

1798 Uppsatser om Keywords: ritningar - Sida 13 av 120

Vad behöver växter för att växa och överleva? : En studie om förskolebarns tankar om växters behov

The purpose with this study was to examine what kind of knowledge children in preschool have regarding what plants are, and what plants need in order to grow and survive. By means of qualitative interviews I have let 12 children in the ages of 3 to 5 years answer questions regarding the subject.From the results it is obvious that the children in the early age groups already have some knowledge of what a plant is and can also mention a few basic factors for a plants survival. In addition, the results show that their knowledge increases with the childs age and that the conversations become more distinct with more resulting questions the older the children are.Keywords. Enviroment, plants needs, Preeschool, science..

Konstruktion av badrumsskåp

Denna rapport presenterar ett examensarbete på kandidatnivå omfattande 15 högskolepoäng, som genomfördes på Högskolan i Halmstad under vårterminen 2013. Examensarbetet avslutar den tre år långa maskiningenjörsutbildningen med inriktning teknisk design. Projektet genomfördes i samarbete med Macro International AB tillsammans med Ballingslöv, och handledaren på företaget var Jörgen Carlsson. Målet med projektet var att utveckla ett produktförslag för ett badrumsskåp av spegeltyp som skulle passa in i Ballingslövs framtida badsortiment. Det slutliga produktförslaget skulle uppfylla krav som ställdes av uppdragsgivaren, främst med avseende på belysning, utformning, funktion och förvaring.

"Alla är vi olika" : Fem personers upplevelser av en exkluderande specialpedagogisk undervisning

The study aims to examine how the people who have received special needs education during their schooling have experienced it.Since I wanted to take advantage of people's experiences of special needs education, I chose to conduct qualitative research interviews. Five people in the ages of 21-26 years old participated in the study.A summary of the work says that special needs education creates mixed feelings, feelings of joy and alienation. The positive as described in the work is that the special education teaching has created a classroom that is aligned along the pupil's needs and circumstances. All informants have expressed that their negative experiences is about them having to leave the common classroom.Keywords: exclusion, inclusion, special needs education, student needs.

Koppling mellan ritning och modell : AutoCAD Architecture 2008

Som en avslutande del i utbildningen ?Samhällsbyggnad - samhällsplanering? vid Luleå tekniska universitet skall ett examensarbete genomföras. Då ett flertal kurser innefattande CAD under utbildningens gång genomförts samt i och med ett stort eget intresse av detsamma kändes det för mig naturligt att genomföra ett examensarbete i någon mening omfattande konstruktion i CAD.Detta examensarbete har genomförts i uppdrag för Lindbäcks Bygg AB i syfte att förbättra den i dagsläget något ineffektiva arbetsmetodik som vid framtagning av ritningar används. Huvudmålet med arbetet har varit att ta fram en manual över ett alternativt, förhoppningsvis bättre, tillvägagångssätt i den arbetsgång som projektörerna utför. Det verktyg som främst använts för att skapa metodiken är ?annotation scaling?, ett verktyg vilket syftar till att koppla modell till ritning genom skalfaktorer.

Vad är Mångfald? : En studie om lärare samt ledning i två skolor i olika delar i

The subject of this paper is to examine the view of diversity among ten teachers and three principals in the Swedish compulsory school. The purpose is to investigate how they relate to the diversity and in what ways it is involved in their work.The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieus basic ideas of habitus, capital and field are used as a theoretical starting point. The study is mainly based on interviews supported by literature in the subject area.The findings show that diversity is associated with ethnicity among all informants. The drawn conclusion is that this is partly due to the mediated picture but also since ethnicity mainly serves as a starting point in the literature..

Felaktig Ritningshantering : Kartla?ggning av dolda kostnader kopplade till ineffektiv ritningshantering inom byggindustrin

This report, written by Ma?ns Ridze?n and Jonas Stenberg, presents the thesis carried out the spring of 2012. The authors met the first time in 2008, when they started their studies at Uppsala University. Since then they have completed various projects, both within and without the university. This study is based on a theory that was first conceived when Jonas Stenberg did his internship in the summer of 2010.

Analys och konstruktion av kamerahus till backkamera

Företaget Revitrack, med säte i Luleå, har utvecklat en backkamera med speciella funktioner för säkrare backning med husvagnar och stora släpvagnar. Till denna backkamera har ett kamerahus tagits fram. Kamerahuset skall vara robust då miljön det är monterat i är utsatt. Smuts, regn, snö, is och stenskott från annan trafik kan skada kamerahuset. Montering och inställning av kameran skall vara enkel och intuitiv.

Kopplingsbeslag för resårbottnar

The project has been implemented in collaboration with Carl-Johan Lundberg on Deltagruppen Ltd in Jönköping. Problem introduction comes from Carl-Johan's own experience from the hotel sector. The problem that all hotels has is that they sell two products, i e. simple - and double rooms. Persons that travel in companies do not desire always to share bed.Focus in the work is to develop a product that holds together two simple beds and forms double bed, concurrent that it goes that converters to two simple bed without needing to disassemble the product and be done invisible.

Rörelsens betydelse för inlärningsprocessen.

The purpose of this examination was to se how exercise affects the learning capacity. In this work I have chosen to integrate natural science with sport and the target group was a primary department. The two areas I integrate with sports were: the digestive system and knowledge of deciduous trees. I split the class in two different groups. One group got to have a theoretical lesson and the other one got to have an exercise lesson.

Matematiksvårigheter : Klasslärarens arbetsmetoder

The purpose of my study is to contribute knowledge about how class teachers can work with students who are in mathematics difficulties. The question at issues I have is: Which methods can class teachers in grades 1-3 use to help students with mathematics difficulties? and Which obstacles and opportunities are there in this work? To get answers to my questions, I have read relevant literature and interviewed 3 class teachers in central Sweden. Through my interview I learned that education should include and build on concrete materials and methods. I also got to know that time is the biggest obstacle to helping students with mathematics difficulties. Keywords: mathematics difficulties, methods, obstacles, opportunities.

Psykoakustisk påverkan av basfrekvenser : Blir vi påverkade av låga basfrekvenser som vi inte kan eller knappt kan höra med örat?

This survey tries to find out if and how we can be influenced of extreme low and strong frequencies in the area 0-40 Hz. A group of 52 teachers/musicstudents and non musicstudents was trying to assess what they thought, experiences and tried to describe why they thought as they did, when they listen on three different versions of same musical piece. Without low frequent bass, original and strengthened bass, randomly mixed. Several different musical pieces was used in same survey. The work also makes a commitment to theories about the people's hearing and the will of ?selfmotion?.

Städer i konkurrens? : Diskurs och politisk strategi i tre svenska städer

This study puts emphasis on an international discourse describing how cities frequently compete against each other, and also describing factors that cities should enhance to make themselves more competitive. The discourse in this study has therefore been used to seek understanding how three different municipalities Borlänge, Karlstad and Malmö strive for growth by applying central factors from the discourse on the municipalities strategic documents. What the study shows is that the central factors from the discourse strongly imprints the strategic documents, but the presence of the factors varies between the municipalities and also to what meaning that lies behind the strategic goals..

Inkludering ? : För elever med särskilda behov och funktionshinder, ur ett historiskt perspektiv

This present study is a result of a research that I made . My purpose is to find out how the debate about inclusion looked like back in the history. My research was about the view we had absolut inclusion in the history, I also made some interviewes among teachers and students in the schools of today. I wanted to se their views about inclusion today and I wanted to know their opinions about inclusion. Did the students and the teachers have prejudice against other students with functional disabilities as Down syndrom and blindness? What was their thoughts about inclusion of students with differents functional disabilities?One more task I had with this study I made was to raise another debate about inclusion .! Keywords: Inclusion and funtional disabilities.

Barnpassning eller pedagogisk verksamhet? : En studie bland föräldrar om deras uppfattning av fritidshemmet

The purpose of this paper is to examine what opinions parents have of the after school-centre, if they know that it has an objective and what that objective is. This will be examined by surveying parents with children in after school-centre. The questions posed in the study are as follows: Do parents know the objective of after school-centre? What is the general view of after school-centre among parents? The results show that 41 percent know that there is an objective while 39 percent don't. Only 6 percent can describe what the objective is.

Utveckling av Måkeberg och Norra Hamnplan : Development of Måkeberg and Norra Hamnplan

Arbetet är ett förslag i en arkitekttävling på ett nytt bostads- ochhandelsområde i Åmåls kommun. Platserna som behandlas ärMåkeberg och Norra Hamnplan som tillsammans bildar en yta påcirka 50 000m2. Godkänns förslaget av kommunen så är avsiktenden att det skall ge ett underlag för en inledande dialog medkommuninvånare och som stöd i det kommande detaljplanearbetet.Man vill även illustrera områdets möjligheter till förtätning avstaden och med en ny funktionsblandad stadsdel knyta stadskärnanskontakt med vattnet. Rapporten beskriver behovet ochförutsättningarna för utformningen av området. För att nå fram tillmålet av arbetet genomfördes en litteraturstudie, skisser ochstudiebesök för analysering av platsen.

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