

1672 Uppsatser om International adoption - Sida 59 av 112

Turister som sexköpare : En etnografisk studie av interaktionen mellan turister och sexindustrin i Thailand

The aim of this study is to investigate how it is possible that tourists who are not actively seeking child prostitutes still account for the majority of child sex tourists. The study includes tourists, locals, people working in the sex industry and staff from Swedish embassy and ECPAT international in Bangkok. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach and an ethnographic method, using field observations and interviews to collect the empirical data. The data has then been categorized in to different themes and analyzed using previous research on the subject. Hirschis theory of social bonds was then used to further interpret the results.The results of this study show that the tourists in Thailand, who are not seeking out child prostitutes, will most likely come in contact with them anyway.

Hållbar utveckling-en studie av små- och medelstora företag i Sverige

Sustainability has become more interesting to several companies through the last years, the trend attracts lots of attention around sustainability. Sustainable development means different to different people. The most frequent definition that we have found and which we believes compare with our definition of sustainable development.?a social change which satisfies daily needs without endanger next generation?s possibilities to satisfy their needs?.We have in this project commence from the English word sustainability and establish our own apprehension of its meaning, in the Swedish translation we have chose to call it sustainable development.This study is a part of an extensive project which is going on around the world and the material of the empirical study is designed after the international variation.Our study on over fifty small and medium sized enterprises has got the conclusion about what they think of sustainable development. We have compiled their answers and then the answers have been divided in three main categories.These main categories are:? Environmental-? Social-? Economic sustainabilityWe have also described what kind of obstacles which can be considered as standstill?s in the work with sustainable development, we have been summery them in three main categories:? Time? Cost? KnowledgeWe have seen that enterprises mostly see it as an competitive advantage to work with the main categories which is included in sustainable development, but the three standstill?s makes it difficult fore them to reach right up to sustainable development..

Är prostitution ett uttryck för brist på jämställdhet? : En studie av den unika sexköpslagen

Our purpose with this essay is to find explanations to the genesis of the Swedish law against prostitution now in power, known as Sexköpslagen 1998:408. We enter deeply into the official reports behind the law. This Swedish law implies that in a sex trade a crime is committed only by the consumer, and not by the seller. Our essay will result in an analysis of what sexköpslagen is an expression for. Our assumption is that the so called ideology of (gender) equality in Sweden might be a part of the explanation to the genesis of sexköpslagen.

Vanebeteende - Det lojala beteendet?

The Swedish sports retail industry has experienced extensive growth during the last decade, and this has attracted new entrants to the market, both start-ups and international followers. This has inevitably put more pressure on incumbents, which are now confronted with major challenges as how to retain their customers and market shares. Customer loyalty has been proved to be an important factor for customer retention and proposed to constitute inertia of switching behavior. In light of this problematization, the purpose of this study is to describe the underlying factors of loyalty and whether purchase habits could further explain customer loyalty. The aim is also to understand the strategic implications of the factors involved.

Kvalitetssäkring av bendensitometri

Osteoporos eller benskörhet, är en folksjukdom som vanligen inträffar i samband med åldrandet. För att kunna diagnostisera, upptäcka och följa frakturrisk i god tid är det bra om en bentäthetsmätning görs. Bentäthetsmätning eller bendensitometri utnyttjar metoden Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). För att kunna bedöma metodens reproducerbarhet rekommenderas att periodvis genomföra en kvalitetssäkring vid bentäthetsmätning, eftersom det är en kvantitativ mätning. Syftet med studien var att kvalitetssäkra metoden för bentäthetsmätning.

.Net-baserat konsulthanteringssystem

The students have been assigned a task from Consid, were they are supposed to develop a web based platform for handling the company?s consult CV:s. The key features of the system are to simplify the administration part at mission procurements towards customers and to match qualified consultants to certain missions.Consid is an international it-consult company and have about 1000 consults working for them. When Consid makes mission procurements towards a customer they have to manually match the best consult against a certain mission, this is both time consuming and complicated.The students started the project with big visions and thoughts about how the work would be performed and how the system would be developed. After the initial meetings and the closer it came to the beginning of programming it became clear that the expectations were too big.

Om man bygger dörren för liten kommer ingen in: En kvalitativ studie av tillgängligheten på folkbibliotekens webbplatser

The Internet has played an important role for libraries giving them a means of fulfilling their democratic mission of giving equal access to everyone, including people with disabilities. In order to achieve this it is of the utmost importance that they ensure that their web sites are accessible. In this masters thesis we have examined to what extent the web sites are accessible. The thesis is based on theories of human-computer interaction, information architecture, pedagogy and a checklist. The checklist is derived from established international guidelines from W3C, which has been adapted to, and is used by Swedish public authorities to achieve the mission of a ?24-hour authority?.

SVIKTANDE ST?D TILL MILJ?POLITIK En kvantitativ studie kring politisk orientering och st?d till milj?politik i Sverige under kristider

Climate change is a major political challenge, and the public opinion can play a big role in addressing it. It?s therefore relevant to examine which factors influence individuals? support towards environmental policy. Previous research indicates that this can be understood from political orientation (Jagers m.fl 2018, s. 86-7).

En studie om kultur, identitet och språk i några romska artiklar

There are shortcomings when it comes to recent studies by a Roma perspective on Roma culture and traditions. The purpose of this paper is to understand how the Roma present themselves in eight articles with an emphasis on culture, language and identity. The questions are as follows:First, how the Roma articles manufactures the Roma culture and what do these articles say about culture, identity and language from a Roma perspective? Second, how can the Roma preserve and develop their culture and be a part of Swedish society in accordance with Articles?Some of the findings are that the Roma language, Roma clothing and Roma music is part of the Roma culture. Similarly, social codes and traditions such as International Roma Day, which is a Romani celebration.

Spornosexualitet : Män, maskulinitet och den manliga kroppen

During the last decade of the twentieth century both ?manhood? and gender studies seems to have undergone changes. With the field of masculinity and the critical studies of men, added as ?subsections? of broader gender studies, new knowledge has been produced to better grasp the production of gender and power relations of patriarchy. During the same decade as the ?metrosexual? first appeared of the urban stage, acts of homophobia and attitudes towards ?manhood? seems to have changed.

Vägar till fred En moralisk komparativ analys av eftergiftspolitik, ekonomiska sanktioner och krig som konfliktslösande agenter för fred

The world is yet to experience world peace, a peace that is hindered by ongoing conflicts that escalate into wars around the globe. Therefore, peace can only be possible if conflicts are restricted and resolved to prohibit war, creating and maintaining peace. This study will be constructed around this assumption, but will include a moral variable and answer: is there a moral conflict-solving road to peace?The study will be directed around appeasement, economic sanctions and war as conflict resolving agents for peace. I will construct a typology with common features by using empirical material; a topology that will then be analyzed using two opposing ethical theories, consequentialism and common morality.The analysis will be constructed around the above mentioned question.

Mina elever är mina resurser : En jämförelse av hur verksamma lärare arbetar med läsundervisning i Sverige och Sydafrika

The purpose of this study is to investigate the teaching of literacy in two schools in different countries, South Africa and Sweden. The basis for the comparison was the decline of the two countries in the international PIRLS assessment. The aim of this essay was thus to identify possible similarities or differences between the two countries, possibly contributing to the decline in the literacy level of young students. The study was conducted by interviewing teachers of young children in South Africa and Sweden about their views on teaching literacy. The research shows that there are several factors contributing both positively and negatively to the literacy of young children.

Vägledande samspel i skolan

Syftet med min uppsats är att undersöka hur arbetet med International Child Development Programme (ICDP), Vägledande samspel, fungerar i skolan. Jag vill se hur pedagogerna som utgår från ICDP arbetar i den vardagliga verksamheten och även ta reda på pedagogernas inställning till att arbeta med ICDP. Jag vill undersöka detta eftersom ett gott förhållningssätt är ytterst viktigt för ett bra samspel. Vidare vill jag undersöka om det finns några svårigheter när man arbetar med ICDP och vad det i sådana fall kan vara. För att ta reda på detta ska jag genomföra intervjuer med pedagogerna samt observera dem under lektionstid i klassrummet.

En arbetsmarknad för alla? : en rättslig studie om arbetsgivares skyldigheter vid rekrytering av personer med funktionsnedsättning

Dagens arbetsliv och samhälle står under ständig förändring. Att arbeta och samtidigt bidra till vår välfärd är för de flesta en naturlig del av vardagen. Men för personer med funktionsnedsättning är förutsättningarna inte nödvändigtvis detsamma. Strax över en kvarts miljon människor med funktionshinder står idag utan sysselsättning och det i en tid då det politiska budskapet tydligt talar för att all potentiell arbetskraft behövs för att upprätthålla nivån på vår välfärd. Samtidigt visar oroväckande statistik att personer med funktionsnedsättning utsätts för diskriminering när de söker arbete.Arbetet belyser dels vilka skyldigheter arbetsgivare har vid en rekryteringsprocess för att inte en arbetssökande med funktionsnedsättning ska utsättas för diskriminering och dels vilka incitament som finns att tillgå för att underlätta för personer med funktionshinder att beredas plats i arbete.

En studie kring processen att som IT-konsult skifta affärsmodell genom försäljning av en standardiserad lösning.

Due to increasing international competition and new technology IT-consultants has been forced to oversee their business models lately. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the process and consequences of a shift in business model for a consultant by using a methodology based on action research. The empirical foundation consists of a field study with observations, notes, interviews and business related documents. The case describes a consultant?s process of shifting business model from profits based on man-hours to selling a standardized system.

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