

422 Uppsatser om Intrauterin fetal death - Sida 10 av 29

Sätesförlossningar : Handläggning och utfall hos mödrar och barn vid vaginal förlossning och kejsarsnitt

Background: The incidence of caesarean section for breech presentation has reached approximately 90 % in Sweden. In many of these cases, by means of specific selection criteria, it would be as safe to plan for vaginal breech delivery. Aim: The objective of this study was to investigate differences in management and to compare maternal and fetal outcomes according to delivery mode of breech presentation; vaginal vs. caesarian section. The study included breech presentation in full term singleton pregnancies at the UppsalaUniversityHospital, Uppsala, Sweden (UAS). Method: The study was based on medical record data with a retrospective, descriptive, comparative design with quantitative approach. The method for data collection was a manual review of patient records using a structured questionnaire. Results: Of the women with children in breech presentation during the period studied, 11 % gave birth vaginally.


ECG-Screening for young elite athletesAbstractBackgroundSudden cardiac death (SCD) during physical activity is a frightening and emotional tragedy that draws huge media attentions when it occurs. Fortunately it is a relatively uncommon occurrence but happens nonetheless to young athletes who often seems to be in perfect health. SCD is used as a term for sudden unexpected complications on the cardiovascular system that leads to a deadly outcome normally within the first hour of onset of symptoms and the cause is some sort of underlying cardiovascular disease that gets triggered by physical activity.Normally athletes gets divided into two groups dependent on age, over and under 35 years, and this studies focus is on the younger group since it is often during this period athletes are at the elite level. It is also in this category the most unexpected sudden deaths occur that is not due to coronary atherosclerosis, which is the dominant cause of death, and drastically increases, for people over 35 years old.AimThe aim of this study was to scientific and unbiased analyze peer-reviewed clinical articles todescribe the pros, cons and cost to implement an ECG-screening as a standard before physicalactivities for specifically defined elite athletes.MethodA systematic review was performed and after all data collection 21 articles was chosen to beused as a base for both background and analyze. At the end 10 articles was fulfilling the criteria to be used at the analyze and later the results.ResultsThe implementation of ECG-screening has reduced SCD in Italy by 89 % between the years 1979-2004.

EKG-Screening för unga idrottare på elitnivå : En systematisk litteraturstudie

ECG-Screening for young elite athletesAbstractBackgroundSudden cardiac death (SCD) during physical activity is a frightening and emotional tragedy that draws huge media attentions when it occurs. Fortunately it is a relatively uncommon occurrence but happens nonetheless to young athletes who often seems to be in perfect health. SCD is used as a term for sudden unexpected complications on the cardiovascular system that leads to a deadly outcome normally within the first hour of onset of symptoms and the cause is some sort of underlying cardiovascular disease that gets triggered by physical activity.Normally athletes gets divided into two groups dependent on age, over and under 35 years, and this studies focus is on the younger group since it is often during this period athletes are at the elite level. It is also in this category the most unexpected sudden deaths occur that is not due to coronary atherosclerosis, which is the dominant cause of death, and drastically increases, for people over 35 years old.AimThe aim of this study was to scientific and unbiased analyze peer-reviewed clinical articles todescribe the pros, cons and cost to implement an ECG-screening as a standard before physicalactivities for specifically defined elite athletes.MethodA systematic review was performed and after all data collection 21 articles was chosen to beused as a base for both background and analyze. At the end 10 articles was fulfilling the criteria to be used at the analyze and later the results.ResultsThe implementation of ECG-screening has reduced SCD in Italy by 89 % between the years 1979-2004.

Inställningen till?Din journal på nätet? hosallmänläkare iUppsala läns landsting

ECG-Screening for young elite athletesAbstractBackgroundSudden cardiac death (SCD) during physical activity is a frightening and emotional tragedy that draws huge media attentions when it occurs. Fortunately it is a relatively uncommon occurrence but happens nonetheless to young athletes who often seems to be in perfect health. SCD is used as a term for sudden unexpected complications on the cardiovascular system that leads to a deadly outcome normally within the first hour of onset of symptoms and the cause is some sort of underlying cardiovascular disease that gets triggered by physical activity.Normally athletes gets divided into two groups dependent on age, over and under 35 years, and this studies focus is on the younger group since it is often during this period athletes are at the elite level. It is also in this category the most unexpected sudden deaths occur that is not due to coronary atherosclerosis, which is the dominant cause of death, and drastically increases, for people over 35 years old.AimThe aim of this study was to scientific and unbiased analyze peer-reviewed clinical articles todescribe the pros, cons and cost to implement an ECG-screening as a standard before physicalactivities for specifically defined elite athletes.MethodA systematic review was performed and after all data collection 21 articles was chosen to beused as a base for both background and analyze. At the end 10 articles was fulfilling the criteria to be used at the analyze and later the results.ResultsThe implementation of ECG-screening has reduced SCD in Italy by 89 % between the years 1979-2004.

Anestesi av det neonatala fölet

Every spring you can see newborn foals running on fields among the mare. But some unfortunate end up visiting the equine hospital requiring surgery. This is a challenge for the anesthetist because of the neonatal foal?s unique physiology. Therefore you need to take these differences under consideration when you anesthetize foals.

Gränser i Grödinge : Om hägnadsanläggningars funktion med utgångspunkt i en fosfatanalys av RAÄ 78 samt RAÄ 79 i Grödinge sn på Södertörn

This paper deals with the question of when hill forts ? or enclosed mountains ? were built and to what purpose, by examining two enclosed mountains (RAÄ 78 and 79) in Grödinge parish in the province of Södermanland. A phosphate analysis was conducted to trace anthropogenic activities. The analysis showed only a slight elevation of phosphate content in the soil. A histogram indicated that the elevations were not normally distributed, which could suggest that they were caused by anthropogenic activities.

Kan vi påverka barns musikaliska utveckling? - En undersökning om föräldrars uppfattning av fostrets samt spädbarnets mottaglighet för musikaliska intryck

Title: Are we born gifted or can we learn and teach our children to be musically interested? The aim of this study is to evaluate how we influence the development of musicality in children. The study included 30 persons divided into three groups (ten members in each group). Group 1 consisted of pregnant women. Group 2 consisted of parents of babies age 0 to 1 year old and group 3 teenage parents.

Patienters upplevelser av akuta skeden vid Kronisk Obstruktiv Lungsjukdom i relation till prehospital vård - En litteraturstudie

Patients with COPD (chronically obstuctive pulmonary disease) often experience acute episodes of the disease. On these occasions it is usual that the ambulance nurse is the patients first contact in the care. The purpose of this study is to describe patients' experiences in acute condition of the disease COPD and the Pre-hospital nursing. The method was systematic literature review with content analysis. The results show four prominent themes on the basis of patients' experiences.

Threats and opportunities for the survival of the Yangtze finless porpoise

The Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaorientalis), is a small freshwater cetacean which has recently fallen dramatically in number. It is an endemic species for the Yangtze River and unless drastic action is taken, it risks the same fate as the now functionally extinct Yangtze river dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer). Threats to the porpoise are diverse but they have in common that they are caused by man. Development of the river has been made to supply a growing human population with food, hydropower, and to reduce the risk of flooding. These changes have resulted in a degraded habitat for the porpoise.

Förskolebarns tankar om döden

Syftet med det här arbetet är att få en insyn i vad förskolebarn har för tankar om de frågor som berör döden.Frågeställningen som besvaras är: ?Vad har förskolebarn för tankar om döden??Kvalitativa intervjuer har skett med tio förskolebarn i åldrarna fyra till sex år vilka ligger till grund för undersökningen i arbetet. Även teckningar av barnen som förtydligar deras tankar ingår i undersökningen. Förskolebarnen tillhör samma förskola i Värmland.Det som sägs i intervjuerna kan inte generaliseras att gälla alla förskolebarn, utan gäller enbart för de förskolebarn som intervjuerna är utförda med.Undersökningsresultatet påvisar att förskolebarn har en öppen syn på döden. Barnen har haft tankar om det mesta som berör ämnet.

Omvårdnad av anhöriga/närstående vid ett dödsfall

Enligt senast sammanställd statistik avled 91820 människor i Sverige år 2007. Vem som bör lämna ett dödsbud bestäms i enskilda fall med utgångspunkt i att de anhöriga bör visas hänsyn och omtanke. En sjuksköterska är oftast den person som möter de anhöriga då de får ett dödsbud. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur sjuksköterskan bör hantera ett dödsbud till anhöriga. Studien har genomförts som en litteraturstudie.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbete med döende patienter inom palliativ vård. En litteraturstudie om död och döende, stress och coping ur sjuksköterskans perspektiv.

Today, palliative care is performed in several different areas. When the curative treatment is no longer effective the objective of the palliative care is to promote the best possible quality of life for dying patients, through an active and overall treatment. In their work nurses see death and the dying. To highlight and to reach an understanding of the significance of their work, this literature study's objective is, using Carnevali´s thoughts about health as a theoretical framework, to describe different aspects of nurses' experiences of working with dying patients within palliative care. Furthermore the occurrence of stress and possible stress factors will be examined, as well as the nurses' access to support and to established coping strategies..

Palliative care for pancreatic cancer - patients´ experiences

To receive a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer can lead to a tremendous change in a person?s life. Thoughts regarding death may cause a personal crisis which can have negative influences on the patient?s social, mental and spiritual state. Most people with pancreatic cancer are diagnosed in a late stage of the disease.

Trädgård - en angelägen fråga : Carl Adam von Nolcken, Jordberga gods och trädgårdskulturens främjande i Skåne 1834-1857

Baron Carl Adam von Nolcken was born in 1811. In 1834 he took over Jordberga Estate in the South of Skåne from his father. The estate remained in his possession until his death in 1857. von Nolcken was interested in agriculture and horticulture from an early age and attended the newly started Institute of Agriculture, Degeberg in Västergötland in the early 1830:s. At Degeberg, von Nolcken learnt all about modern farming methods, which he put into practice on his own estate. von Nolcken was one of the persons who during the mid 19th century worked intensely to develop horticulture and the art of gardening in Skåne.

Att möta döden En litteraturstudie som belyser sjuksköterskors upplevda problem, dess följder samt underlättande faktorer i omvårdnaden av döende patienter

Death can be seen as a sensitive subject and can by that be difficult for many people to talk about. Working as a nurse can imply caring for severe ill and dying patients, which can be regarded as a task that makes great demands. The aim of the present literature review is to illustrate nurses' experiences of problems in association with the care of dying patients to be aware of these. Nine scientific articles were analysed and the result showed that the problems the nurses experienced could be related to four different categories: problems related to organisa-tion/resources, to the nurse herself, to the patient and to family members. The literature review also illustrates consequences of these problems for nurses, and which components that could simplify the nursing care of dying patients..

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