

847 Uppsatser om Intervention (folkrätt) - Sida 10 av 57

Att förebygga osteoporos i en svensk kommun : En beskrivning av ett tioårigt befolkningsinriktat interventionsarbete ?Vadstena en benhård kommun

Benskörhet (osteoporos) och frakturer orsakade av osteoporos är ett stort globalt problem. Syftet med det tioåriga projektet ?Vadstena en benhård kommun? var att utvärdera om man med en befolkningsinriktad interventionsstrategi kunde minska osteoporos och osteoporosrelaterade frakturer i en kommun. Ett representativt urval av befolkningen i åldern 20-79 år, 15% av en population på 7800 personer, blev tillfrågade om att delta vid fyra undersökningstillfällen som innebar att fylla i en enkät och att bentäthetsmätas. Vid första tillfället deltog 70%, första uppföljningen 69%, andra uppföljningen 79% och vid den tredje uppföljningen 65%.Syftet med denna MPH-uppsats är att beskriva det praktiska interventionsarbetet utifrån dagboksanteckningar och att presentera befolkningens upplevelser av interventionsarbetet.Vi nådde uppskattningsvis 5000 personer (65%) av befolkningen med direkt information.De personer som fick individuella riskprofiler baserade på angivna svar i frågeformulär och bentäthetsvärden var de som gav mest positiv respons och kan tillskrivas en lyckad individuell intervention.Den grupp som varit med en eller flera gånger tidigare (interventionsgruppen) var de som vid sista undersökningen 1999, hade fått ökad kunskap om osteoporos (P<0,001).

VÃ¥ldsexponerade barn i behandling

This study demonstrates that there is variety of treatment interventions for children exposed to intimate violence. These interventions are differentiated in design but a common ground for them all is that they strive to provide a chance for children exposed to intimate violence, to be able to speak about and process their feelings and violent experiences. The study?s aim is to, with a qualitative approach, seek understanding for the different actors who practice social work, see upon their task in the treatment interventions that are provided for children exposed to intimate partner violence. The study is based on mapping the existing treatment interventions for previously mentioned target group, in Malmö.

Upplevelser av koordinatorsrollen i rehabiliteringsprocessen : -en kvalitativ studie

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Nålsticksterapi eller helhetssyn : -två sätt att se på akupunktur

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Bildterapi för personer med psykisk ohälsa : - en intervention för arbetsterapeuter?

Syftet med denna studie var att genom en litteraturöversikt sammanställa kunskapsläget över bildterapins värde som arbetsterapeutiskt medel vid rehabilitering av vuxna med psykisk ohälsa. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i flera databaser över publicerade vetenskapliga artiklar samt genom en sekundärsökning i referenslistorna hos de artiklar som hittats via databassökningen. Vid analysen av resultatet användes en indelning av kreativa aktiviteters värde enligt Creek (2008a) som ett raster. Resultatet beskriver först kortfattat studiernas karaktär, därefter beskrivs studiernas bevisvärde och bildterapins effekter. Efter detta beskrivs det som framkommit vid analysen, bildterapins värde.

Humanitär intervention och suveränitetsprincipen : En studie om huruvida stater har påverkats av framtagandet av "responsibility to protect".

The reason behind this essay has been to study if previous research is relevant for Jehovah?s Witnesses in Sweden and see if secularization has affected the organization or not. The empirical material is made from two qualitative group- interviews and open observations during two meetings in the Kingdom Hall. These studies were performed in Oskarshamn and Mönsterås during the month of February. The reason that these studies have been limited to Oskarshamn and Mönsterås is mainly because they were the only ones willing to do an interview.  According to previous research by James A.

Ambulanspersonalens upplevelse av regelbunden strukturerad fysisk aktivitet

Ambulanspersonal (ambulanssjuksköterskor, specialistsjuksköterskor och ambulanssjukvårdare) förväntas klara av både fysiska och psykiska påfrestningar och samtidigt utföra en patientsäker vård. Framförallt de fysiska påfrestningarna kan skapa muskuloskeletala besvär hos ambulanspersonalen. Muskuloskeletala besvär kan leda till arbetsrelaterade förslitningsskador i nacke, skuldror, ländrygg och knän. Syftet med studien var att beskriva ambulanspersonalens upplevelse av regelbunden strukturerad fysisk aktivitet. Studien utfördes med kvalitativ design och en induktiv ansats där sex manliga deltagare intervjuades.

Att stärka individer och tillvarata resurser : -en studie vid Samhall ur ett arbetsledarperspektiv

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Intensivundervisning ? ett multisensoriskt approach : En fallstudie av en SUM-elevs grundläggande taluppfattning under multisensorisk intensivundervisning

I denna studie undersöks vad som sker i intensivundervisning där en SUM-elev, elev med särskilda utbildningsbehov i matematik, erbjuds multisensorisk undervisning. Vilken utveckling som sker vad gäller elevens taluppfattning, samt olika uttryck för lärande i undervisningsprocessen är också något som studeras.Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och har genomförts som en fallstudie med en SUM-elev i årskurs ett. Fallstudien innehåller en intervention med matematiktester vilka genomförts före och efter en intensivundervisning i grundläggande taluppfattning. Deltagande observationer av undervisningssekvensen har genomförts, vilka också har filmats. Till analysen används Bruners teori om representationer tillsammans med Vygotskijs teori om lärande ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv.

Sambandet mellan anställningsform och välbefinnande : -skillander mellan kvinnor och män

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Personalens psykosociala arbetsmiljö inom Hem för vård och boende för ensamkommande flyktingbarn.

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Manlig och kvinnlig rehabilitering : -en kvalitativ studie om mötet med patienten ur ett genusperspektiv

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

Stress och återhämtning i arbetet : - En enkätundersökning av anställda i servicebranschen i Finlands huvudstadsregion

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

"Ibland hjälper han mig mer än vad alla ni i personalen gör." : Hur djur i vården påverkar välbefinnandet hos personer med långvarig ohälsa - en litteraturstudie

Background: Animals have been shown to have a positive effect on people. The nursing science approach says that a person can experience well-being despite illness. The positive attributes of animals can be used in health care to help ill people experience well-being. An animal-assisted intervention can be a form of activity or therapy involving pets (AAA / AAT) or horses (EAT).Aim: The purpose of this study was to elucidate how animals in health care promote well-being for people with long-term illness.Methods: Literature review based on fourteen original scientific articles, with both qualitative and quantitative approach.Results: The compilation of the results led to four main categories with two subcategories respectively. These were: Physical aspects with subcategories Physical well-being and Bodily functions; Psychic aspects with subcategories Psychic well-being and Reduced psychiatric symptoms; Existential aspects with subcategories Quality of Life and Safety; Social Aspects with subcategories Social behavior and Relationships.Discussions: Review and discussion of the selected method.

Effekt av bålstabiliserande träning hos personer med subakut eller långvarig ländryggssmärta : en systematisk litteraturstudie

Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka effekten både kort- och långsiktigt gällande smärta och funktion vid bålstabiliserande träning jämfört med annan intervention hos patienter med subakut eller långvarig smärta samt att undersöka kvalitén på inkluderade studier.Metod: Studien är en systematisk litteraturstudie vilken är en uppdatering av en tidigare litteraturstudie. Sökning gjordes i fyra databaser. Data extraherades från de inkluderade studierna och presenterades i text och tabell. Metodologisk bedömning utfördes med hjälp av SBU:s granskningsmall.Resultat: Nitton studier inkluderades. Studierna hade en varierande metodologisk kvalité och ingen uppvisade en fullgod kvalité.

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