

2235 Uppsatser om Keywords: competition - Sida 62 av 149

Äldres upplevelser av palliativ vård och omsorg : - en kunskapsöversikt

Elderly patients experiences of palliative care ? a rewireThe purpose of this paper was to study elderly patient?s experience of palliative care with present knowledge as starting point. The questions were; what criteria do the elderly, dying person think is most important to fulfill in palliative care? and how satisfied is the elderly, dying person with the palliative care that are giving to him/her? The information were collected by a data based search trough science magazines and technical literature. Four relevant studies were found; Costello (2001), Heyland (2005), Wilson (1999) and Formiga (2004).

SAT doku Att lösa Sudoku med moderna SAT-lösare

Sudoku är ett mycket populärt pusselspel som härstammar från Japan. Sudokuproblemet har visats vara NP-fullständigt och det finns därför troligen inget effektivt sätt att lösa stora pussel. På senare år har det skett mycket forskning kring SAT-lösare. I denna rapport prövades olika SAT-lösare från ?International SAT-Competition? för att undersöka om det existerar en korrelation mellan exekveringstid och svårighetsgradering samt för att avgöra vilken av dessa som är effektivast för att lösa pussel av olika svårighetsgrad och storlek.

Marknaden och kulturarvet: Argumentationsanalys av moderaternas kulturmotion 2005/06Kr:233

The cultural policy area has a tendency to be seen as a consensus area, where there are no big conflicts between the parties. The aim of this master?s thesis is to study the moderate party?s cultural motion 2005/06Kr:233 with the party leader Fredrik Reinfeldt as first author. If consensus rules, the party?s ideology should not be visible in the motion, but the assumption in the thesis is that it is visible.

Genom genus till jämställdhet : Fyra förskollärares tankar om genus

The purpose of this study was to find out what thoughts some preschool teachers had about gender andgender work. The aim was also to investigate whether preschool educational orientation had any impacton how teachers thought about gender and gender work.The scientific method for the study was qualitative research interviews. The interviews were conductedindividually with four preschool teachers from two different preschools. The first preschool was agender-oriented school and the other was a non-gender-oriented school.The results of the study show preschool teachers have good knowledge of gender and gender work andwhat they mean in preschool, and this is regardless of the pedagogical approach the preschool they?reworking for has.

Blyg och delaktig? : Pedagogers erfarenheter av att arbeta för att främja blyga barns delaktighet

The purpose of this study was to examine pedagogues? experience working with shy children and their opportunities for participation in preschool. An increasing number of children are registered in preschools today; this leading to larger groups of children and the chance for the individual child to practice its rights of having its voice heard are therefore becoming more difficult.The literature review will start with what the UNCRC and the pre-school curriculum, Lpfö 98, say about children?s participation and their right to have their voices heard. After that, shortly about the shy child, and then moving on to what is important in the work with children?s participation.

God kontrakstyrning? : En studie av kontraktstyrning vid offentlig upphandling av skolskjutstrafik

AbstractC-level essay in political science, by Frida Orlinder, spring semester 2008Supervisor: Susan Marton?Good contracting? ? A study of contracting in public procurement regarding the transportation of school children?Over the last decades models influenced by the market have been gaining influence in public administration all over the world. New Public Management has been presented as a theoretical ?shopping basket? from which concepts can be applied to the administration of municipal services. The purpose of this essay is to investigate in an explorative way how New Public Management (NPM) views contracting and the role of the internal customer in contracting.

Hälsobudskap i hälsotidningar : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys

The aim of this study was to categorize and analyze articles in health magazines, how health messages about health is being described. Using a qualitative content analysis the researcher answered the aim by three research questions: What kind of health messages about health factors do the magazines describe? Do the health magazines talk about risk factors for unhealthy behavior? What kind of commercial messages do the magazines provide? The result from the content analysis showed that health magazines presented social support, self-esteem, acceptance, equality and strategies as health factors. They tried to change readers? perceptions to get a healthy lifestyle.

Nulagesanalys av svensk e-handel. En undersokning om hur tjanster anvands av foretag for at bemota kundkrav

The Swedish e-commerce has been established for about 25 years, with strong growth from the millennium onwards. The companies that are active within it has many different backgrounds. Mail order companies were some of the early adaptors but today it is also common for companies to first create the e-commerce part of the business, before opening a store. A long list of companies has over the years come and gone, the rotation of the e-shops that are popular have constantly changed. We asked ourselves why.We wanted to get an understanding of the Swedish e-commerce, both from a business perspective and from a customer perspective.

Kroatien - en studie av ett land i övergång mot en konsloliderad demokrati

Croatia became an independent country 1991 and has since then strived to reach a democracy level, which can lead to membership of the European Union. The purpose of this essay is on the basis of consolidate democratic perspective to illustrate Croatia?s democratic development.In order to fulfil the aim, I have applied a qualitative text analysis technique. Through analysis of books and documents, data was collected to accommodate a valid result. I have used consolidated democracy, with its five areas (political, civil, economic, legal and bureaucratic), as my theoretical framework to the data, to provide answers and develop an analysis.The conclusions show that the consolidate democracy in Croatia has developed a lot since the independence, and Croatia is on its good way to turn into a democratic state like other West-European countries.

Verkställighetsföreskrifter, uppdragsarkeologi och konservatorer - Konservatorns integrering inom uppdragsarkeologin

To increase the quality and the cost-efficiency of contract archaeology in Sweden a revisedregulation for contract archaeology was established the 1st of January 2008. By including findstrategy as a concept with special demands in the regulation the Swedish Heritage Board is nowhoping that the conservators will be integrated earlier in the archaeological process and that theunpremeditated find accumulations will stop. This is making the competition between thearchaeological companies even harder. The questions are how the regulation have affected therole of the conservators in the field of contract archaeology today, what is affecting theintegration and the situation, and what can the different stakeholders do to make the collaborationbetween archaeologists and conservators more professional? The conservators are now hopingthat this is the change that will increase the collaboration with the archaeologists, which isimportant for the finds prosperity and the drive of information.To get an updated and generalised view of the impact of the regulation so far, phoneconversations and questionnaires were carried out with archaeologists, conservators, employees atcounty administrative boards and the Swedish Heritage Board.

På väg mot ett mer demokratiskt EU? : - en studie av Lissabonfördraget

AbstractSince democracy was developed in the ancient Greece it has come to be used within a small city state, within the national state and as today used within a bigger perspective. After the end of the second world war political leaders wanted to make sure that there would never be a war between European countries again. Now, about 60 years later this type of cooperation now involves 27 of the European countries and goes under the name of the Euroapean Union. This means that democracy is no longer used just within the nation state, but within a big organisation that is responsible for almost 500 million Europeans lives. This also means that the European Union need to make some institutional reforms to be able to handle all the future challenges.

Effektivisering av logistiklösningar : En jämförelse av nya och gamla logistiksystem vid ROT-projekt

A persistent problem in the construction industry is its low margins of profit. It is often difficult to earn money due to low efficiency and high costs. Logistics on the construction site answers for a large amount of these costs and it is therefore of interest to find new, more efficient logistic solutions. The purpose of this thesis is to compare two different logistic systems and further to evaluate which one that is the most efficient and profitable. A comparison is made between the traditional logistic systems used for years and a new logistic system developed by an industry association called BEAst.

Leveraged Buyout : Vilka förutsättningar finns för en LBO av Cloetta Fazer AB?

The number of LBOs in Sweden has increased during the last years and the current market trend is positive. MostLBOs involves private companies, but a few concerns public corporations on the national share market. In this thesis we will examine the conditions of a LBO of Cloetta Fazer AB. The purpose is to study existing conditions of Cloetta Fazer AB and to examine pros and cons with the deal. Based upon information presented in the frame of reference and in the empirical part, two cash flow valuations have been carried out.

Barn- och ungdomshockey utifrån ett tränarperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om tränarnas uppfattningar om barn- och ungdomshockey

Abstract________________________________________________________________Författare/Author Richard TähtinenTitel/Title Youth hockey from a coach perspective. A qualitative study about coaches´appreciations concerning youth hockeyThe aim with this study is to strengthen the knowledge about coaches´ appreciationsconcerning youth hockey. This study contains interviews with three leaders that operate onthe strategic level within youth hockey and three coaches working with youth players in theages of 11 and 12. I have divided my main results into 4 categories, based on an earlier studyfrom Karin Redelius (2002). These categories include the following themes:1) Competition on the good and the bad2) The importance of winning3) Shake-out versus sports on children’s terms4) Instruction, play and learningThe main conclusions in this study show that leaders on the strategic level appreciate youthhockey in a very similar way.

En renässans för kallväxthuset :

The unheated greenhouse was originally a development from orangeries in the 1700th century and in 1930 and 1940 in blocks of greenhouses in the province of Scania. Today unheated greenhouses are used in permaculture, in the?eco villages? and in commercial culturing. Of the total Swedish commercial greenhouse area is today 8 % used as unheated greenhouses (SJV). This essay is based on the acceptance that unheated greenhouses will have a renaissance as production units. In the light of the today?s debate about energy ? and environment and the condition concerning this, the unheated greenhouse becomes an alternative. The purpose of this essay is to make an arguing synopsis about unheated greenhouses for using in acting as teacher, consultant and inspirer and also for taking part of the acceptance as ?for? or ?against?. The information is based on literature studies and information gathered with the keywords unheated greenhouse, coolhouse, coldhouse, greenhouse, type of greenhouse, orangery, greenhouse cultur, swedish greenhouse culture and permaculture, data gathering through SCB/SJV and by interviews with persons in the garden branch. My conclusion is that the unheated greenhouse could have a renaissance as a production unit. In this context it is important to give cultivators of greenhouses with experiences of unheated greenhouses great possibilities to share their knowledge, and through education possibility to change attitudes concerning unheated greenhouses. .

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