512 Uppsatser om Isometric strength - Sida 16 av 35
En analys av en mattestuga : - elever med matematiksvårigheter
Mergers between companies has become more and more common in Sweden and in the rest of the world with the motive to increase the competitive strength in the current markets and has an important role within organisational development of companies. When organisations merger there is not only buildings and objects that are put together but also their individual organisational structures, people, values and cultures. This can be a difficult process and can affect many people in how they think conscious as well as unconscious, feel and react.The purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of how employees are affected following a merger when changes in the organisational culture come up, and how these changes are expressed.This thesis is delimited to investigate only one company, Skruf Snus AB and only focus on their business and employees in the region of Stockholm. The thesis contains a qualitative investigation with semi structured interviews that has been carried out with eight employees at Skruf Snus AB. The thesis is partly based on a model of Schein which describes the different levels in organisational culture and partly on some theories about reactions to change in relation to the integration between the employees following a merger.The results of the investigation indicate that with a merger the whole organisational culture is affected and therefore also the employees.
Analys och kontroll av hållfasthet på grenställsarm
The thesis was done in collaboration with EAB situated in Smålandsstenar. In the initial discussion faze on doing a thesis with them there was a need to analyze and ensure the strength of an existing product, cantilever racks. This included performing FEM calculations on a model and comparing the results with physical tests.EAB has two models of cantilever racks, a light duty and a heavy duty. Within the heavy duty model series there are five product variants that differ in both size and load capacity. We will be working with the product variant with a load capacity of 1000 kg/arm which is the variant that is in the middle of the series.When we started work on the thesis we did a literature study and couldn?t find any well defined methodology that integrates both product development and computer aided design analysis.
Förvärv och Företagskultur
Background: Acquisitions are a well-known method for increasing company size and strength on the market. But to reach the targets set, more than just a positive economic calculation is required. An atmosphere that supports the company's integration is needed, for which it is of great importance for management to understand the underlying sets of values that exist in the organisation, and to take into consideration the way they might become an obstacle or a tool for a successful integration. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explain and understand how cultural change occurs and how it affects the employee, as a smaller company is bought and integrated into a larger organisation. Procedure: The analysis is based on theories on organisational culture and organisational change.
Undersökande journalistik : En analys av Uppdrag gransknings dokumentär om IKEA
This essay is about power in the classroom. It is about the power dimension of the student-teacher relationships that arise in that space. The overall aim has been to investigate which categories are fruitful in a power analysis of these relationships. My aim has therefore been to develop power categories and to use them to identify and to categorise cases of power interaction that take place between those particular actors in that particular setting.In order to gather material for my study I have both read literature that approaches the study of the student-teacher relationships from a power perspective and done a series of observations in a high school.My theoretical frame comprises a concept of power and a series of power categories. These categories include strength, authority, inducement, coercion, violence, resistance as well as to possess power, to have power, to exert power, the scope of power and the base of power.
Träning och kost på ett idrottsgymnasium -En explorativ undersökning som handlar om sambandet mellan kost och träning på ett ishockeygymnasium : Exercise and nutrition at a sportsgymnasium -An explorative survey of the relation between exercise and nutrit
This is an examination report in physical education. It focuses on the relation between excercise and nutrition and how this relation works in an icehockeygymnasium in a midsized city in Sweden. The training ratio for the students are 11-12 times a week which indirectly means that the nutricion is very important to them so that they have the strength to manage both training and school. In this examination report you can read about how the food is composed and how many meals the students are offered through their education program. The persons that I´ve interviewed are the head coach, the president of the school restaurant and three students.The students have practise in the noon two times a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Inomföretagshandel : en deskriptiv studie av de gängse ekonomiska modellernas förmåga att förklara inomföretagshandel
This essay in economic geography describes what intra-firm trade as a concept is and different ways to determine in which cases trade is to be labeled as intra-firm trade (IFT) or not. The method used by the author is most easily described as descriptive. This method was chosen in order to test if existing theories; classic and neoclassic economics, new trade theory and international business studies, are capable to explain the phenomena of IFT. The theories are tested trough primary and secondary literature but also trough reasoning by the author.The conclusion is that the most reasonable way to determine whether trade occurs intra-firm or not, is to decide upon a 5-% rule where it when one part owns 5-% of the voting strength in the other company is to be considered intra-firm trade. This is a conclusion based on several reasons; the strongest one being that a common view on IFT could boost comparative studies as the U.S already collects data based on the 5-% rule.Classic and neoclassic economics are incapable of explaining IFT as aprerequisite for these theories is that markets are perfect.
Elevers självkänsla : En intervjustudie över pedagogers arbete med att stärka elevers självkänsla.
This essay is an examination of the examples in Kant?s Critique of Judgement. The examples which I have focused on all converge in an idea of wildness. These examples of the beautiful are illuminated by a culture-historical perspective, where the literary and scientific travelogue genre is of great importance. Apart from being exegetic and culture historical, my method is also analytic.
The Mortality of Euthansia in the Light of the Catholic Church's Teaching
The question of euthanasia has kept pre-occupying and agitating the minds of thinkers, sweeping the globe, pummelling pedagogy, assailing assumptions, and bludgeoning biases. Both the moralist, ethicist, theologian, psychologist, educationist, anthropologist, politician, physician, patient as well as the common man in the street are interested in it. This pervading interest simply arises out of the fact that euthanasia involves the question of life, and life is something that is a common denominator to all men.The controversy hinges on the fact that, there are divergent views on the moral question of euthanasia. While some would unflinchingly opt for euthanasia others would prefer to oppose it to the best of their strength, yet others will remain agnostic about it. But the issue here remains: is euthanasia in any way morally justified? Has human life an intrinsic value? Or is human life valuable only when it is healthy? Are we the ones who decide when to die? Has the physician any right to either assist or terminate the life of the patient simply on account of suffering? Has the patient any right to end his/her life? Are there some conditions in which euthanasia could be allowed? Is suffering meaningless?The topic of my project is: THE MORALITY OF EUTHANASIA IN THE LIGHT OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH?S TEACHING.
Den svenska arbetarrörelsens utmaningar och visioner - En undersökning av synen på kollektivet i LO- Tidningen 1991-2005
In this essay I have studied the Swedish Working Class whose part of LO.Ideological texts in LO- Magazines is used to quote texts by collective orindividual terms. Method and theory material show high level of solidarity andequality while theory shows higher level of individualism and autonomy. Myresearch is closer to Boréus than Blocks. Politics taking under the 1980: s apowerful right turns holding a steady course through my material.The question in the essay is: What vision on the collective shows in theLO- Magazine in a time during individualization? Answer to this question is thatthe collective unofficially through LO: s: staff on central level tries to showstrength and unity with terms like solidarity and equality between the sexes.
Styrketräning och uppgiftsorienterad träning som behandlingsmetod för att förbättra gångförmågan för strokepatienter: En kunskapssammanställning
Bakgrund: I Sverige drabbas cirka 30000 personer av stroke varje år varav 20000 är förstagångsinsjuknade och cirka 10000 dör varje år. Cirka 85 % får hjärninfarkt och 15% får hjärnblödning. Nedsatt gångförmåga är vanligt bland personer med stroke och styrketräning och gångträning är två metoder som kan användas i syfte för att förbättra gångförmågan Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa litteratur kring uppgiftsorienterad träning och styrketräning som behandlingsmetod för att förbättra gångförmågan för strokepatienter. Metod: Litteratursökning på databaserna PEDro och PubMed med sökorden stroke AND gait i kombination med training, resistance training och strength resistance training samt task-oriented training. Efter att ha gjort sökningarna och sållat hittades 12 artiklar som ansågs relevanta för studien.
Sömn och Powernap - Dess betydelse för återhämtning och prestation
During sleep the majority of the body?s production of anabolic hormones is produced and sleep is a general anabolic state of being. It has been to our recognition that a powernap is 4-6 times more effective when it comes to sleep intensity than the last 1-2 hours of a traditional eight hour sleep. With this in mind, and that elite athletes worldwide often sleeps in between their training sessions. This study has tried to prove a hypothesis which comes from the assumption that you can recover and perform better during times with intensive periods with better distribution of your sleep.We have in this study let three test subjects take part of a six week long program with two different training periods for legs.
Fusion och Organisationskultur : En studie på Skruf Snus AB
Mergers between companies has become more and more common in Sweden and in the rest of the world with the motive to increase the competitive strength in the current markets and has an important role within organisational development of companies. When organisations merger there is not only buildings and objects that are put together but also their individual organisational structures, people, values and cultures. This can be a difficult process and can affect many people in how they think conscious as well as unconscious, feel and react.The purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of how employees are affected following a merger when changes in the organisational culture come up, and how these changes are expressed.This thesis is delimited to investigate only one company, Skruf Snus AB and only focus on their business and employees in the region of Stockholm. The thesis contains a qualitative investigation with semi structured interviews that has been carried out with eight employees at Skruf Snus AB. The thesis is partly based on a model of Schein which describes the different levels in organisational culture and partly on some theories about reactions to change in relation to the integration between the employees following a merger.The results of the investigation indicate that with a merger the whole organisational culture is affected and therefore also the employees.
Sociala rörelser i rörelse - En analys av de jordlösas rörelses verksamhet i civilsamhället
This thesis analyses the rise and fall of social movements. Social movementsfunctions in the civil society, by contentious collective action they form identities,mobilize their forces and use repertoires of contentions to make new or previouslyunaccepted claims. They function in a limited timeframe, sooner or later they getinstitutionalized, marginalised or succumb into violence. The landless movementin Brazil is one of the most profound social movements in the world; their majorgoal is a land reform. Since the leftwing president Lula da Silva won the Brazilianelection in 2002 the president has been unable to live up to the expectations fromthe landless movement about implementing a land reform.
Enkelt utbytbara instegs delar : En ny lösning för en instegsmodul till lastbil med högmognadsgrad. Forskning har fokuserats på ergonomi och materialval.
The task was to deliver a solution that could be implemented in today?s production of the FH truck. To make the project successful it was most important that the end result had a high maturity level. For that reason an analysis of ergonomic, laws and regulations, and possible materials where conducted. To show that this project is profitable and can be realized a ruff cost estimated of material and tools is added to the research.
Teknisk Aktieanalys : En undersökning av köp- och säljsignaler och börstrendens inverkan
A1210Teknisk aktieanalys används för att från historiska kursdata försöka förutsäga den framtida kursutvecklingen. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka börstrendens inverkan av resultaten för två olika tekniska analysmodeller, glidande medelvärde och Relative Strength Index (RSI). Som dataunderlag används 12 aktier från Stockholmsbörsens A-lista för Mest omsatta aktier mellan 1988-03-01 och 2004-03-01.I studien tillämpas blankning för att oberoende av den rådande trenden ha möjlighet att generera överavkastning. Överavkastningen undersöks genom att riskjustera avkastningen med Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Vidare belastas varje transaktion med en courtageavgift.Det visar sig att endast köpsignalerna är statistiskt signifikanta.