14661 Uppsatser om International management. Sweden - Sida 55 av 978
Det osynliga svenskämnet på International Baccalaureate-programmet (The International Baccalaureate Programme?s invisible subject of Swedish)
Denna kvalitativa fallstudie undersöker hur svenskämnet på IB-programmet regleras i styrdokumenten, hur styrdokumenten kan omsättas till undervisningspraktik samt vilka fördelar och nackdelar lärare som undervisar i både IB-svenskan och de nationella svenskkurserna Svenska A och Svenska B upplever med IB-svenskan. Fallstudiens metoder är en hermeneutisk styrdokumentsanalys av IB-svenskans styrdokument i relation till kursplanen för Svenska B, en halvstrukturerad observation av en lektion i IB-svenska och halvstrukturerade intervjuer med de två lärare som undervisar i IB-svenska på den undersökta gymnasieskolan. Som analysverktyg nyttjas ramfaktor- samt frirumsmodellen.
De slutsatser som kan dras utifrån fallstudien är att de yttre ramarna för IB-svenskan i form av styrdokumenten är snävare än för kursen Svenska B. Kursplanen, betygssystemet, ?Prescribed Book List?, den tillgängliga tiden, elevunderlaget och gruppstorleken utgör alla ramfaktorer som inskränker lärarnas frirum, både det upplevda och reella, i utformningen av och undervisningen i IB-svenska.
Generation Y i Managementkonsultbranschen: Strategier för att attrahera och behålla 80-talisterna
Management consulting firms are dependent on attracting and recruiting new talents since the human capital has a vital role in these types of organizations. In the following years a new generation, Generation Y, will to a large extent enter the labour market. According to several studies this generation has different characteristics than older generations.This thesis examines management consulting firms? views of Generation Y and which strategies they use to attract and retain the generation. The fact that the subjects are unexplored led the authors to conduct a qualitative study of seven management consulting firms through in-depth interviews.
Fältstudier och laborationer inom geografiundervisningen
The purpose of this study is to explore how teachers in Sweden and Croatia work with children that have problems like ADHD and dyslexia in school. I have chosen to compare pedagogical methods between Swedish and Croatian teachers which are used in work with children with difficulties when it comes to the education and teachers approach to these children. I have done a qualified study and have interviewed teachers in both Sweden and Croatia and one specialist in pedagogy in Croatia. I compared with these interviews information from earlier studies and literature. Results show that teachers in Sweden are of the opinion that every student who has these difficulties is different and therefore the use a variation of pedagogical strategies is crucial.
Kryptosporidieinfektion hos nötkreatur : utvärdering av en ny metod för påvisande av subklinisk infektion
Cryptosporidium parvum is a protozoan parasite causing diarrhoea in many different animal species including cattle and man. It is an important enteric pathogen in neonatal calves and it is the second most common pathogen found in diarrhoeic calves in Sweden. Subclinically infected adult cattle have, in international studies, been shown to shed a low number of oocysts in faeces and this has been recognised as a potential source of infection for new-born calves. The detection methods used for diagnostic purposes are based on microscopic investigation of faecal smears. These methods have a fairly low sensitivity and samples from subclinically infected cattle have to be concentrated before analysis.
Miljöinformation från teori till praktik.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the process of transferring information from science to "the field" of environmental protection in Sweden. I have studied four Swedish environmental organizations, Greenpeace Nordic, WWF Sweden, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and Friends of the Earth Sweden to see how they search/get information. I have also studied the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and its role as sender of information, since it is the authority which is responsible for environmental information in Sweden. I have used information and communication theories as a help to analyse my results. While working on this paper I realized that my methods were not the best.
Informationshantering och organisatoriskt lärande i samband med företagens etiska handel
The purpose of this essay is to examine how four Swedish retail companies describe their information management in connection to ethical trade. My purpose is also to examine how this information management relates to organizational learning. My questions at issue are ? ?Which activities related to information management in connection to ethical trade is described by the companies?? and ?How can these activities and statements be related to organizational learning?? My method of investigation is to perform qualitative interviews with representatives from the retail companies and relate the results to theories on information management and organizational learning, mainly theories of double-loop- and single-loop learning. The information management literature address issues such as information needs, information sources and information seeking.
NBF- Förmågan att se på andra sidan kullen eller ?Kejsarens nya kläder"
So- called ?Network Based Defense? (NBD) was introduced in Sweden in connection with the transformation of the Swedish Armed Forces in 1999. NBD is based on the U.S. variant Network Centric Warfare (NCW), which in turn is derived from research on the concept of Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA). In Sweden the concept was introduced and included not only the Armed Forces but was intended to also support the Swedish civilian agencies in order to create networks and hence share the available information and thus more effective crisis management and to provide more "bang for the buck." In developing the concept of NBD the Swedish Armed Forces used both economic and human resources, in the form of research, new technologies, new organization and new methods.Between year 2004 and 2006 the Armed Forces once again entered the process of reorganization.
Självscanning ? Ur butikens perspektiv
The underlying aim of this paper is to find out how the management and employees in a grocery store on a relatively small community in Sweden is experiencing Technology-Based Self-Service (TBSS), and self-scanning. And how store management and employees experience that the self-scanning ability is received by their respective consumers. Several open individual interviews were conducted with the administrative head of sales and various employees working at different departments at Coop Forum in Skara In offering self-scanning, we believe that the store provides consumers with an opportunity to perform their daily purchases by an easy and flexible approach, which we believe will have a positive impact on the entire store visit. A positive store visit, we believe play a major role in consumers choosing to do their shopping in the store.The issue to be elucidated in this paper is; How do management and employees in a grocery store perceive that self-scanning influence consumers' purchase and the service the shop offers? Why would a supermarket use self-scanning as part of the service they offer to their consumers? The report concludes the similarities and differences experienced by administrative sales manager and employees compared to previous research on the subject.
Konsten att förutspå konjunkturen - Hur användbara är enkätbaserade snabbindikatorer?
Foreseeing future changes in economic activity is of up most importance to a wide array of actors. The time lag in the presentation of official GDP statistics means that to somewhat accurately capture a tendency of where the business cycle is heading one need turn to qualitative sentiment indicators such as Purchasing Managers? Index (PMI) and official sentiment indicators for valuable clues. This thesis uses in-sample and out-of-sample methods to evaluate how well PMI and official Business Tendency Surveys (BTS) in Sweden and Denmark fair against the year-on-year growth rate of industrial production. Moreover, various Swedish regional sentiment indicators get examined and a case study of the indicator for the Öresund region is performed.
Första linjens chefer, administration och New Public Management : En studie av New Public Managements inverkan på första linjens chefers administrativa arbete i vården
Title: First line management, administration and New Public Management Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration, 15hp.Author: Patrik Jansson & Victor HolmlundSupervisor: Pär Vilhelmson, Kristina Mickelsson & Elena AhmadiDate: 2015 - May Aim: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how first line management in public organizations is effected by New Public Management related reforms and how they handle related administrative tasks. Method: The study is based on a deductive and qualitative methodology. We conducted 10 semi-structured interviews with first line managers in Swedish public healthcare organizations. A result is reached by a thematically constructed analysis were citations are presented and analyzed. Result & Conclusions: The study shows through the model that has been used that first line managers are highly affected by administrative tasks that can be linked to New Public Management. The participant managers see these related tasks as important for the organizations and natural in their profession. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes with an increased understanding of the managing of first line managers and how it is affected by New Public Management related administration through a perspective that is lacking in previous research. The new perspective gives a nuanced view of the manager?s role as administrators and gives rise to suggestions of future research. Key words: New Public Management, Administration, First Line Managers, Healthcare..
Examining the social component of sustainable forest management in Prince Albert and Vilhelmina Model Forests
Due to the forest industry downsizing, many communities in rural forest regions in Canada
and Sweden are facing problems to survive. In order to create community sustainability,
resilience and well-being in remote forest regions, the view on the forest resources has
shifted towards multiple use, through the concept of sustainable forest management (SFM).
Beside the economic and ecological elements of sustainability, the social forest values are
needed, contributing to the human well-being, local participation, stakeholder collaboration,
human rights and cultural connection.
In this thesis the embodiment of the social component of SFM within Prince Albert Model
Forest (Canada), and Vilhelmina Model Forest (Sweden) will be examined. Being partners
and facing similar challenges as rural boreal forest regions, the two model forests are compared
through analysis of projects and activities, conducted interviews and organization
Looking at projects mentioned as successful by the interviewees, they all have elements
from the social values of SFM. The direction can be explained by the introduction of the
Forest Communities Program in Canada, demanding the Model Forests to work towards
community stability and resilience, the Model Forest organization concept itself and the
way global focus are increasing around social forest values. In the future, it may be important
that the role of the MFs enable some kind of political authorization and legitimacy in
order to improve conflict solving and indigenous rights equality.
Libyenkrisen ? en humanitär intervention? : En kvalitativ textanalys som syftar till att förklara motiven bakom NATO:s och FN:s beslut att intervenera Libyen
Humanitarian intervention is a concept that generates several problems in our time. The idea of humanitarian intervention concerns the modern norms of sovereignty and noninterventional principals. It also concerns the conventional norm, which declares that states are not allowed to interfere in other states? internal affairs. The use of military force to implement humanitarian intervention is restricted according to international law.
Identitet och etnicitet : om ungrares förutsättningar till självförverkligande
The point of interest in this study is to identify whether ethnicity is a correlating factor regarding Hungarian immigrants? development of identity in Sweden. The general aim is to increase knowledge and understanding of the conditions for the Hungarian ethnical group in Sweden to reach self-realization. The main question is whether the general view of the background of this ethnical group has a connection to their self-realization in Sweden? Since the study involves a whole group of minority, a limitation has been made to adults living in the city of Halmstad, Sweden.
Enabling Smart Research and Development through Knowledge Conversation
Abstract Title: Enabling Smart Research and Development through Knowledge Conversation Seminar date: 2005-06-08 Course: Master thesis in business administration, 10 Swedish credits (15 ECTS) Authors: Andreas Johnsson, Johan Rosendahl Advisors: Lars Bengtsson Key words: Knowledge management, Knowledge conversation, Research and development, Ba, Trelleborg Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to create a model that shows how knowledge management aimed at research and development processes can be used and how the theoretical fields can be connected. Methodology: The thesis is based on abductive perspective where empirical and theoretical material has been mixed to create a foundation for the analysis. Theoretical perspectives: Theories concerning knowledge management and research and development have primarily been used. These have been complemented with material about team structures and incentive systems. Empirical foundation: The empirical material is based on semi structured, mostly qualitative interviews and strictly quantitative inquiries performed at Industrial Hose within the Trelleborg group.
Borta bra, men hemma bäst? : En studie om ledarskap i en interkulturell kontext
The aim of this thesis is to create an understanding about how and to what extent a Swedish expatriate manager needs to adapt his/her leadership in accordance with the culture of the host country. Thus shall different managers? perceptions of experienced management overseas be studied. To accomplish our aim, three different problems have been designed. These are as follows: In what way does the manager?s earlier experiences and knowledge about expatriation affect her or his leadership in a new cross-cultural context? How does the culture of the host country affect the expatriate manager?s leadership? How does the expatriate manager handle contradictory demands: that is differences in expectations from subordinates and the higher management? We have chosen to use an abductive approach in order to do a qualitative study and we have therefore conducted eight case studies to create a foundation for distinguishing patterns.The case studies are based on eight Swedish managers with experience from expatriation. The theoretical framework is structured upon three main themes including; knowledge and skills a global leader needs to possess, the relation between the leader and subordinates, and contradictory demands.