

1479 Uppsatser om Keywords: HVB - Sida 7 av 99

Teknik i bilderböcker

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to see how technology is presented in different fictional picture books that are available in preschool. Six fictional picture books that have connection to technology in picture and text have been analysed. In order to show how technology can be made visible in fictional picture books, the relation between picture and text has been analysed through a technology perspective. Furthermore, the pictures and the texts have been analysed separately in order to show what they show respectively in terms of technology. The fictional picture book has a potential to be a basis for making technology visible in preschool, which is a step in a new direction.

En jämförelse av hållningen mellan kvinnor som nyligen har fött barn och kvinnor som aldrig varit gravida

The purpose of this study was to compare the body posture among a group of women who recently have given birth (subjects) and a group of women who never have been pregnant (controls). The comparison was done between the two groups using the Comprehensive Body Examination (CBE) according to Bunkan. In the study participated 24 women, 12 who recently have given birth and 12 who never have been pregnant. The results showed that the body posture differed between the two groups. The subjects differed more from satisfactory jointpositions than the controls.

Bostadsbyggande i Malmö : Hur löser vi bostadsbristproblematiken

ABSTRACT Edman, J. 2014. Bostadsbyggande i Malmö. Kulturgeografiska Institutionen, Arbetsrapportserie, Uppsala Universitet Bostadsbyggande i Malmö är en uppsats som behandlar bostadsbrist problematiken med hjälp av en analys av lägesrapporter som berör bostadsbyggandet i Malmö. Arbetet är strukturerat kring den aktuella problematiken med bostadsbyggandet i Malmö som inte anpassat sig efter urbaniseringen och den ökade efterfrågan på bostäder.

Cherry Casino : - en kommunikationsgranskning

AbstractPurpose/Aim: The purpose of this paper was to identify the communication process at the company Cherry casino and see what opinions the employees had about it. Moreover, an evaluation of the used strategies was done and an analysis about what perhaps could be done to improve the attitude, communication and in the end the result for the company.Material/Method: The empirical material was gathered through qualitative interviews and theory application.Main results: The transmission of information regarding the regular work related information works just fine and the channels used are well chosen. But more large-scale information that deals with the company?s plans, strategies and targets is not handled in the right way. Neither is the respond.

Demokrati - skyddar det mot fred? : ? en teoriprövande fallstudie på konflikten mellan Ryssland och Georgien 2008

The aim of the following paper has been to test the democratic peace theory through applying it on the conflict between Russia and Georgia in 2008.  This to either falsify the theory or come to the conclusion that the states? democracy was not satisfactory in regards to the definition of liberal democracy. The questions asked are: Was Russia and Georgia democratic states? Is democracy a protection from war? And which aspects of the liberal democratic theory, if any, were not satisfactory in either of the countries? The results show that the democratic peace theory is valid in this case and that neither one of the states were democratic.

Ett träd och dess liv : Förskolebarns uppfattningar om träd

The aim of this study was to investigate preschool children's perceptions of trees in and it was done through qualitative interviews. The children were drawing trees and told me what the tree needs to grow and what happens to the leaves in autumn. In a playful way, they learned more about trees and the purpose was also to examine whether they had acquired new experiences and thoughts on the trees, photosynthesis and decomposition. Then the children were interviewed again to see if their answers were different. The results showed that the children gave different answers at the second interview.

Varför bry sig? : En studie om kvinnors motiveringar till politiskt deltagande

The purpose of this study is to describe the motivations of women to participate in politics and to examine whether women feel that they are held back by something in their political participation. The questions of this study are:How do women motivate their participation in different fields in politics?Are there any obstacles that are holding women back in their political participation? Interviews have been used as the method to gather the empirical data. When applying the theoretical framework on the empirical material the main conclusion is that women tend to participate more frequently in political activities that are less time consuming and more sporadic in comparison to more traditional forms of political participation. Women are also more inclined to participate in political activities on a lower level that makes up part of their everyday life, one example of this is women?s increasing participating in political consumerism. Keywords: Politiskt deltagande, kvinnor, motivation, politik, politisk jämlikhet, politiska sfärer.

Interaktion mellan män på Internetforumen Sekreterarakademin & Flashback : där sambandet är köp av sexuella

In this study I will analyze how men who buy sex interact with one another on two different Internet communities: ?Sekreterarakademin? and ?Flashback?. This analysis is carried out in an attempt to challenge the conventional image of the man who pays for sex.The aim is to examine the role of Internet forums for men who buy sexual services related to cross-border, both in terms of standard borders, gender boundaries, boundaries of sexuality and masculinity. I will also attempt to investigate what opportunities that are available to overrun different borders and how these opportunities affect the conditions of the various players. I will evaluate theories such as homosocialtet, hegemonic masculinity and normalization used by KAST (Köpare Av Sexuella Tjänster, the Swedish public support for clients of sexual services) and which are partially consolidated in studies published by KAST concerning issues related to internet based prostitution..

"Ölhallen" - en hjälp i nyhetsarbetet : En kvalitativ studie av några nyhetsjournalister och sociala medier

This is a qualitative study of how some journalists on the Swedish national media are using social media in news work. The study, carried out by using interviews, also covers how these journalists' work is influenced by social media. For the journalists in the study social media has become a tool to do research, get news ideas and find interviewees. At the same time social media affects the work of the journalists, as the social media increases the speed of news and flow of information. Even though they involve some challenges, social media facilitates news work and the journalists in this study have a positive attitude towards the phenomenon.Keywords: Social media, news journalism, the national media..

Samverkan kring arbetsrehabilitering : En kvalitativ studie av ett projekt

ABSTRACTThe purpose of our study was to examine how four different organizations cooperate on rehabilitation of people to get them back to employment. More specifically our aim was to investigate how different organizations in a project, involving workrehabilitation, looks at cooperation. Our main questions were vague at the beginning of our study, but finally our focus became clear. The questions were formed with help from the research of Hjortsjö (2006) and Fridolf (2000): Which possibilities and hindrances identify the different organizations which cooperate? What does cooperation mean to the representatives from the different organizations which are included in KARB? Our result shows that the respondents mostly think positive of the project KARB.

Utomhuspedagogik : Lärares tankar och erfarenheter av utomhuspedagogik

Abstract This research is about outdoor education as a pedagogical method, and its purpose is to find out six teachers thoughts about outdoor learning, and their experiences about this method.Many philosophers and advocates for the outdoor education claims that learning is best acquired when children uses all their senses and that school subjects that are thought in the classrooms also can be thought outdoors.  Studies have shown that children´s health and learning ability increase when they are thought outdoors.Interviews and observations have been done.My questions are: How do the teachers practice outdoor education in their classes and what is the result? Which subjects do they use in outdoor education? Do the teachers see any obstacles using the outdoor method and why do the not use it to a greater extent? Keywords: Outdoor education, outdoor mathematics, learning and effects, children, thoughts and expiriences. .

Med andra bilder inga ord. En illustrerad berättelse.

This project has been about illustration, text and format with illustration as the main communication path.A study has been made of how these three elements interact, particularly how text and format affect the illustrations. The goal has been to create an illustrated story in a form of a book. The story is about the feeling of being alienated from other people and invites the reader to make their own interpretations. The main target audience has been the ones who is interested in illustration and storytelling, no matter of age.Colors has been inspired from animated movies and the natur. Various textures such as wood, fabric and metal for example has been scanned to create a rough feeling.

A world of illustration - Ett utforskande projekt om Illustration som begrepp och koncept, dess gällande och möjliga användningsområden samt utformningen av en arbetsprocess

It is not about the perfect tune or pretty picture.It is always, always about the story. (Is or ought to be)When we release a new album, publish a book or show a brand newcollection of clothes or furniture etc. it is (or ought to be) because we havesomething to say (tell/share). The choice of language, in which we tell our stories,is vital for how they will be perceived.This is where illustration comes in. Illustration is a tool for storytelling, for contributingto the world in the most legible way.Illustration is legibility, it is the italic, the underline, the ?quotation mark?, the exclamation mark!It is not about the pretty picture.I want to talk about this.

Hur bedrivs miljöarbete? : En undersökning om pedagogers miljöarbete i förskolan och barns tankar om miljöarbete.

By conducting qualitative interviews five pedagogues and eight children in the ages three to five have answered questions regarding environmental work in preschool.The purpose of this report was to examine how environmental work is pursued at two preschools and what children at these preschools think about environmental work. Recycling of garbage and small cultivation projects together with the children is what the pedagogues consider being the most common environmental work at their particular preschools. In the professional role of the pedagogue if can be clearly seen what special interests he or she has.Most of the children associate the forest with some kind of snack and animals. Half of the interviewed children also think about animals when they visit the forest. Half of the interviewed children also have an understanding of where peels from fruits should be tossed, but no one knows the meaning of the word environment.

Barns och tonåringars välmående

This paper examined if childrens wellbeing affected their social and academic competence. The data was collected through an anonymous study using questionnaires, where the measuring instruments GHQ12 and EQ was used, and also a number of questions concerning academic competence. The population concisted twentytwo eight grade students, both girls and boys. The population had both Swedish and foreign ancestry. The result showed that wellbeing and the academic competence had a positive correlation.

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