

298 Uppsatser om Interpretations of the Quran - Sida 11 av 20

Hur skapar man ett leende? : En uppsats om personalmotivation

Our purpose with this paper has been to analyse and discuss how motivation of the personnel affects the service quality in service companies. This has been done through two studies; a literature study with existing theories and an empirical study on the divisions of Lyckohjul and Shopping at Liseberg. In the introduction of this paper we put the question of research; why is there a need for work of motivation in service companies. When collecting information we used literature briefing, a questionnaire study and depth interviews. The literature briefing focused on the well-tried and most dominating theories on the subject motivation.

Betyg och bedömning : En studie kring hur högstadielärare i samhällskunskap arbetar med betyg och bedömning enligt Lgr 11

This paper aims to investigate how secondary school teachers of social studies working on grading and assessment in relation to Lgr 11. The paper will be based on three issues, and will be explored through interviews with five-working teachers. The existing boundaries and the essay outline and key concepts presented. Then follow the theoretical extensions selected. These are adapted along the topic selection.

Det mindre företagets räddning? : en studie om hur ekonomisk brottslighet kan undvikas genom en intern kontroll

The purpose of this essay was to examine whether small businesses can avoid ac-counting crimes with a well-conducted internal control system. The questions we asked ourselves was, whether and if so, companies can prevent this from happening by using a internal control.In this essay we used a qualitative approach. Essential information was given to us from four different interviewees. We also worked from an inductive approach which means that we interviewed people without any earlier research to build on. The method also had a hermeneutical approach, which means that we made different interpretations based on the reference framework and the empirics.After the study had been carried out, we concluded that all evidence from this essay suggested that even small businesses need an internal control to protect their business.

Språkval svenska engelska : Kursen som ligger utanför

Language choice is a required course in years 6-9 of compulsory school. Those who do not wish to study a Modern language of French, Spanish or German may choose language choice English or language choice Swedish instead. These two courses are meant to provide students with additional support and advanced work in those subjects. Although grades are given in Modern Languages, language choice English and Swedish do not merit a grade. Neither language choice English nor language choice Swedish has a set curriculum or syllabus.

En meningsfull fritid : En kvalitativ studie om fritidspedagogers uppfattningar av begreppet en meningsfull fritid och den egna yrkesrollen

The purpose of this study is to explore active after-school teacher?s perceptions of the concept of meaningful leisure time. The purpose of the study is also to investigate if the interpretations of meaningful leisure time affect the perception of their work roles and after-school teacher?s actual work in a leisure activity. The study also provides an insight into how afterschool teachers perceive their roles in general.


From my own experience as a school counselor I have learned that the decision making processes in terms of supporting and helping the students is extremely hard and very individual. In different situations, a different approach between individuals is present. I thought about which factors effects the school counselor?s way of handling problematic situations. I soon realized that the individual has a great effect on the work itself.

Socialarbetares förståelse av våld i nära relation : En vinjettstudie med barnavårdsutredare

Social workers ideas about what domestic violence is influence their ability to recognize vio-lence in cases where this occurs. Social workers awareness and understanding of domestic violence can also influence the handling of these cases. Education on the subject domestic violence can increase social workers knowledge about, awareness and handling of violence. The present study aims to investigate how social workers in child protection investigations understand, recognize and interpret domestic violence and which interventions the social workers suggest. This is a qualitative vignette study in which semi-structured interviews was carried out with social workers working with child protection investigations.

...de bultades till bättring : till frågan om Sveriges kristnande

The written sources concerning the process of christianization in Sweden has for a long time been limited to two main texts, Rimberts vita of St. Ansgarius and Adam of Bremen´s History of the bishops of Hamburg. This is due to a rigid source criticism in the beginning of the 20th century, which put other material ? in particular the norse sagas ? out of consideration. The last twenty years however, new questions have been raised concerning the christianization, partly because of new archaeological findings, new interpretations of the significance of runic stones and the recent debate about the formation of the Swedish medieval kingdom.

Den nya ämnesplanen i moderna språk : vad innebär den för förändringar och hur tolkas den?

The purpose of this research is to study the new curriculum in the topic of modern languages in the upper secondary school, and compare the curriculum from year 2011 with the one from year 2000 and thus try to find differences in the content and wordng. The research also aims to investigate teachers' interpretations and understanding of the new curriculum. The study is divided into two sub?studies and those are based on the two methods of text analysis and interview. Text analysis of policy documents is made parallell with some aspects found in the background materials of the upper secondaryschool reform, which can be summarized as precision and globalization.

The contentious nature of war : an analysis of military theorists

The purpose of this essay is to investigate and assess, with Clausewitz?s theory as thebackground, how different military theorists interpret and relate to the nature of war.This essay illustrates the state of research into Clausewitz?s philosophical influences.Clausewitz?s theory of the nature of war is subjected to a qualitative text analysis that is followedby a critique of other military theorists interpretations of his theory. Subsequently a descriptive,comparative qualitative text analysis is performed where the factors identified by Clausewitz asbeing part of the nature of war (?rational thought?, ?passion? and ?chance?) are used as a meansto interpret and assess how other military theorists relate to Clausewitz theory. This essay ismainly founded on analysis of the works of Jomini, Delbrück, Fuller, Liddell Hart, Handel,Roxborough, van Creveld and Keegan.

?Ja, det är ju de det handlar om, det är ju kommunikation, annars kan man ju låta bli.? : -en studie om kulturhistoriska museers syn på kommunikation i utställningssituationer

Purpose/Aim: Exhibitions in cultural-historical museums have traditionally been object-centered and associated with one-way communication. The aim of this thesis is to gain knowledge about how exhibition producers ? and educationalists at swedish cultural-historical museums today relate to communication in exhibitions from a communication scientific perspective.Material/Method: The method of the thesis is interviews exhibition producers ? and educationalists at five swedish cultural-historical museums about how they work with communication issues in exhibitions. The empiricism gained from the interviews have been analyzed from a communication scientific angle, using two communication theories as idealtypes for communication processes; Shannon and Weaver´s model and Stuart Hall´s encoding/decoding-theory.Main results: Communication in exhibitions have developed, much due to the use of more channels for communicating with the visitors and the acknowledgement of the visitor as an active subject in interpreting the exhibitions and their message.Despite this development, communication in exhibitions still have features of a one-way communication. The main feature is the lack of possibilities for visitors to communicate their interpretations and point of views of the exhibition back to the exhibition producers.

Handens och tankens samverkan - om textila läroprocesser i vardagspraktiken

The purpose of my study was to explore how preschool educators in Kenya look at children's influence on teaching. Researchers have argued that the formal educational system in Kenya today is a remnant of its days as a colony when people were expected to blindly follow rules without questioning them. I have used qualitative interviews as a method in order get the most concrete understanding of educators? views on the influence from children. The educators I interviewed were based at a school I visited in Kenya.

Smålands Entreprenörs Akademi, SEA : En studie i vision, fantasi och kreativitet

The aim of the study was to show whether or not there exists, and if so, to understand, a common creativity, vision and imagination of the members of Småland?s Entrepreneurial Academy?s organisation.The method used for this research is the fictive narrative collage , which consists of the collection of fictive stories. The author has also made her own additions to the method. A composer composes songs to the narratives, two artists illustrate the narratives. The research is carried out on the total population within Småland?s Entrepreneurial Academy which consists of 10 permanent members of the organisation.The theory focuses on different areas, such as creativity, vision and imagination as well as on the entrepreneur and the organisation.

Tiga är silver men tala är guld ? Lärares tankar kring möjligheterna att skapa en god språkmiljö i förskolan

AbstractAim; With this study we aim to know more about the possibilities teachers in pre-school regard useful in their work, when encouraging children?s language development. In the study we are inspired by the thoughts and ideas of Lev Vygotskij. Method; We interviewed eight trained teachers at four pre-schools in Sweden. The interviews were recorded and later written down.

"Här lever vi, och här ska vi satsa på vår och våra barns framtid" : -En "framgångsrik" berättelse om romska kvinnors liv i Sverige idag

The purpose of this paper is to find out how a few different women with a Roma heritage sees their to succeed possibilities in Sweden.To illustrate these issues has an hermeneutical approach been used. Materials were collected through interviews with Romani women in a municipality in western Sweden. The material created during the interview sessions is based on the five interviewees' interpretations of how they look at their life and the recognition of Roma people.The interview results show that Roma women have gone through various changes linked to school, language, family, work. Young women and their parents have become more aware that education is an important capital to invest in, in order to later obtain a good job and future. When it comes to school the results show that Roma children have become better at reading but there is still some Roma children who do not attend school, even though there is their native language, Romani, in many schools.

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