5007 Uppsatser om Internet of Things - Sida 3 av 334
Internet i skolan En fältstudie av grundskoleelevers informationssökande
Syftet med detta arbete är att belysa elevernas arbete med Internet i skolan, till vad och hur Internet används i skolarbetet. Jag har även undersökt hur och om eleverna granskar det material de får fram över Internet och om de kan använda Internet på ett effektivt sätt. Jag har använt mig av en studie med etnografisk utgångspunkt, det vill säga observationer och informella intervjuer. Resultatet visar på att Internet används i så gott som alla ämnen, huvudsakligen till faktasökning och då på ett mycket fritt sätt. Eleverna granskar nästan inte alls det material de får fram, och de fastnar ofta på mindre relevanta och/ eller mindre lämpliga sidor i sina sökningar..
Internets användning vid marknadsföring av musik: en studie på två independentbolag
Meningen med denna uppsats är att ge läsaren en förståelse för hur skivbranschen använder sig utav Internet vid marknadsföring och produktlansering, detta har lett till att vi valt att undersöka hur skivbranschen använder sig utan Internet som ett marknadsförings- och produktlanseringsverktyg. En fallstudie har gjorts på två Svenska Independent Skivbolag i syfte att redogöra för hur de använder sig av Internet inom vårt forskningsområde. Studien visade att våra fallstudieobjekt använder Internet som ett komplement och inte som ett substitut för de andra marknadsföringsaktiviteter som de använder sig utav..
Omtänksamma flickor och tävlande pojkar : En undersökning av hur flickor och pojkar framställs i sex utvalda matematikböcker för årskurs 3 och 4
The purpose with this essay was to study and analyze how gender roles is represented in six different mathematic books for children in the third and fourth grade and to see if the books counteract or reinforces traditional gender roles. It was also to see if the mathematic books follow the goals in the curriculum. I had four questions that I focused on while analyzing the mathematic books:What kind of activities does girls and boys like in the exercises in the mathematic books?What does girls and boys own in the exercises in the mathematic books?What does the relationships look like between different persons in the mathematic books?Based on the results from questions 1-3, do these six mathematic books try to follow the curriculum?The results of this study shows that girls often can be interested in things that usually is seen as either girlish or boyish, while boys mostly is interested in things that is seen as boyish. I got almost the same results when it comes to the second question, girls can buy things that is often seen as either girlish or boyish, while boys mostly buy things that is seen as boyish.
Ungdomars säkerhet på Internet : Uppfattade risker och ansvarsbördan
The purpose of this paper has been to explore how Internet is perceived, with reference to youth, risk and responsibility, by a section of the population in North-West Skåne in Sweden. The questions central to our area of interest were:- Where does the responsibility for a safe Internet environment lie?- What measures are believed to be able to make Internet safer?- Are the opinions about safety on the Internet affected by an individual'sknowledge and experience of the Internet?- Is there an awareness of which institutions are involved in Internet safety?We compared the results of our survey with earlier surveys done by SAFT and Eurobarometern. Additionally we compared various categories such as gender and age to discover any patterns within the groups.There is a clear conflict in the answers given by the group we studied, between the desire to have access to all the information and experiences Internet has to offer and the desire to protect youth from inappropriate content and/or influences from unknown sources. While we did find concern regarding issues of safety we did not find any indication of "moral panic"..
Seniorer och internet : En studie om hur PROs medlemmar använder sig av internet
Since the Internet was introduced, it has taken over faster than anyone was ever expected it to do. It has taken over how we, humans, today live our life and is expected to accomplish our errands, such as paying our bills, ordering clothes and looking up information about travelling.With that said it is important to remember and have in thought that not everyone has the knowledge and skills to use the Internet, this because of the extreme development that the Internet brings.As mentioned above there is one group of people that has been called the ?forgotten group? when it comes to the expansion of Internet, and those are the seniors. Most of the seniors today have difficulties using the Internet due to either lack of knowledge or due to the size of the text on the websites, as well as the different color combinations. Since the seniors today have special needs on how to easily use a website, they are forgotten since most websites aren?t developed for seniors.However, sometimes appearances are deceiving and that is what this study has shown us.By questionnaire and interview study, the result of this study has showed us that the majority of the informants do use Internet, but they have special needs when it comes to the design on a website, and that includes color combinations, sizes of the text as well as on how to navigate from one page to another..
IT i bilen : En fallstudie av ubikvitär datorisering
This paper aims to study the possibilities and challenges the car industry has to face with applying information technology in cars. The goal is to describe and analyse all the existing technology in the cars out on the market today as well as future possible technologies in cars. By interviewing people who has been working or are working with information technology in cars, we aim to clarify the obstacles and opportunities in the process of implementing informatics in cars. With this knowledge we want to learn more about Ubiquitous computing and how humans interact with Ubiquitous computers today and will be interacting in the future. Technology has a rapid development pace and we find it interesting to examine how the car industry can keep up with the rapid development pace of technology. .
Internet-communities - Var ligger värdet?
I denna uppsats har vi undersökt hur man kan värdera en Internet-community. Vi har genomfört intervjuer med tre fallföretag, Glife, Lunarstorm samt Stallet.se. Utfrån dessa intervjuer samt den analys vi gjort har vi utformat en möjlig värderingsmodell för Internet-communities..
?Ett fantastiskt redskap!? En studie om hur personer i åldern 65 ? 75 år använder och upplever Internet i sin vardag
The main purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how six elderly individuals, 65-75 years old, use and perceive Internet in their everyday life. The focus in this study is to enlighten elderly people as Internet-users.In 2010 many elderly people are still digital excluded. In Europe and in Sweden efforts are made to educate citizens to use the Internet, and that benefits of the digital society should be available to all.This study is based on the following questions: what made the informants take an interest in the Internet in the first place? How and for what purpose do they use it? And how do the informants regard to their own Internet usage and its importance in society?We interviewed six people aged 65-75 years old, using semi-structured questions. The data was analyzed by using the theory developed by Hektor concerning Internet and information behaviour in everyday life.
Internet - en plats där du inte behöver vara annorlunda : En kvalitativ internetstudie om personer med Asperger syndrom, om svårigheter och möjligheter som de möter genom samhällets konstruktion.
This study is based on a qualitative internet research about people with Asperger syndrome and their thoughts and opinions about the difficulties that occurs in the environment outside the home and their experiences of Internet. We have analyzed Internets social influences for those with Asperger syndrome, as a consequence of the difficulties that they meet in other environments. The constructed communities in the environment outside the home and the social interaction that occurs there is not adjusted for those with the diagnosis. This leads to difficulties to be there for those with Asperger syndrome. By doing a content analysis of the assembled data from a community site on the Internet, we found out that the environment on Internet is more comfortable for those with the diagnosis in several ways.
Analys av pop-ups genererade från adware
This thesis is about adware, which is very popular today. The adwares are used to, among other things, down- and upload files from other users on the Internet. One thing that most users of such programs are not aware of is that many of the adwares contain spyware. These spywares install themselves simultaneously with the adwares. Two of the spyware features is to generate pop-ups in the web browser and to direct advertisment from the users web habits.
Internet i en Revolution : En undersökning av hur Internet användes som ett verktyg för att påverka statsmakten i Iran samt hur oppositionen använd sig av Internet dvs. före och under, efter valet 2009.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka, beskriva, analysera hur internet användes som ett verktyg för att påverka statsmakten i Iran samt hur oppositionen använde sig av internet före, under och efter valet 2009. De teorierna som jag använt mig av i min undersökning är den som Strömbäck bygger i sin bok ?makt, medier och samhället? om förtroende för internet och medialisering, publicitetsmodell och mediekonsumtion i förändring . Den andra teorin som jag utgår från är den som Sunsteins byggde fram i sin bok ? Infotopia: how many minds produce knowledge? angående nya bloggar.
Umgås på Internet eller på ett café? : ? en studie om Internetanvändningens sociala konsekvenser.
AbstractTitle: See each other on the Internet or on a café? A survey about social consequences of Internet usage. (Umgås på Internet eller på ett café? ? en studie om Internetanvändningens sociala konsekvenser.)Number of pages: 34 (including enclosures).Author: Carolin Johansson.Tutor: Else Nygren.Course: Media and Communication Studies C.Period: Fall 2007.University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The purpose is to get increased knowledge about the social consequences that may come up when young people at the age of 16-20 are using the Internet.Material/Method: The material consists of a questionnaire that I made with questions about Internet usage that 84 young people from five classes (from three different upper secondary schools) answered.Main results: To have access to a computer and Internet and the fact that broadband is more inexpensive now than before leads to an increased usage of the Internet. I found out that chatting, music/movies, searching for information and using the Internet for entertainment is what most of the participants spent the most time on while using the Internet.
Marknadsföring av konst via Internet : Artotekets förutsättningar att lyckas på marknaden
Internet has opened a whole new world when it comes to marketing. Because of this companies can reach out to a broader consumer audience. The idea to write this essay came to mind, when we were asked to design the website of a new registered company named Artoteket. The company?s purpose is to hire out and market art on the Internet to bigger companies such as banks, law firms and industrial company?s etc.
Byggvisualisering för marknadsföring på internet
Detta visualiseringsarbete har varit inriktat på att visa möjligheterna att enkelt marknadsföra ett bostadsområde med hjälp av internet. Visualiseringen har varit i 3d för att enklast visa hur området kommer att se ut och webbsidan gjord med vanlig html kod och css (stylesheets). 3d modellen visas med en DWF fil och DWF läsare..
Internets effekt på skatteplanering : en fallstudie
We have seen a revolution in the area of communication on a worldwide scale. We begin talking about terms as globalisation, integration and deregulation of the financial market. Companies have been tax planning for decades, the questions is if Internet has made an increase of companies than uses tax planning and which roll Internet plays. It is hard to really pinpoint all the effects of the Internet because of the relatively new area of research. This thesis will take various factors under study such as globalisation, development of the offshore industry and the fight against harmful taxation by the OECD and other organisations in order to describe the effects of Internet.