

86 Uppsatser om Jacob Dahlgren - Sida 5 av 6

Utveckling av skjutdörr till båtar

Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.

Justerbar sökare till professionell filmkamera

Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.

Borta bra men hemma bäst? : Kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid återförandet av en tidigare outsourcad aktivitet

Titel: Borta bra men hemma bäst? - kritiska framgångsfaktorer vid återförandet av en tidigare outsourcad aktivitetFörfattare: Gustav Forss och Simon SkottHandledare: Jörgen DahlgrenBakgrund: Outsourcing har sen början av 1990-talet varit trendigt. Ett genomförande av outsourcing kan leda till avsevärda positiva effekter, det finns dock studier som tyder på att många företag har negativa erfarenheter av fenomenet, varpå backsourcing vuxit fram. Negativa erfarenheter av outsourcing samt att marknaden för densamma fortsätter att växa, borde innebära att vi i framtiden kommer se fler fall av backsourcing och dess roll som en alltmer etablerad strategi. Tidigare studier har endast fokuserat på motiven till backsourcing och vi vill därför bredda den akademiska förståelsen i ämnet.Syfte: Att identifiera de kritiska framgångsfaktorer som ligger till grund för lyckad backsourcing.

Energy efficiency improvment of DeLavls illumination system

Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.

Medium duty support arm for HB30° parlours

Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.

Konceptförslag till en provrigg för form- och dimensionsmätning av glasflaskor.

Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.

Volvo L350X Overshot - utveckling av nytt hjullastarkoncept

Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.

Utvärdering av "Design For Assembly" som ett arbetssätt på Atlas Copco Tools

Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.

Utveckling av ergonomiskt mikroskopstativ för produktion av optoelektronik : Development of ergonomic microscope stand for production of optoelectronics

Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.

Utvärdering av Jönköpings kommuns beslutsstödssystem QlikView

Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.

Budgetens vara eller icke vara : en studie av svenska verkstadsföretag

Bakgrund: Under 90-talet har stark kritik riktats mot budgeten som styrinstrument. Kritiken gäller bland annat att budgeten inte kan hantera en föränderlig omvärld och det finns de som anser att den därför bör avskaffas helt. Kritiken står dock inte oemotsagd då vissa anser att det inte är budgeten som sådan som är problemet utan istället sättet som den används på. Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna undersökning är att beskriva och förklara budgetens utbredning och dess roll i ekonomistyrningen samt beskriva hur budgetprocessen går till. Vi har även för avsikt att beskriva hur styrning sker i företag som ej använder budget.

Affärssystemens påverkan på ekonomistyrningen : En fallstudie på VIDA AB

Bachelor thesis, Controller, Program of Master of Science in Business and Economics, School of Business and Economics at Linneaus University in Växjö, Sweden, Course Code: 2FE13E:3, Spring 2012 Authors: Jacob Cedergren, Adam Pettersson, Hampus SkelterwijkSupervisor: Anders JerrelingTitle: The ERP-systems impact of the management control - a case study of VIDA AB Original Title: Affärssystemens påverkan på ekonomistyrningen - en fallstudie på VIDA ABBackground: New technology has given businesses new opportunities to use and store information and the current information systems has changed the way of working in more or less all sectors and operations. ERP-systems have been one of the most important IT innovations in the past decade. The potential of a properly implemented ERP-system is great because it has got the ability to link the company?s different areas together. Despite its many advantages, there are several examples of cases where the acquisition and implementation has been a total failure.

Balanced Scorecardmått : organisationsspecifika eller likriktade?

Bakgrund: En betydande styrka med styrverktyget Balanced Scorecard är själva metodiken. Medarbetarna bör vara delaktiga i framtagningsprocessen för att strategin ska kunna genomsyra hela verksamheten. Vissa praktiker menar att stora likheter finns mellan olika organisationers styrmåttsuppsättningar som används i Balanced Scorecard. Om så är fallet finns risken att organisationen anammat en standarduppsättning mått och att poängen med Balanced Scorecard som strategiskt verktyg faller därigenom. Syfte: Vårt syfte är att beskriva och analysera tendenser till likriktning vad gäller ickefinansiella styrmått i svenska tjänsteföretags Balanced Scorecard, samt vilka möjligheter som finns att utnyttja likriktningstendenserna.

Den engelska parken på Löberöds gods under 1800-talet

Löberöds gods beläget i sydvästra Skåne är ett slott med månghundraåriga anor. Dess historia med framförallt den tidigare parkmiljö och influenserna från Europa med engelsk karakteristik parkmiljö har behandlats i detta arbete. Bakgrunden till arbetet är en förundran över det ståtliga godset som både innehade och innehar ett orangeri, alléer och ett tempel, med trädgårdarna och parker.I den närmast tillgängliga litteraturen beskrivs parkmiljön endast korta noteringar som att ?parken byggdes ut? eller ?parken var enastående?. Ingenstans fanns det att läsa om parken eller trädgårdarnas utformning.

Att vara utomhus i förskolan - Åtta pedagogers syn på utomhusvistelse.

BakgrundBarn vistas i dag stor del av sin vakna tid på förskolan. Forskning visar på vikten av utevistelsens betydelse för dessa barn. Utemiljön på förskolan skall ses som ett komplement till innemiljön. Forskningen visar även att förskolegårdar som är naturrika (stora ytor, träd, buskar, stockar och stenar m.m.) stimulerar barnens motorik, lek, fantasi, kreativitet, samspel, sociala förmåga osv. på ett sätt som inte en gård utan dessa egenskaper kan göra.

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