

9722 Uppsatser om Komplexa system - Sida 23 av 649

Energianalys av tryckluftsystem : så kan Billerud Skärblacka AB spara energi på tryckluft

Compressed air is a low efficiency media, and is thus very expensive to produce. This thesis work began by mind mapping how to create savings on the compressed air system at Billerud Skärblacka AB. Certain issues have been chosen for further studies.In order to identify the consumption of compressed air at PM 8 and 9, several measurements were made. At PM 8 there were not found any pressure drop, only large pressure variations for short periods of time. The causes of these pressure variations were not established.

HBT + kristen = sant : En studie i hbt personers upplevelser av att leva i den kristna kontexten

Syftet med denna studie var att försöka få en inblick i hur det är att leva i den komplexa kontexten i att ha en hbt (homo-bi-trans) läggning och att vara kristen. Vi ville på individnivå försöka tolka och förstå genom ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv. Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie som baseras på sex halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Vidare ligger studiens fokus på personer som har ett aktivt liv inom den kristna kontexten. De begrepp som genomsyrar hela studien är heteronormativitet, hbt och stigmatisering.

Modelering av Wideband : Code Division Multiple Access

Today wireless transmission of data is becoming more and more popular and the need for faster transmission rates is increasing. Since the bandwidth is limited it is important to try to use it to the fullest. CDMA is a technology that allows multiple accesses on the same frequency and time thus making it very bandwidth efficient. The CDMA technology was first introduced in the second generation?s cellular systems but has since then been improved and is reused in today?s 3G systems as Wideband CDMA.

Interaktiv Webb 2.0 : Annonseringssystem för www.djurplatsen.se

Web 2.0 represents the next generation of creating interactive applications on the Web. The purpose of this thesis was to develop a service tailored to Web 2.0 technology, where users can post ads for free. The platform is an advertising system specially designed for animals. Surveys and interviews have been done; the result is that today?s advertising services on the Internet are not interactive and user-friendly.The users have the possibility to adapt different part of the system to their needs, such as choice of themes.

Kartläggning av funktioner till ny planeringsmodul

This report is a result of a project that been conducted on System Andersson. System Andersson sells and develops MPS-systems for small and medium sized manufacturing companies. System Andersson are today located in the central parts of Jönköping and has about 20 employees. The goal for the project is to develop a new version of Andersson Qwick mps. The project has been divided into a number of smaller projects were the authors been part of the planning module project.

Utvärdering av informationssystem vid företagsförvärv: Synergiers påverkan på informationssystems integrationsroll

The numbers of mergers and acquisitions have increased significantly in the last period of time. Although this popularity for mergers and acquisitions, most of the mergers and acquisitions fail to create value. One explanation to this failure of value creation is, according to several studies, how companies treat integration of information systems in the pre-merger evaluation. The research within the field argues that information system integration should have a proactive role in mergers and acquisitions, meaning that information system integration should support the organizational change and normally be considered in the premerger evaluation. The aim of this thesis is to study issues that affect whether companies choose to consider information system integration proactively, when involved in mergers and acquisitions.

Implementering av schema för YAML och JSON i .NET

Genom att använda scheman till textfiler som ska matas in ett system, kan textfilerna direkt översättas till systemets interna datastrukturer. Scheman kan också användas för att kontrollera att inte felaktiga värden matas in i systemet. För enklare textfiler som YAML och JSON är det ovanligt med format för att definiera scheman. Det vanligaste schema-formatet för YAML i nuläget är Kwalify, men det finns inte för Microsofts .NET-ramverk. Lösningen är att implementera Kwalify på .NET.

Privatekonomi och finansiella tjänster : Hur klarar privatpersoner sig i den finansiella djungeln?

Bakgrund: Den finansiella marknaden och dess tjänster har blivit alltmer komplexa under åren. Utbudet av olika produkter som exempelvis olika typer av fonder och aktier har blivit allt större. Det finns idag många olika handelsplattformar för aktier och fonder. Samtidigt som utbudet av komplexa produkter ökar, läggs mer ansvar på individen i exempelvis hantering av premiepension. Det förutsätter att konsumenten är väl informerad och tar rätt beslut.

Standardiserad systemlösning för mikroföretag

The thesis is about exploring possibilities for developing a standardised system solution for micro businesses, this since most of the micro business lack proper system solutions, a contributing factor of this is price and also incompatibility between the solution and the business itself. The system solutions we will refer to are solutions which task is to cover the most important needs that a micro business might have on their system. The main goal with this research is to see if this is possible, and if so, how the developers should think to take it further. We chose to do this by identifying the most significant of needs a micro business has when it comes to this type of system solution.In this thesis we will present three needs which were evaluated and brought forth through the analyses of various interviews and observations we had done during the study. The interviews took place at respective company with their employees and consisted both closed and open questions with our main focus on the open questions because we wanted to obtain as much information from the respondents as possible from several viewpoints.

Vem bryr sig? : Ett kommunikativt perspektiv på fusionen mellan Växjö Universitet och Högskolan i Kalmar

This essay takes the three models from Allison and Zelikow book Essence of decision and applies them on the Swedish defense system. After the cold war the Swedish defense system had to undergo changes to be a more modern defense and be able to defend Sweden against threats. To also be able to cooperate with other countries in peacekeeping operations the Swedish defense had to be reorganized. The solution was to change direction from a defense system that was organized for invasion to instead be a movable defense ready for any challenge in Sweden or abroad. This reorganization will be analyzed according to the three different models..

Egyptiska universitetsstudenters åsikter om det egyptiska utbildningssystemets förutsättningar att främja en demokratisk utveckling i Egypten

The purpose of this essay is to examine Egyptian university students´attitudes about the Egyptian education system´s ability to support a democratic process in Egypt. In order to carry out my study, scientific books and articles have been read and interviews have been made among Egyptian university students. The interviews contained questions about the Egyptian education system´s impact on the democratic process in Egypt and which impact the Egyptian education system has had on the Egyptian revolution.The conclusion drawn from my study is that Egyptian university students find the contemporary Egyptian education system based on authoritarian rules and with a lack of democratic values. The Egyptian university students believe that to establish democratic institutions in Egypt, the Egyptian citizens need a better understanding about democratic values. However, some of the students believe that the democracy that should be established in Egypt, must be based on Islamic values and to succeed with that, Islamic studies must play a greater part in the Egyptian education.When it comes to the Egyptian education system´s impact on the Egyptian revolution the Egyptian university students´opinions were somehow divided. .

Stabilitet och förändring i samband med en ERP-implementering : En fallstudie

Utvecklingen och användningen av ERP-system har blivit allt vanligare och trots att ett sådant system kan bidra med effektivitet kan implementeringen av ett sådant system innebära en omfattande organisatorisk förändring. Vid en förändring i form av införande av ny teknologi inverkar befintliga rutiner och institutioner på huruvida stabilitet kan upprätthållas. Stabilitet kan upprätthållas då nya regler går i linje med rådande rutiner eller vid närvaro av en lös koppling mellan dessa. Uppsatsens syfte är att genom en fallstudie undersöka om och isåfall hur stabilitet och förändring kan samverka vid implementering av ett ERP-system. Studien visar att detta är möjligt, dels tack vare att de anställda får vara delaktiga, att de inser förändringens huvudsakliga syfte samt att de nya reglerna går i linje med rådande rutiner och institutioner.

Effektiviseringspotential inom industrisektorn : Energibesparing vid frekvensstyrning av centrifugalpumpar ? en fallstudie

The project was performed at SiemensIndustry Drive Technologies with theobjective to provide actual values forthe energy savings potential withinSiemens scope of practice.In Sweden the electrical drives standfor about 30 % of the total electricityconsumption and about 60 % of theelectricity consumption within theindustry. During the pre-study phaseelectrical drives with pump applicationswere identified as large energy users.Because of this a case study at one ofSiemens customers, Stora Enso Fors wasperformed. The system that was evaluatedduring the case study was a throttledsystem with a centrifugal pump forpumping pulp.The results yielded that a saving ofover 50 % could be achieved by replacingthe throttle valve with a variable speeddrive, a frequency converter. Thepayback period was two years and twomonths and the present value for thetotal life cycle cost of the variablespeed system was 662.566 SEK lower thanfor the throttled system. As aconsequence, Stora Enso Fors is advisedto invest in a frequency converter forregulation of the system.The general conclusion is that a focuson system efficiency is the mostimportant factor in energy efficiencyprojects and that the system regulationmethod has a large impact on the overallsystem losses and hence its efficiency.Energy efficiency potential forthrottled systems with centrifugal pumpsis large and significant economicalsavings can be made through investmentswith short payback time..

Systemtyper utanför ramen för både traditionell systemutveckling och e-infrastrukturutveckling : Finns de och hur bör de i så fall utvecklas?

Denna studie har som syfte att underso?ka om det finns en typ av system vars egenskaper liknar ba?de traditionella system och e-infrastrukturer utan att tillho?ra na?gon av dessa typer samt hur en designmodell skulle se ut fo?r denna typ av system. Detta system kallar vi gra?nsfallssystem.Fo?r att underso?ka om denna finns har traditionella system och e-infrastrukturer samt hur man utvecklar dessa typer av system analyserats. Detta fo?r att se ifall det existerar na?gon form av system som har egenskaper fra?n ba?da dessa ytterligheter och om det existerar sa?dana system hur man pa? ba?sta sa?tt ska utveckla dem.

Borde Sverige gå från ett spelmonol till ett licenssystem gällande EMV lotterier? : En kostnadsnyttoanalys

The gambling industry goes from a national matter towards an international market. Since more and more members of EU does liberalise the gambling reforms and introduces a license system more participants will get an EU license for online gambling. With an EU license it is difficult for members of the EU to refuse a company to offer a gambling supply on the Internet if they don?t have an open license system. This paper tries to acknowledge the problem regarding the monopoly Sweden has today and calculate the effect if Sweden would move to a license system regarding online gambling by doing a cost benefit analysis.

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