

1661 Uppsatser om International terrorism - Sida 65 av 111

Penningtvätt : Lagen & revisorn

Bakgrund: Penningtvätt har under de senaste åren ökat och fått mycket uppmärksamhet. Nya lagar och regleringar med syfte att förebygga och bekämpa penningtvätt har tagits fram. För att uppnå målen har ett flertal organisationer skapats på nationell och international nivå. Flera tillsynsmyndigheter har fått uppdraget att medverka i bekämpning av penningtvätt. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka revisorns förhållnings- sätt till lagen om penningtvätt.

Jämställdhetsplaner : - ett värdefullt verktyg?

This paper is about employer?s obligation to establish plans for equality between the sexes and the practical use of these plans. The aim is to clarify what national and international law states about plans for equality between the sexes, and to examplify how plans for equality between the sexes is used in practice.For this paper juricprudential metod with a social science perspective is used. Current law has been examined, but this paper also contains an empirical part consisting of interviews with two individuals from a municipality and a private company, and an examination of the two organizations? plans for equality between the sexes.Employers with over 25 workers owe to establish a plan for equality between the sexes.

Kristusbilder i Thomas Mertons och Daniel Berrigans dikter

My point of origin concerning this thesis was an interest for how school may develop students? reading comprehension. International surveys show that the results for Swedish students? performance regarding reading comprehension have declined and the current curriculum, Lgr-11, emphasizes the importance of incorporating this into all school subjects. The special teacher education programme has raised the awareness concerning the importance of including the students and that learning is achieved in an interactive setting.

"Change doesn't come easy" - A comparative study of Corporate Social Responsibility in large-scale dam projects

The process of economic globalization has in recent decades increased the power of multinational corporations. In recognition of their powerful position, corporations have begun to adopt Corporate Social Responsibility as a way of managing their social impact. Their interaction with the surrounding society reaches a peak when involved in large-scale projects, such as the Three Gorges Dam in China and the Narmada Valley Development Project in India. This essay analyses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in a comparative study between the two cases. By using current research, it focuses on the role of civil society for making Corporate Social Responsibility effective in developing countries.

Intressen i det internationella systemet : En idéanalys av EU:s intervention i Somalia

The main aim of this study is to investigate which structural ideas that lies behind the European Union?s marine operation Atalanta that has been put into motion to counteract piracy and robbery outside the coast of Somalia. In order to do this, we have with the use of the theory of weak states, intervention as well as sovereignty, investigated EU?s document in the question with the use of the idea centered analytical method. The questions that has guided this study, lies both on an empirical and theoretical level.

Trafficking i Norden : en komparativ studie av de nordiska ländernas handlingsplaner mot människohandel för sexuella ändamål

This essay focuses on how trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation is defined and dealt with in the Nordic countries. Agreements on how trafficking for sexual exploitations should be dealt with is presented in reports and Action plans from the European Union and United nations amongst others. In this essay we will compare four national Action plans made by governments by Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway between 2005- 2011 to each other. Mainly we have been looking at similarities and differences in the different Action plans. The essay is based on Discourse theory and discursive struggle and we have been looking at similarities and differences in how trafficking is dealt with through language.

Samband mellan hårdhetstal och materialparametrar för polymermaterial

Vid användande av polymerer och elastomerer i konstruktioner, lämnar leverantörer oftast endast materialparametrar i form av ett hårdhetstal. De vanligaste provningsmetoderna för hårdhetsmätning av polymerer och elastomerer är Shore samt IRHD (International Rubber Hardness Degree). Hårdhetstalen som erhålls är svåra att använda i Finita Elementanalyser, då de ej direkt kan översättas till mer lätthanterliga storheter. Syftet med examensarbetet är att utveckla en metod för att omvandla hårdhetstal till användbara Finita Elementstorheter. Det finns flera olika metoder för hårdhetsmätning inom Shore och IRHD.Arbetet begränsades dock till att enbart täcka en metod för Shore samt två metoder för IRHD.

Arbetsliv och föräldraskap : Missgynnande på grund av föräldraledighet

The main purpose of this essay is to study the Swedish labor law concerning employees who are, aspire to be, or are expected to become parents, both men and women. Thereby accomplishing a gender perspective on the issue at hand. The study also take in to account the laws issued by the European Union, and their impact on the Swedish law system, so as to gain an international perspective. The laws regarding parental leave, both Swedish and European, involve protection for workers from being treated in a less favorable way than someone in a comparable situation, as employers are forbidden to disfavor any employee or job-seeker in basically all situations in the work place or in a recruiting context, if the disfavor is in any way related to the parental leave. The only situation where an employer is allowed to disfavor an employee regarding his or her parental leave, is if the disfavoring is a necessary consequent of the employee?s absence.

Quantitative thermal perception thresholds, comparison between methods

Skin temperature is detected through signals in unmyelinated C-fibers and thin myelinated A?-fibers in the peripheral and central nervous system. Disorders in thin nerve fibres are important and not rare but difficult to diagnose by the most common neurophysiological methods. In this pilot study different methods for quantitative sensory testing, QST, were compared to give some ideas about which method could be the most efficient to use in order to point out injuries of the sensory system in clinical practice. The comparison was made between Békésy (separate warmand cold thresholds) and Marstock test (combined warm and cold thresholds).

?På resande fot? - En studie om hur individer stöds och upplever mobilitet i sitt yrkesliv

The use of information technology (IT) has expanded to be available in large parts of the society.With reference to this mobility has become an increasingly used term, which reflects changes in our lifestyle, travelling and mobile artefacts. The technology development that has occurred in recent decades has made it possible for people today to be more mobile than before as they no longer are tied to a fixed workplace. Mobility has changed the ways to lead, coordinate andmeasure work productivity in organizations. It has also added new ways of working. The mobile development also means more challenges and changes in today?s modern organizations.The purpose of this paper is to analyse how employees in a consulting form use mobile technology in a work context, how they interact with others and how individuals reason about mobility.

Humanit?ra initiativ som grund f?r vapenkonventioner L?rdomar och insikter

In recent years, many efforts on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferations have been made by non-nuclear states and civil society. The dissatisfaction has motivated non-governmental organizations to pursue a ?humanitarian initiative? based on international conferences aimed at highlighting the humanitarian consequences of certain arms and nuclear weapons. This study examines the five key roles, according to Rapport et al. (2012), that civil society organizations have played in the establishment of arms control conventions, more specifically the Mine Ban Treaty, also called Ottawa Convention, and the Cluster Munition Convention.

Klass och identitet på Facebook : en kvalitativ studie om unga akademikers identitetskonstruktion utifrån Bourdieus kapitalformer

AbstractTitle:Course:Authors: Advisor: Keywords: Problem formulation:Purpose:Target Group:Theoretical perspectives: Methodology: ResultSwedish leaders abroad ? A qualitative study about culture ?s influence on Swedish leadersBachelor dissertation - Business Administration, LeadershipAmanda Elg and Carl-Johan SaltarskiIngemar WictorLeadership, culture, impact and adjustmentHow can Swedish leaders in multinational companies adjust their leadership to the national culture?The aim of our study is to investigate whether Swedish managers are affected by the differences in national culture that exists between Sweden and the country that they operate in. We want to explore if they adapt their leadership to the culture.Our study is directed towards a target audience of Swedish leaders and other interested parties who wants to increase the understanding of culture ?s influence on an international career and what is required of the leader to deal with the cultural clashes that may rise.We have focused on theories related to differences in national culture and how it can affect the leadership and the organization.The study is of the qualitative type with a deductive approach where the empirical materials are gathered through interviews.Our results demonstrate leaders implementation of culture and leadership to influence the leadership of the national culture in which they operate. We have seen how leaders are affected by the national culture and how the leader adapts to achieve a successful leadership.

?We have to fix so many things before we can even start living here? En grupp utbytesstudenters upplevelser av sökandet efter information under en termin i Prag

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how exchange students experience looking for information in their new life situation during a semester in Prague. A further purpose is to investigate what barriers they have faced and how this affected their information behavior. Six qualitative interviews of students constitute the empirical foundation for the study. The interviewees are from six different European countries, were all participating in the Erasmus program, and all had social sciences/humanities/art as their main subject.

Våld på uppdrag av FN - Vilka situationer hotar internationell fred och säkerhet? : En tolkning av artikel 39 i FN-stadgan.

Art.39 är grindvakten som inleder kapitel VII i FN-stadgan och tröskeln vid vilken säkerhetsrådet går från att vara ett multilateralt organ till ett globalt verkställande organ. Konceptet ?threat to the peace? är det bredaste, otydligaste och viktigaste begreppet i art.39 FN-stadgan. Genom att framställa de centrala förutsättningarna för tillämpningen av art. 40-42, öppnar art.

Fäste för ramar

Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att ta fram ett snabbfäste för ramar åt Roxtec International AB på Verkö i Karlskrona. Examensarbetet har följt metoden för Integrerad produktutveckling av Fredy Olsson. Av denna metod har två områden berörts: Principkonstruktion samt Primärkonstruktion. Primärkonstruktionen är uppdelad i två delar där den ena behandlar komponentval och detaljkonstruktion, och den andra innefattar framtagning av prototyp och en ekonomisk kalkyl. Problemställningen var följande: Att ta fram ett snabbfäste för små ramar. Ramarna används till kabelgenomföring till elskåp och liknande applikationer, och de kommer att innehålla Multidiametermoduler med inneslutna kablar och kompressionsenhet. Idag fästs ramarna med hjälp av skruvar och muttrar men det nya fästet får inte utgöras av skruvar, sprintar, fjädrar och de får ej heller svetsas fast. Fästet ska vara av enkel konstruktion, lätt att montera och demontera utan hjälp av verktyg.

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