

4 Uppsatser om Judas - Sida 1 av 1

Judas, förråder du människosonen med en kyss? : En analys av karaktären Judas Iskariot i filmerna The Last Temptation of Christ och Son of God

The aim of this study is to examine the image of Judas Iscariot in popular culture with the help of two movies, The Last Temptation of Christ and Son of God. This study is based on a film analysis where a characterization is in focus. The method has also chosen to include intertextuality. This is because it is relevant to show how writers and filmmakers used the previous materials to create their own versions. Survey theory was based on a mediatisation-theory.

Framställningen av Judas Iskariot : En förändringsprocess?

The purpose of this essay is to identify the criticism that has been directed towards the traditional description of Judas Iscariot as a traitor. After a survey and analysis of the critical revisionists' arguments, a discussion follows regarding the possible effects this may have on future ways of describing Judas Iscariot.Based on the results that have been elucidated, this essay concludes that the traditional description of Judas in recent times has been forced to endure fairly strong criticism. To summarize this criticism, the main argument raised by today?s revisionists consists of linguistic and historical phenomena. According to these Judas Iscariot has been subject to a, according to some, deliberate demonization; where he over time has become portrayed as more blameworthy.

Främlingsbilder : Om judar och judendom i medeltida danskt och svenskt kalkmåleri

This thesis deals with the Jewish motifs of the medieval mural paintings in Denmark and Sweden; the presences of the motifs are of interest considering that no Jews were allowed entry into Scandinavia at the time. The purpose of the thesis is to study the Europeaninfluences in the medieval depiction of Jews and Judaism in the Danish and Swedish churches and the purpose for the production of the paintings. To this end, the Danish and Swedish mural paintings ? as well as the medieval texts and motifs of Jews and Judaismthat were used as source material ? are studied with respect to the attitudes conveyed. The Danish and Swedish mural paintings are unevenly distributed both within the groups of motifs as wells as its chronological and geographical spread.

Judas Iskariot : En analys genom tid och rum

Denna uppsats undersöker vilken världsbild SVT Rapport förmedlar. Frågeställningarna somuppsatsen tar upp är följande; Vilka världsdelar syns? Vad handlar nyheterna om? Vem uttalar sig? Hur framställs människor och deras samhällsklimat?   För att försöka besvara dessa frågor används en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativmetod. Studien tar avstamp i en kvantitativ innehållsanalys med ett kodschema som innehåller225 inslag från SVT Rapport under perioden april 2010 till och med mars 2011. Variablerna är världsdel, land, huvudämne och källor.   Den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen utförs med hjälp av en semiotisk analys.