

1 Uppsatser om Kitchenplanning - Sida 1 av 1

Utomhusbruk. Produkter formgivna för utomhusvistelser

My thesis was based on studying what really happens when Swedes move their beloved kitchen outdoors.?What kind of problems andpossibilities appears in this enviroment? First, I unbiassed examined the traditional kitchen in general to get a better view of how an outdoorkitchen could function in a country that have diffrent seasons. I intervjued an interior designer specialized in Kitchenplanning to get abetter view. One thing that came up was that the experince of beeing outdoor sometimes puts functionality aside. I located different needs inthe outdoor kitchen enviroment and decided to work futher with one of them, outdoor lightning.The result became a 3d digital model of an outdoor lamp that creates both functionallight and moodlight.