

4011 Uppsatser om Internet protocol - Sida 2 av 268

En studie av zero knowledge-identifikationsprotokoll för smarta kort

Zero knowledge protocols is a lesser known type of protocol that can be used for identification. These protocols are especially designed not to reveal any information during an identification process that can be misused later on, neither by the one who should be convinced of the identity of the user, nor by anyone else that is eavesdropping. Many of these protocols are also especially designed for implementation in smart cards. The more common type of card with a magnetic stripe has during the last few years become more susceptible to attacks since they are easily copied. Smart cards combined with a secure identification protocol has been predicted to be the solution to this problem.

Säker grannupptäck i IPv6

The IPv6 protocol offers with some new functions, one of them is auto configuration. With auto configuration it is possible for nodes, i.e. hosts and routers, for automatically associated with IPv6 addresses without manual configuration. Auto configuration it is another protocol as it uses Neighbor Discovery protocol (ND) messages (ND is mandatory in the IPv6 stack). The main purpose of ND is that nodes can discover other nodes on the local link, perform address resolution, check that addresses are unique, and check the reachability with active nodes.There are exactly the same vulnerabilities of IPv6 as IPv4 and is now exception, ND if not properly secured.

TCP/IP i taktiska ad hoc-nät

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a transport protocol designed for the wired Internet. In wireless networks packet losses occur more frequently due to the unreliability of the physical link. The main problem is that TCP treats all losses as congestion, which leads to a lower throughput. Ad hoc networks are multihop wireless networks of mobile nodes, where each node can allow other packets to pass through it. Topology changes often occur and may lead to packet losses and delays, which TCP misinterprets as congestion.

Synkronisering med SyncML

The last couple of years the use of mobile devices such as mobile phones and PDAs has increased tremendously. Most of the these devices have their own protocols for synchronising data and this has given rise to a need for a standard synchronisation protocol, SyncML. This thesis compares this protocol against the existing ones. The comparison shows that the preferred choice is SyncML. Also an application using SyncML has been developed.

IPv6 : Övergångsmekanismer och relaterade säkerhetsproblem

I januari 2011 delades de tva? sista fria IPv4-adressblocken ut av Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) till den asiatiska Internetregistratorn Apnic (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre). Detta inneba?r att adresserna som fanns i den centrala adresspoolen nu a?r slut. Registratorn hade anso?kt om dessa adressblock eftersom det ra?der akut brist pa? Internet protocol version 4- (IPv4-adresser) i Asien samtidigt som Internetanva?ndarna i denna del av va?rlden o?kar explosionsartat (Magnusson, 2011a).

Audio Broadcast

This report is the written part of a bachelorthesis on the computer engineering program atUniversity of Halmstad. The project was a cooperate project that where done together withFree2move Holding AB. Free2move is a company with eight employees in Sweden and four inMalaysia. The company is today developing Bluetooth modules and RFID chips. The market forthis kind of products is growing very rapidly, last year it grew 71 percent.

Implementation av FlexRay prototypstack

FlexRay is a new communication protocol which is fast, reliable and flexible and therefore can meet the increasing demands on data communication in the vehicle industry. The protocol is developed by an industrial consortium containing among  others BMW, Daimler Chrysler, Motorola and Phillips. Today (May 2009) Hägglunds is using CAN for data transmission in their systems. CAN is getting obsolete and has difficulties in coping with the increasing flow of communication. In this report FlexRay and its communication capacity is studied.

Implementation av Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync mot en molntjänst

This report describes a bachelor thesis work performed at the cloud storage company CloudMe in Linköping, Sweden. The storage service provided by CloudMe allows users to access their files seamlessly from multiple units at the same time. In the cloud there is storage provided for contacts, calendar and e-mail, which is data nowadays normally used by smart phones.Exchange ActiveSync is a protocol developed by Microsoft which, among much more, provides functionality to synchronize the previously described data. This protocol is supported by the smart phone developers and the ability to synchronize over the exchange protocol is implemented in products by default. Due to this fact it would be preferable to implement support for synchronization from CloudMe to phones over this protocol.

Personlig integritet på Internet : En studie om attityder

The internet has fundamentally changed the way people communicate. With all the information that we are sharing over the internet, and the ways which companies want to use our information, the importance of keeping our private information secure has increased. This thesis aims to discover what attitudes internet users have against privacy on the internet, and what ? if anything ? they are doing to protect their personal privacy.We distributed an online survey to internet users in the Stockholm area, and conducted three interviews with persons in our target population. The results of these studies show that people in general are very aware of privacy concerns on the internet, but that their attitudes toward how important personal privacy on the internet is, differ somewhat..

Implementation av fältbuss ASIC i FPGA

HMS Industrial Networks AB is in need of changing a communications solution that iscurrently based on an ASIC. This will be achieved by moving the communications solution toa FPGA with the help of the programming language VHDL. By doing this, it is possible toreduce the need for specific circuits, get a more flexible platform and thus get a cheapersolution.This report describes a solution for how to move a network protocol from an ASIC to anFPGA. The report shows that the network slave device is working under the guidelines forthis project. This means that it is quite realistic to implement a fieldbus protocol on an FPGA,using VHDL and to maintain the same functionality as the earlier communications solution..

Internet : en arena för kommunikation och lärande

This study is based on an examination of students? habits of using the Internet in formal and informal environments. The focus within this study is on what kind of activities students use the Internet for and how and if their teacher connect the students actual usage of the Internet to base the education in school on it. What we have discovered in this report is that the student in this examination uses the Internet as a tool for communicative and entertaining purposes. Though, the use of the Internet is different depending on which physical environment it is situated in.

Gaussiska heltal

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

Border Gateway Protocol : Implementationer på stubnätverk

Arbetet tar upp BGP-multihoming för mindre organisationer. Den jämför ett kommersiell alternativ mot open source-alternativ. Detta är för att se vad som krävs en av open source-lösning för ge konkurrens på routermarknaden, samt besparingar för organisationer som ska använda denna lösning.Praktiska och teoretiska jämförelser görs där Cisco-lösningar jämförs med OpenBGPD. Datan utifrån dessa tester används för att svara på problemfrågan. Sammanfattningsvis har open source produkter en fördel hårdvarumässigt på grund av lägre kostnader medan kommersiella har stora fördelar då de förlitar sig på nyare standarder..

Internetanvändning och dess påverkan i våra liv : Hur man kan förbättra sin användarupplevelse

The usage of internet is growing significantly every year in today?s society and whether you like or not, the internet has an influence in your life. It is therefore important to find out how people are affected by its use. We have through our study interviewed a number of people that uses internet on a day to day basis, who have agreed to live without internet access for a period of time. We started out by interviewing these people about their internet usage and what it means to them, then proceeded with their non-internet access period.

Miniräknarmania : eller hur att få ut så mycket som möjligt från en enkel reklamräknare

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

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