

2235 Uppsatser om Keywords: competition - Sida 24 av 149

Relationer mellan kvinnor : Avund och konkurrens mellan kvinnor i Försvarsmakten

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka kvinnors erfarenheter av konkurrens och avund kvinnor emellan inom Försvarsmakten. Tidigare forskning redovisar att friktioner mellan kvinnor skapas på grund av samhällets genusordning, att kvinnor är det underordnande könet vars prestationer inte värderas samma som männens.  Det visar sig också att kvinnors behov av bekräftelse och identifikation genom andra kvinnor skapar slitningar. En enkätundersökning ifylld av kadetter på alla Försvarsmaktens skolor visar att avund och konkurrens är ett tämligen vanligt förekommande fenomen. De kvinnliga kadetterna upplever att männen bidrar till att skapa avund och konkurrens kvinnor emellan. De uppger även att de i högre grad känner konkurrens gentemot männen på grund av att Försvarsmakten är en organisation gjord av män för män och en frustration bland kvinnorna är uppenbara på grund av kvinnors och mäns olika förutsättningar i Försvarsmakten..

Hållbarhetsredovisning : Med fokus på negativ information

To establish sustainability reports is an increasing trend for more and more companies. This has led to a spread of the international framework Global reporting initiative, GRI, guidelines to make a sustainability reports. This trend has got a lot of critics from various stakeholders who believe that companies in these reports communicate the information in a way of window dressing. Both negative and positive information has to be represented according to GRI: s principle of balance.  Window dressing is created by adding a greater emphasis on the positive information. The researchers review the context of the negative information to study the extent to which it is reported and whether there are patterns and variations in the reported information.

En reklambyrås utveckling. En studie av anställdas attityd och motivation på arbetsplatsen

This thesis emphasizes the importance of understanding the employees? attitude and motivation towards their workplace at a company that works in the advertising business. An example company; thcommunication agency PS Communication in Stockholm, was used for the empirical part to investigate the purpose. The topic is interesting since the company works in a fast changing environment with new techniques,tools and professionals and the company is also going through an expansion that include many new recruitments.The purpose in this thesis is as follows: ?the purpose of this study is to elucidate the fate of attitude and motivation of employees in relation to the workplace during business expansion, if performance is reduced and competition increases.?The analysis and results shows that attitudes andmotivation among the employees in the workplace has deteriorated, the employees agree that it is due to expansion the company is undergoing.

Fastighetsmäklarens klädsel : Hur påverkar den kunden?

Real estate managers work in a hard branch with big competition and skeptical customers. For most people, buying a property is the biggest private purchase of their lives. This puts a big pressure on the real estate agent to make the process run smooth. But how does the customer know which real estate manager to choose? We have researched what effect the real estate managers clothing has on the customers? first impression and how clothing affects customers? choice of real estate agents.To answer our questions we´ve done 13 projective interviews with ten customers and three real estate agents, where we showed four pictures with the same person dressed in different styles.

Om socialdemokratins problem och möjligheter i ett individualiserat samhälle

We live in a society that has changed rapidly in recent years. The Swedish welfare state identity consisted of structures that had been formed from an emancipatory project. Today, these structures seem to have been erased and replaced by a different form of society. When a society is changing it affects the political, social and economic levels.In this social change Social Democracy seems to have lost its hegemonic position in society and describes itself as standing in a crisis. An effort to modernize the party has therefore begun.

Marknadsföring av folkbibliotek i teori och praktik ? En studie av marknadsföringsarbetet på två folkbibliotek

The competition for people´s attention becomes harder and harder. If the libraries want to continue to attract visitors it´s important that their business is promoted. The purpose of this thesis is to in-vestigate how two public libraries work with marketing. The study is based on a marketing model, introduced by Philip Kotler and further developed by Eileen Elliott de Sáez. Kotler believes that marketing is a social process and that everything can be promoted.

Barns språksvårigheter : Hur man som pedagog bemöter barn med språksvårigheter

The main purpose with this study was to get an insight in how to best be able to help children with language difficulties, and learn to see those who are in need of extra help and attention.The study is the result of three separate interviews with a speech therapist, a preschool teacher, and a teacher for children with special needs. The other information that my study is built on comes from books.The answers that I got from the interviews questions, have I built my discussions from.Since I only have done three interviews, can´t I do any general conclusions, from my findings.The answers that I got shows that it`s not always the same answers from the speech therapist, preschool teacher and the teacher for children with special needs, are the same. But most of the answers had a similar conclusion. The most important finding in my study, which also the literature agrees with, is that. It´s always important to read out loud to the children.Keywords: language difficulties, exertion, learning to speech and communication..

Medborgardialog i ortsanalys : ett arbete om värdet av kommunikation tidigt i planeringsskedet

Citizen participation is fundamental in place analysis, where the aim is to define the sites specific character and identity. The local citizens know the village better than anyone else since they lead their daily life in the environment. I have in cooperation with Sala municipality suggested guidelines on how to involve the local people in dialogue during place analysis. The target was to involve and enthuse as many people as possible with relatively small resources in time and money. The suggested methodology was tried out in a place analysis of Västerfärnebo, a community with about 3 000 inhabitants of which 500 live in the main village.

Adderande tillverkning för metall

The Swedish automotive industry has since way back been struggling with bankruptcy, abroad buy outs and staff cuts. Competition and pressure on prices are two factors that affect the automotive industry. Because of this, the companies are pressured to continuously developing their work in addition to be able to compete on the market. The aircraft industry has successfully managed to implement additive manufacturing (AM) and for motorsport has several components manufactured with AM been used. When AM is used as a manufacturing method, there are a number of advantagesthat follows.

Nischbanker - potentiella dynamikskapare

The banking industry is a fundamental part of the economy in Sweden. Despite its importance, the competition and the concentration level within the Swedish banking sector is relatively unexplored. This paper aims to examine the development of the concentration level in the Swedish banking sector during a period of ten years, 2003 to 2013. The examined banks in the study are the four largest banks in Sweden; Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB and Swedbank, and four selected niche banks, ICA banken, Ikano Bank, Länförsäkringar Bank and Skandiabanken. In order to examine the development in percentage change, there are six selected variables; loans, deposits and borrowings (both public and households), net interest income and return on equity, which are observed during a period of ten years.

Taoismen och den analytiska psykologin

The purpose of this paper is to study the connection between Taoism and analytical psychology. This is done by descriptive text analysis of post-jungian literature. Often mentioned when searching for the inspirations and influences on analytical psychology we find references to alchemy, Buddhism, Gnosticism, Hinduism and the hermetic tradition. More seldom do we meet any references to Taoism. My aim is to investigate what gravity do the post-jungians attach to the taoism influence on C.G.

Integrering eller inte? : Barn med högfungerande autism i skolan

The purpose with this essay is to find out how active teachers think about integrate children with the diagnosis autism into the regular school. The method I have used to find out is a qualitative interview, where I have interviewed three teachers of various age and sex.A person with the diagnosis autism has problems with communication, social interaction and the ability to form a conception. Today, we do not know what causes autism, but we do know that it has to do with a neurological disorder. The word integrate means unite or join together as a wholeness. Many children who have a handicap may feel good to participate in a school where the other pupils do not have a handicap.

Hur revisionsbyråer använder sig av sociala medier vid rekrytering - Fallstudier av Grant Thornton och Ernst & Young

Accounting firms operate in environments with high competition for graduates and students today expect employers to be present on Facebook and the like. We aim to describe whether two major accounting firms use social media in their graduate recruitment. We chose to do case studies of Grant Thornton and Ernst & Young and how they use social media channels aimed towards graduates. Through a through study of how the two companies communicated through various social media, we concluded that Grant Thornton was significantly better than their larger competitor at social media use. Both companies use Facebook as their main communication channel.

Superstores Marknadsföringsstrategier

Background: The increasing number of actors on the market has led to a more intense competition among superstores. With this, marketing has gotten an even more essential meaning. The marketing activities superstores perform are adapted to the context in which the store is located. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to, from different theoretical dimensions, compare superstores? application of marketing strategies in Tokyo with the marketing strategies used by superstores in Stockholm.

Datoranvändning inom förskolan : Ett lärtillfälle eller tidsfördriv?

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to see how technology is presented in different fictional picture books that are available in preschool. Six fictional picture books that have connection to technology in picture and text have been analysed. In order to show how technology can be made visible in fictional picture books, the relation between picture and text has been analysed through a technology perspective. Furthermore, the pictures and the texts have been analysed separately in order to show what they show respectively in terms of technology. The fictional picture book has a potential to be a basis for making technology visible in preschool, which is a step in a new direction.

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