

11674 Uppsatser om International aid work - Sida 20 av 779

Kulturarvets skydd i väpnade konflikter. Kulturarvsbrott vid ICTY

This graduation thesis aims to give a survey of how cultural property is protected withininternational law and how these protections worked during the conflicts in the formerYugoslavia and later at the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY.Cultural heritage is important symbols for ethnicity, religion or political views. Because ofthis cultural property has been targeted in armed conflicts as long as can beremembered. The protection of cultural property within international law has developedfrom the midst of the 19th century up til today and is still developing towards strongerprotection. One of the latest armed conflicts where the cultural property became targetedwas the wars in Yugoslavia in the 1990?s.

Har forskningen om internationella relationer någon praktisk betydelse? : En studie om idémakt i utrikespolitik

The aim of this paper is to get a deeper understanding if research about international relations has any practical meaning. The main focal point is about the importance of the scholar idea soft power, and its meaning on foreign policy actions through expressions. A quantity and quality method is used. The point of the main theory that concerns international relations takes a rationalistic perspective, and expands it to the notion that ides can have an impact on policy outcomes. Three different types of research utilization can be traced to determine in which way an idea is getting implemented.

Internationellt erkännande : En studie utifrån Syd Sudan och Somalilands självständighetssökande

The intention of this study is to investigate why some regions, which choose to secede from their parent country, are internationally recognized and others are not. The case studies of this study are South Sudan and Somaliland. South Sudan is as of now the world?s newest state, and Somaliland is a break-away state that is considered a part of Somalia by the International community. There are conditions that have to be fulfilled, before existing nations recognize the break-away state, such as an agreement between the seceded state and the parent country, which was the case for South Sudan and Sudan.


As my final project I planned to animate a movie. Usually I work with illustration and I see animation as the next step in my design work, to investigate how illustration and movement can collaborate. The purpose with my project was to develop my technical skills, improve my design process and broaden my work to eventually be able to work with animation. My ambition was to make an abstract animation and my focus was mainly on my personal process and knowledge. I also wanted to explore how much one can abstract a movie while still communicating a story or message..

Integrationsarbetet i Landskrona kommun - Projektledarnas reflektioner om integrationsarbetet

This study is about the work of including immigrants to the Swedish society. The reason that we chose Landskrona community is that it is a town with a high population of immigrants. The purpose of this work has been to examine how projectleaders reflect about the work of integration in Landskrona and their point of view regarding the term integration. Our questions were: what is the projectleaders view on the term integration, how does the projectleaders reflect about the work of integration in Landskrona, how would the projectleaders like the work of integration to be, how does the projecleaders reflect about the future work of integration in Landskrona.We used a qualitative method to do this study and interviewed six persons who all work in various projects, that are working for including immigrants to the Swedish society.Our main results in our study is various kinds of thoughts and reflections of the work of integration in Landskrona, but there were some things that were more approaching than others. There is a high ambition of integrate immigrants into the Swedish society in Landskrona and the projectleaders had all many reflections of their work.

Barns rätt och äktenskapsåldern : En kritisk studie av svensk rätt i samband med de grundläggande principerna i barnkonventionen

The Swedish rules for marrying in Sweden are different for swedish citizens and foreigners. A swedish citizen has to have permission from"Länsstyrelsen"to marry before the age of 18 but a foreigner may marry without permission at an age of 15, unless a higher age is required by the foreign law. The main question in this essay is if the swedish international law concerning the age of marriage is compatible with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and/or the Swedish Constitution. The comparison is based on mainly two questions: Primarily the Swedish international law is discussed concerning which marrying age is good for the child. Thereafter it is discussed whether it is discriminating to have different marrying ages for swedish and foreign citizens.

Arbetsgivarens skyldigheter att förebygga psykosocial ohälsa : Emperisk studie vid Karlstads universitet

In the society of today more and more employees are reported sick due to illness caused by their place of work. A lot of employees are stressed in their daily work and because of that they get mentally exhausted. These common occurrences are a part of the psycho-social work environment and it is the employers responsibility to avoid them. To rehabilitate an employee is often very expensive and takes a lot of time. Focusing on preventing illness in the work environment, instead of repair when illness is a fact, is an advantage both for the employers and the employees.The purpose with this essay is to illuminate the responsibility that the employers have to prevent psycho-social illness in the work environment.

Motiv och förutsättningar för Arbete med spänning på det svenska stamnätet

In this thesis, the conditions of using the maintenance method live work at the Swedish TSO, Svenska Kraftnät has been analyzed. The study is limited to only include live work on 220 and 400 kV. The live work method is a type of maintenance that can be done, on lines or stations, even though they are still energized. The purpose of this thesis has been to map the present live work situation at these levels in Sweden. The study is based mostly on interviews with people who have specific field competence with in live work but also with personnel at Svenska Kraftnät.

Svensk Kod för Bolagsstyrning : En förtroendeskapande åtgärd?

After a series of corporate scandals around the world the trust in the business world was damaged, probably most in the United States but also in Sweden. Voices were raised for an increase in the openness and insight into the affairs of the company whereupon different corporate governance codes were developed in a majority of countries. A Swedish corporate governance code was issued in December 2004 with the purpose to re-establish the damaged trust for the companies and the business world. The Swedish code was accepted by the Stockholm Stock Exchange as an exchange rule for A-listed and larger O-listed companies as of July 2005. The purpose of this essay is to study how the Swedish corporate governance code in fact leads to an increase in trust in the stock market and to study the companies? attitudes towards this code.To fulfil the purpose of this essay, the authors have carried out a survey among the concerned companies where the companies? attitudes towards the Swedish code were collected.

Finns den universella moralen? : En fallstudie av en småstats utrikespolitik

AbstractEssay in political science, C-level, by Bo-Josef Eriksson, spring semester 2007Tutor: Susan Marton?Universal morality - does it exist? - A case study of small states foreign policy?The purpose of this essay is to examine how well does realism stand of against idealism when the focus of the study is on small states foreign policy? The essay takes it?s starting point at the debate between the two theories of international relations (IR). Realism is the theory that has had the most impact on the study of IR since the second world war. Idealism has been it?s greatest opponent and the debate is still active even up til this day.My case study of Danmarks foreign aid policy constitutes a worst critical case scenario for realism and therfore my assumptions were that idealism would be the theory that could explain the core-elements of the Danish foregin aid.

Kurs i projektarbete : Elevsyn på kursen och mina egna tankar om ett alternativ

This study has been performed at a smaller high school and with its industry students, the high school is located in a small industrial community. The purpose of my study has been to find out what students think about their work with the project work, what they think has been positive and negative, how their motivation is influenced by the work on the project and if the work has been affected by factors outside the school world.The interviews have been carried out like normal conversation with open questions. The students who participated in the study comes from the school where I did my internship. The selection was done by asking all students from a specific course, those who were positive to participate are also the ones I have chosen to interview. My main study results, in summary, described as the students, once they were inside their work were positive to the project work and felt motivated in their work. Negative experiences, for the students which attend a practical program, has mainly been economic, as the school does not provide any financial support.

Precisionsbestämning av bendensitometri

International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) rekommenderar att precisionsbestämning av bentäthetsmätning görs på varje klinik för att bedöma reproducerbarheten. Bentäthetsmätning görs för att diagnosticera osteoporos, följa upp behandling och förutsäga frakturrisk. I studien användes Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) för att utföra dubbla mätningar på redan inbokade patienter på klinisk fysiologi, Skånes Universitetssjukhus (SUS), Lund. 105 patienter ingick i studien. Mätningarna utfördes på helkropp, totalhöft, lårbenshals och ländrygg.

Mänskliga rättigheter i postkonfliktuella samhällen : en studie av Etiopiens och Eritreas efterlevnad av grundläggande rättigheter sedan 2001

This essay is aimed at exploring how governments inclination to adhere to international human rights law develops in the wake of interstate conflicts. It examines how human rights in Eritrea and Ethiopia has developed after the war in 1998-2000 by examining the historical background to the war, and reviewing country reports from United States State Department and Amnesty International between 2001-2005.The result of the paper shows that Eritrea's adherence to human rights suffered setbacks, and that some of these happened due to the aftermath of the war. Ethiopia also had some lesser setback primarily due to internal turmoil. The essay concludes that states adherence to human rights in postconflict situations depend on if the war severely weakened the state, in which case the state becomes more repressive in order to cling to power..

Mångspråk på bibliotek : En studie av fem folkbibliotek i Norrbotten

The purpose of this study is to investigate how public libraries in Norrbotten provide multilingual media and how the commitment is legitimized. In January 2014 there was a change to the guidelines for the International Library?s service for providing multilingual media. The responsibility for the provision of this service was also changed. The result shows there has been different ways of implementing the guidelines in practice; this has led to inequalities in the local library service.We have assembled data through qualitative interviews with five different public libraries in the north of Sweden.

Spel i skolan : Hur upplevs spelbaserat lärande i skolan?

A systematic quality work is essential for anyone working in preschool, school,kindergarten and adult education to give children and students an equal education.Skollagen (2010:800) indicates that quality work should be focused on the nationalgoals of education. According to Skolverkets allmänna råd med kommentarer omsystematiskt kvalitetsarbete - för skolväsendet (2012) is the work to develop quality acontinuous process. Everyone's involvement and participation is therefore essential.Systematic quality work means to systematically and continuously monitor theactivities, analyze performance against national targets and based on that plan anddevelop. Although the work has been driven outside governmental policy documentssince 1997 shows, among others, Skolinspektionens audits of municipalities andschools that there is major deficiencies in the obligation to conduct a systematicquality work. It appears that more than half of the surveyed schools had deficienciesin its system quality work.This is the starting position this study takes on to and through literature review,document studies and interviews of principals is the subject problematized.

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