512 Uppsatser om Isometric strength - Sida 33 av 35
Bestämning av skjuvhållfasthet med vridprovning för pågjutna betongkonstruktioner
Skador och slitage på brokonstruktioner av betong beror på tösalter, armeringskorrosion och frostcykler i kombination med ökande trafiklaster. Den i särklass vanligaste reparationsåtgärden för dessa typer av skador är att göra en pågjutning. Metoden går ut på att först avlägsna det skadade eller dåliga betongskiktet innan en ny betong pågjuts. För att bedöma hur bra ett pågjutningsarbete är behöver vidhäftningen mellan den nya pågjutningen och gamla betongen fastställas. Den mest använda metoden för detta syfte är s.k.
Vindfällning, tillväxt och plantuppslag i en 13-årig granskärm i Medelpad :
The interest for alternative forest regeneration methods increased significantly during the 1990´s after 50 years dominance of the clear-cutting system (Holgén & Hånell 2000). One reason for this was that clear-cutting was being more and more questioned by different envi-ronmental organizations and because the forest sector for economical reasons wanted to find cheaper ways to regenerate forests. In the beginning of the 1990´s two shelterwood experi-ments were established in a joint effort by Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA) and the Dept of Silviculture, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The experiments include various forms of cutting and shelterwood densities and represent productive spruce forests in central and north Sweden (Roggsjön in the province of Medelpad and Skikkis-jöberg in the province of Västerbotten, respectively ). The experiment next to Roggsjön has been reported earlier in three MSc theses, and is also the focus of this thesis.
Faktorer som påverkar kunders relation till ICA
SammanfattningDet förekommer dagligen företag som anordnar tävlingar och lotterier på Facebook utan att ta hänsyn till lagar och regler. Företagen saknar allt som oftast lotteritillstånd och bryter därmed mot 9 § Lotterilagen. Det kan även ifrågasättas huruvida de tar hänsyn till bestämmelserna i Marknadsföringslagen (MFL). Marknadsrättsliga regler om god marknadsföringssed, reklamidentifiering och vilseledande marknadsföring är frågor som kan komma att bli aktuella vid en marknadsrättslig bedömning.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida det är förenligt med gällande rätt (de lege lata) för företag att lotta ut gåvor på Facebook genom att användarna skall gilla och dela en statusuppdatering. Samt att undersöka på vilket sätt det kan tänkas strida mot gällande lagstiftning för marknadsföringsåtgärder.Det är idag tillåtet för företag att anordna pristävlingar, det som då krävs är att deltagarna genomför en viss motprestation.
Optimering av nanocellulosa för tillämpning som papperstyrkeadditiv
Syftet med projektet var att undersöka hur homogeniserings förhållanden (tryck antal passager och därmed energiinsatsen) vid framställning av MFC (mikrofibrillär cellulosa), från enzymatiskt förbehandlade pappersmassafibrer påverkar hållfastheten av papper förstärkt med MFC. Arbetsgivaren för projektet var Innventia och det laborativa arbetet har utförts i deras lokaler. Fördelen med att använda MFC som tillsats i papper är att arket blir starkare [1]. Detta medför att en mindre mängd material kan användas till ett material med liknande styrkeegenskaper.Vid Innventia används för närvarande en homogenisator för att delaminera (sönderdela) cellulosafibrer till fibriller och fibrillaggregat och därmed producera MFC. Homogenisatorn kan köras vid olika tryck, samt att cellulosafibrerna/MFC kan låtas passera genom homogenisatorn en eller flera gånger.
Hur påverkas kolesterolvärden hos postmenopausala kvinnor med hyperkolesterolemi vid intag av isoflavonoider?
Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition3AbstractTitle: How does isoflavones in combination with soy protein impact cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women relative to milk protein?Author: Emma Edberg och Emma NilssonSupervisor: Lena HulthénExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician stydy programme,180/240 hpType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: 2014-05-26Background: Hypercholesterolemia is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and the number one cause of death among women in Western countries. Declining levels of estrogen at menopause could be a contribution factor. Isoflavones is a vegetable substance, with structural and functional similarities to the human estrogen. This is a potential reason for possible cholesterol-lowering effects.
Uttag av energisortiment vid gallring av contorta, ett komplement till konventionell gallring? :
A recommendation for stand treatment of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) is, in a scientific point of view, lacking when it comes to harvesting for biomass energy. Within the next decades it is expected that 280 000 hectares of lodgepole pine will have reached thinning age on the domains of Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (SCA). Due to this the interest has grown rapidly for studying the possibilities of harvesting biofuel assortments already in the first thinning.
In this study the distribution of the biomass within lodgepole pine trees has been studied and taken into account for estimating the proportions of harvested assortments when using different methods of thinning. The methods studied were conventional biofuel-harvesting (with delimbed branches gathered separately from the round wood) and thinning with cutting of round wood and long tops (incl.
Inverkan av delmaterialensvariationer på betongensegenskaper
Vid betongframställning förekommer det spridningar i delmaterialens egenskaper som påverkar den färskaoch hårdnande betongen. Spridningarna i betongens delmaterial har studerats hos tre av Skanskas betongfabriker(Göteborg, Luleå och Norrköping), genom provuttag som analyserats hos Cementa Research.Provuttag har gjorts en gång per månad under ett års tid från fabrikerna. Delmaterialen som har analyseratsär ballast, cement, flytmedel och kalkfiller (endast hos Göteborg och Norrköping). Siktning av ballast0-8 mm har utförts med den traditionella siktningen. För kornstorlekar mindre än 0,25 mm, cement samtkalkfiller har lasersiktning använts.För att få en överskådlig bild över spridningarna hos delmaterialen har en analys utförts som illusteraravvikelserna med exakta siffror.
Effekt av naturligt förekommande beta-glukan hos vuxna med hyperkolesterolemi ? en systematisk översiktsartikel med fokus på livsmedel i Svensk handel.
Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: The effect of naturally existent beta-glucan in adults with hypercholesterolemia. - a systematic review with focus on the Swedish food market.Author: Ida Edman Hellberg, Frida HanssonSupervisor: Mette AxelsenExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 01, 2014Background EFSA states in 2010 that there are good evidence that three grams of beta-glucan/day from oat as a part of a balanced diet, has a positive effect on total cholesterol and LDL.Objective Evaluate if there is evidence for primary treatment of lifestyle related hypercholesterolemia with products naturally containing beta-glucan.Search strategyIn February 2014 the databases PubMed and Scopus were used for article research. The search terms used were; cholesterol level, beta-glucan, hypercholesterolemia, oat and barley.Selection criteria Articles, written in Swedish and English, on RCT-studies conducted on otherwise healthy adults with hypercholesterolemia (serum cholesterol >5,0 mmol/L) were included. The intervention product must naturally contain beta-glucan, and an equally product should be retailed in Swedish grocery stores. The control group needed to be supplied with a placebo product and the participants could not be on any lipid-lowering medication.
Trikåkonstruktion med 3D-effekt för väggpaneler i lastbilar, ersättning av polyuretanskum
En vanligt förekommande laminering är polyuretanskum, som används för att ge egenskaper som mjukhet, komfort och flexibilitet till textiler. Ett användningsområde som tillverkaren och leverantören Borgstena Group Sweden AB använder polyuretan till är lastbilars väggpaneler. De vill dock ersätta den polyuretanskumlaminerade dubbeljerseytrikån som används idag med endast en ren trikåkonstruktion för att slippa problem som dellaminering och minskade töjegenskaper. Dessutom så har den kemiska sammansättningen av polyuretan som används i lamineringen visat sig vara belastande för både miljö och människor. I denna rapport klargörs varför polyuretanskum behöver ersättas och vilka möjligheter som finns i dagsläget för att göra detta.
Analys av fysiskt och administrativt flöde för provhantering vid Höganäs AB
In this project, we are studying the material flow and the information flow of sample materials and the appurtenant report of deviation for the purpose to be able to suggest better solutions. The sample material, which is to be analysed, is to be continuously taken from the production flow. The purpose is to navigate the process by the results found by the analysis. Because of this, it's very important that both methods of analysis are ensured and that the sample material is representative for the production flow. However, even more importantly, is that activities and transportations, combined with both flows, must perform in a quick and correct way in order to maintain or improve Höganäs AB's competitive strength.According to reports are about 20 products per day not available, for loading, at the time of delivery.
Marte meo - "Show me" sade Maria: En kvalitativ studie av Marte meo terapeutens upplevelser och yrkeserfarenheter av metoden inom socialt behandlingsarbete
This thesis puts focus on Maria Aarts method "Marte meo" (on one's own strength). With the video camera as a principal tool, the purpose of the method is to be a practical working tool to support developmental processes on specific target groups, for example parents and their children. The aim of the thesis was to describe Swedish Marte meo Therapists and Marte meo Supervisors personal- and working experiences of the method, which was introduced in Sweden year 1991. Central questions were: How does Marte meo Therapists describe the essence of the method, it's establishment, development, and future in Swedish social services and psychotherapeutic treatment work? Which are Marte meo Therapists opinions of the methods relation to general problems and issues within social services and psychotherapeutic treatment work, such as the anchorage of theory and practice and the general claim for more research in social services interventions? In order to achieve the aim of the thesis a qualitative study was performed containing semi structured interviews with three Marte meo Therapists (two of them also titled Marte meo Supervisors).
Enabling behaviour change : community-based social marketing strategy in Malmö
Our planet is faced with enormous challenges as the extreme weather events related to the human-caused climate change continue to gain strength. The scale of the problem has made changing human behaviour the central focus of sustainable development, and both public and private sector are expected to gain relevant expertise and introduce this work in their agenda.
Over its 40-year history, social marketing has become an established field providing tools for social change, but compared to health promotion, sustainability has not been a major focus of social marketing research so far. At the same time, sustainable lifestyles are embedded in complex systems where both individual factors and those of physical and social environment play a defining role in their adoption. Communities are a good example of such environments, and they became the key focus of Community-Based Social Marketing, which combines different insights from psychology to suggest a step-by-step framework for crafting behaviour change campaigns. However, it has not been applied to larger and diverse communities, like cities, and has not focused on sustaining new behaviour over time, which is crucial for creating sustainable lifestyles.
Djursjukskötarens roll i rehabiliteringen av inneliggande patienter på hästsjukhus
Veterinary hospital care and advanced veterinary services are rapidly growing industries. As of January 1, 2010, veterinary nursing became a licensed vocation, the title of veterinary nurse became protected, and the act regulating competence among the professions of the veterinary field was extended. These changes, along with increased demands and expectations from owners, have given rise to greater demands on the staff's qualifications and have increased the need for well-educated staff with expertise in several different areas.
The aim of this study was to find out what the licensed veterinary nurse can do in terms of rehabilitation for the hospitalized equine patient suffering from orthopedic injury. This has been carried out through qualitative interviews with veterinary surgeons experienced in treating such patients, and also by reviewing the relevant literature.
Vilka faktorer påverkar ett mjölkföretags tillväxt? : en jämförelse mellan Sverige och Danmark
Dairy farms have during a long time been under pressure and this situation was aggravated during the spring and summer of 2009, when profitability declined to historically low levels. Lower milk price and relatively high input prices have caused Swedish dairy farms great liquidity concerns and profitability problems. For a long time, Denmark has been identified as a leading country for the agrarian development with a leading structural rationalization and willingness to grow. In 2009, it was shown that the Danish agriculture, which is generally more leveraged, has difficulties in maintaining profitability and when market price of land started to fall, the proportion of technically insolvent agricultural enterprises rose dramatically. In light of this prevailing situation, this study highlights differences between Denmark and Sweden with the hope to learn from each other.
Slemhinneskadors inverkan på salivens innehåll av IgG och IgA
In theory, the logic behind partnerships is simple: All organisations have strengths, but no organisation has all the strength required to do everything. Triggered by global perspectives and challenged by sustainability objectives, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 pointed out needs for corporate responsibility. In this conference, Private-public partnership, PPP, was identified as a potential way to work towards sustainability, especially as a way to emphasize a corporate responsibility commitment. Nowadays, organizations exist to satisfy the needs and interests of all their stakeholders, such as customers, markets, shareholders, as well as secondary stakeholders such as media, NGOs, and society at large. Addressing all stakeholders and working towards a sustainable business development makes PPP a potential solution, but also a source of challenges.