

1672 Uppsatser om International adoption - Sida 53 av 112

Sustainable business practices : a review of eco-efficiency

The current demanding business environment requires corporations to act fast in finding effective solutions to problems given the myriad of challenges they face (Dyllick & Hockerts, 2001). The challenges include the impact of climate change on business practices, natural resource consumption, chemical pollution, technological change etc. Moreover, the forces of globalization, heightened concerns about the deteriorating quality of the physical environment and increased stakeholder power are also increasingly having a real influence on business practices (Rainey, 2008). Since 1992, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has encouraged the adoption of the concept of ecological efficiency (eco-efficiency) to support business efforts aimed at addressing some of these challenges. The aim of eco-efficiency is to reduce the amount of energy and materials used in production processes to achieve economic and environmental benefits (WBCSD, 2000).

Hållbarhetsredovisning : Med fokus på negativ information

To establish sustainability reports is an increasing trend for more and more companies. This has led to a spread of the international framework Global reporting initiative, GRI, guidelines to make a sustainability reports. This trend has got a lot of critics from various stakeholders who believe that companies in these reports communicate the information in a way of window dressing. Both negative and positive information has to be represented according to GRI: s principle of balance.  Window dressing is created by adding a greater emphasis on the positive information. The researchers review the context of the negative information to study the extent to which it is reported and whether there are patterns and variations in the reported information.

En granskning av det internationellt använda frågeformuläret International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA).

Assessment of hearing aids can be done by inventories. The result of the inventories can show the patients need and how the hearing aids works in the patients daily life. The result of the inventories can be influenced by the difference in languages and the cultures. The inventory IOI-HA should not be sensitive to those factors.The aim of this study was to compare and analyse material, method and to report and analyse the result from a pilot study made at Sahlgrenska University.The result showed that IOI-HA is a natural inventory which is able to be used internationally. The four studies in England, USA, the Netherlands, and Germany showed that the psychometric properties are similar across languages and cultures.

Upplevelser av sjukgymnastledd gruppträning hos individer med Parkinson

Det finns mycket forskning kring hur individer med Parkinson har möjlighet att förbättra sina fysiologiska funktioner genom träning. Det finns dock få studier som beskriver upplevelser av träningen. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva upplevelser av sjukgymnastledd gruppträning hos individer med Parkinson och undersöka hur resultatet överensstämde med domänerna i Internationella klassifikationen av funktionstillstånd, funktionshinder och hälsa (ICF). En kvalitativ deskriptiv innehållsanalys tillämpades. Fem deltagare medverkade i studien.

Valutamarknadens effektivitet - En studie av växelkurser utifrån UIP med förväntningar

This essay discusses and evaluates the international currency market in regards to efficiency. To prove the theory that, the difference between expected and actual exchange rates is explained by the difference in expected and actual interest rates and the difference in expected and actual inflation between countries, a model was developed. This model was inspired by the paper of Sebastian Edwards (1982), and is based on three theories; UIP, IS/LM and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis. The model uses 16 regressions estimated from three pairs of curriencies: $/SEK, £/SEK and ?/SEK.

Jesu Kristi sinnelag : om konsensusmodellen i Kyrkornas Världsråd

This essay examines the using of consensus method for decision making within the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the process that led to the decision to adopt its usage. The main question of my essay is why the method was introduced to the WCC and what motives lay behind its introduction. Other questions are how the consensus method works; both in theory and in practice, and what the predecessors and prototypes for the method are.The consensus method belongs to a broad Christian tradition of spiritual discernment and spiritual decision making. The New Testament, in particular Acts, gives examples of decision making in the early church which show that discerning God's will was considered essential. However the most influential model for the consensus method have been the decision making process of the Religious Society of Friends or Quakers, and also the consensus model of the Uniting Church in Australia.

Learning Resource Centre (LRC) ? en bibliotekstrend?

Learning Resource Centre, or LRC, is an international phenomenon and a response to the changing society that came with the development of information technology. The LRC concept spread internationally during the 1990s and began to influence Swedish collage libraries at the end of the decade. The main purpose of this study is to analyze if and how Swedish college libraries have incorporated the LRC concept. Is there a Swedish LRC model? Is the LRC concept still interesting or was it a trend that is now out of date? Interviews with eleven people from six college libraries aim to show how they define the concept LRC and how it has been integrated in to their organisations.

Statsförfall ? Transnationellt terroristskydd eller temporärt gömställe?

Many theories describe failed states as potential threats to international security due to the breeding ground they constitute for transnational terrorism. Ken Menkhaus believes however that transnational terrorists are dependent on a state for their own protection in order to be able to operate.This essay seeks out the relevance in Ken Menkhaus? theory which states that transnational terrorists rather exploit corrupted states than operate in countries where there is a state collapse. His theory will be applied on a case study on post-Libya after Gadhafi?s fall.

Att förstärka med svenskan : En kvalitativ studie kring pedagogers syn på engelskundervisningen för elever med annat modersmål än svenska i årskurs 1

English is an international and global language that students, regardless of mother tongue, encounter in their everyday lives. In Sweden, students are introduced to English teaching in year 1, 2 or 3, and in some cases, year 4. English teaching can sometimes be problematic when the language of instruction often consists of Swedish, which for second language students becomes a challenge to acquire new skills in a week language.The study aims to examine, with a qualitative study, how pedagogues plan and implements English teaching in first grade with students whose mother tongue are other than Swedish. Further, the aim was to examine how pedagogues say they relate to the fact that second language pupils participating in English lessons and if they think it affects their English teaching.The conclusions is that the pedagogues has probably not been problematized the phenomenon examined and say they do not adapt their teaching. In the interviews reveals information about the teaching method which, in my opinion, indicates that, unconsciously, adapting their teaching when they have second language students.

In i nuet via Darmstadt : Fylkingen, Stockhausen och 50-talet

  AbstractHåkan Salomonsson: In i nuet via Darmstadt ? Fylkingen, Stockhausen och 50-talet. Uppsala Universitet: Institutionen för musikvetenskap, C-uppsats 2006.During the 1950s, Swedens musical avantgarde was mainly lead by the concert organisation Fylkingen. Some of the leading members used to belong to the Mondaygroup in the 1940s and brought a will to update and modernise Swedish music with them into Fylkingen. This resulted in a radical change in the concert programs of Fylkingen and a development that lead to the introduction of the music of Karlheinz Stockhausen in Sweden.

Klassifikationssystem i mångkulturella samhällen

This master thesis deals with classifications schemes in multicultural societies. The aim is to investigate how well the Swedish classification scheme SAB has been adapted to the multicultural society of today. I have done a comparative analysis between the SAB and the UDC to see if an international classification scheme would have better possibilities to represent a multicultural society. I have asked some institutions that have a large collection of documents dealing with minority cultures how they experienced the SAB. I have also read literature about classification theories and compared universal enumerative, facetted and special classification schemes to see if the possibilities to classify documents on, or related to minorities differed from each other.

En hjälpande eller stjälpande hand?

Denna studie ämnar ta reda på om den humanitära interventionen i Somalia, mellan åren 1993-1995 kan anses vara humanitär eller inte, enligt Nicholas J Wheelers solidaritetsteori. Först undersöks om UNSOM II passar in i solidaritetsteorin kriterier och därefter förklaras varför. Resultat från ovanstående undersökning kommer att ge en bättre bild av UNSOM II och hjälpa till med att förklara faktorer som kan spela roll om en humanitär intervention benämns humanitär. Materialet som används i denna uppsats är utvärderingar och rapporter från åren, publicerade av Förenta Nationerna, Amnesty International och Human Rights Watch. Denna studie fann att UNSOM II inte var humanitär i relation till solidaritetsteorin, med hänsyn till bristen av proportionerlig användning av våld under jakten på Aydid.

Förutsättningar för tillväxt i en gränsregion

Uppsatsens grundläggande syftet är att förklara förutsättningar för tillväxt i en gränsregion. För att uppnå detta syfte har förutsättningar utifrån teori delats upp i tre olika dimensioner: institutionella, ekonomiska och sociokulturella. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten har varit vägledande för att empiriskt identifiera förutsättningar för tillväxt i en gränsregion mellan Sverige och Norge. Det är förklaringen av ett visst fenomen ? gränshinder ? i relation till gränsöverskridande verksamhet som eftersträvas. Förutsättningar för tillväxt i en gränsregion begränsas av brist på institutionella, ekonomiska och sociokulturella förutsättningar.

Förändrad syn på svensk militär alliansfrihet? : En studie om svensk neutralitetspolitik mellan 1990-2008

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine how the Swedish policy of neutrality has changed between the years 1990-2008. The research method used for this essay has been comparative case study, which strives to answer four research questions. Two of these questions are: Which specific occurrences have been fundamental in changing the Swedish policy of neutrality? How have the Swedish policy of neutrality and the policy of non-alignment changed between the years 1990-2008? The theoretical frame work of this study consists of Europeanization as a comprehensive theoretical perspective. In order to explain the Swedish act regarding the policy of neutrality, Logic of Consequences and Logic of appropriateness are used.

Trafficking i lagkontext : En undersökning gällande skillnaden mellan svensk och internationell symbolpolitik och lagimplementering.

The aim of this paper is to examine how the Swedish implementation of the new trafficking laws may differ from the original intention from the UN and EU and if they are substandard due to poorly conducted law implementation. Or if it might be a victim of political symbolism, to win support and votes for the politicians in power from the people, a ?hollow showpiece? only meant to be shown off. Trafficking is a relatively new phenomena and problem to be researched and discussed. This paper investigates the impact of the Palermo protocols international definition of the problem, the convention against organized crime presented by the European Union on the Swedish legal system and its action plan. A qualitative text analysis focusing on the discourse of the intentions behind the internationally presented legal documents and compared against the carrying out of said national objectives.

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