274 Uppsatser om Iron pipes - Sida 3 av 19
I vatten eller jord? : Nytolkning av depåfyndet från Eskelhem
In 1886 Hans Hildebrand received a Bronze Age hoard found in a field that belonged to Eskelhem´s rectory. A record was made where Hildebrand presented and documented the artifacts. The following year Oscar Montelius reviewed the artifacts, which he described as horse gears. He compared the horse gears with similar artifacts found in Europe that roughly had the same dating in order to trace the origin of the hoard. Montelius conclusion was that the hoard was created on Gotland around 500 BC.
Husen vid Trullbrändan : bronsålderskulthus på Gotland : en fallstudie på två husgrunder i Vallstena sn.
This essay discuss if Bronze Age cult houses were present at Gotland during the Bronze Age. Bronze Age cult houses are a well know phenomenon on mainland Sweden but because of inventory problems no Bronze Age cult houses have been found on Gotland. The main reason for the inventory problems are the Iron Age house foundations that are present in a large number on Gotland, the cult houses and the Iron Age houses have some design details that makes them difficult to separate from each other. In this essay a number of criteria are presented to help separate cult houses from the Iron Age house foundations. Three criteria?s regarding cult houses on Gotland is also presented in this essay.Two house foundations that PhD student Joakim Wehlin, University of Gothenburg and Gotland University, found in Vallstena parish, Gotland, are presented in this essay.
En rörig historia : en fallstudie över Secorocs processflöde av DTH-rör
Abstract Title: A messy story ? a case study of Secorocs process flow of DTH-pipes Presentation date: 2010-06-02 Course: Bachelor thesis in businessAuthor: Kristoffer ForsmanAdvisor: Kjell GustafssonKeywords: Management control, process control, lean production, process flow analysisPurpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to develop an overview of the process flow for a specific product, and with the help of this mapping based on a lean production philosophy show possible improvement proposals and how these can lead to a more efficient process flow.Methodology: I have used a case study of Secorocs DTH-pipes and my primary data are gathered through interviews and observations. I have used theoretical framework to establish a process flow analysis. This is to obtain data on process activities and whether they are creating value or not. This leads to a current mapping of the situation in Secoroc on DTH-pipes and then analyzed and suggestions for improvement are developed.Conclusions: That by using the above mentioned mapping of process flow of DTH-pipes, problem areas could be illustrated.
Privat och kollektivt : Lås- och nyckelanvändning under sen järnålder i Mälardalen
The aim of this work is to give a broader and more nuanced picture of the use of locks and keys during the Iron Age, in particular the late Iron Age, in the Lake Mälaren region. This has been done by comparing two buildings: the hall on Helgö and the living quarters in the garrison on Birka. Here we can see two very different areas where locks and keys were important parts of the daily life. The study also includes a typology of padlocks based on the findings from the same places as the building study and their surroundings..
En Rituell Vardag? : Rumslig strukturering och deponeringsmönster vidjärnåldersbosättningar i centrala Södra England,800-100 BC
This paper deals with the question of whether the symbolic language of the late Neolithic and middle Bronze Age was transferred from ceremonial monuments and barrows into the domestic sphere in the late Bronze Age. I will consider such elements as doorway orientation, the significance of boundaries and depositional practices to see if Early-Middle Iron Age settlements were indeed a major scene for ritual behaviour..
Med passare och snöre : att planlägga ett hus under järnåldern
This essay concerns the interpretation of house plans in three-aisled longhouses and hall-buildings, in Scandinavia during Iron Age. Full scale house reconstructions need a better basis of interpretations to understand the patterns of roof supporting post holes in excavated house plans. This has led to the thesis, presented here, that the layout of house plans during Iron Age is based on geometrical proportions. In order to prove this, geometric house plans were applied and compared with excavated house plans in 11different case studies, including the fortification of Fyrkat Denmark. It was found that all house plans in the case studies indicate, that the geometrical proportions 1:2, 1:3 and 2:3 of a given circle must have been used for the basic layout of the roof supporting post holes, using a compass and a straightedge.
Framtidens forntid : Geofysisk och geokemisk prospektering av järnåldersgården RAÄ 108, Fresta sn, Uppland
This paper deals with archaeological prospection of an Iron Age farm site in Toland, Fresta parish, Uppland County in Sweden. The purpose of the paper has been to see whether the geophysical methods applied (GPR & EM-38) could produce useful results that could motivate its use in similar surveys in the future. Geochemistry has been used for the purpose of identifying possible activity areas on the site. The results have shown that it is possible with a GPR survey to identify postholes originating from the Migration Period longhouse at the site. The combining of several methods have been important for the identification and interpretation of several areas of interest..
Att Synliggöra det Osynliga : GIS som verktyg i sökandet efter bosättningsområden från bronsåldern på Gotland
In this bachelor essay an attempt is done, to recreate a probable Bronze Age landscape on Gotland, with GIS as a tool. The landscape on Gotland is situated with many different monuments dated Bronze Age, such as cairns and stone ships. In creating of the maps, two possible shorelines contemporary with the Bronze Age have been calculated and marked on the maps. Furthermore, peat lands have been drawn upon the maps, by using the information from geological maps.A landscape variable have been compared between Bronze Age places and Early Iron Age houses; the soil type. On Bronze Age places gravel is the most common, while moraine marl is the most common on places with Early Iron Age houses.From a selection that were made, all Bronze Age places where within 3 km from the water, either the recreated shoreline or peat land.
Omkonstruktion av kolvlod : På uppdrag av institutionen för geologiska vetenskaper Stockholms universitet
On ocean beds around the world sinking particles of residual biomass from animals and vegetation have, over time, accumulated into thick layers of sediment. For researchers these layers of sediment contain valuable information about the earth?s past climate, information that can be used to predict future climate change and to estimate natural vs. human causes of today?s global warming.The Institute of Geosciences at Stockholm University studies sediment cores that have been acquired with an apparatus called piston corer.
Halshuggna vs. Magbegravda : En undersökning mellan halshuggna personer och magplacerade personer under järnåldern i Sverige och Danmark.
Decapitated Vs. Stomach buried ? A study of decapitated people and stomach placed people in Iron Age in Sweden and Denmark. This essay is about decapitated persons in graves and those buried on their stomach in the Iron Age in Sweden and Denmark. The analysis is to compare these graves by six perspectives; location of the grave, construction of the grave, grave goods, sex, age and interpretations of the grave.
Specialpedagogiskt stöd i förskolan : En bild av förskollärares erfarenhet av specialpedagogiskt stöd
In this bachelor essay an attempt is done, to recreate a probable Bronze Age landscape on Gotland, with GIS as a tool. The landscape on Gotland is situated with many different monuments dated Bronze Age, such as cairns and stone ships. In creating of the maps, two possible shorelines contemporary with the Bronze Age have been calculated and marked on the maps. Furthermore, peat lands have been drawn upon the maps, by using the information from geological maps.A landscape variable have been compared between Bronze Age places and Early Iron Age houses; the soil type. On Bronze Age places gravel is the most common, while moraine marl is the most common on places with Early Iron Age houses.From a selection that were made, all Bronze Age places where within 3 km from the water, either the recreated shoreline or peat land.
Ymers benknotor : Kan kala berg och berghällar, där det ser ut att ha förekommit forntida kultaktiviteter, kopplas till skapelsemyten om Ymer
The intention of this essay is to put the light on and to discuss if there is a connection between a pre-Christian creation mythology and naked rocks on prehistoric sacred places in Scandinavia. Archaeological as well as historical materials are studied. The historical material is mostly from Snorre Sturlasons Asasagan with the explanation of the creation of the world. In this story the world was built from the body of a killed and deposited giant named Ymer. Almost the same myth is told in all Indo-European countries.
Sandby borg : En komparativ studie av Ölands folkvandringstida befästningsanläggningar
This essay is a comparative study on Migration period ring forts, centered on Sandbyborg, a ringfort situated on the southeastern shore of the Baltic island of Öland.Furthermore this essay focuses on the contemporary Iron Age society, and thestrategical implications of the ringforts in their function as fortifications. Certaininternational comparisons are made, in particular regarding the fortifications in theRoman empire..
Yngre järnålder till medeltid i Blekinge Östra Härad : En järnåldersbygd längs med en ådal i ett lokalt perspektiv
In this essay I have chosen to write about graves, settlements and historical, important central places during the late Iron Age and the introduction of Christianity in the east of Blekinge. The reason why I have chosen to write about this is because the area has many ancient monuments and not much have been written about the area. The main question is who where the people who lived there and why did they choose to settle there..
Makten på Öland och i Möre : Järnålderns elit i ett lokalt perspektiv
The social elite on Öland and in Möre in the south east of Sweden during the Iron Age is described on the basis of the archaelogical record, such as graves, settlements and traces of pre-Christian central places. The material is discussed to see if traces of an elite are to be found. The power configuration between Öland and Möre is also discussed.