

422 Uppsatser om Intrauterin fetal death - Sida 5 av 29

Symtom och orsaker till stress : En kvantitativ studie av hur elever i år 4 och 6 upplever stress i skolan

This thesis has two purposes: (1) to analyze the emptiness in Blodbok by Christine Falkenland, and (2) to analyze my own reading of the same book. I have chosen to focus on how emptiness is expressed through the body, the language and the place in Blodbok, because of the deep impact these seem to have on the emptiness. The thesis discusses what kind of emptiness that is described, what it does to me as a reader, and how it is connected to other works by Falkenland. Cultural politics of emotions by Sara Ahmed, Uses of literature by Rita Felski and Pouvoirs de l?horreur by Julia Kristeva together form the theoretical framework.Blodbok is a poetry collection, about the loss of a mother.

The Weight of Nature

There is an expression called ?grief of climate? that refers to feelings of powerlessness and heaviness related to the environmental problems of today. A feeling that every move we make has bad consequences for nature. This essay is an investigation of how art in general and jewellery art in particular can be a way of discussing and visualizing current environmental problems and the complex relationship between human and nature. I am discussing how artworks dealing with a dark and dystopian picture of the relation can be seen as the memento mori of our time.

Jorden är platt : Sjukdom i samtida litteratur

In this essay I describe the development of my prose work entitled Jorden a?r platt (Earth is flat). In the text we encounter a woman whose 40-year-old brother is diagnosed with lung cancer. The brother has been living a hectic life of drug addiction. The relationship between brother and sister is characterized by ironic distance, but also a lot of love.

Änglar och sorg : Angels and mourning

What psychologial processes are activated in experiencing mourning after a loss of a belovedperson? How is death described in other authors? novels and short stories compared to mine?This essay aims at analysing my two short stories The follower and The price for love fromdifferent aspects. I discuss the psychological realism and the spirituality using the method ofclose reading, interpreting and applying ideas of texts from other authors in my short stories.Death is a central phenomenon in both of my texts. Therefore I discuss death frompsychological and philosophical aspects in this essay. To get a philosophical frame of death Iturn to Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Levinas and Martin Heidegger.

"Mörkret har förebådats med mörker" : En läsning av tomheten i Christine Falkenlands Blodbok

This thesis has two purposes: (1) to analyze the emptiness in Blodbok by Christine Falkenland, and (2) to analyze my own reading of the same book. I have chosen to focus on how emptiness is expressed through the body, the language and the place in Blodbok, because of the deep impact these seem to have on the emptiness. The thesis discusses what kind of emptiness that is described, what it does to me as a reader, and how it is connected to other works by Falkenland. Cultural politics of emotions by Sara Ahmed, Uses of literature by Rita Felski and Pouvoirs de l?horreur by Julia Kristeva together form the theoretical framework.Blodbok is a poetry collection, about the loss of a mother.

Barn i sorg : Hur förskolan kan hjälpa barn som sörjer

AbstractIn this work, I have chosen to write about children in grief. Since children in grief is a large area, I have chosen to focus on how preschool handles and works with children who has loosed a parent, siblings or a play-mate by death. The aim of this work is to contribute knowledge about how you in preschool can handle and work with children in grief. To get answers to my questions, I have studied the current literature in the field. I have also interviewed five people with experience and knowledge of work with preschool-children affected by grief.

Säkrare byggarbetsplatser : En rapport om arbetsmiljö i allmänhet och fallolyckor i synnerhet

In Sweden there are 299 000 working in the construction industry. The construction industry is one of the industries where most accidents occur every year. During the last ten years there have been 111 death accidents in the construction industry and 48 of them were falling accidents. That means, in average, one death accident every month.Falling accidents gives serious injuries to the persons who are affected by them. It is anticipated that this report will investigate the factors beyond the falling accidents and also to present proposals that can decrease the number of falling accidents in the future.To secure a healthy and safe construction site it is of great importance that both the employers and the employees cooperate towards the same goal.

Det skräckfyllda samtalet : En tematisk och narratologisk studie av Damien Echols självbiografi Life After Death och Stephen Kings roman 'Salem's Lot

This paper investigates narrative and thematic structures in Damien Echols? autobiography Life After Death (2012) and Stephen King?s horror novel ?Salem?s Lot (1975). In Life After Death Echols tells the tale of his eighteen-year incarceration on Death Row in Arkansas/USA. He also uses his childhood memories to overcome hardships in the prison system. ?Salem?s Lot by Stephen King deals with the invasion of vampires in a small town in rural Maine in the North East corner of the United States.  The author of this study discusses if and how Damien Echols was inspired in his writing by the writings of Stephen King.

Känslor i mötet med döden och döende patienter. En litteraturstudie.

Feelings the nurses and the students experience in their encounter with death and dying patients..

Euthanasia: A Critical Analysis of the Physician's Role

Sometimes relatives have taken me on one side and told me they cannot bear it any more:"Isn't there something you can do to end it all?"More often requests for euthanasia have come from those who are ill. I remember visiting a man with lung cancer. He asked his wife to leave the room. As she closed the door he leaned over and grabbed my arm.

En liten Midsommarnattsdröm : - en föryngrindsdramatisering

What psychologial processes are activated in experiencing mourning after a loss of a belovedperson? How is death described in other authors? novels and short stories compared to mine?This essay aims at analysing my two short stories The follower and The price for love fromdifferent aspects. I discuss the psychological realism and the spirituality using the method ofclose reading, interpreting and applying ideas of texts from other authors in my short stories.Death is a central phenomenon in both of my texts. Therefore I discuss death frompsychological and philosophical aspects in this essay. To get a philosophical frame of death Iturn to Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Levinas and Martin Heidegger.

Fosterdiagnostik vid MR-undersökningar - gravida kvinnors upplevleser och magnetkamerans påverkan på fostret.

Introduktion: Fosterdiagnostik med magnetkamerateknik (MR-teknik) har utvecklats mycket den senaste tiden och använts som en kompletterande metod till ultraljudsundersökning. Magnetkamera ger ingen joniserande strålning till patienterna, samt ger en mycket mer detaljerad bildinformation än vad andra metoder gör. I samband med MR kan de gravida kvinnorna uppleva olika psykiska påfrestningar genom både själva MR-undersökningen och oro för barnets hälsa. Även om MR-fosterdiagnostiken anses vara en säker undersökningsmetod för fostret föreligger det ändå en ovisshet angående de effekter som kan förekomma. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att genom publicerad forskning få kunskap som kan utveckla röntgensjuksköterskans möjlighet att ge optimalt stöd och information till gravida kvinnor vid fosterdiagnostik med MR-teknik utifrån följande aspekter: 1.

Lika rättigheter och möjligheter? - Kommuners personalpolitiska arbete på de olika diskrimineringsgrunderna.

The study is aimed at investigating the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj ?i?eks theories ofthe ontology of the subject, the crisis of our modern society and his views on how theology,especially Christian theology, can provide the answer for the threats to our society.My main object is the article Descartes and the post-traumatic subject (2008)where ?i?ek elaborates thoughts about the subject and our capitalistic society. To be ableto grasp these thoughts in full I have undergone an investigation not only on the writingsof Slavoj ?i?ek, but also on the philosophers to whom he owe much of his theories,such as G.W.F. Hegel, Friedriech Schelling, Karl Marx and Jaques Lacan.In the study I have shown how the subject is, according to ?i?eks psychoanalytictheories, decentered.

Att hitta och utforska : Om Damien Echols autobiografi Life After Death

This paper investigates the autobiography of Damien Echols. The autobiographical subject, Echols, depicts his life as a marginalized youth during the nineteen seventies and nineteen eighties in Arkansas, USA. It also explores the years that Echols spent on Death Row after having been arrested along with two other youths for the murder of three eight-year-old boys; a crime all three of the accused denied having committed. In 2011, after eighteen years of incarceration, the three now grown up men were released from prison. The author of this paper discusses biography and especially autobiography as a genre and explores to what extent memories represent the actual life the autobiographical subject, Echols, has lived and if memories are or can be truthful.

Behov i fokus vid oväntad död - Needs in focus facing unexpected death

Bakgrund Oväntad död är en traumatisk upplevelse förnärstående, kris och sorg i någon form är ofrånkomligt isamband med död och saknad. Vårdpersonal står inför en svårutmaning i omvårdnaden för att ge ett kompetentomhändertagande. Det korta mötet mellan vårdpersonal ochnärstående har visat sig vara av betydelse. Syfte Syftet medlitteraturstudien var att belysa närståendes behov ochvårdpersonals uppfattningar om närståendes behov i sambandmed en oväntad död. Metod Metoden var en litteraturstudie därdet ingick både kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar.

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