

1672 Uppsatser om International adoption - Sida 12 av 112

Bedömning av katters socialitet : ett arbete om klassificering och eventuella skillnader mellan sociala och skygga katter inför och efter adoption

Trots att intresset för att ha katt som husdjur är stort i Sverige lämnas tusentals katter in till olika katthem årligen. Många av dessa katter uppges vara hemlösa. Då katternas bakgrund ofta är okänd finns en risk för bristande eller negativa mänskliga erfarenheter. Något som i sin tur kan leda till otillgänglighet och/eller skygghet hos dessa katter.Kattstallet i Åkeshov är ett av få katthem i Sverige som tar emot även skygga och till synes förvildade katter. De klassificerar inkomna katter, på en femgradig skala, utifrån hur sociala och/eller hanterbara katterna bedöms vara.

Den polska lastbilschaufförens verksamhet : Att i Sverige betraktas som egenföretagare eller anställd och vad blir inkomstbeskattningskonsekvensen?

Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time.

FN och terrorism : En studie av världssamfundets policy sedan kalla krigets slut

The United Nations has a responsibility to combat acts of international terrorism, as they constitute a threat to international peace and security. In spite of this, there exists no generally accepted definition of the phenomenom within the UN. By examining resolutions on terrorism, this thesis aims to evaluate the UN?s policy on terrorism since the end of the cold war until 2003. The results show that the UN?s attitude towards terrorism eversince the end of the cold war has been condemning, but that the the events of September 11th 2001 has contributed to an even more firm approach to the problem.

Svenska kärnvapenprogrammet under Kalla kriget : En studie av den internationella arena som påverkade uppstartandet och nedläggandet av Sveriges kärnvapenprogram

The purpose of this paper is to investigate possible reasons Sweden might have had to motivate the start and end of its nuclear program during the Cold war. This investigation will be conducted using a qualitative research method and making a comparison between the theories realism and liberalism?s ability to explain the decisions. The question this paper is based upon is as follows: Can Sweden?s creating and shutting down of a nuclear weapons program during the Cold war be explained by the international events and actions that were taking place during this time period? The result consists of liberalism pointing out several failures on the international level that might explain the cynical decision from Sweden to create the nuclear weapons. Realism considers the decision to make perfect sense at this point in time, to protect Sweden on the anarchy that was going on at that time according to this theory.The ending of the nuclear weapons program is being explained largely by the rise of the MAD-concept which renders the acute need of nuclear weapons in Sweden void.  Liberalism on the other hand considers this a logic step due to the better established UN that is playing a larger role now than in the 1940s. In conclusion, realism does a better job explaining the start of the nuclear weapons program, while liberalism explains the end of it more efficiently. The contribution this thesis has to the research of political science can be seen mainly in three areas.

Maybe it would be better if I was Swedish: En studie av internationella mastersstudenter i Sverige och deras utmaningar och m?jligheter p? arbetsmarknaden

Recent changes in Swedish law suggest new groups of ?desired? labor migrants, which international students is an example of. Despite this, international students in Sweden have received little previous attention in the literature. The current study focused on international master students? experiences of job searching in Sweden and challenges they face in job searching, recruitment, and workplaces.

Vad vill Sverige och EU med sitt bistånd till de baltiska staterna?

Uppsatsen omfattar en analys och jämförelse av EU:s och Sveriges målsättningar,strategier och faktiska bistånd för de tre baltiska staterna i tidsperioden 1998/99. Somteoretiskt ramverk har det vidgade säkerhetsbegreppet med Barry Buzans tolkning frånboken People, States and Fear: an agenda for international security in the post- coldwar era. Ur teorin så används de fem sektorerna politiska, ekonomiska, sociala, miljöoch militära detta som ett analytiskt sorteringsverktyg för att sedan överskådligt kunnajämföra och prioritera sektorerna och dess innehåll med varandra. Genom detta så skaett resultat vara möjligheten att se om Sverige koordinerar sitt bistånd med EU:s..

DRÖMMEN OM ETT ENAT NORDEN : Fyra centrala nordiska aktörer om utvecklingen och omfattningen av det nordiska samarbetet

AbstractTitle: DREAMING OF A UNITED ?NORDEN? (The North)? Four central Nordic actors about the progress and extent of Nordic cooperationThe Nordic cooperation are often spoken as in terms of a peaceful international cooperation that is built upon a wide range of similarities among its members, such as a common culture, language similarities and a related kind of political system etc. But in spite of the fact that these so called propitious factors are present, many of the attempts that has been made trying to bring the states of the North (Norden) closer together has turned out unsuccessfully. Therefore no far-reaching Nordic cooperation has come to be implemented. The aim of this essay is to find out what the main reasons could be why this has been the case.I have chosen to take a closer look at the motives given by the former Nordic Prime ministers Tage Erlander (Sweden), Karl August Fagerholm (Finland), Einar Gerardsen (Norway) and Mauno Koivisto (Finland).

Lämplig adoptivförälder : hemutredare resonerar kring begreppet lämplig adoptivförälder och beskriver svårigheterna med lämplighetsbedömningen

Denna c-uppsats är en kvalitativ undersökning om hur hemutredare resonerar kring begreppet lämplig adoptivförälder, och hur de beskriver svårigheterna med lämplighetsbedömningen. Undersökningen har genomförts i form av två fokusgruppsintervjuer med hemutredare från olika kommuner och stadsdelar i Stockholms län. De frågeställningar som styrt arbetet är: Hur beskriver hemutredarna en lämplig adoptivförälder? Hur upplever hemutredarna skillnaderna mellan det biologiska föräldraskapet och adoptivföräldraskapet, när det gäller lämplighet? Hur beskriver hemutredarna svårigheterna med lämplighetsbedömningen av tilltänkta adoptivföräldrar? Våra resultat visar att hemutredarna anser att det bästa för ett adoptivbarn är att adopteras av två föräldrar. Detta par skall ha en kärleksfull relation, både rimlig hälsa och rimlig inkomst.

De internationella musikbolagens redovisning av immateriella tillga?ngar : Vad kan de svenska bolagen tilla?mpa i jakten pa? ra?ttvisande bild?

Purpose:The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the international music company reports of its intangible assets to examine whether similar methods can be applied to the Swedish market.Method:The study was based on a qualitative and abductive research approach. Collected data is mainly from secondary sources in the form of auditor approved consolidated financial statements.Conclusion:The Swedish music companies activate their intangible assets only partially or not at all, despite the fact that assets in the form of music catalogs, rights, contracts and advances are those that generate revenue for the companies. The study has resulted in a description of how the companies are doing on an international level with the IASB and FASB's regulation. With this report, we have found flaws in the way the Swedish companies prepare their accounts according to the current regulations. In the analysis, these shortcomings are highlighted and to what extent these international standards can be applied in the Swedish companies to take a step towards a more accurate picture and a harmonized and comparable accounting..

EU:s behörighetsregler utvidgas? : En studie av kommissionens förslag till en reviderad Bryssel I-förordning

The Brussels I-Regulation, often referred to as the Jurisdiction Regulation, is said to be the matrix of the European judicial cooperation system within the area of international private law. The Regulation states how jurisdiction is to be determined in an international dispute. The aim of the Regulation is to ensure that parties in a dispute within the EU have access to justice.The Regulation is considered to be working well in general, and have been since it came in-to force in 2007. Although it is held to be well functioning it does not exclude that some improvements might be needed. The commission ordered a review of the Regulation and the result was that some deficiencies were identified.

USA och FN- samarbete eller konflikt

AbstractUniversity of Växjö, School of Social SciencesCourse: PO 5363, Political Science 41-60Title: US and UN, cooperation or conflict?Author: Charlotta BjuvlingSupervisor: Lennart BergfeldtDate: Autumn 2007The international society changed a great deal after the end of the cold war. It gave the United Nations a new oppertunity to act after the deadlock during the war, and it gave the United States a new hegemone role in the world politics. The aim of this paper is to investigate wheter the United States foreign policy action have been accordence to a realistic way of thinking since the end of the cold war. I will do this with the help of my research questions:? Have the United States followed the guidelines of the United Nations in their foreign policy?? Are there signs that show of a change, either towards more or less cooperation between United Nations and the United States?To answer these questions I will use the theories realism and Hedley Bulls concepts of fairness and his ideas of an international system in his book ?An Anarchical Society?.

International Strategy Implementation: Understanding of Local Challenges in China

The thesis has two purposes. First, to give a practical insight into the challenges that Swedish companies might face, and how these challenges are tackled, when implementing strategy in a local area. Second, to develop a general applicable model as a conceptual contribution to the field of international strategy implementation in local areas. This empirical-driven thesis is written in a qualitative and explorative approach, where abduction is adopted in order to find mysteries and contribute to the forming of new theories. The empirical foundation is twenty-two interviews and observations of three large Swedish companies.

Nationellt uppdrag och internationellt samarbete ? Nationalbibliotekens bevarandemetadata för digitalt skapat material

The National Libraries task to save and preserve the national cultural heritage has turned to a new challenge in a digital world. The preservation of born-digital material for future use requires not only saving the digital object itself but also information about the object, preservation metadata. This is a relatively new issue and the library community has very little experience in this area. It has become evident that international cooperation is necessary to solve the task and that the development of international standards is of fundamental significance. This thesis investigates what has been done to meet the problems with the fast obsolescence of digital material with the focus on metadata.

Frihet till hat? : Hatbrott, rasistiska organisationer och inskränkningar av yttrandefriheten

The present paper is part of a project carried on by the Swedish Section of the International Commission of Jurists. Sweden has ratified several major international human rights instruments. Most of the rights are covered by national law, and only in exception is there a discrepancy between national and international law. Such a discrepancy is found in the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination, in which the State parties agree on penalizing and prohibiting the founding of and participation in racist organizations. Sweden is not complying with this statute, despite the fact that the government has ratified the convention.

SIDAs Watergate : En ide?historisk undersö?kning av debatten om svenskt bistånd till det indiska befolkningsprojektet 1977?1980

In 1975 the Indian president Indira Gandhi proclaimed the emergency period which would go on until 1977. Under this time approximately 8 million men and women were sterilized in the name of family planning. Many of them did not volunteer. This was not just an Indian con- cern because the family planning program was largely funded by international aid. The Swe- dish involvement in the program was debated 1977?1980, in what has been called ?SIDA?s Watergate?.

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