14661 Uppsatser om International management. Sweden - Sida 44 av 978
Tjänstekvalitet inom eventsektorn: en fallstudie inom event
The purpose of this thesis was to look into how event management companies got knowledge about their customers? expectations and how they are influenced by these expectations. A case study was conducted based upon interviews with two employees from two companies that are in the business. The study has shown that event management companies do try to get awarness about their customers' expectations, especially by listening and discussing with the customer. Personal contact is an efficient way of communicating and a way to avoid misunderstandings, which is a common mistake when customers' expectations are not met.
Analys av institutionell kapitalförvaltning: Stiftelserna som bildades ur de forna löntagarfonderna
This paper studies the research foundations created in 1994 from the former wage earners? funds out of a portfolio management point of view. Firstly it describes the seven largest foundations and their different portfolio management structures. Secondly it analyses the performance of these foundations measured as the intercept, Jensen?s a, in a linear regression of the excess returns of a portfolio versus a proxy for the market, as well as the Sharpe-ratio.
Basel II - Det nya kapitaltäckningsregelverkets påverkan på de svenska nischbankernas kredit- och riskhantering
ABSTRACTTitle: Basel II ? The New Basel Capital Accord and its influence on small Swedish banks and their retail banking and risk management.Seminar: May 24th, 2007Course: FEK318 Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 10 Swedish creditsAuthors: Mattias Kjellberg, David Uhlmann & Ivana ZubacAdvisor: Joakim WinborgKeywords: Capital cover, capital requirements, Basel II, credit giving, credit risk, risk management, retail banking, small banks, pillar 2Problem: What influence does Basel II and the new updated management of credit risks in pillar 1 and the active risk control in pillar 2 have on small Swedish banks retail banking?Purpose: Our essay seeks to explore what influence pillar 1 and the new updated management of credit risks in the new capital accord Basel II have on small Swedish banks and what influence pillar 2 have. We also want to explain if Basel II has influences on small Swedish banks credit analysis and possible effects in their risk management and pricing.Methodology: In our essay we use an inductive approach and our chosen research method is the qualitative one. We have chosen to look into four small Swedish banks, and the empirical data is obtained from telephone interviews with selected respondents from Länsförsäkringar Bank, SkandiaBanken, GE Money Bank and ICA Banken.Conclusions:? The work with credit scoring does not get influenced by Basel II if the Standardised Approach is chosen.? Banks that?ve early implemented high technological systems in the organization, that small banks normally do, have gotten an easier transition to Basel II.? Basel II will result in a risk adjusted pricing and a more fair credit market.? Internal Ratings-based Approaches is very demanding to develop, but at the same time it?s a more risk sensitive approach.? Pillar 2 results in a more sophisticated work for the small banks.? Basel II results in a further price press on residential loans in Sweden..
Trakthyggesfria skogsbrukssätt : kunskap, förutsättningar och attityder
Forestry has three main aspects to take into consideration today; economical, ecological and socio-cultural. In order to reach the broad policy goals for sustainable forest management, an increased variety of management approaches are requested. Today clear-cutting is the only method used in 96 % of the managed forests in Sweden. The Swedish National Board of Forestry has therefore initiated a project in order to investigate and develop Continuous Cover Forestry (CFF). This study is a part of this project.
Tests of optimal capital structure theory and pecking order theory using a binomial approach- a study of Swedish firms
This master thesis concerns whether Swedish non-financial listed firms act in accordance with the optimal capital structure theory and/or pecking order theory. The examined period is 1998-2004 and we discover that Swedish companies neither follow optimal capital structure theory nor pecking order theory. From our results we conclude that there exists no single point of the capital structure which is optimal. Rather it seems as if the optimal point lies in-between an interval from 0 to the industry average, where firms tend to be indifferent to their debt-ratios. Our results show that Swedish companies prefer internal financing followed by equity and as last choice debt issuance..
Ett aktivt Sverige inom ESFP - En inblick kring argumenten för ett utbrett engagemang och hög aktivitet
The ambition of this study is to examine the discussion surrounding the Swedish participation in the European security- and defence policy. By forming feasible areas of arguments the goal is to gain further comprehension in the case of Sweden. These arguments are formed in close relation to the empirical sources; With less public funding there are economic aspects of cooperation, this could also be related to Swedish the industry of defence systems; A high level of participation in the UN is a tradition in Swedish foreign policy, the European battle groups are the perfect tool to further strengthen the UN ability in conflict management and peace keeping missions; Outside the EMU Sweden could face the political margin, to retain influence a high level of activity ought to occur in the integration process; Finally, the future position of United States and NATO is not clear, Europe needs an capacity apart the US to contribute to lasting peace and stability. The arguments are close related to each other, but the main argument is to through ESDP create a tool that will strengthen UN, there is also a wide range of economic arguments related to the industry..
Mitt i smeten -fallet Arla Foods visar vägen för framtidens krishantering i en senmodern global värld
Today we live in an interconnected world. Through globalization and the development of information technology one can say that, today everyone is our neighbour. The result of our actions can easily spread and affect people on the other side of the world within seconds.Meanwhile, Third World countries are developing into stable economies and Western European corporations are expanding like never before and setting up their organizations in these new markets.This of course is not unproblematic, it creates new challenges for international organizations especially when it comes to communication. An example of that same problematic communication presented itself for Arla Foods in what came to be called the Cartoon Crisis.In late September of 2005 a number of cartoons depicting the holy prophet Muhammed were published in a Danish newspaper. This event sparked scores of protest ranging from Morocco to the Philippines.
Rekrytering till arbete av studenter från Sport Management-programmet
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur rekryteringen till arbete av studenter från Sport Management-programmet vid Högskolan Dalarna har gått till, samt vilka personliga egenskaper och meriter som har varit avgörande för att erhålla anställning inom den idrottsrelaterade organisationen. Undersökningen har genomförts i intervjuform med arbetstagare som tidigare har studerat Sport Management samt med deras arbetsgivare. Resultatet visar att idealbakgrunden för att erhålla anställning inom idrottsrelaterade organisationer är:- Tidigare aktiv idrottare/insatt i idrotten för att veta hur det praktiska fungerar- Akademisk utbildning, förslagsvis Sport Management- Arbetslivserfarenhet inom idrotten- Brett kontaktnät- Att visa framåtanda - Utåtriktade och ambitiösa personliga egenskaper.
Yield Management i relation till Customer Relationship Management - En komparativ hotellanalys
Uppsatsens syfte är att förklara Yield Management. Detta gör författarna genom att kvalitativt studera och analysera arbetsgången på två hotell. Det ena hotellet har en uttalad Yield Management strategi emedan det andra hotellet har en Customer Relationship Management strategi. Det sistnämnda hotellet fyller funktionen som referensobjekt till Yield Management. Customer Relationship Management valdes som en referensram eftersom denna teori är vanligt förekommande inom hotellbranschen.
Strategiska Alliansers potential för Djuice
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..
Ensam är stark- en kvalitativ studie
En kvalitativ studie om en liten regioanl banks resurser och förmågor. Teoretisk referensram: resursbaserad teori..
En undersökning och utvärdering av ledningssystem : Ett delprojekt i ett förändringsarbete
In past decades information technology has changed the conditions of organizations, not at least within the industry. Advanced IT systems have become a fact in order to cope with rapid changes in the market and to effectively manage an organization?s knowledge. When organizations became more flexible and customized expectations from customers and stakeholders also become higher. These expectations and guidelines are documented in a company?s management system, which can be designed differently depending on what standards the company chooses to implement.
Kariesprevalens i Irak och Sverige - en jämförelse och analys av faktorer
Som tandhygienist är det mycket intressant att studera karies-epidemiologiska undersökningar på både nationell och internationell nivå. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva och jämföra kariesstatus (DMFT) hos 12-åringar i Sverige och Irak, och några av de faktorer som kan påverka DMFT komponenternas roll och inverkan.
För att besvara syftet användes information från litteratur och tidskrifter samt WHO:s databas om länderna.
Resultatet visar att DMFT för 12-åringar i Irak var 1.7 (2003) och i Sverige 1.0 (2005). DT-komponenten, d.v.s. obehandlad karies, var hög hos irakiska barn medan FT- komponenten var hög för danska barn (inga data tillgängliga för Sverige).
Kopplingar mellan interna prestationsmätningar och ständig förbättring
Kopplingar mellan interna prestationsmätningar och ständig förbättring undersöks genom fallstudie av IKEA Food Service. Uppsatsen genererar fem hypoteser kring ämnet..
Pluralism eller propaganda? En ideologianalys av franska Front nationals folkbibliotekspolitik och debatten kring denna
The focus of this master thesis is the library politics of the French Right wing party the National Front and the debate that followed the application of this politics. This qualitative study is divided into two parts where the critics to this politics represents one side and the adherents the other. The critics are composed by representatives from the French, Swedish and ? to some extent ? international library sector, while the adherent side is made up of politicians from the National Front and their adherents. The empiric material mostly consists of articles published in library, Right wing and daily press.