

1672 Uppsatser om International adoption - Sida 36 av 112

Samspel mellan miljo?politik, innovation och teknikutveckling : Fallstudier om svenska avlopp, kylska?p och bilar

Within process or manufacturing industries, the production of goods and services or the products themselves may have negative side effects such as pollution. An important task for environmental policy is to control and limit these pollutions, for example via regulatory measures. Although, the efficiency of such measures vary greatly between different industries and an increasingly important task for environmental policy is then to encourage companies to engage in environmentally motivated innovation. Governments can utilize other measures than regulation to indirectly decrease pollution. This thesis aims to analyze such activities and how it affects the innovativeness of wastewater treatment, refrigeration and automobile manufacturing industries.

En utredning av Rom I-förordningens artikel 4.1(h)

Article 4.1(h) in the Rome I regulation establishes which law that will be applicable on contracts concerning financial instruments concluded in multilateral systems. The main problem is that most contracts concluded within these systems have standard clauses which contain a clause on the applicable law. If this is the case, Article 3.1 in the Rome I Regulation is applicable instead. This problem makes it difficult to find a need for article 4.1(h) if it will only be applicable in exceptional cases. However, the legal position on this matter is still unclear since the Rome I Regulation has just been put into force.

Vad påverkar påverkansprincipen? : En kvantitativ studie om påverkansprincipens förekomst i svenska organisationer

This study puts emphasis on an international discourse describing how cities frequently compete against each other, and also describing factors that cities should enhance to make themselves more competitive. The discourse in this study has therefore been used to seek understanding how three different municipalities Borlänge, Karlstad and Malmö strive for growth by applying central factors from the discourse on the municipalities strategic documents. What the study shows is that the central factors from the discourse strongly imprints the strategic documents, but the presence of the factors varies between the municipalities and also to what meaning that lies behind the strategic goals..

USA och Kina ? deras förhållande till ILO

Världen blir allt mer globaliserad och den internationella handeln ökar i betydelse. Detta ökar behovet av en fungerande internationell lagstiftning. Ett sätt att kontrollera hur väl den internationella lagstiftningen fungerar och vad olika länder gör för att följa dem är att välja ett par länder och göra en komparativ studie. I denna uppsats kommer länderna USA och Kina att tjäna som studieobjekt. Frågeställningen som behandlas i uppsatsen är vilken roll ILO (International Labor Organisation) spelar och hur dess framtid ser ut.

USA:s officiella säkerhetsstrategi : Vad ligger bakom?

The purpose of this study is twofold: First, to inquire how the George W. Bush administration plans to keep America safe from external threats and second ? based on the assumption that neoconservatives have influenced the Bush administration ? examine how neoconservative ideas have influenced this strategy to protect America. The research questions are as follows:What is the content of the Bush administration?s security strategy?How are neoconservative ideas reflected in this security strategy?To answer the first question, the main points of two studied documents were summarized.

Viking Future Centre : Vision om en identitetsbyggnad i Göteborg

This thesis project is a vision of an identity building in Gothenburg, situated on the pier called Bananpiren. The purpose of the project is to create interest and stimulate discussions around the place and the building.In order to gain inspiration of what such a place can contain and express, a number of similar projects have been analysed, for example the Sydney Opera and the Yokohama International Port Terminal.A number of suggestions was then created and analysed, all of which are presented in chronological order in order to show the rejections and the developed designs that resulted in the final formation to proceed with.The result was finalised in a number of presentation images of the project that can be used by Cullbergs Arkitektkontor AB when presenting the project..

En nutida analys av reseguidehemsidor

In this research our goal is to conclude the aspects of interactivity which can prove to be important during the creation of a website. The focus in this essay is websites functioning as travelingguides, because we live in a time of traveling, experiance and learning. How can an analyzing method of websites be shaped? What can an analyze of interactivity on current travelingguides provide for recommendations by the creation of interactive travelingguides? The analyzingmethod is based on three shapingmethods and a poll that was answered by both national and international people. The analyze gave us quite clear results, if you follow the basics of Use Case, Personas, Usability and design, the website will have a bigger chanse of attracting people than if it doesn't..

Implementering av Klassifikation av funktionstillstånd, funktionshinder och hälsa (ICF) inom kommunal äldre- och handikappomsorg : en deskriptiv studie av åtta kommuners införande och användande av ICF

Abstract:Syfte: Att beskriva hur kommunernas äldre- och handikappomsorg infört och använder sig av ICF.Metod: Semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer med representanter för åtta svenska kommuner. Intervjuerna har transkriberats och analyserats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys,Resultat: Resultatet redovisas under två teman. Ett tema handlar om hur kommuner infört ICF i kommunernas äldre- och handikappomsorg, med kategorierna införande i journalstruktur och införande av tankemodell. Ett tema handlar om hur kommunerna använder ICF i kommunernas äldre- och handikappomsorg. Kategorierna under det temat är användning i journalstruktur, användning av tankemodell och problem och utvecklingsbehov. Två olika typer av införande och användningssätt av ICF inom kommunernas äldre- och handikappomsorg framkom i studien.

M2M - affecting organisations, offerings and relations

Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is a phase in the digital revolution connecting computing devices with each other bringing along new business opportunities for companies. Although being a fast growing field it has not been researched to any greater extent, particularly not within the academical literature. Consequently, information on how M2M can affect organisations seems strongly needed. This thesis uses three perspectives, derived from already recognised business benefits of M2M, as an aid to select proper theoretical tools to investigate the phenomenon. The purpose of this thesis is to gain knowledge of how an M2M adoption affects a firm?s organisation, customer offerings and customer relations.

"On doit s'adapter!" - "Man måste anpassa sig!" : En studie av internationellt management i Sverige och Frankrike

Denna uppsats problematiserar huruvida en ledares kulturella bakgrund påverkar dennes arbete. I ett allt mer internationaliserat Europa ökar samarbeten mellan människor och företag över de nationella gränserna i en ökande takt. Detta ställer krav på de ledare som skall samarbeta och samordna över nationella och kulturella gränser. Denna studie problematiserar det interkulturella ledarskapet och hur ledare ställer sig till frågor angående anpassning och samarbete. Då det framgår av Hofstede att stora skillnader finns mellan Sverige och Frankrike syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur svenska- och franska ledares nationella och kulturella bakgrunder påverkar deras arbetsroll.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur svenska och franska ledares interkulturella erfarenheter påverkar deras arbetsroll.

Export of wood pellets from British Columbia : a study about the production environment and international competitiveness of wood pellets from British Columbia

The global wood pellet market has seen a rapid growth after the adoption of the Kyoto protocol and the renewable energy incentives created within the European Union. The global consumption of wood pellets reached 13,5 million tonnes in 2010 and several experts estimate the consumption to be between 35-50 million tonnes by 2020. These forescasts raise the questions which regions that can supply this vast amount of wood pellets and what the conditions are for producing it. This study evaluates the conditions for wood pellet production and export from British Columbia, on Canada?s west coast, focusing on existing industry structure, raw material supply and the distribution chain.

Hur har EU-utvidgningen den 1 Maj 2004 påverkat logistikföretagens strategi i Sydöstra Sverige?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva hur företag i logistikkedjan, rederi ? hamn ? åkeri, förberett sig inför de nya länderna, Lettland, Litauen och Polens inträde i den Europeiska Unionen den 1 maj 2004. Vi har även valt att undersöka vilka omvärldsanalysmetoder företagen använder sig utav, hur de i så fall tillämpar dessa och ge eventuella förslag på omvärldsanalysmetoder..

CCTV och Al Jazeera : Likheter och skillnader i de internationella nyhetsprogrammen

Stockholms Universitet, Instutitionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikationJMK, Karlavägen 104Box 27 861, 115 93 STOCKHOLMTel: 08-16 20 00Titel: CCTV och Al Jazeera ? likheter och skillnader i de internationella nyhetsprogrammen Title: CCTV and Al Jazeera ?similarities and differences in the international news programsFörfattare: Hanna Strid, hanna.strid@gmail.com, Marta Kaszuba, marta.kaszuba@hotmail.com.Handledare: Christian ChristensenC-uppsatsHöstterminen 2013This essay aims to identify what similarities and differences there are between news broadcastings from Chinese CCTV and Al Jazeera English which has its national headquarters in Qatar. When national channels broadcasts internationally, it is interesting to see what they choose to convey as that day's news flow and how to represent their country. It can depend on many different things such as structures of media ownership in the country and cultural context. The research methods used have been empirical studies and comparative analysis of a total of ten broadcasts of the largest daily newscasts on both channels, both news programmes are called the News Hour.

Att göra affärer i Kina - rättsligt skydd i lagen och i verkligheten

This thesis looks at the difference between the legal protection in law and the legal protection in reality when a small company working with international trade comes in contact with seller's breach of contract. The thesis uses a case taken from a company with over 30 years experience trading with China and looks at the legal protection available along with the different possibilities of dispute resolution available to a company and then looks at the reasons why this legal protection never becomes a reality and the thesis also analyses some possible reasons for this gap between law in the books and law in reality..

En nutida analys av reseguidehemsidor

In this research our goal is to conclude the aspects of interactivity which can prove to be important during the creation of a website. The focus in this essay is websites functioning as travelingguides, because we live in a time of traveling, experiance and learning. How can an analyzing method of websites be shaped? What can an analyze of interactivity on current travelingguides provide for recommendations by the creation of interactive travelingguides? The analyzingmethod is based on three shapingmethods and a poll that was answered by both national and international people. The analyze gave us quite clear results, if you follow the basics of Use Case, Personas, Usability and design, the website will have a bigger chanse of attracting people than if it doesn't..

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