

422 Uppsatser om Intrauterin fetal death - Sida 25 av 29

?Jag är tacksam att de släpper in mig? : Sjuksköterskor i mötet med patienter i livets slutskede som uttrycker en önskan att påskynda sin död

Bakgrund: Forskning belyser faktorerna som påverkar patienters önskan att påskynda döden i livets slutskede. Det saknas dock studier som undersöker hur sjuksköterskor, som arbetar med patienter som är obotligt (terminalt) sjuka och önskar dö, betraktar sig själva i mötet med de här patienterna. Syfte: Föreliggande studiens syfte var att belysa hur sjuksköterskor ser på sig själva, i mötet med patienter i livets slutskede som uttrycker en önskan att påskynda sin död. Metod: Studien är en empirisk intervjustudie med en kvalitativ ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fyra legitimerade sjuksköterskor.

Dopföräldrars syn på dopet : En kvalitativ undersökning av dopuppfattningar hos dopföräldrar i Härnösands stift i relation till Svenska kyrkans dopteologi

This is an essay within the subject of practical theology. The main interest is baptism. The aim of this essay is to describe the baptism theology of the Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan) and the history of the baptism. The goal is also, with the help of qualitative research, to study the view of the baptism with the ones who choose to let their children be baptized according to the liturgy of the Swedish Church in the diocese of Härnösand. The attempt is to give the Swedish church a pattern of action and a direction based on the result of my research.

Rumslig utbredning av tuberkulos : Stockholms kommun år 2002-2011

This bachelor thesis is written as a part of the geography program at Stockholm University, Sweden, and the study was conducted from April to June 2012.Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne disease and one of the most widespread infectious diseases in the world with more than nine million new cases each year (SMI 2012, digital source). The disease is a major source of death and suffering in many places and the number of deaths remains high despite the availability of highly efficacious treatment. To control and prevent further spread of TB, the mapping of the disease spatial distribution is of essential importance.In this study, maps were produced that shows the spatial distribution of TB between the years 2002 to 2011 in the municipality of Stockholm. These maps allow an analysis of the spatial distribution at a local scale over time.The aim of this paper is to study how the spatial distribution of TB has looked like in the municipality of Stockholm the last 10 years and to analyze why the spatial distribution of the disease looked like it did. This study is based on the hypothesis ?drift?.

Att undvika sitt Waterloo. Den äldre kvinnans utsatthet för partnervåld - en metasyntes med genusperspektiv

Introduction: All women can be subjected to intimate personal violence by theirpartner, but the older woman's vulnerability to violence is not highlighted in research.Consequences of violence can be severe and it is essential from a public healthperspective to explore the issue even for the older woman. Objective: The objective ofthe study was to generate a deeper understanding of the problems of older woman'svulnerability to violence by their spouse / partner. The research questions focused onwhat characterized their situation and how a gender perspective can illuminate theproblem. Method: A structured search for scientific studies was carried out in thedatabases: Pubmed, Cinahl, PsykArticles and Scopus in the area of interest. A qualityassessment of the articles was preformed and 12 qualitative studies were included in thestudy.

Kons fertilitet : kostnader och åtgärder

To get a good economy on the dairy farms the fertility control of heifers and cows is a crucial factor. It is also important to know which key parameters that should be tracked. In this work well established routines for heat detection have to be applied. When the dairy farmers use technical aid in estrus control it is important not to forget that technical aids can not replace the human eye. Approximately 50 % of all opportunities to inseminate are missed because clear signs of estrus have not been displayed and/or recorded. The cattle fertility has been declining over recent years. During the same time the cow?s proceeds have increased, consequently applying a higher pressure on the cow and the manager.

Övervikt hos hund : andel överviktiga, riskfaktorer, konsekvenser samt hur övervikt kan förebyggas och förekomsten minskas

Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder, and is defined as an accumulation of excessive amounts of adipose tissue in the body. Obesity is a condition where an animal exceeds its optimum body weight by more than 10-25%. Risk factors associated with obesity may include breed, age, castration or high energy intake relative to energy consumption. The consequences of obesity are believed to be metabolic and hormonal changes, as well as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, orthopedic problems, tumors and premature death. Prevention and early detection of obesity leads to better health care.

Selen och incidens av typ 2-diabetes - en systematisk översiktsartikel

Background: Type 2 diabetes is a disease which causes vascular damage, stroke and premature death.Oxidative stress may play a role in the development of insulin resistance and diabetes. Selenium is amineral involved in the protection against oxidative stress, and has been thought to be favorable in theprevention of the disease. However, this has changed since trials observed positive correlationsbetween high selenium levels and incidence of type 2 diabetes.Objective: To examine the studies that investigates seleniums effect on the incidence of typ 2 diabetesSearch strategy: Searches have been done in PubMed and Scopus.Selection criteria: Included studies were human studies in English/Swedish with RCT or cohortdesign with the aim to investigate the correlation between selenium and incidence of type 2 diabetes.Excluded studies were studies whose aim was to investigate the role of selenium in patients withexisting diabetes. Studies regarding pregnant women, animals or children and with in vitro design werealso excluded. Of the studies found in Scopus where MeSH terms were available, the ones who did notinclude relevant terms were excluded.Data collection and analysis: Studies were collected according to the aforementioned criteria.

Kan man genom kartstudier förutse häckningsframgång för ängshök (Circus pygargus) i Uppland? :

Montagu´s harrier (Circus pygargus) is a diurnal, Eurasian raptor, which migrates from its northern breeding grounds to winter in sub-Saharan Africa. In Sweden, its core breeding area is centred on the island of Öland, with a stable breeding population of approximately 40 pairs. The province of Uppland is on the northern end the distribution range, where 4-8 pairs have regularly bred since the 1980s. In Sweden, the Montagu?s harrier is classified as an endangered (EN) species. This classification is partly due to a lack of preferred nesting habitat, such as shrub-lands or dense wetlands with Claudium spp.

Emotionella sprickor och utbrott - i en sorg

Intangible feelings of sorrow and grief, caused by events like separation, death, loss and trauma, all leave some kind of traces in us and they play an important role in our development. The individualistic society here in Sweden has shaped us to keep our feelings inside and at bay; since our childhood we have learnt that showing emotions like tears, sorrow and sadness are signs of weakness and can make others and yourself feel uncomfortable. With the starting point from my own experience and understanding of how we can deal and handle grief, I take a closer look on how jewelry, objects and rituals can be of importance in a grieving process and our lack of visual outer display of grief in today?s society. Through Sara Ahmeds theory I found a new possible way of understanding emotions and how they shape us.

Långvarig ventialtorvård hos patienter med hög ryggmärgsskada- tid för urträning och bakslag i form av returer till intensivvårdsavdelning

Background: Patients with cervical spinal cord injuries are often dependent on a mechanical ventilator due to the damage on the innervation to breathing musculature. During rehabilitation they have to be trained to regain own breathing. This unweaning process may give respiratory complications, which are main causes to morbidity and death. These respiratory complications are traditionally treated in an intensive care unit (ICU), which means that the patients have to return back to these emergency units.Aim: To investigate number, length and causes of returns to intensive care units and the length of the weaning process. Further, to compare if a multidisciplinary approach to the weaning process may reduce ICU returns and to shorten the weaning process.

Naturvårdande skötsel (NS) - blir resultatet som man tänkt sig? : en fältstudie över föryngring, trädslagsfördelning och död ved 14 år efter åtgärd

A new Swedish political approach to forestry was initiated 1993, that put goals of production and environmental issues into equal importance to Swedish Forestry Law. Earlier nature conservation very often declaimed preservation the best way to conserve nature, but recently it is clear that many highly biological values are due to former land use or disturbance. Many old pastures or cultivations dominated by deciduous trees are today characterized by a dense overgrowth of Norway spruce. By actively paying attention to nature in forestry (nature restoration), it is possible to partly reconstruct habitats or disturbances that are necessary to favour the biological values. The aim with this master thesis is to study the nature restoration, (NS, Swedish abbreviation), performed in 11 forest sites in the middle of Sweden 8-14 years ago. Since NS recently have become applied, it has never yet been evaluated.

Överlevnadsanalys och avyttringsorsaker - för ackordhäststiftelsens hästar 1967-2012

Few scientific studies have studied the subject of longevity among horses over a longer period of time. The knowledge about the Swedish riding school horse population concerning injuries and diseases is insufficient. Generally speaking, riding school horses in Sweden have a more undiversified way to work and work more hours in the arena compared to privately owned horses that have more variety in their possible use. Statistical data from the insurance company Agria have shown that horses in riding schools and education facilities have 22 % higher risk to use their veterinary insurance and 79 % higher risk to be put down and use their life insurance, compared to horses in private care. To create an increased understanding for longevity is it important to have knowledge about the different causes of culling. The aim with this study is to increase the knowledge and enable problem solving within the subject of longevity, median length of life and causes of death.

Hur ser Läget ut egentligen? : En studie om arbetsmiljön inom byggsektorn

This study includes several purposes which are to describe the concept of working environment, explain who is responsible for its functioning and how the working environment should look like. Other purposes the study have is to investigate how the working environment is in both Swedish and the two investigated companies construction sites and to share some operators proposing measures for the shortcomings and problems that exist in the construction sector working environment. To achieve these purposes was a qualitative study made with unstructured observations, interviews and survey where three construction sites were observed. The result shows that the concept of the working environment cover many aspects and is essentially about the environment we live in and experience in our work and this environment can be both an indoor as an outdoor environment. In this work, the concept is divided into four areas; it is the physical, the ergonomic, the psychosocial and the chemical.

Häxprocesser i Gävle och Ockelbo på 1600-talet

In this C-thesis, I investigate the sudden outbreak of the Swedish witch-hunts during the 17th century, mainly focusing on Gävle and Ockelbo in Gästrikland.To show the extension of the Swedish witch-hunts, I have included an introductory part of the thesis, where this is described. Another important part of the thesis is the one about views upon women and the functions of their bodies, which had to do with female sexuality. Women were indeed considered a threat, by men in powerful positions, and very often it was sheriffs, judges, commanders and governors who most strongly claimed this.People believed that the witches went to Blåkulla, which could be practically anywhere. It could be a mountain, an open area, a rock or a heath. It seems, however, to have been situated far north.My investigation mainly concerns the witch-hunts in Ockelbo and Gävle.

"When I am not in pain, I want to live" : En litteraturstudie om varför vissa svårt sjuka patienter önskar påskynda sin död

Bakgrund: I Sverige vårdas döende patienter både på hospice och på allmänna vårdavdelningar. Vissa av dessa patienter uttrycker en önskan om att få påskynda döden. Sjuksköterskor beskriver ibland en osäkerhet i hur de ska bemöta dessa patienter och vad denna önskan består i. Det kan finnas olika bakomliggande orsaker till en förfrågan av den här typen och en del av dessa kanske går att åtgärda.Syfte: Att beskriva bakomliggande faktorer till att vissa svårt sjuka patienter önskar påskynda sitt döende.Metod: En litteraturstudie baserat på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes.Resultat: Rädsla inför lidande i framtiden visade sig vara den mest förekommande faktorn till att vissa patienter önskade påskynda döendet. Fler bidragande orsaker var svåra symtom (särskilt smärta), förluster av bland annat identitet och värdighet, samt en känsla av att vara en börda.

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