

1172 Uppsatser om Läraryrket som profession - Sida 4 av 79

LÀsförstÄelse och lÀsförstÄelseundervisning i flersprÄkiga miljöer : En fallstudie av hur fyra lÀrare i Ärskurs 2 och 3, i tvÄ flersprÄkiga skolor arbetar för att frÀmja och utveckla elevers lÀsförstÄelse

 The english name of this essay is ?One man among many women?. This essay takes its starting point in the situation today with few male teachers in the earlier years of elementary school. I have decided to look at the small group of males that actually started the education to become teachers and why they did it when the profession as teacher today is low-paid, low status and is a profession with a large dominance of female teachers. I have chosen to write about this because of the importance for the children to meet both men and women as teachers in the early schoolyears.

Kan professionell skepticism anvÀndas för att förutse revisorers beteende?

Auditors have a big role in society. The question of auditor independence has been debated frequently after the financial crisis. Long auditor tenure with clients has both advantages and disadvantages so the question is hard to solve.One of the traits that are encouraged with auditors is professional skepticism. An important part of professional skepticism is the personal skepticism of the auditor. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate if a high professional skepticism can increase auditor independence by increasing profession identification and decreasing client identification.

Det handlar om att höja statusen! : en studie om vad mÀn som arbetar i grundskolans tidigare Är tycker behövs för att fÄ fler mÀn att vÀlja att arbeta dÀr

The purpose of this study is to stress what experiences men working in the earlier school years share about being a minority group and what thoughts they have about why other men tend to avoid this profession.In this survey I have interviewed four male teachers in the earlier school years. In previous research it is claimed that men choose not to get a teacher training for the earlier school years partly because this profession is known to be dominated by women where it is difficult for men to feel at home. It is also claimed that teachers in training choose the later school years in order to focus more on teaching than looking after the children. None of the interviewed men sees it as a problem being a minority group, neither during training nor in teaching. What the men in this survey state as the main reasons for why other men do not choose to become teachers are the low levels of status and salary.

Bilden av bibliotekarier och bibliotekarieyrket: En diskursanalytisk studie av hur anvÀndare talar om bibliotekarier och bibliotekarieyrket

The aim of this thesis is to study through discourse analysis how users talk about librarians and the librarian profession and what perceptions they have regarding it. I have tried to do this by asking the questions: How do the users describe librarians and the librarian profession? Are there any patterns in what they say? The method and theory I have used is Laclau and Mouffes? discourse theory and partially structured interviews. The material consists of interviews with eight users that are both women and men, both students and members of the public and they were between 25 and 50 years old. In the material I found two discourses: the discourse about librarians and the discourse about the librarian profession.

Före och efter Lpfö, 98; Fyra förskollÀrares reflektioner om arbetet före och efter införandet av lÀroplanen.

Since 1998, the Swedish preschool has its own curriculum and with this the preeschool became the first step of a lifelong learning. The aim of this study was to explore how preschool teachers perceive their work before and after the Swedish curriculum was inserted. A qualitative method was used in this study. Four different in-depth interviews were conducted with preschool teachers, all experienced working at least before 1993. The curriculum theory and curriculum history were used to analyze the empirical data.

Domstolsbibliotekariers yrkesroll och professionsutveckling

Bibliotekarierollen har diskuterats mycket pĂ„ senare tid. Det tycks vara sĂ„ att de bibliotekarier som arbetar pĂ„ myndighets- eller företagsbibliotek fĂ„tt högre löner och högre status Ă€n till exempel folkbibliotekarier. Jag har dĂ€rför valt att undersöka hur yrkesrollen och professionsutvecklingen ser ut för en speciell grupp myndighetsbibliotekarier nĂ€mligen domstolsbibliotekarier.Jag stĂ€llde upp tvĂ„ inledande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: ?Har domstolsbibliotekarierna ett eget kunskapsomrĂ„de?? och ?Är domstolsbibliotekarierna specialister eller generalister?? Min undersökning visade, att domstolsbibliotekarierna har ett eget kunskapsomrĂ„de bestĂ„ende av juridisk terminologi, rĂ€ttskĂ€llor, rĂ€ttsdatabaser, juridisk informationssökning samt EG-rĂ€tten och dess kĂ€llor. Domstolsbibliotekarierna har valt bĂ„de en specialist- och en generaliststrategi i och med att de blivit generalister pĂ„ innehĂ„ll och specialister pĂ„ sitt eget kunskapsomrĂ„de.Mina huvudfrĂ„gestĂ€llningar var sedan: ?Kan man kalla domstolsbibliotekarieyrket för en profession?? och ?Hur ser professionsutvecklingen för domstolsbibliotekarier ut?? Jag tycker mig ha funnit tillrĂ€ckligt stöd för att kunna kalla domstolsbibliotekarieyrket för en profession.

Yrkesidentiteter och professionen: En innehÄllsanalys av platsannonser inom biblioteksfÀltet

The research of this Bachelor?s thesis examines classifieds for librarians, and makes use of Ørom?s theory of sixlibrarian identities plus Schreiber?s complementary seventh identity. The main focus of the thesis was to examine what qualities and skills are presented and what identities are manifested in the classifieds. A third issue was to explore how relevant Ørom?s theory is to examine and understand the profession today.The data was analysed by the use of content analysisand a hermeneutics approach was taken.

Kunskapen, professionen och makten ? En kvalitativ studie om socionomens villkor och förutsÀttningar

My main purpose with this study is to investigate how the social worker relates to knowledge, power and profession. From this purpose has also the concept ?to be a social worker? emerged.The study is based on a qualitative study and consists of semi-structured interviews with seven social workers from different fields of expertise.The result of the study shows that the knowledge is dependent of different fields of expertise. But in the contact with the client, regardless of field of expertise, the knowledge is gathered through a reflective pattern. Through theoretical attempts and earlier experience from social workers, this is brought to life in this unique meeting.

KarriÀrtjÀnsters verkan pÄ lÀraryrket - En studie som Àmnar att undersöka karriÀrreformens verkan pÄ lÀrare och förstelÀrare

The Government announced a new school reform which aims to support teacher appraisal and professionalism within the Swedish education system. The once well renowned profession is hurting by the decreasing quality of the Swedish education system and the declining number of applicants to the university teacher program. The school reform introduced a new career path for especially skilled teachers to an occupation earlier characterized by a homogenous work force. The Government encourages principals to promote thriving teachers to first teachers, whom will receive an increase in the salary covered by state aid. By supporting these effective teachers, the Government wishes to increase the image perceived and status of the profession and improve the competitiveness of teaching's salary.

En studie om skolkuratorns profession

Skolkuratorsfunktionen Àr idag en lagstadgad del av elevhÀlsan i den svenska skolan och ska tillsammans med de övriga professionerna arbeta med förebyggande och hÀlsofrÀmjande ÄtgÀrder. Syftet med denna studie var att analysera och beskriva skolkuratorns uppdrag i skolan utifrÄn skolkuratorns erfarna perspektiv. FrÄgestÀllningarna som utformades för att uppfylla syftet var hur skolkuratorn ser pÄ sin funktion i skolan, hur skolkuratorn ser pÄ sin yrkesroll samt hur skolkuratorn ser pÄ sin arbetsbeskrivning.Studien Àr kvalitativ och Àr baserad pÄ nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesutövande skolkuratorer. Intervjuerna har tolkats och analyserats utifrÄn en hermeneutisk ansats. Skolkuratorns profession och yrkesroll har sedan analyserats med hjÀlp av rollteori och professionsteori.

SJUKSKÖTERSKEPROFESSIONENS IDENTIFIKATION : Medarbetarskap i professionella organisationer

Bakgrund: MÀnniskor tenderar att identifiera sig sjÀlva med olika sociala grupper, exempelvis utifrÄn professions- eller organisationstillhörighet. Individer inom samma sociala grupp formar ofta liknande normer och vÀrderingar, vilket skapar en kÀnsla av tillhörighet. I en professionell organisation tenderar medarbetare tillhörande en profession att identifiera sig med sin profession snarare Àn sin organisation, vilket i sin tur pÄverkar relationen mellan individ och organisation. Under de senaste Ären har begreppet medarbetarskap blivit alltmer populÀrt pÄ den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Begreppet innefattar hur medarbetare hanterar relationen till sin arbetsgivare och till det egna arbetet.

Man Àr bÀttre? : - En kvalitativ studie om manliga socialsekreterare i minoritet

During the emergence of social work, women have been considered to hold greater competence in social relations. Approximately 80% of social workers in Sweden are women, which leaves men in a minority. Men are considered to have advantages in female-dominated professions because of their unique and desirable abilities. This paper aims to adress men's underpresentation in the female-dominated social work profession. The purpose is to explore the attitudes and experiences of men working in a minority group.

FörskollÀrare eller grundskollÀrare? : SÄ pÄverkar högskolestudierna valet av inriktning för nÄgra lÀrare pÄ den kombinerade lÀrarutbildningen

April 28th 2010 the Swedish parliament decided that the combined teacher exam will be divided into four parts. This means that the education for preschool teachers and primary school teachers will have to be separated and future teachers will have to decide before their studies what ages they want to work with. To investigate if this could affect the quality of the choice I have interviewed 5 new teachers from the combined teachers program about what ages they wanted to teach before they began to study and what ages they wanted to teach after completed studies. I did this to see whether the choice was influenced by the educations or not. It turned out that all 5 had an idea of what ages they wanted to teach in before they began the educations and only one of my interviewees changed her mind during the studies.

Tolerera eller kritisera? : En kvalitativ studie om svenskla?rares litteraturval ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv

Detta examensarbete handlar om hur gymnasiela?rare i svenska?mnet ta?nker och reflekterar i sina val av sko?nlitteratur i litteraturundervisningen. La?rarnas utsagor har sedan analyserats ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv da? syftet har varit att underso?ka huruvida la?rarna anva?nder litteratur fo?r att problematisera normer. Informanterna som intervjuats fo?r studien har varit sju gymnasiela?rare som undervisar i a?mnet svenska i en medelstor stad i Mellansverige.

Kvalité och kontroll inom revisionsbranschen : spelar det egentligen nÄgon roll?

Audit is a service of society that takes place in the public interest. To guarantee the quality of auditing a quality control is done with predetermined time intervals. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the concept quality and the procedure of the quality control and further to tie concepts like trust and ethics to the audit profession. To make the picture complete the paper also provides an insight regarding what deficiencies in quality, in other words failures, means to the audit profession. By performing semi-structured interviews with seven qualified auditors, active on different auditing firms in SkÄne, substantial information was collected.

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