14183 Uppsatser om Knowledge work - Sida 2 av 946
"Lek är viktigt! Väldigt, väldigt viktigt". : En inblick i synen och arbetet med lek i förskolan i Nepal.
The purpose of this study is to create knowledge about the view on play and work with play in Nepal?s preschools. To do that I travelled to Nepal and interviewed people who had an insight in either work regarding play in preschools or the view on play. I used a kind of interview were the person I interviewed got the phenomenon ?play? to discuss and to reason about, without my values.
Samtalets betydelse ur ett elevperspektiv
This Master´s thesis aims to aquire knowledge about volunteers attitude toward work. It emphasis is on the differences between volunteers and non volunteers. There are four research questions used in order to fulfill the aim in a scientific manner. The essay aims to get in depth knowledge regarding whether or not the respondents feel that they have gained advantages in work life due to the fact that they are involved in volunteer work. One of the pivotal questions is if there is a possibility to see a pattern that binds together the reasons for volunteer work and the attitude toward work.
Samverkansprocessen : Att skapa värden genom kunskapsbildning
Abstract; Finding needs of knowledge are important for universities but also for operation in the surrounding area. Teacher, student and other organization have to make efforts to create opportunities to develop knowledge. Without cooperate/ cooperation they can loose possibilities to develop valuable knowledge. How do the organization see upon meanings of the procedures of cooperation? How do they work with and for cooperation? What role should the universities play in the development of knowledge in todays community of change? The aim of this study is to create an understanding for the meaning of cooperation procedure by developing knowledge and how it might bring value.My interest in this is to find the means of procedure of cooperation and to create understanding.
Hiv - En förstummande sjukdom? : socionomstudenters och socialsekreterares attityder till hiv-positiva
The aim of this study is to examine social workers' and social work students' attitudes towards people living with hiv in Sweden. I will also examine if there is a connection between knowledge and attitudes. The questions at issue are how social workers' and social work students' attitudes can assume to influence on their professional practice and what causes can affect their attitudes towards people living with hiv. The study is based on a qualitative method. The methods have been: conversational interviews with five social workers, who work with family issues and integration, and a focused group interview with four social work students.
Kunskapsöverföring inom studentnationer : En kvalitativ studie av Uppsalas studentnationers överlämningsarbete
AbstractThis study examines how knowledge transfer works within the student nations of Uppsala. The purpose is to describe and analyze how the knowledge is transferred when the officials are being exchanged within the student nation. Furthermore the purpose is to explore if the student nations work active to preserve the knowledge and how it is done in such case. Eight out of Uppsalas thirteen nations are part of the study and the survey was conducted by qualitative interview. The study mainly assumes from Argotes theories on the organizational memory, Davenport and Prusaks theories on knowledge transfer and Nonaka and Konnos SECI-model. The study reveals that the student nations work in different ways and more and less active with knowledge transfer.
Barnbibliotekariers kompetens och kärnkunskaper på området litteraturförmedling och läsfrämjande arbete
This paper conducts a qualitative examination based on interviews with six childrens librarians. The purpose is to put a perspective on the librarians competence and focal knowledge within the area of reading promotion and reading stimulation aimed for children, and also to examine how this competence and knowledge is constructed. The work is based on the following questions: How do childrens librarians experience reading promotion and reading stimulation within their profession? Which competence and what knowledge do childrens librarians experience as most important in order to make their work with reading promotion and reading stimulation function? What can be concluded regarding the construction of their competence and knowledge? The analysis is carried out from theories about competence, tacit knowledge and reading promotion. Following primary conclusions are drawn from the study: The professional role is mainly experienced as promoting reading as pleasure, but also as an important factor for childrens language development.
Socionomprogrammet- en praktik inom forskningsyrket?
Social work has gone from being a primarily philanthropic issue to becoming an academic discipline at university level. To ensure its legitimacy social work must be founded on, and developed through scientific research and documented experience.
The purpose of this essay is to review the various arguments on social work in order to evaluate their impact on education, which in turn affects students. In addition, it will demonstrate how different forms of knowledge are valued depending on the contexts. As a means of reaching this objective, the following questions are addressed: ?What are the requirements and recommendations on how the education of social work should be structured, and why are these requirements and recommendations important??, ?How has the education of social work been influenced by the perception of valuable knowledge?? and ?How does the education of social work affect students??
The collected material consists of various arguments concerning the development of social work and the education of social work's formation.
Hur kan arbetsscheman föra kunskapen vidare?
This report focuses on work schedules in the retail sector, where work schedules are dynamic and change according to the needs and work schedule is a requirement for an effective structure of the work. This structure is important for maintaining a good order and all this is a requirement for a profitable business for both long and short term future. Work schedule also contributes to safety at the workplace. The purpose of this study was to investigate the transfer of knowledge by work schedules. The HRM employee we interviewed worked in Reitan Servicehandel Sverige AB which includes 7-Eleven, Pressbyrån and Shell.
Socialt arbete online? : En studie om för- och nackdelar medelevkurativa samtal online samt vad socionomutbildningen genererar för kunskap om fenomenet
This study is about how school counselors in Kalmar County view the need for a pupil curative work online, what they believe are ethical aspects to be considered in social work online and if they feel they have sufficient training to conduct pupil curative conversations online. The aim has been to make contact with universities in Sweden to see if they have elements of social work education that lectures a social work online.The study is based on semi-structured interviews with school counselors in Kalmar County. The majority of the interviewed school counselors lacked the knowledge and experience of a student curative work online but some had discussed this phenomenon at work. One counselor worked daily with a pupil curative work online. The intention of interviewing universities to investigate whether there are elements of social work education that addresses a social work online defaulted unfortunately because they choose not to participate in the study.The main conclusion of our study is that school counselors consider themselves lacking sufficient knowledge to conduct pupil curative conversations online.
Socialt arbete online? : En studie om för- och nackdelar med elevkurativa samtal online samt vad socionomutbildningen genererar för kunskaper om fenomenet
This study is about how school counselors in Kalmar County view the need for a pupil curative work online, what they believe are ethical aspects to be considered in social work online and if they feel they have sufficient training to conduct pupil curative conversations online. The aim has been to make contact with universities in Sweden to see if they have elements of social work education that lectures a social work online.The study is based on semi-structured interviews with school counselors in Kalmar County. The majority of the interviewed school counselors lacked the knowledge and experience of a student curative work online but some had discussed this phenomenon at work. One counselor worked daily with a pupil curative work online. The intention of interviewing universities to investigate whether there are elements of social work education that addresses a social work online defaulted unfortunately because they choose not to participate in the study.The main conclusion of our study is that school counselors consider themselves lacking sufficient knowledge to conduct pupil curative conversations online.
Hinder för kunskapsdelning : Att skapa förutsättningar för mer effektiv kunskapsdelning genom reducering av hinder
In today?s fast changing environment it is important for knowledge intense companies that want to stay competitive to actively work with their knowledge, knowledge sharing and Knowledge Management (KM). Barriers decrease the efficiency of how knowledge is created, stored and shared, and they are therefore important to reduce or preferably remove making the KM activities result in as much value for the organisation as possible. To achieve this, it is important that the KM activities become a natural part of the employees? daily work.
Motivation and Knowledge Work
Master Thesis in Managing People, Knowledge and Change (BUSM18)..
Erfarenhetsåterföring : Diskussionsforum ett nytt verktyg för erfarenhetsåterföringen
AbstractThis is a bachelor?s thesis within the program society development on the collage Mälardalenshögskola. The subject that will be handled is knowledge recycling, this intervenes very wellwith the program I am undergoing, and this is because Construction Company?s does ingeneral do the same mistakes over and over again. In the long run this will mean higher endprices for the end user.
Teoretisk kunskap i en praktisk verklighet: en intervjustudie om socionomers och arbetsledares kunskapssyn i socialtjänstens arbete med barn och unga
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social workers perceive the concept of knowledge within social services, particularly within children and youth services. Our goal is also to study the employer's expectations and demands on graduate social workers. The main questions we address in this thesis are; What knowledge is seen as useful by employers and graduate social workers working in social welfare offices? To what extent does university education bring useful knowledge to the work being done by social workers? What practical knowledge is there in the workplace for social workers to learn? When recruiting, what expectations does the employer have of graduate social workers? What challenges are there with recruiting a graduate social worker?We have interviewed six social workers and four employers in the social childcare division in different municipalities in Skåne region, Sweden. We have used epistemology in our analysis.
? Genusdiskursens moderna verktyg
AbstractThe aim for this study is to establish how teachers and supervisors at the Child and Recreation Programme interpret the concept ?vocational knowledge?. It is also about how they substantially can see that the pupils are developing vocational knowledge, during their work placement training. The aim of this thesis is to create a base for teachers to work with continuing development in teaching practice. The empirical part of this study is based on interviews. Interviews were analyzed in three categories: definition of vocational knowledge, substantially developing in vocational knowledge and success factors. The result shows that knowing how and knowing why is salient in vocational knowledge.