

9722 Uppsatser om Komplexa system - Sida 42 av 649

Automatiska Värderingssystem - En hjälp för Fastighetsmäklaren?

Computers and business systems are used more frequently in a world where IT gradually is taking over. This is also true when it comes to the real estate valuation process where actors on the Swedish real estate market are using automatic valuation systems for real estate appraisal. But the real estate agents have not yet seen the charm in using these automatic valuation systems for real estate appraisal. Can the real estate agents also use the automatic valuation systems? We developed our three main subjects: the valuation process, an automatic valuation system and the real estate market with assistance from scientific articles.

Ombyggnad gata och VA-system Allégatan, Boden

Ombyggnad av gata och VA-system, Allégatan, Boden.

UML i teori och praktik

Abstract During object-oriented system development, programming should be preceded by analysis and design to assure that the system fulfils the demands of the customer and simplify during the development phase and documentation. When modeling the analysis and design phases, several different notations may be used. One of these is the UML (Unified Modeling Language) which this thesis will cover. The aim is to compare the use of the UML i practice versus what is said in the literature. The investigation is built upon interviews at different companies to receive their reflections about the UML.

Hur fungerar logistiken i produktionen på ett byggföretag?

The Work has been performed to, and in cooperation with Vetlanda Energi och teknik AB.District heating for commercial purpose started in the USA in 1877. Today the network has grown into big and complex systems, which demand maintenance and service to keep up the security of the delivery. When a district heating network expand, it becomes difficult to perform reliable calculations. For this purposes there are a few suppliers who design and deliver systems for documentation and calculation of district heating networks.Vetlanda Energi och Teknik AB is in the position where they must get a system for documentation and calculation for district heating, and therefore they need a basis to get a system. The target is to write a requirement specification that will follow the basis.The Swedish market has been inventoried, and suitable systems have been selected.

Det optimala lo?nesystemet inom fastighetsma?klarbranschen : En studie om lo?nesystemets koppling till ma?l och motivation

AbstractTitel: The optimal salary system in the real estate industry Authors: Emma Bjo?rkman och Tere?se Emanuelsson Widstro?m Tutor: Tommy BergquistProblems background: The challenges companies face is to recruit, retain and motivate empolyees to work in a way that promotes the company. Skilled staff are difficult to recruit, more difficult to maintain and expensive for companies to lose but undeniably the most important key to success. How should the optimal salary system be composed to attract operators in a competitive market such as real estate industry, with a predominance of commission based salary?Purpose: To examine how the salary system is linked to motivation and goals in the real estate industry.


This thesis has been performed at the system development company Verendus System AB, together with the home care company Basic Care Unit (BCU).The thesis has consisted of developing a web based informationsystem for BCU in which they can administrate their business. At the time of writing this thesis, BCU was using a windows-application to administrate their activities, which was both costly aswell as resulting in an unnecessary burden. The aim the thesis has thus been to create a platform-independent information system that simplifies and streamlines BCUs work by being user-friendly aswell as imposing some simplifying features.The students has been developing the system by the help of a work method they themselves developed. The method consisted of working in several iterations that each had several milestones. The method resulted in the students knowing easily when each iteration was finished or not.The thesis resulted in a working platform independent prototype.

Kombinerad DSP- och FPGA-lösning för en bildbehandlingsapplikation

This Master's Thesis describes the design of a new system where a digital signal processor has been added to an existing imaging system consisting of field programmable gate arrays. The new system will offer a higher degree of flexibility by considerably shortening the design time and make it possible to implement more complex algorithms than the existing ones. The choice of system architecture and a test implementation are discussed. The test implementation consists of a program for the digital signal processor and VHDL code for one of the field programmable gate arrays. The code for the digital signal processor was designed for testing on an evaluation board from Texas Instruments.

En ny metod för intraoral röntgenundersökning på häst :

A method for equine intra oral radiology has been tested. In the study, both a digital system with an intraoral sensor connected to a laptop and a system utilizing image plates and digital developing was tested, initially on cadaver sculls and finally on sedated horses. The digital sensor was not considered viable for this purpose, while the system with image plates and digital developing worked very well. Two different techniques, i.e. parallel and bisectris, are suggested for the best visualization of different parts of the teeth. Intra carious injections of Mixobar oesophaghus contrast fluid was found useful when evaluating the extent of carious lesions. Compared to extra oral radiology, the new method had several advantages and can be used both in clinic and field practices..

Enskild väg till Tolleredsskog

This report is a bachelor thesis presented at the department of Computer Science andEngineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The aim for the project is to find a simplemethod to measure and display physical quantities in a three dimensional room.The report describes a method to construct a system for measuring differentphysical quantities via sensors. The system must be built in a modular and expandable way tobe adaptable to different tasks.The system explained in the report consists of two parts;A physical scanner with moveable probes for carrying sensors and a microcontroller forcontrolling the probes and communicating with the next part.An application written in Java for storing the measured values and presenting them in a lucidperspective.It is possible to construct the scanner with different designs and circuitry, with multiplexers andflip-flops, to ensure that an unspecified number of probes can be added to the system and thatthey can be operated simultaneously.The Java application is written in a modular way, using a design pattern that separates eachindividual part of the application. It contains exceptions and interfaces that ensure a safe andexpandable application..

Konsekvenser för äggproducenter efter förändring i djurskyddslagen avseende inhysning av värphöns :

The avowed aim in this project was to see how the Swedish egg production is today. My first question was if the Swedish egg producers egg production turn a profit. I have done five after calculation at five different egg producers with different systems from case to case. The difference has been the living system, the fodder and the egg price. They made a report in Uppsala, Sweden (Hoffman & Andersson, 1996), where the look forward to a Swedish cage ban and made calculations after that coming ban. After that they lift the Swedish ban of cages and the egg producers could invest in new cages who called the decorated cage.

Färgens påverkan på mänsklig emotion vid gränssnittsdesign

Dagens teknologiska samhälle ställer höga krav på människan, bland annat gällande att processa information. Vid utformning av system tas det numera vanligtvis hänsyn till människa-datorinteraktionen (MDI) för att erhålla en så hög användbarhet som möjligt. Affektiv Informatik, som är ett utvecklat sätt att förhålla sig till MDI, talar för att utveckla system som både kan uppfatta och förmedla emotioner till användaren. Fokus i rapporten är hur ett system kan förmedla emotioner, via dess färgsättning, och därmed påverka användarens emotionella tillstånd. En kvantitativ undersökning har utförts för att ta reda på hur färger kan användas i ett system för att förmedla känslouttryck till användare.

Integration av simuleringsmodeller för bränslesystemet i JAS 39 Gripen

In this final thesis two simulation models have been integrated. The simulation models are models of JAS 39 Gripen?s fuel system, software and hardware. The time consuming and costly work to develop software has made the department of fuel system to build two models in Xmath/Systembuild. The software model also simplifies the comprehension of how the software in the control computer of the fuel system works.

Underlag för en pedagogisk turled i permakulturekobyn Suderbyn

Permaculture is a design system that aims at developing sustainable human settlements and self-maintained agriculture; it may also be used for community planning. The design system of permaculture aims at mimicking a natural ecosystem; this gives the advantage to make use of all the connections and mechanisms that exist in such a system.The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to compile and spread scientific information regarding five different themes within the areas of ecology, environmental science and permaculture. This was achieved through cooperation with the permaculture inspired Ecovillage Suberbyn in southern Gotland. Information about the central parts of a permaculture ecovillage was used as material for a series of signposts that will be located around the ecovillage Suderbyn. The five selected themes were: An overview of permaculture, The forest garden, The pond, Composting and The use of human excrement and urine..

Dokumentationssystem för fjärrvärmenät

The Work has been performed to, and in cooperation with Vetlanda Energi och teknik AB.District heating for commercial purpose started in the USA in 1877. Today the network has grown into big and complex systems, which demand maintenance and service to keep up the security of the delivery. When a district heating network expand, it becomes difficult to perform reliable calculations. For this purposes there are a few suppliers who design and deliver systems for documentation and calculation of district heating networks.Vetlanda Energi och Teknik AB is in the position where they must get a system for documentation and calculation for district heating, and therefore they need a basis to get a system. The target is to write a requirement specification that will follow the basis.The Swedish market has been inventoried, and suitable systems have been selected.

Analys av fyra innehållshanteringssystem

Innehållshanteringssystem används för att hantera innehåll och det finns många system att välja på. Detta arbete har fokuserat på fyra innehållshanteringssystem för innehåll på webben. Det är systemen Drupal, Joomla, Polopoly och Wordpress. Syftet var att inhämta teoretisk och praktisk kunskap om dessa system och besvara huvudfrågeställningarna om vilka inbyggda funktioner som finns, hur anpassbara systemen är, hur de olika systemen är att arbeta med för en utvecklare och hur anpassade systemen är för webbplatser med mycket trafik.Det jag kom fram till var att Drupal är ett mycket väl utbyggt och omfattande och anpassbart system där det går att utnyttja mycket tredjepartstillägg och anpassa den efter egna önskemål. Joomla är ett system som innehåller mycket inbyggd funktionalitet och det finns mycket tredjepartstillägg att tillgå, men anpassbarheten är dålig.

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