3773 Uppsatser om Interpersonal communication - Sida 45 av 252
Be Wise condomise: a study in Botswana on the spread of AIDS information and how the information is being received
AIDS is a huge problem in the world and it is spreading rapidly, especially in Africa. Botswana is one of the worlds worst-hit countries, with over one-third of the inhabitants infected by HIV/AIDS. The measures that have been taken to stop the spread of AIDS are to inform and enlighten people on how the disease is spread and how to protect oneself. The aim of this thesis is to investigate what different ways of informing people about AIDS different organisations make use of in Botswana. The thesis also addresses how some receivers of the AIDS information experience it.
IT - Bubblan och CAPM
The aim with this independent degree project of master thesis is to find what the user opinions of the intranet in a county council is. The paper seeks how the question about how the culture in the organisation was affected by the use of the intranet. An important part is to explore the expectations and acceptance of the intranet and get a picture of which functions and services support day-to-day work with good quality. One goal is to find out how the intranet users feel that the communication, information and usability can be developed.The focus group interview is a qualitative method that has been applied for gathering data from the respondents, who participate in the investigation from the county council. The used method is unstructured focus groups containing the three dominating categories of staff in the county council.
Ett annorlunda uttryck : en kvalitativ studie om Feministiskt initiativ och deras kommunikation under valkampanjen 2006
The purpose of this study was to examine the political party ?Feministiskt initiativ? (Fi) and their communication during the election campaign 2006. We wanted to find out what the intention was and how the communication was received by the public. We also looked for signs of congruence between those two sides.Fi is the first political party with a feministic ideology to candidate for the parliament in Sweden. The party is rather new and their political standpoints and internal affairs have often been subject of for debate in the media.We wanted to investigate people?s individual opinions of the matter, and therefore we chose to personally interview a number of people.
Musik och kommunikation - en kursutvärdering
Bjelkenbrant, Pernilla, 2007: Musik och kommunikation ? en kursutvärdering (Music and communication ? a course evaluation)
The purpose of this study is to do a quality assurance of the course ?Music and communication? (MUPR1205) as it was implemented in a class of music students at the program of Arts and Culture at Törnströmska upper secondary school in Karlskrona during 2006/2007. The overall question is to what extent the shaping of the course involves the attainment of the values and goals formulated in the national school documents.
The study includes an interpretation of course goals related to overall goals, and a suggestion of how theories of the relationship music ? society can be applied to those goals to make a successful course structure.
Love me tänder : En studie om offentliga och privata företags kundrelationer med exempel från tandvården
In the early 1990?s more and more companies of the Swedish public sector were exposed to competition, and this started the debate on how such actions might affect the business and even society.The first chapter examines how the public sector and especially health care, is financed and managed. We also explore what it means to be exposed to competition and find that there are many different ways of exposing the public sector to competition. The study examines dental care as an example of a market with both publicly and privately owned companies. The purpose of this paper is to explore how publicly and privately owned health care companies view their relationship with their consumers.
Analytiker på den svenska aktimarknaden : Ett nätverk av siffermakare
This study highlights the structures and networks thatexist among financial analysts on the Swedish financial market. The study isbased on nine semi-structured interviews with buy- and sell-side analysts, anindependent analyst and an Investor Relations Manager.The theoretical framework of the study is based on acombination of the research fields Behavioral Finance and Social Studies ofFinance. These two research fields have proven to be a good basis for thequalitative approach used in the analysis. The study is divided into four thematic areas: Fundamentals / Psychology, Independence and consensus, Ranking and Social network.The results show that there are a large number offactors, structures and interpersonal relationships that affect how analystsmake their decisions and conduct their analysis. Among other things, theinterdependence between analysts and their counterparts prohibits the movetowards a more clear system for compensation.
Kunskap som vaccin : - En kvalitativ studie av Svenska Röda Korsets lokala kommunikationsstrategier och relationen till det globala
AbstractPurpose/Aim: This essay deals with The Swedish Red Cross Society and their work concerning strategical information and communication about HIV and AIDS in the Swedish context. In a broader sense the relation between the global and the local will be investigated and a discussion about what it means to work in an organization operating on a global arena will be held.Material/Method: This essay is based on relevant theories about culture and health communication which I have studied, selected and put together, with purpose to analyse The Swedish Red Cross Society and their informational work with HIV and AIDS- prevention. Furthermore I have interviewed four of the organizations co- workers to collect data about their experiences in working in the Red Cross organization with this specific mission. Moreover I and my colleague Hillevi Good attended at seminars and lectures to observe activities held by the organization and to get inside information about what people working with HIV and AIDS are discussing and considering as critical issues. The study holds a qualitative approach focusing on understanding this typical case rather then generalizing facts in a larger sense.Main results: The Swedish National Society of The Red Cross has a difficult mission in their work to inform the public about HIV and AIDS, although it is the perfect organization when it comes to communication due to their well-known profile and a huge geographical spread.
Chefers emotionella kommunikation och dess relation till personalomsättning
It is now increasingly common for organisations to work actively with HR issues. Furthermore, it is a constant top priority for organisations to remain profitable. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether so called soft HR values, as manager?s communication skills, has an actual impact on hard values in terms of costs for the organisation. Leadership is largely characterised by emotional communication, which together with personnel costs were the main focus of the research.
"Det är klart att någonting måste dom ju va bättre på" : En intervjustudie kring makt och relationer mellan yrkesgrupperna i förskolans arbetslag
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur de interpersonella relationerna i arbetslagen på förskolan påverkas av yrkesgruppernas skilda utbildningsnivåer och deras olika ansvarsuppgifter, vilka specificerats i förskolans läroplan (Skolverket 2010). Jag har genomfört intervjuer med fem barnskötare och fem förskollärare. Deras utsagor har analyserats utifrån ett maktperspektiv med utgångspunkt i Michel Foucaults diskursteori. Utsagorna har också analyserats från ett interpersonellt, och ett intersektionellt perspektiv. Resultatet visar att utsagorna i yrkesgrupperna liknar varandra, och att det finns uttryck för makt mer eller mindre uttalat mellan yrkesgrupperna.
Ett odemokratiskt beslut. En jämförande studie av trängselskattens demokratiska aspekter i Göteborg.
Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.
Mind-mindedness och kommunikativ utveckling : Samband mellan moderns mentaliseringsyttranden och barnets senare språkliga och kommunikativa utveckling
Mind-mindedness refers to the mother?s ability to treat her child as an individual with a mental life of his or her own. In the present study, the purpose is to investigate the relationship between the amount of mind-related comments the mother produces when the child is 9 months of age and the child?s development in language and communication at the age of 15 months. The hypothesis is that the amount of mind-related comments the mother produces has a positive affect on the child?s language abilities as well as his or her ability to initiate joint attention.
Omslag till böcker och DVD-filmer : en jämförande studie av visuell kommunikation i omslagen till Män som hatar kvinnor och Niceville
This thesis is about covers of books and DVD movies. I have tried to find out if the visual communication of the covers differs between the book and movie with the same story. Do they appeal to different target groups? I have also been trying to find out what designers can do to increase the visibility of covers among others. Are there certain rules to follow for making a cover visible?To reach a conclusion I have been studying components in advertising pictures, since covers work as a kind of advertiser for the product.
Ledarskap i organisationsförändring.
This study investigates the use of the social network Facebook among 67 Swedish libraries; 27 academic libraries and 40 public libraries. Data is collected through an analysis of the libraries? Facebook pages and through an email survey. To analyze the data, a series of statistical analyses were performed.The results indicate that the public libraries more actively posted Facebook updates than the academic libraries and that the libraries that had a policy for use of Facebook/social media more actively posted updates than those libraries that did not have such policy. The libraries use Facebook mainly to post links and photos and to announce events, provide book recommendations, and to emphasize special occasions.
Barns språkutveckling : Validering av SECDI-III mot CCC-2
Språksvårigheter kan leda till sociala problem eller vara en indikation på neuropsykologiska problem. MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (MB-CDI) och Children´s Communication Checklist (CCC) är instrument som används för att uppmärksamma eventuella brister i kommunikations- och språkutveckling. Swedish Early Communactive Development Inventories (SECDI) är svenska motsvarigheten till MB-CDI. Föreliggande studies syfte var att validera den nya svenska versionen av SECDI för barn 3-5 år gamla (SECDI-III) mot de tio skalorna i CCC-2. 36 föräldrar deltog i studien.
?Mer än att leka träslöjd? : En kvalitativ studie om vad en sysselsättningsverksamhet kan betyda för dess deltagare
This study was the foundation for an evaluation of an employment project in Sweden. The project offers occupations in carpentry as well as kitchen work for people with psychiatric disorders, substance abuse and other social difficulties. This studies purpose was to analyze the projects significance to its participants and also to distinguish weather the project influences the participant?s life in a professional or private way. The methodological tool was five qualitative interviews with the participants and three qualitative interviews with the employees.