

1798 Uppsatser om Keywords: ritningar - Sida 18 av 120

Pedagogisk dokumentation : reflektionens betydelse

The degree project aims to gain a deeper understanding of how pedagogues are working with pedagogical documentation, as well as the significance of reflection in the educational work with children.The survey was implemented on two Reggio Emilia-inspired preschools and is based on a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with open questions, where six pedagogues shared how they view the pedagogical documentation.The study is seen from an epistemological perspective. The results show that pedagogues place great emphasis on reflection as a tool for a visibility of children´s learning and development. Pedagogues respond to children´s questions with a question at issue to challenge the children to develop their own hypotheses for problem solving.Keywords, pedagogical documentation, reflection, learning process..

Varumärkespersonlighetens betydelse i köpprocessen- En studie om hur konsumeter resonerar vid köp

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this essay is to investigate possible questions generated by theperformance/installation Har hon inget vettigare att göra? Du då. Har du inget annat att hitta på än att ståoch glo på henne? by the artist Elin Wikström. The Constructed Situation invites the spectator to be apart of a continuing process of thought.The subjective feeling makes an important insight to the work through methods of the aestheticsand the performative., mainly from Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf.

Makt & Genus : en analys av maran, berättarna och upptecknarna

In this essay the aim is to examine what an analysis of records of the Swedish phenomenon called the ?mara? or nightmare can tell us about gender relations in the nineteenth century Swedish peasant society. From Snorre Sturlasson to studies done in the present day I go through records and the people who has written them for answers to my questions. I use the methods sex/gender and Michel Foucault?s perspective of power and my main material I study is records from DAG.With this essay I take you through methods, and descriptions of the ?mara?.

Facebook - en falsk utopi? : En studie av politisk polarisering på Facebook

Title: Facebook ? a false utopia?Authors: Anton Furuland & Dominic ChennayaPrincipal research question: Is the political polarization increasing on and through Facebook?Theoretical frame: Identification theory, selective exposure theory, spiral of silenceMethod/Material: Semi-structured interviews which provided our materialMain Results: Our research has shown a tendency for increased political polarization on Facebook.Number of pages: 58Course: Media and communication studies CDepartment: Department of informaticsUniversity: Uppsala UniversityPeriod: HT 2014Tutor: Amelie HössjerKeywords: Political polarization, Facebook, political debate, selective exposure, identification.

Att uppleva naturen med alla sina sinnen : Hur undersöker och upplever förskolebarnen naturen?

AbstractThis project discusses various aspects of children's way to explore nature with their senses. Therefore I conducted a study in two preschools, one nature-oriented and another preschool. This study was carriedout usien the three metods, interviews, observations and surveys. Interview four children from each preschool, observations of each group outdoors during four different occasions and question forms to teachers. The result of the study showed that both teachers and children have a great interest in being outdoors in nature, but it is not always possible to take out all children's groups. The reason is large groups and inadequate staff.

Pedagogers agerande i kritiska situationer i vardagen med toddlare på förskolan

That all children today receive the opportunity to explore all of their capabilities is not certain at all preschools. Today there are preschools that are not able to work actively to explore the children's abilities because the large number of children and not enough teachers. Therefore I want to find out with my research how the educators would react when there is a crisis with the youngest children, the toddlers. I also want to find out different ways of acting in everyday situations at the preschool and why the teachers act in that way. I have relied on qualitative methods and I have used the critical incident method in my study.

Nationalidentitet : Om skapandet av nationell känsla i resor till broderländer

That all children today receive the opportunity to explore all of their capabilities is not certain at all preschools. Today there are preschools that are not able to work actively to explore the children's abilities because the large number of children and not enough teachers. Therefore I want to find out with my research how the educators would react when there is a crisis with the youngest children, the toddlers. I also want to find out different ways of acting in everyday situations at the preschool and why the teachers act in that way. I have relied on qualitative methods and I have used the critical incident method in my study.

Copingstrategier under uppväxten och senare i vuxenlivet för individer som har funktionsnedsättningen ADHD

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences and similarities between coping strategies used by individuals with the disability ADHD in childhood and later adulthood. The questions we asked ourselves: Are the individuals using the same form of coping in adulthood as in childhood? What copingstrategies used individuals while growing up? What coping-strategies used the individuals in adulthood? To fulfill the purpose and answer the questions, we used qualitative methods. Interviews were conducted with four adults who have the disa-bility ADHD. The interviews were analyzed by the hermeneutic circle.

Beteendeproblematik utifrån ett klientperspektiv"Behavioural problems from a clients perspective"

ABSTRACT Behavioural problems are a compound conception for emotional difficulties at different levels. Individuals with behavioural problems could have difficulties with social relations, low self-esteem, anxiety and worry. The purpose with the examination was to describe how clients apprehend their behavioural problems and what they consider could be the causes of it. The examination was based on the qualitative interviews with 5 clients and a professional helper. We came in contact with our clients through our practice.

Stödpersonals upplevelser av konflikthantering i skolan

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka stödpersonals upplevelser av konflikthantering i skolans värld. Kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats användes för att bilda underlag för intervjuer med kuratorer, skolsköterskor och beteendevetare på gymnasie- och högstadieskolor. Nio intervjuer genomfördes och analyserades genom meningskoncentrering, vilket gav tre olika huvudteman: stödpersonalens arbete, resurser för konflikthantering och förbättringar i konflikthantering i skolan. Resultatet visade att samtal, föräldrastöd och sociala aktiviteter ansågs vara viktiga hjälpmedel för att kunna handleda eleverna i konflikter. Dock visade analysen att det behövs bättre förutsättningar för att ge eleverna stöd i konflikthantering.

E-mobbning : En studie om vad det är

The purpose of this work is to investigate what students in grades 4 to 6 at a school in southern Värmland know about cyber bullying. It also aims to find out whether there is or has been any cyber bullying in grades 4-6 at the school. The issues at work are what do cyber bullying? Is there a difference between cyber bullying in the different grades? (4-6 grades) Are their differences in cyber bullying when it comes to sex? And there is no connection between the mental bullying and cyber bullying? The material for the work was collected through a questionnaire survey conducted with students in grades 4 to 6. The survey was conducted anonymously, they were asked what sex it was and what grade they are in.

Återanvända Fornlämningar : En studie av Ölands Rösen

AbstractErlandsson, K-O. 2007. Återanvända fornlämningar. En studie av Ölands rösen. Re-used ancient monuments.

Utveckling och konstruktion av motorhus till vindkraftverk

Företaget GC Windpower har under 2010 arbetat med utvecklingen av två vindkraftverk, ett tvåbladigt med en effekt på 1 MW och ett trebladigt på 2,5 MW. Examensarbetet innefattade utformningen och konstruktionen av maskinkåpan för det trebladiga verket. Målet med projektet var att ta fram ett tillverkningsunderlag för motorhuset bestående av ritningar, 3D modeller, FEM-analyser samt förslag för material och tillverkningsmetod.Tillsammans med uppdragsgivarna sattes en kravspecifikation upp för maskinkåpan. Kraven innefattade utformningen, hållfastheten och materialvalet för maskinkåpan. En omsorgsfull informationssökning utfördes för att ge en bra grund till konceptgeneringen.Konceptgenreringen skedde i omgångar och i flera steg.

Besjälad pedagogik : Utifrån en lärares livsberättelse

The aim of this essay is to bring up and mediate a teacher?s life story and professional history to take part of her experience of an animated pedagogy. As a tool I use the life story method, which is a qualitative interview method which purpose is to put the narrative person?s life history in the centre.One of the goals for an animated pedagogy is to learn how to be. Animated pedagogy is about making teaching living and making it meaningful and exciting.


I detta examensarbete behandlar jag anbudskalkylering. Jag kommer räkna på ett anbud vars förfrågningsunderlag enbart består av ett mail och en planritning.Ett anbud är en offert entreprenören skickar till beställaren. Offerten är priset på vad entreprenören har räknat att jobbet kommer kosta. Beställaren skickar ut ett förfrågningsunderlag till en eller flera entreprenörer. Förfrågningsunderlaget består oftast av olika beskrivningar, som är kopplat till AMA, AF osv, samt ritningar.Beroende på vilken entreprenadform beställaren/byggherren väljer upprättas anbuden på olika sätt.

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