

1661 Uppsatser om International terrorism - Sida 6 av 111

Svenska veteraners upplevelser av livssituationen efter genomförd internationell insats

The main focus of this study was to investigate how Swedish military veterans experience that events during an international service affect them after completed mission. This also includes the contact with their relatives. Secondly, this study deals with the course of the crisis, personal defense mechanisms, cumulative stress and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).The study was performed using a qualitative method and comprises individual interviews with six Swedish veterans. The responders were all men of different military positions, who participated in one or more international missions during 1993 to 2011.The results of this study show that, according to the veterans, the return back home is the most strenuous part of an international mission. With all the new experiences that an international service brings fresh in their memories, it is hard to re-adjust to the life of a civilian.In connection with the return back home, different degrees of stress reactions were also commonly seen, for example sleep disturbance, restlessness and exhaustion.

Stuxnet-attacken mot Iran : Strukturell realism i informationsrevolutionens tidsålder

This study aims to explain the Stuxnet-attack against Iran in 2009-2010 by using the IR-theory of structural realism. By doing so the theory also faces the challenge of the impact of the information revolution on security and international relations. The structural realism that is at hand is that of Kenneth Waltz and his Theory of International Politics from 1979.The study reaches the conclusion that Waltzs focus on the structure of the international system and the distribution of capabilities applies well to the case of Stuxnet as a cyber attack. The creators of the sophisticated Stuxnet, USA and Israel, also indicates that when it comes to this certain aspect of the information revolution and IR, states seem to still be the main actor. Finally the character of one of the major features of the Stuxnet-attack; the internet, is shown to have an anarchic structure that fits well as an extension of the realist view of the international system..

Rysslands politiska utveckling : En fallstudie över svensk säkerhetspolitik

The Swedish security policy has changed from stressing neutrality to embrace co-operation within the EU and other organisations. New threats like terrorism, boarder-crossing criminality and natural disasters require new ways to deal with this type of problems to protect the society. Since the beginning of 21st century the high Russian economic growth has made it possible for the country to play an increasingly role as a superpower on the international political stage. In the same time the democratic development has been replaced by an autocratic rule which has obstructed the Russian- European relations. From a Swedish security policy view the Russian political development is of importance and the picture of Russian as a threat has changed from 1996 to 2008/09.

Hur vanligt är det? : Våld i nära relationer: män som offer och kvinnor som förövare. En systematisk litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze IntimatePartner Violence (IPV). How does contemporary science illustrate men as victimsand women as perpetrators in these relationships? Ten articles were presentedand analyzed in a systematic literature study. The results show that men beingabused by their female intimate partner, do exist and that they in many ways doconform to abused women. There are many underlying causes to the violence inclose relationships.

Fan fiction en värld för fans : En textanalys av fan fiction

This thesis is a qualitative study in which 12 award-winning printed adverts, awarded with either a Swedish ?Guldägg? or an international Clio Award, have been analyzed from a rhetorical perspective. Visual rhetorics were used to analyze the adverts in order to expose the rhetorical concepts and to find out whether the rhetorical concepts represented in the Swedish adverts are the same concepts represented in the international adverts. One of the conclusions drawn is that pathos-arguments, a rhetorical concept where the senders allude to the emotions of the receivers, are the most prominent in both Swedish and international adverts, but are used in different ways. Another conclusion drawn is that the adverts are overall characterized by their messages not being explicit.

Internationell närvaro- nationell frånvaro? En jämförande studie om återuppbyggnaden i Afghanistan och Kosovo med fokus på civil-militär samverkan

In this thesis the aim is to explore the connection between International presence and Reconstruction of Postconflict states. The focus in this Analyse is the concept of CIMIC which is the institutional concept of Civil-Military Co-operation in International relations and a concept in Peacebuilding Theory. The cases, which are the empirical Material, is Afghanistan and Kosovo, two most-different cases.The theoretical framework is primarily consider the mechanisms successful for the Reconstruction process in general and within CIMIC in particular. This framework including both theories of State failure and International administered Territories as well as Models for Civil- Military Co-operation.The International presence in Postconflict Societies plays a big role, even thou it is very important that initiatives for rebuilding comes from the state within. The essence of CIMIC is the civil component and the military, operating in Peacebuilding and Reconstruction missions.

Den decentraliserade frivilligorganisationen : En fallstudie av Amnesty International Sverige

The purpose of this study was to find an explanation for why Amnesty International in Sweden has seen an increasing number of members, while the number of participants at the national annual meeting has decreased.The method of the study was done with an inductive approach in which the problem has affected the choice of theory and empirical data. The empirical data has been collected through both qualitative and quantitative method in which the analysis was implemented with support by statistics and interviews.To strengthen the arguments in the paper, sociological theories on organizations are used and also theories about social movements.The conclusion of the study is that Amnesty International Sweden has undergone a transformation towards a decentralized organization because it is not longer relevant for people who are members to achieve the purpose of the organization to participate at the annual meeting. This because that these members accesses the recourses they want to achieve by working on a local level. The main conclusion of this study is that Amnesty has moved towards being an organization that to some extent are working as a social movement, where there is no longer any clear link between local work and the central board of Directors. .

FN - i mäktiga staters tjänst En studie av hur FN påverkas av mäktiga stater

The United Nations is an important organization when it comes to international peace and security. Recent events in international politics, however, have brought about a widespread concern about the abilities of the organization. Powerful states have shosen to act outside of the organization to achieve their goals. They have furthermore a disproportionate influence on the decision-making body, the Security Council.The aim of this essay is to examine wheather UN can function productively as keeper of the international peace and security in the political climate of today, and to find out to what extent the powerful states harm the organization. I use a theoretical article, concerning states relations to international organisations, to analyse the acts of powerful states in UN.

?Jag tänkte bara: ?Inte här, inte här, inte här?? : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av självmordsbombningen i Stockholm 2010

AbstraktTitel: ?Jag tänkte bara: ?Inte här, inte här, inte här?? - En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av självmordsbombningen i Stockholm 2010Författare: Irene Danielsson och Sandra WågerKurs: Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap CTermin: Våren 2011Handledare: Ulrika OlaussonSyfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om och hur publiken minns, känner och påverkas av självmordsbombningen i Stockholm i december 2010 samt vilken roll medierna har spelat för formandet av respondenternas uppfattningar.Metod: Kvalitativ metod, fokusgruppsintervjuerTeorier: Fruktanskultur, terrorism kopplat till religion och ?vi och dom?.Huvudresultat: Respondenternas tolkningar och upplevelser av händelsen låter sig inte summeras på något enkelt sätt, men fem av de mest förekommande känslouttrycken var: ?Oro/rädsla?, ?Medkänsla/sympati?, ?Distansering/likgiltighet?, ?Ilska? och ?Lättnad?. Resultatet visar att det skapas ett ?vi och dom? genom att respondenterna sätter in sig själva i sammanhanget ?nationen Sverige? där det egna landet beskrivs som tryggt, gulligt och oskyldigt. På samma sätt tar de avstånd från ett utländskt ?dem? och de inbillade egenskaper som kommer med dem.

Oharmoniserad familjerätt i EU : Problematik och lämpliga förändringar ur medborgarnas perspektiv

The EU guarantees the free movement of persons. The citizens of the EU Member States have the right to move freely without barriers within the EU borders and this result in an integration of the peoples in Europe. The integration result in several international family relationships. It is not unusual in the present situation that families have international relations. For example, spouses in a married couple may have different nationality.

Upplevda effekter av hörapparatanvändande hos hörapparatanvändare och hos närstående

The purpose of this study was to examine effects of hearing aid use and to do a judgment of the provement. The investigation was a pilot study and may be used in the clinic.The international form ?International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids? (IOI-HA) was used for data collection. Four questions were chosen from the form. These questions were answered by hearing aid users and their significant others.

Internationella studenter och referensarbete: En fenomenografisk studie av högskolebibliotekariers uppfattningar av referensarbete gentemot internationella studenter

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how academic librarians experience reference work aimed at international students. International students are a growing usergroup in Swedish academic libraries. The study?s main research question is:- How do academic librarians experience reference work aimed at international students?The study was performed with a phenomenographic methodological approach where seven qualitative interviews with academic librarians were conducted.

Minnet av terrordåden den 22 juli 2011 : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av framställningen av Anders Behring Breivik i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter på årsdagarna av massakern på Utöya

I denna kandidatuppsats ville vi undersöka hur Anders Behring Breivik framställs av Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter på årsdagarna av massakern på Utöya som har varit, det vill säga den 22 juli 2012, 2013 och 2014. I frågeställningarna studerade vi vilka teman som återkommer i beskrivningarna av Breivik och texten och bildernas samspel. Materialet består av tio artiklar och teorierna som vi har använt handlar om medier, terrorism och sorgeritualer. Vi har genomfört en diskursanalys för att undersöka texterna och en semiotisk analys när vi analyserade bilderna. Det vi har kommit fram till är att Breivik frekvent framställs som fascist och islamofob.

Svensk massmedias EU-gestaltning Analys av Dagens Nyheters och Expressens EU-artiklar utifrån ett inrikes- och utrikespolitiskt perspektiv

During the time of membership in The European Union Swedish domestic policy has gone through many changes. A lot more political areas are being influenced by the EU policy. Today every ministry has got some sort of EU office. Swedish politicians are functioning on two arenas, domestic and European. At the same time Swedish membership has gone from being highly discussed to being a state of normality.

Signalspaning : Helgar ändamålet medlen?

 Debatten om den kontroversiella signalspaningslagen är högst aktuell och det diskuteras öppet och intensivt om huruvida den är ett skydd mot hot utifrån eller om den hotar medborgarna i det svenska samhället. När uppsatsen avslutas har lagen trätt i kraft den 1 januari 2009, men kommer inte att träda i full kraft förrän i oktober 2009.Terrorism är ett fenomen som har fått en ny betydelse för människor i det globala samhället. Det har alltid funnits i samtid som det demokratiskt politiska samhället, men betydelsen av detta fenomen, detta begrepp har varierat. Den har skiftat under åren från att vara en terrorism där grupper som IRA och ETA figurerade för att frigöra territorium från de stora länderna till att handla om att påverka politiska beslut genom att skrämma civila. Cyberterrorism är ett nyare fenomen inom begreppet och har en annan verkan då den riktar sig mot det nya informationstekniska samhället som har blivit allt mer sårbart ju längre utvecklingen går.Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka vilket sorts inflytande som cyberterrorism har haft i utformandet av lagen, om lagen är ett hot mot Sverige eller ett skydd för Sverige samt huruvida signalspaning rättfärdigas av ändamålet, det vill säga att ge Sverige ett fungerande säkerhetsskydd.Slutsatsen av denna uppsats är att cyberterrorism har ett visst samband med hur lagen har utformats, men det är inte en avgörande eller ensam faktor.

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