

1069 Uppsatser om Isometric core exercise - Sida 64 av 72

Regional utvecklingsplanering och grönstruktur : en studie av de gröna kilarna i Stockholms län

The aim of the thesis is to analyze the role of regional development planning concerning a regional perspective of green structure and to reflect on its future role. The target group of the study is foremost practitioners but also students of regional planning and development. Three questions are examined. 1) What view concerning green structure has the regional planning body of Stockholm County Council (RTK) communicated through the years? 2) Has this view contributed to generating a common understanding concerning green structure among the actors in the county? 3) Has this common understanding been referred to by actors in discussions concerning how this green structure should develop? The empirical material consists of documents from rtk, the County Administrative Board, the municipalities of the county, a network of ngo:s, as well as interviews with representatives from the above mentioned organizations.

Validering av Casmo-5M / Simulate-3

The objective of this M. Eng. Diploma work was to validate the new version, CASMO-5M, and compare the results with CASMO-4E, by using the same input in both programs. The tasks that were included in this work was to compare TIP-measures, k-effective curves (warm), k-effective curves (cold), the effect of void on k-effective, the isothermal temperature coefficient (ITC), the moderator temperature coefficient (MTC), damping ratio calculations, internal effect in a fuel bundle of a BA-rod, the speed of BA-out burn, impact of xenon, falling control rod, margins and isotopes.The TIP-measures showed that the differences were small for all reactors, at most, 6% nodal improvement by C5M (Casmo-5M) for Oskarshamn 3. The warm measurements of k-effective showed that C5M had a higher value for all cycles of Oskarshamn 1, 2 and 3 in comparison to C4E (Casmo-4E).

Aktiv lastbilsstol för bättre förarergonomi och hälsa

The project concerns a predevelopment work for Scania AB, a leading manufacturer of heavytrucks, and was performed as a master thesis work for the program Design and ProductDevelopment at KTH. The purpose of this work was to examine how the work situation of truckdrivers, especially long-haulage drivers, can be improved with respect to prolonged sedentaryoccupation. Mental fatigue and under-stimulation due to low cognitive load during long drivescan be major risk factors for traffic accidents. Physical strain injuries to both the skeleton andmuscles are common for this working group and minimal opportunity for daily exercise alsoincreases the risk of developing blood clots in the legs, which can have serious consequences forthe driver's health.An extensive background study, both theoretical and exploratory, was performed to identify thedrivers' concerns and comfort needs. Various treatments such as massage and active sitting wereinvestigated and existing products within the area studied.

ALM - Tillgång/skuldmodell för riskberäkning och portföljoptimering

Asset management in insurance companies differs from conventional asset management to the extent that respect has to be taken to both assets and the commitments the insurance company has towards its customers. A model that has proven to fit well regarding the matching of assets and liabilities is the Asset Liability Management Model (ALM model). In addition to the matching in the balance sheet, the ALM model can be used in a company's work with strategic portfolio allocation by applying it as a basis for analyzing investment strategies with expected risk and return. From this, the ALM model also becomes relevant for calculating key figures according to the legal framework Solvens II which includes laws and regulations regarding the demands on economical strength (solvens) of insurance companies.Hence, the goal of this masters thesis has been to, on behalf of Bliwa Livförsäkring, create an ALM model to support the asset management department of Bliwa in their work with defining a credible way of analyzing the future risk and return of Bliwa's asset portfolio and insurance undertakings.The ALM model generally consist of four submodels, the scenario model, the liability model, the asset model and the company model, where the scenario model often is named as the core of the ALM model. The course of action has been to develop these submodels individually, with focus on the scenario model.

Alkoholintag efter träning och dess inverkan på muskeluppbyggnad och återhämtning hos vuxna män - En systematisk litteraturöversikt

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Alcohol consumption after training and its effects on muscle gain and recovery adult menAuthor: Frida Carlstedt, Puck JanssonSupervisor: Frode SlindeExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 09, 2014Background: Today, the Swedish population exceeds the recommendations for alcohol intake while advised to move at least thirty minutes a day. It is well established what happens if you drink alcohol before a workout or if you workout the day after an alcohol intake, but it is less well established how muscle gain and recovery are affected by an intake of alcohol in the phase of recovery.Objective: The objective of this review is to investigate if there is a relation between alcohol intake after a workout and effected recovery and muscle gain. This was performed by measuring the outcomes cortisol, testosterone, creatine kinase as well as different measures of muscle strength. The issue was ?Does an intake of alcohol after training affect recovery and muscle gain??Search strategy: A systematic review in the databases PubMed and Scopus with the MeSH-terms: exercise, muscles, recovery of function, training, athletic performance, performance, sport, alcohol drinking, alcohols, alcohol and ethanol.Selection criteria: Criteria for articles to be included in this review were that they would be RCT- and human studies in healthy subjects as well as containing an ethanol intake after a physical activity that consisted of weight training in the form of resistance training or other forms of activity that promotes strength.Data collection and analysis: A systematic search for literature as mentioned above (search strategy) was performed as well as an analysis with the SBU quality review template for randomized studies, and a quality review for each measure of outcome according to Gothenburg University summarized evidence template for measures of outcome.4Main results: Many studies are authored by the same group of researchers and/or are of a lower quality.

Kvighotell : samarbete mellan mjölkproducent och rekryteringsuppfödare

This master thesis is about the collaboration between the custom dairy heifer grower and thedairy producer.The custom dairy heifer grower is a rather unusual strategy of reproductive management inSweden compared to other countries like U.S. and Denmark where the specialization withindairy production gone much further. In these countries the research also has reached muchfurther within this type of industry. However in Sweden there has been research made in thearea of collaboration, but then only within collaborations in the industries of crop production,dairy production and pork meat.The down going trend of profitability within dairy production together with poor profitabilityin the beef industry could partly remedy if more collaborations around heifer contractingwould arise. But since the industry still is of a rare kind in Sweden the knowledge about howthese types of collaborative arrangements works and their contracts are put together is poor.By that the aim of this master thesis is formulated as follows: "how is usually thecollaborative arrangement between the dairy producer and custom dairy heifer growerdesigned".

Standardiserat arbetssätt för kunskapsprocesser : ? En fallstudie på en prototypverkstad

In recent years, Lean has been implemented in a variety of companies with focus areas that differ from the conditions that characterizes manufacturing. This transfer has contributed to fairly superficial results because companies almost exclusively focus on Toyotas methodology and not on the goal of Lean. The effort of transforming Lean from manufacturing to any organization requires a definition on a general level and a view of Lean as a system. One of the core principles of Lean and the foundation of continuous improvements is standardized work. In product development there is a negative view on standardized work, where the engineers state that the principle is not applicable for knowledge processes that include non-repetitive and creative work.In the framework of this master thesis literature has been studied to find support that standardized work is applicable for product development and areas that include knowledge processes.

Ett evenemang med flera organisationer kan förmedla en enhetlig varumärkesidentitet

Traditionell marknadsföring tycks ha allt svårare att nå konsumenter. När flera vill göra sig hörda samtidigt blir det svårt att sticka ut och göra sig sedd. När någon kommer med något nytt, gör andra likadant. Ett sätt att sticka ut är genom att vara originell och ha en unik varumärkesidentitet, eftersom den är svår att kopiera. Evenemang kan också fungera som varumärken.

Slingträning av nedre bålen : en väg tillbaka till löparslingan vid problem med löparknä?

Syfte och frågeställningar:Syftet med studien var att undersöka om slingträning av nedre bålen för individer med löparknä kan ge en reducering av skadeproblematiken.Syftet var även att studera om upplevelsen av smärta och begränsning i aktivitet förändrats hos dessa individer i en subjektiv bedömning. Löparknä innebär smärta på den yttre sidan av knät, mest vanligt hos löpare men även andra idrottare drabbas.Frågeställningar:I vilken omfattning kan slingträning av nedre bålen för individer med löparknä ge en mer funktionell styrka och även större uthållighet?Hur upplever individer med löparknä vid en subjektiv skattning att denna träning leder till en förändring av smärta och begränsning i aktivitet?Metod:Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativ experimentell studie, där en interventionsgrupp på sex löpare med löparknäproblem genomförde slingträning av nedre bålen. Detta skedde två gånger i veckan under sex veckor. Tester av funktionell styrka och uthållighet genomfördes den första veckan, efter tre veckor och efter sex veckor.

Kattungens behov och rådgivning till dess ägare

The cat has become a popular pet. To secure a prosperous cat-human relationship, the cat owner has to understand what kind of animal the cat is and what requirements need to be fulfilled. The purpose of this literature review is to summarize kittens? needs of socialization, anthelmintics, nutrition, vaccination and gonadectomy, until the age of six months and to give the cat owner information on how to care for the cat during this period. Articles were search for in ScienceDirect, Primo and Scopus.

Kan ett ökat intag av omega-3- fettsyror påverka testosteronnivåer hos kvinnor med PCOS?

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Can an increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids have an effect on testosteronelevels in women with PCOS?Author: Ylva Dernbrant och Helene HagenborgSupervisor: Lena HulthénExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 23, 2012BackgroundPolycystic ovary syndrome affects women of fertile age and consists of elevated testosterone levels and increased insulin resistance along with effects on ovulation and fertility. The elevated level of testosterone often leads to problem with acne and hirsutism, and it is also common with overweight and metabolic syndrome. The nutrition treatment has mainly consisted of energy restriction, together with exercise and drugs to reduce insulin resistance and consequently reduce androgen levels. However, an in-depth knowledge about how the components of our diet can affect further, is lacking.Omega-3-fatty acids can affect insulin resistance and testosterone levels within other groups but today knowledge is lacking if these findings can be transferred to women with PCOS.

Representativ valdemokrati? : Gör den valdemokratiska idealtypen rättvisa åt den representativa demokratin?

In modern, Swedish political science there are different ways of looking at ?democracy?. A very common distinction is that between three groups of democratic theories: electoral democracy, participation democracy and deliberative democracy.The nowadays frequently used concept of electoral democracy is often used as synonymous with the older concept of repre­­­­sen­tative or indirect democracy ? frequently regarded as a contrast to the direct democracy of ancient Athens. However, there are also important differences.

ICDP : Ett verktyg för att förverkliga FN: s barnkonvention?

The basic view on children has change radically in the swedish society during the last century. From beeing seen as ruled by internal evil powers that only church could help controling later on the children should be brought up as citizen well-behaved and capable of work with help of the state's control. Today we see the child as competent and equal, and through Swedens adoption of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child in year 1990, Sweden as a country undertakes itself to always see to the child´s greatest in all decision-making process concerning the child and also vouch for that the rights stated in the convention are beeing fulfild.Working with the convention in a such way that it's intention becomes reality in educational activities requires instruments for the pedagogues. During the years between 1980 and 1990 a number of different methods and programmes were developed with staring-points in the interplay between the child and the adult.

The Mulberry School : reflektion över en designprocess

The quality of a design can improve essentially through a participatory designprocess. Initially, The Mulberry School project was supposed to be finished in two months but the involvement of artist Scott G Burnham extended the work and brought a new dimension into the project. In the beginning, Scott and I both worked on the project unaware of each other. I was appointed by the architect to design the external areas of the school and based on a site survey and analysis of the factors infl uencing the site I created a design proposal with the concept form and function. At the same time Scott performed a series of workshops initiated by the school. The purpose and goal was to include the students in the redevelopment of the school and to produce a design based on the thoughts and wishes of the students.

Svaleboskogens förskola

I takt med att besökare och patienter ökar måste kontinuerligt Östra sjukhuset verksamhet utvecklas. Detta medför omläggningar i trafiken och förflyttningar av verksamheter. Idag finns flertalet brister kring Östra sjukhusets fysiska planering som behöver ses över, dessa är bland annat trafikflöden, säkerhetsaspekter och parkeringsmöjligheter.Rapporten redogör för förändringar i den fysiska planeringen som förbättrar dess utformning. Genom studier av relevant litteratur och diskussioner med expertis har förslag av problemområden tagits fram. Dessa har sedan bedömts efter listor av deras respektive för- och nackdelar som kunnat urskiljas.Arbetet visar framtagandet av ett väl fungerande förslag som kan verka som en bas för idéer till nutida och framtida förändringar kring den fysiska planeringen.

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