

422 Uppsatser om Intrauterin fetal death - Sida 15 av 29

Tonåringars upplevelse av att ha drabbats av cancer : en analys av bloggar

The aim of this study is to describe teenagers' experience of being diagnosed with cancer. A cancer diagnosis very dramaticaly changes the lives of a teenager and its relatives. Cancer is a loaded word that most people associate with death and the teenager and its relatives generally react with despair and anxiety towards. Adolescence is a very emotionally difficult period with many physical and psychological changes, and it is therefore particularly difficult to suffer from a serious illness like cancer during this period. The method used when conducting this study is qualitative content analysis of various blogs written by teenagers living with cancer and resulted in six categories.

Assessing the ability of LARGE overexpression to prevent the development of muscular dystrophy

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a hereditary X-linked fatal disease that affects 1 in 3500 male births. It is the most common kind of muscular dystrophy in children and leads to death in the late teens or early 20s for many patients. The mdx mouse is a model of DMD that can be used to investigate experimental therapies. Overexpression of a glycosyltransferase, CT GalNAc, in mdx mice has been demonstrated to prevent the development of muscular dystrophy. Overexpression of another glycosyltransferase, LARGE, is currently being investigated as a treatment for another group of muscular dystrophies, the dystroglycanopathies. In this study, we overexpressed LARGE in mdx mice in order to investigate its effect on the development of muscular dystrophy.

Orientering av liv och död under Mellanneolitikum. : Irland, Orkneyöarna och södra England under perioden ca 4000 f.kr ? 2000 f.kr

Tovesson. R 2012: Orientering av liv och död under mellanneolitikum. Irland, Orkneyöarna och södra England under perioden ca 4000 f.kr ? 2000 f.kr.The orientation of life and death- Ireland, Orkney, and Southern England during c 4000-2000 BC.Magisteruppsats i arkeologi. Linnéuniversitetet Kalmar Vt.

Närståendes upplevelser vid akut kritisk sjukdom

AbstractBackground: When an acute illness or trauma occurs, life becomes disorganised and shattered for the critically ill person and his/her family members. The family members are confronted with thoughts about life and death which can cause stress and anxiety. How the family members cope with the crisis is individual and depending on personality and earlier experiences. Aim: The purpose of this literary review was to illustrate the family members´ experiences when dealing with a critically ill family member. Method: A literary review was made based on fifteen qualitative and quantitative scientific articles and a literary book.

Sambandet mellan parodontit och KOL

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease. The disease is the fourth leading cause of death and more than 5 percent of the adult population worldwide is affected.The aim of this study was to investigate the association between periodontitis and COPD.Search for material for the literature review was done in the medical database PubMed where the keywords were: "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease" and "Periodontal health or periodontal disease". The result is based on twelve studies that were extracted and analyzed. The studies have investigated pocket depth, attachment loss, plaque index, bleeding on probing and bone loss. Ten studies compared a COPD group with a healthy control group, one study compared two COPD groups and one study examined a COPD group and a group with other lung diseases.Most studies found that people with COPD had a higher incidence of pocket depth, attachment loss, plaque index, bleeding on probing and bone loss.

Omvårdnad av närstående vid ett plötsligt dödsfall

Bakgrund: En av sjuksköterskans uppgifter är att visa de efterlevande hänsyn och omtanke när någon avlider. Vårdutbildningar är till stor del somatiskt inriktade och ute i den kliniska verksamheten ges mycket knapphändig information kring hur dödsbesked ska levereras. Ett bristfälligt bemötande från sjuksköterskans sida kan leda till att närståendes sorgearbete kompliceras. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka närståendes situation i samband med ett plötsligt dödsfall samt beskriva relevanta omvårdnadsåtgärder i detta skede. Metod: En litteraturstudie som bygger på fem kvalitativa och fem kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar.

En studie av barnet, normen och döden i Tim Burtons versverk : En tematisk och komparativ analys.

Syftet med min uppsats har varit att undersöka mönster som binder samman normen, barnet och döden i Tim Burtons verssamling The melancholy death of Oyster boy and other stories. Detta gör jag med hjälp av en tematisk och komparativ metod för att undersöka motivet konflikten mellan barnet och samhället i boken i jämförelse med traditionell och subversiv barnlitteratur. Jag inleder med en översikt av hur konflikten mellan barnet och samhället sett ut i barnlitteratur, där drar jag även paralleller till Burtons bok. Därefter gör jag en analys av relationen mellan föräldrarna och barnen i boken i jämförelse med subversiv och traditionell barnlitteratur, för att visa på hur detta motiv kommer fram i Burtons bok. Jag går sedan över till att diskutera relationen till andra karaktärer, samt barnet och normen, för att sedan avsluta med en översikt av motivet döden i barnlitteratur och hur detta motiv framkommer i Burtons berättelser..

Frihet ? dess innebörd och betydelse ? För patienter med ett palliativt omvårdnadsbehov utifrån sjuksköterskans perspektiv

Introduction: Palliative care is based on an active total care where the patient's independence and participation are included. Few studies have been based on a concept of freedom in relation to this target group.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the perception the nurse has about "freedom" - its significance and meaning from an existential perspective for patients with palliative care needs.Method: A qualitative content analysis based on a narrated and written down text from focus groups with adequate examples. The starting point in the focus groups was to focus on existential issues in relation to patients near death. Based on the concept of freedom, has the printouts been analyzed, categorized and codedFindings: Nature, identity, integrity and self-esteem are important aspects for our approach to freedom but freedom is also about existential questions where hope, reconciliation, freedom and forgiveness are included.Discussion: Discussion: We all have our own definitions and meanings of freedom. The largest and perhaps most important fullest freedom is our inner freedom - our own existential freedom.

Allt som finns kvar : Om personarkiv hos föräldrar som förlorat små barn

The object of this two years master's thesis has been to study a specific genre of personal archives by examiningthe archives of nine parents who have lost one or several infants. Using internet-based methods, (e-mail, Skypeand digital photographs), I have conducted qualitative research using a general interview guide technique. Usingresearch from archival theory as well as other fields, my material has been arranged and analysed according tothemes and recurring thoughts picked up from my informants during the interviews.My main theoretical aid has been that the role of parent who has lost a child is the starting point for the creationof the personal archives. Another important theory is my definition of the term ?document? as not dependent onmedium and format, but on usage: if an object has been used as a part of an archive, it is a document.

Reference interval for urinary catecholamines and methylated catecholamines analysed using HPLC

Catecholamines are stress hormones that are produced and released by a rare tumor called pheochromocytoma. This tumor can cause hypertension which if undiagnosed and untreated leads to death. Since good therapy is available, it is important to find the tumor in time. The most common way to diagnose the tumor is measurement of the biochemical markers; catecholamines and their metabolites, methylated catecholamines.After observation that almost all normetanephrine results for women were higher than the upper reference limit and therefore pathological, the accuracy of the present reference intervals was questioned. Therefore new reference intervals for both urinary catecholamines and methylated catecholamines were developed by analysis of 46 samples using HPLC.

Offentlig upphandling : Ändringarna i LOU och dess inverkan ur en rättssäkerhets- och nondiskrimineringsaspekt.

AbstractThe author Selma Lagerlöf was born in 1858 at Mårbacka, in Värmland and died in 1940. Fifty years after Selma´s death were her correspondence released and ten thousand of letters were found in the collection. But it was just the correspondence between Selma and Sofie Elkan who interested people because they wanted to know if Selma and Sofie have had a sexual relationship. Later, in time for Christmas 2008 the Swedish Television shows a film about Selma. "Selma Lagerlöf Society" was critical to the movie and thougt that the movie focused too much on Selma`s sexual orientation.

Döden är livsviktig : fem kuratorers bemötande av obotligt sjuka och deras bild av de sjukas upplevelser

The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to explore how the welfare officers at palliative units in Stockholm respond to the patients? thoughts and experiences during the last phase of life, as well as exploring their picture of the patients experiences. The research questions of the study were:? How do the welfare officers relate to the patients? experience of their death? ? In what way do the welfare officers respond to the dying patient and his or her experiences?? What knowledge/experience do the welfare officers have and what knowledge/experience do they consider is needed in their profession?To answer the research questions a qualitative method was used where five welfare officers in three different palliative units were interviewed. The empirical material was analysed through meaning concentration and are presented using exact quotations.

Förlusten av ett barn : en litteraturstudie om föräldrars upplevelse under sorgarbetet

Att förlora sitt barn är den svåraste förlust en förälder kan uppleva i livet. Sorgen blir påtaglig och livet raseras på ett ögonblick. Syftet med studien var att beskriva föräldrarnas upplevelse under sorgarbetet vid förlusten av ett barn. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet sammanställdes utifrån åtta vetenskapliga artiklar som svarade på studiens syfte.

Att drabbas av det ofattbara - Föräldrars upplevelse av att förlora ett barn i cancer

I Sverige insjuknar varje år cirka 300 barn i cancer. De vanligaste cancerformerna är leukemi samt hjärntumörer. Trots att forskningen har utvecklats är det en fjärdedel av de drabbade barnen som inte går att rädda. Då ett cancersjukt barn vårdas palliativt och sedan går bort, påverkas en hel familj med föräldrar och syskon. Att förlora ett barn är en fruktansvärd upplevelse.

Musik i palliativ vård : en intervjustudie med vårdpersonal

Denna uppsats har som syfte att underso?ka om musik anva?nds i palliativ va?rd i Sverige och hur det i sa? fall beskrivs, motiveras och dokumenteras. Det a?r en kvalitativ intervjustudie med hermeneutisk fo?rsta?elseansats. Intervjuer har genomfo?rts med fem personer med olika yrkesprofession inom palliativ va?rd (sjuksko?terska, sjukgymnast, arbetsterapeut, kurator och o?verla?kare).

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