry where the state's global traderoutes are being subject to militarization. A development which is partly based on the threat posed by global illegal trade. The latter is discussed and defined based on current research made by Carolyn Nordstrom, Moíses Naím and theories on the cosmopolitan perspective made by Ulrich Beck. Strategy documents concerning Container Security Initiative are then analyzed in terms of discourse to try to say something about what the program indicates.

Den globala uppvärmningen i skolans läromedel : En jämförande studie av sponsrade och förlagsutgivna läromedel

Today the talk about global warming and climate change are on top of the public agenda. There for schools and schoolbooks also debate the issue of global warming. A newcomer on the school stage is the sponsored school materials that studies show to be a growing phenomenon. In a debate like that of global warming which is filled with uncertainties and so much political and economic interest, I find it interesting to study how these schoolbooks talk about the issue.In my study I have tried to analyze and compare how school materials for primary school discuss the phenomenon of global warming. I have compared two different types of schoolbooks.

Fysisk aktivitet i förhållande till global self-esteem, self-perception och social kroppsångest

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka samband mellan global self-esteem, fysisk aktivitet och social kroppsångest. Vidare var syftet att undersöka skillnader mellan kön, ålder och fysisk aktivitet angående global self-esteem, self-perception och social kroppsångest. 171 försökspersoner deltog i studien genom att svara på en enkät, besående av instrumenten Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP) (Fox & Corbin, 1989) och Social Physic Anxiety Scale (SPAS) (Hart, Leary & Rejeski, 1989). Resultatet visade negativa signifikanta samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och global self-esteem och även mellan global self-esteem och social kroppsångest. Däremot fanns inget signifikant samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och social kroppsångest.

Global uppvärmning : gymnasieelevers oro och kunskap

Global warming is generally recognized as one of the major environmental challenges we have to face in the near future. The students in school today are the ones that will have to deal with the consequences of it tomorrow. That is why education about it is so important. Previous research shows that students believe that environmental issues in general are important problems to be solved. I this study I tested students in grade twelve, in four different schools in order to find out what their level of knowledge about global warming is, how worried they are about it and if there are any correlation between their knowledge and their level of worry.

Relationen mellan självkänsla, betyg, fysisk aktivitet och social deaktighet hos gymnasieelever: en korrelationsstudie

Research has shown positive correlations between global self-esteem and physical activity, as well as between global self-esteem and school performance. However, research is ambiguous and other variables have shown importance for global self-esteem. This study aims to investigate the correlations between global self-esteem and physical activities, school performance and social participations within high-school students in the northern part of Sweden. The study also investigates gender differences regarding correlations between the variables. The study was conducted using a questionnaire that included Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and self-rated physical activity, social participation and grades in Swedish, English and mathematics.

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