

8937 Uppsatser om Kognitiv process - Sida 13 av 596


The aim of this thesis is to examine whether law reforms in the detailed planning process can be an aspect that gets in conflict with the citizens rights to participate in the Swedish planning through dialogue, and how five chosen municipalities are working with citizen participation. To be able to answer the aim of the thesis a literature study and five semi-structured interviews was performed in purpose to get wide-ranging information from municipal officials working with detailed planning handling. Law changes that aims to make the detailed planning process more efficient has been implemented partly to satisfy the needs of dwellings since the detailed planning process among master builders seems to be slow and inefficient, which to the them means higher costs. The requirement on having a detailed planning program was taken away when the new planning law was adopted year 2011. The planning program was including a moment of citizen dialogue. The case studied municipalities have not been affected in this law change arguing that it?s still possible to bring a program if needed.

Konstnärlig process och måluppfyllelse i Lunds Vokalensemble - "...en lite sån magisk upplevelse"

The aim of this study is to investigate how Lunds Vokalensemble achieves its goals and in which way the goals influence the choir's work. The study also explores the choir's artistic process. Qualitative interviews and observations were used as a method. Four singers and the director participated to the interviews. The results show that the choir's artistic goals have quite an influence on many aspects of the choir's work, both in a musical and a social way.

Mandatfördelning i Sverige

This essay will cover the Swedish electoral system with a focus on the proportional representation andthe process involved from the conversion of votes to seats in the parliament. This process consists ofseveral methods which are created by political decisions as well as mathematical formulas and is notalways perfect in terms of equalization. An increment of six adjustment seats would have made thegeneral election of 2010 more proportioned. Despite this, the Swedish electoral system is wellconstructed and the essay will highlight areas which could be subject for improvement as well asexplaining fundamental concepts of the process..

En gång kriminell, alltid kriminell? : En kvalitativ studie om några som lyckades förändra sina liv

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to examine the process of resocialization for individuals who previously lived as criminals from an individual perspective. The research questions for the essay are: How do individuals in the study describe their process of resocialization? In which way does a support organization affect the process of resocialization for the individual? In which ways do the reactions from society affect the process of resocialization for the individual?To answer these research questions a qualitative method was chosen where six narrative interviews was conducted with men who previously lived as criminals but have been resocialized into society. These men are roughly between the ages of 30-60 years and are all members of a support organization for ex criminals.The results show that the process is divided in four stages and that the support organization has facilitated the process of resocialization of the respondents. Reactions from society both facilitates change using the help of different agencies can contribute, while negative reactions from other individuals makes change difficult.

Ett dolt narrativ : En kognitiv studie av Richard Linklaters film Waking Life (2001)

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera filmen Waking Life (Richard Linklater, 2001) utifrån David Bordwells narratologiska perceptionsteorier för att tydliggöra filmens narrativa konstruktion på ett kognitivt plan.På senare år har det kommit allt fler filmer som utmanar åskådaren med ett experimentellt berättelseformat. Waking Life tillhör den gruppen men lämnar också extra rum för åskådarens egna tolkningar.Genom ett fokus på filmens protagonist och dennes öde så riktar uppsatsens näranalys in sig på filmens underliggande berättelse, som i filmen döljer sig och samtidigt blandas med filmens filosofiskt inriktade innehåll.Näranalysen anknyter ständigt till Bordwells teorier som också visar sig vara väl användbara för en grundläggande linjär analys, men uppmärksammar samtidigt vissa av teorins brister. Sammanfattningsvis förtydligar uppsatsen detta genom att peka på vikten av åskådarens medvetenhet om vem eller vilka det är som egentligen berättar en film. Här är Waking Life med sitt experimentella narrativa upplägg och känslan av ett högst personligt berättande ett passande exempel..

Tilläggsbehandling som återfallsprevention efter internetadministrerad KBT vid tvångssyndrom : - en randomiserad kontrollerad studie

Tvångssyndrom består av obsessioner och kompulsioner och drabbar cirka två procent av befolkningen. Efter avslutad behandling är det många patienter som återfaller. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka huruvida tilläggsbehandling administrerad sex månader efter initial internetadministrerad kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) minskar risken för återfall och ökar andelen patienter som uppnår remission, vilket inte tidigare prövats. 97 deltagare, som redan erhållit internetadministrerad KBT, randomiserades till att ingå i behandlingsgrupp eller kontrollgrupp. Tilläggsbehandlingen bestod av tre veckor internetadministrerad KBT med fokus på att fasa ut behandlarens funktion till deltagarens närmaste omgivning.

En explorativ studie om människors förmåga att uppfatta bilförares mentala arbetsbelastning

Under de senaste åren har olika former av kognitiv distraktion, till exempel att tala i mobiltelefon med handsfree, relaterats till en betydande mängd olyckor i trafiken. Av den anledning finns det ett stort intresse i att ta fram olika tekniska system för att upptäcka förare som är distraherade. Målet med denna studie var att ta ett steg tillbaka och undersöka människors förmåga och metoder för att avgöra distraktion hos andra. Då det saknas tidigare forskning är upplägget en explorativ förstudie bestående av två delar. Under den första delen samlades material in på distraherade bilförare i simulerad förarmiljö.

Istället för träd : om den kreativa processen

The title of this project: "Istället för träd" translates as "Instead of trees" or "Replacing trees". By looking at different ways of replacing trees in the urban environment through functionality analysis, I study the creative process. To achieve this, I present eleven different ideas, and follow and analyse the process of sketching. One conclusion about the creative process is that it is a non-linear chain of events influenced by factors like method, external impressions and chance. A complete design, "Trasmattan" ("The rag") is presented. It consists of a colourful striped carpet made from rubber surfacing covering part of the sidewalks of the central street "Dragarbrunnsgatan" in Uppsala, Sweden. .

Det pedagogiska arbetet inom MSI : Utifrån Bolognaprocessen och UPC

The Pedagogical progression within MSI ? Based upon The Bologna Process and UPC.In a near future several of the European countries will begin working after new guidelines concerning a declaration called the Bologna process. Everything will be done one step at a time and the declaration will change the way the students are being graded, all this for the sake of making the European labour-market moreopened for all of its millions of students.In Växjö this process is in the making, but to adapt to the future demands the school must also change its ways of teaching.To increase its quality the University has put together a procedure of actions to improve the pedagogical working method in all its institutions. In this essay we would like to elucidate how the work with the Bologna process is proceeding within the institution of Mathematics and System Engineering and whatthey do improve their pedagogical teaching. By doing a qualitative case study on the student at the Computer Science Program we wish to find the answers to our questions..

Kognitiv beteendeterapi vid morbid svartsjuka: med psykoedukativt tillägg baserat på evolutionspsykologisk teori

Morbid jealousy is a relatively common problem that often results in relational conflicts, frequently involving violence. Eventually many relationships break down as a consequence of these conflicts. Despite of this morbid jealousy is considered to be under-researched. As regards the treatment of morbid jealousy there is however some evidence that cognitive behaviour therapy is a worthwhile treatment, and there is also a growing body of evidence that jealousy, normal as well as morbid, is an evolutionary adaptation. This study integrates an evolutionary psychological approach with cognitive behaviour therapy in the treatment of morbid jealousy.

Kognitiv auktoritet och Wikipedia ? En analys av gymnasieelevers källkritiska granskning av Wikipedia

The main purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how high school students evaluate the quality of the information available on the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. By doing quantitative research based on questionnaires we expected to find that the means for judging that students use in this situation are most frequently based on a text?s intrinsic qualities in the point of view of its content. It was also our presupposition that 18 and 19 year old high school graduates have received some education in information research and authoritative sources on the Internet.

Sveriges hantering i praktik av EU:s regelverk om samordningen av medlemsländernas sociala trygghetssystem : En fallstudie av svenska offentliga instansers implementering och uppföljning

This essay analyses how Swedish authorities implement the EU regulations on the application of social security schemes and, more specifically, when it comes to health care and sickness benefits. The research is based on a survey and several interviews and aims to answer how the lower echelons of the hierarchy work towards the implementation, what are their working conditions and how the authorities evaluate and optimize the implementation process.The general conclusion of the study is that there are several flaws in the implementation process. The results have shown that there is a lack of resources as well as of tutoring and education amongst the actors. The complexity of the regulations does also seem to have influenced the process. Finally the results have shown that the public instances do not proceed to a systematic evaluation of the implementation process which has led to a bad communication between the different actors as well as to difficulties in improving the flaws in the implementation process..

Elproduktion med ORC-teknik ombord på fartygsserien MK II.

Given that the oil prices have risen and the environmental regulations has become more stringent, the interest in operating efficiency has increased. The project has investigated the possibility of producing electricity from waste heat generated in the diesel process. One technique to utilize and convert energy into electricity is the ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle). This process is based on the Rankine process (the steam process), the difference from the traditional Rankine process is that instead of water as a working medium, an organic substance is used. The main component used in the process is a evaporator, a turbine, a condenser and a pump.

Integrationsprocesser bland 6 invandrade japanska personer i Sverige

This research outlines studies about the relationship between social integration process of Japanese immigrants in Sweden and how social media assists in this process. The purpose of this research includes: To find out the reasons of migration to Sweden for six Japanese immigrants, any difficulties that they faced at the beginning of their immigration process and/or any positive qualities that they found in living in Sweden, whether they have accessed social media since they have moved in, if they do so, how the social media has been used and also, whether the social media has had a role to play in contributing to help their social integration process. In addition, it has been considered whether the participants have plans to return to Japan. In Sweden, there is relatively small Japanese migrant population. This social science research paper is the first in Sweden which explores the immigration process of Japanese migrants into Sweden.

Att göra förändring: en studie av ledarskap och organisation vid förändringsarbete

The purpose of this essay is to analyse how the leadership and the structure of the organization affect the process of changes within a specific department in Lunds kommun socialdepartment, from the director of social work to the co-workers at Utredningsenheten för ungdom och familj. We aim to answer the following questions;How does the structure of organisation affect the process of change?What do the co-workers and the leaders believe is the best way to engage the co-workers in the change?How does the leaders view their own leadership in the process of change?How does the co-workers view the leadership in the process of change?How does the leadership affect the process of change?To develop an organisation and to make it a functional, change is a necessity. The leaders are they who create the change but the co-workers are they who make it happen. In the process of change, leadership and the leaders capacity to create motivation for the co-workers, is therefore a matter that is decisive to its success.This is a study based on a qualitative method, where the interview is the main source of empirical material.

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