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AbstractSweden applies two different private international statutes to establish which country´s domestic law that is applicable in a certain situation regarding succession and will with connection to two or more states. The first private international law is the one used in relations between Sweden and the other Nordic states. The other private international law is the one used between Sweden and all other states than the Nordic ones. A proposal for a Regulation that regulate jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a European Certificate of Succession has been prepared by the Commission and was published in October 2009. This regulation will, if it enters into force, modify the situation in Sweden for applicable law on a situation regarding succession and will.

Bushadministrationens syn på internationellt samarbete och internationell rätt samt politisk-teoretiska tanketraditioners inverkan på administrationens utrikespolitik

Essay in Political Science, Advanced Course, by Christoffer Hagström?The Bush Administration´s view on international cooperation and internationallaw and political-theoretical traditions influence on the administration´s foreignpolicy?Supervisor: Jan OlssonThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the American foreign policy, particularly with regard tointernational cooperation and international law. The two following research-questions are used inorder to fulfil the purpose: (1) what is the Bush-administrations´s view of of the place forinternational cooperation and international law in American foreign policy?, and (2) how does theadministration´s foreign policy correspond to dominant political-theoretical thought-traditions? Thetraditions used are: liberalism, realism and neoconservatism. The sources of the study mostlyinclude literature and policy-documents.

En rankings efterskalv : Om Transparency International och svensk korruption

What impact and effects are created by the placement of an international ranking? Could it be that a top rank is detrimental to an entire country's efforts to fight corruption?This bachelor thesis in political science is about Swedish corruption. In essence, so questioning the Transparency International's indexed rankings that placed Sweden in third place. Issues concern since if the third placement has created nonchalance and a careless mentality in Swedish government and in particular in the municipal operations. Research results show that Transparency International's rankings have low validity and low reliability and that the government is not acting sufficiently to prevent and fight corruption.

Forumkonkurrens. Prövning av folkmord inför ICJ och ICTY

The conflict in the former Yugoslavia was characterised by extensive war crimes committed by all parties in the conflict. Two international courts, The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, have both judged if a genocide was committed in this conflict. This paper examines how these two courts relates to each other concerning their legal judgement of the crime of genocide. Two cases are analysed; the judgement of Radislav Krstic´ at the ICTY and the case Bosnia and Hercegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro at the ICJ.

International and national genetic evaluation of beef cattle : validation of national genetic evaluation models

After a workshop in Kuopio held in June 2006, Interbull decided to go forward with the development of a system for beef international genetic evaluation and a three year project called Interbeef was launched in June 2007. The participating countries are so far limited to Europe and the only trait evaluated at present is adjusted weaning weight (weight at 200 days). The results from a first international genetic evaluation have been shared with the countries but are not yet official. The evaluation is based on data from purebred Charolais and Limousin. To achieve good estimates of proofs in an international context it is important that methods for data validation and model selection are implemented.

A Swedish national forest programme ? participation and international agreements

Sweden is in the initial phase of forming a national forest programme (nfp). The establishment of an nfp has been evoked by international policy developments and a national debate questioning Swedish forestry and forest policy. National forest programmes are participatory processes for the development and implementation of forest-related policies and international commitments. Hence, the aim of this master thesis is to assess the stakeholders? acceptance of participation and integration of international issues within the Swedish national forest programme.

Think Globally, Work Locally - En kvalitativ studie av turkiska kvinnoNGO:s och deras val av lobbystrategi

Turkey has recieved recurring criticism on their disrespect of women and their rights and The European Union Commission and CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women, are two examples of critics. However, during the last years Turkey has shown a number of improvments and positive developments. Two flagrant examples of the extended debate of the above mentioned scarcity is within the area of legislation and the large number of womenNGO´s.The aim of my thesis is to investigate which strategies womenorganizations in Turkey are using to affect the political agenda from a genderperspective; do they choose an international or a national strategi? The analysis is based on four womenNGO´s and their efforts of influence and effects on the political agenda and how they experience the link between themselves and the Turkish government. My findings suggest that a national strategy is chosen before an international strategy, but the choice seems to depend on specific goals of the organization and the national climate.

Göteborg International Film Festival Fund - Internationell kulturpolitik och strategiskt utvecklingsarbete

The aim of this research is to examine the Göteborg International Film Festival Fund (GIFFF, 1998?2011) as a part of the festival's overall operations, to provide answers to questions about if/how the Fund can be understood as an expression of the festival's fundamental values, and how the Fund can be recognized within the festival's strategic development. The GIFFF is also discussed in relation to contemporary academic studies that interpret Western film funds for the developing countries ? such as Hubert Bals Fund and Fond Sud Cinéma ? as an expression of Eurocentrism.The investigation is based on the contemporary film festival research, previous academic studies on Göteborg International Film Festival, the festival?s printed material ? such as programs and press releases ? as well as interviews with the former festival director Gunnar Bergdahl, who initiated the Fund, and festival editor Ulf Sigvardson, who ran the Fund during its final years of existence.The conclusions are: The Fund's objectives ? such as to support filmmakers and film schools in the developing countries, and also to screen their films at the festival ? can be seen as a broader interpretation of the vision that was determined by the festival founders, that the festival should be a platform for independent filmmaking and also help screen the films that otherwise would not reach the Swedish audience. Also, the Fund was a significant part of the festival's expansion strategies during the 1990s.

Romkonferensens syn på terrorism

AbstractIn 1998 the United Nations held a diplomatic conference on the establishment of an International Criminal Court in Rome. In the end of the conference the negotiating states adopted the Rome Statute by which an international criminal court was established. The court, which entered into force on 1 July 2002, has jurisdiction over the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The court also has jurisdiction over the crimes of aggression but the court will only be able to exercise its jurisdiction of this crime category when the member states of the court have found a definition of the crime.In the draft statute, which was prepared before the conference, acts of terrorism were a proposed crime. With the starting-point in the Rome conference this essay studies how the working-definition of crimes of terrorism was elaborated in the draft statute and how the state delegations viewed the crime.

Maybe it would be better if I was Swedish: En studie av internationella mastersstudenter i Sverige och deras utmaningar och m?jligheter p? arbetsmarknaden

Recent changes in Swedish law suggest new groups of ?desired? labor migrants, which international students is an example of. Despite this, international students in Sweden have received little previous attention in the literature. The current study focused on international master students? experiences of job searching in Sweden and challenges they face in job searching, recruitment, and workplaces.

En studie om konflikter i arbetslivet och det  systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetets roll som verktyg till förebyggande arbete.

Abstract The main subject of this essay is conflicts at work and the effect it has on the employee´s health.  I can through various reports read that bad health at workplaces is too high and that conflicts are a reason. What can be done to the work environment so it will be better from a psychosocial perspective? Sweden has a regulation that makes the employer responsible to work for an improvement in the work environment; can these regulations be used in purpose to reduce conflicts?My first question concerns the possibility to establish preventive procedures in the workplace systematic work regarding to improve the work environment. My second question is about the obligations of the employer to attempt to reduce conflicts at the workplace and the third question regards the documenting and monitoring of conflicts and the preventing work to reduce them. The purpose of this essay is to clarify how conflict preventive work can be included in the Systematic work environment management.

Matlandet Sverige : Kopplingen mellan den svenska matkulturen och besöksnäringen

The purpose of this study is to examine how a particular niche in tourism can attract international visitors to a certain destination. To do this, the Swedish food culture was used as a tool to find out how it is marketed to attract international visitors to Sweden. International visitors today wants to find destinations with a rich culture, authentications and traditions to get closer to the destinations identity. The study examines how three of the biggest companies, who works with the promotion of Sweden to an international audience, using the Swedish food culture as a marketing tool. We find that the visitor would like to get closer to the Swedish identity, which the Swedish food culture helps with..

Vederbörliga justeringar vid internprissättningsfrågor : Analys av om gällande rätt är tillfredställande för lösning av tvister som uppkommer till följd av justeringar av internprissättningar

Today adjustments on the pricing of internal transactions between multinational enterprises can lead to economic double taxation for the involved companies. This circumstance will result in an obstacle for private enterprising on the international market. Rules regarding corresponding adjustments and the mutual agreement procedure, that is used to eliminate economic double taxation, are today not sufficient tools to achieve this purpose. Consequently, changes regarding these rules should be implemented.The main reason for why economic double taxation is not put right is the competent authorities? inability to reach a suitable solution for the dispute.

"Biblioteksplanen är ju faktiskt något av det viktigaste på biblioteket" : En studie i bibliotekariers uppfattningar av biblioteksplanens betydelse i arbetet

The purpose of this essay is to examine how librarians perceive library plans, if they are important for their work and if so, in what ways. In order to analyze this, I have used a phenomenographic approach. My goal, by using this method, is to uncover perceptions and variations among these. The research questions are: What variations of perception of library plans exist among librarians? To what extent can the varied perceptions of library plans be linked to librarians' work? What does the variation of perception say, in relation to the expectations expressed in international and national documents, about library plans? The material used in a phenomenographic analysis consists of interviews.

Skyldigheten att skydda : Utvecklingen av R2P ur ett folkrättsligt perspektiv

The debate regarding the relationship between state sovereignty and the protection of the hu-man rights was at its peak during the 1990?s. Never again the world wanted to witness the atrocities committed in Rwanda, but at the same time some states argued in favor of a strict interpretation of the principle of state sovereignty and non-intervention. In 2001, ICISS was created ? a commission with the aim to find consensus in the question of how the world should respond to mass atrocities committed by a state against their own people.

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