

1545 Uppsatser om International Peacebuilding missions - Sida 60 av 103

Kvinnor och internationell tjänst

Trots satsningar på att rekrytera fler kvinnor har Försvarsmakten fortfarande en låg andel kvinnor anställda i myndigheten.Försvarsmakten har svårt att fullfölja kraven på en ökad andel kvinnor på alla nivåer i internationell tjänst med knappt fem procent kvinnliga yrkesofficerare. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vilka förutsättningar som fanns att rekrytera kvinnor till två missioner i Afghanistan, FS 14 och FS 15, att jämföra de båda missionernas rekrytering, samt att beskriva hur väl Försvarsmakten nådde upp till regeringens krav avseende kvinnlig representation i internationell tjänst.Uppsatsen beskriver först de förutsättningar, dokument och andra styrande faktorer som ligger till grund för rekryteringen. Därefter jämförs resultaten för de båda missionerna och diskuterar de likheter och skillnader som finns.Undersökningen visar att förutsättningarna att rekrytera kvinnor till FS 14 och FS 15 inte var särskilt goda med tanke på de fåtal procent kvinnliga yrkesofficerare som var anställda i Försvarsmakten. Intressant är att de två missionerna lyckades olika väl med rekryteringen av kvinnor, där FS 15 rekryterade fler trots ett mindre rekryteringsunderlag.En slutsats är att den rekryteringsprocessens utformning bidrar till det låga antal kvinnor i internationell tjänst..

DISPUTERAD OCH KLAR- ÄNDÅ INTE ANSTÄLLNINGSBAR. Personalens upplevelser av anställningstrygghet och karriärmöjligheter vid ett svenskt universitet

This study examines university employees? perception of their employment situation and career opportunities. By tradition, fixed term contracts are used in the Swedish research community due to dependency on insecure funding. There is a current debate that questions this use of insecure employments. The employments are said to negatively affect the university?s societal role and international competitiveness.

Att Dela på HRM : Human Resource Management mellan Bemanningsföretag, Kundorganisation och Konsult

Background and Problem definition: Atypical employment is something that has becomeincreasingly common in recent decades, these are defined as positions where no relationship is of thetraditional type in which the employee has a long term relationship with the employer and where hecarries out his work at the premises of the employer. These atypical employments can take variousforms, it can be fixed term contracts, project work or jobs in employment agencies and so on. Thestaffing sector in Sweden has grown rapidly since the 90s, and since international research shows thatthe three-way relationship arising from the use of staffing agencies may lead to challenges in differentparts of HRM, we have chosen to study this topic.Aim: The purpose of this paper is to describe and understand how HRM is handled in atypicalemployment relationships.Method: The epistemological starting point for this work is hermeneutics, as a result of this theresearch approach is qualitative and inspired by abduction. The authors have chosen to carry out thework as a case study of three primary cases, each one consisting of an employment agency, a clientorganization and an employee. The analysis is based on the hermeneutics principles of interpretationand concentration of meaning.Results: What emerged as central to how HRM is handled are the interdependencies that existbetween the business environment and the strategies of the firm, how they affect different parts ofHRM and how participation and liminality have an impact on the three-way relationship.Keywords: HRM, atypical employment, staffing agencies, three-way relationship and strategy..

Miljöarbete inom den civila luftfarten

The main environmental problem for aviation is the great amount of exhaust gases, mainly nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons - mostly "greenhouse gases" leading to climate changes. I decided to sort out what is being done to decrease these problems and what regulations there are concerning air pollution by the means of searching the internet and using publications from aviation authorities for current figures. I chose to scrutinize authorities on political, authority and company level, resulting in summarizing the work of UN and EU respectively, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities) and LFV (Swedish Civil Aviation Authority), and finally SAS, representing the airline companies. Conclusion that I have drawn are thatthere are regulations for air pollution, written down in ICAO's Annex 16, that are to be followed. Secondly, LFV are environmentally controlling their nineteen airports and since economy is an important reason for not giving priority to environmental issues in aviation emission charge and noise charge are added to the landing fees.

Institutionella barriärer : en studie om korruption i Indien utifrån svenska företags perspektiv

The globalization today has led to increased global competition. As companies seek out foreign markets in order to internationalize their operations, it is common that they encounter many cultural problems. Bribery and corruption is a common problem in international trade. Corruption is strongly linked to the national culture which means that corruption is accepted in differing degrees within different nations. This can be a problem when companies establish their operations in foreign markets.The purpose of this essay is to examine and analyze how companies act in a corrupt market without participating in corrupt activities.The authors have performed both a qualitative and a quantitative study.

"Handledning" ur olika synvinklar i Barn och ungdomshabiliteringen

Abstrakt Ahlqvist, Kerstin (2012) ?Handledning? ur olika synvinklar i Barn och ungdomshabiliteringen. En studie av handledning i ett tvärprofessionellt team. Various aspects of ?coaching? in children and youth habilitation service. A study of coaching in a multidisciplinary team. Lärarutbildningen.

"This is not rape out of control.This is rape under control.": en fallstudie av våldtäkt som krigföring utifrån ett intersektionellt perspektiv

Uppsatsen behandlar våldtäkt som krigföring och hur fenomenet kan förstås med ett intersektionellt perspektiv. Detta har vi gjort utifrån fallstudien som metod då vi har låtit en dom från the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), vilken behandlar en rad händelser i staden Foca, Bosnien-Hercegovina, stå som det huvudsakliga empiriska exemplet. I analysen utgår vi från denna dom samt tidigare forskning för att komplettera empirin, men även för att föra vidare teoretiska diskussioner om våldtäkt som krigföring utifrån vårt intersektionella perspektiv. Detta innebär att vi visar på hur olika maktstrukturer samverkar och vad de har för betydelse för det granskade fenomenet, något som den tidigare forskningen har saknat hittills. Utifrån de socialt konstruerade kategorierna kön, genus, "ras"/etnicitet, religion, nationalism och sexualitet erbjuder uppsatsen förklaringar till användandet av våldtäkt som krigföring, vilka alla går ut på att "de andra" skall nedvärderas samtidigt som den egna identiteten uppvärderas.

Kvalitetssäkrad hållbarhetsredovisning - en studie av effekter och motiv

Syfte: Vårt syfte är dels att redogöra för innebörden av begreppen ?hållbarhetsredovisning? och ?kvalitetssäkrad hållbarhetsredovisning? samt att redogöra för sju intressenters uppfattning om kvalitetssäkrad hållbarhetsredovisning. Vi skall dessutom diskutera effekterna av kvalitetssäkrad hållbarhetsredovisning. Metod: Vi har i examensarbetet använt oss av ett induktivt tillvägagångssätt där vi genomkvalitativa intervjuer undersöker vår problemställning. Teoretiska perspektiv: Då det inte finns någon teori som behandlar vårt område har vi skapat en egen modell utifrån befintliga teorier.

Arkitekturtävlingar och platsbesök : the core project competition

Competing is a well established work model among Swedisharchitects as well as in the international architect work force.Through this study we set out to get better acquainted with thiswork model in theory and in practice, and to hopefully gainknowledge that will be of use to us and to others working in thefield of architecture.Techniques, materials as well as the artistic expression ofcontemporary architecture is international and today?s architectsoperate on a global labour market. Architects often commit to workon assignments far away from where they are based. Therefore,to physically visit the site of interest may be time consuming,expensive as well as harmful to the environment. Is it possible fora designer to accomplish relevant proposals on how to develop andimprove a place that he or she has never visited? May there evenbe situations in which the outsiders point of view is preferable?These are questions that we aim to investigate, and we do sothrough participation in an international design competition.

Konstruktion och programmering av lerduvekastare

This degree thesis is based on an assignment from BEOMAT in Storfors. BEOMAT is a company that constructs and sellsclay pigeons to both the national and international market.Our main purpose with this paper is to find a solution/system that can replace the expensive and space demandingOlympic trap facility. Our solution will replace fifteen clay pigeon throwers with one automatic thrower whosimulate all throwers together. The system will be provided with an appropriate control system for mass productiontherefore this system needs to be user-friendly so no previous knowledge is required.Totally 405 different throw coordinates will be stored in the programme in nine different subprograms. According tothe Olympic-rules the throwers should coincidence within certain specified conditions, this will be solved with anrandomizer in the programme.

De osynliga minoriteterna : En studie om minoritetsrättigheter i svensk politik mellan år 1970 och 2010

This essay examines the historical development of group rights for cultural minorities in Sweden between the years 1970 and 2010. The purpose of the study is to analyze the development of political measures taken at government level for different minority groups, foremost explaining the division that have arisen between measures aimed at the five national minorities, the Sámi, the Swedish Finns, the Roma, the Jews and the Tornedalians, and measures directed at other ethnic groups.My conclusions are that the division in Swedish public policy between one the one hand national minorities, and on the other hand immigrant groups, is in no way self-evident. The division has arisen from an international standard on how democratic states, such as Sweden, should treat their cultural minorities. Further, this division has had an immense impact in shaping public policy as well as determining the type of group rights introduced for minority groups in Sweden.A difference has also been found in how the minorities are perceived by state actors. Immigrant groups are currently perceived as less entitled to group rights due to their short presence in Sweden, whereas national minorities are seen as more entitled to group rights due to their long historic presence in the country.

Den moderna organisationen : skärningspunkten mellan mål och verklighet

Sjuksköterskor spelar en central roll i patienters vård, följaktligen också i vården av HIV- och AIDS-patienter. Antalet HIV-smittade i världen uppskattas år 2007 till ca 40 miljoner människor. Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med HIV/AIDS i västvärlden. Metoden för studien är en litteraturstudie som följer Polit och Becks åtta steg. Databassökning gjordes i databaserna CINAHL och Medline samt genom manuell sökning.

Svett och blod : modernitet, kroppskultur och ras i Gymniska Förbundets tidskrift Gymn, 1928-1932

This study aims to investigate and describe the direction of the ideological development of the Swedish gymnastics association Gymniska Förbundet. Between 1928 and 1932, this organization transformed from a purely gymnastic and cultural association into an influential platform for the production of Swedish nationalist ideology. Based on theories of National Socialism?s formation within modern society, the analysis focus on the conditions regulating Gymniska Förbundets relation to modernity. Thus the study examines the association?s ideas in relationship to the concept of modernity.

Pluralism eller propaganda? En ideologianalys av franska Front nationals folkbibliotekspolitik och debatten kring denna

The focus of this master thesis is the library politics of the French Right wing party the National Front and the debate that followed the application of this politics. This qualitative study is divided into two parts where the critics to this politics represents one side and the adherents the other. The critics are composed by representatives from the French, Swedish and ? to some extent ? international library sector, while the adherent side is made up of politicians from the National Front and their adherents. The empiric material mostly consists of articles published in library, Right wing and daily press.

Användarvänlig design av bibliotekskataloger på webben.

The aim of this thesis is to study a number of standards and theories, from the two research areas human-computer interaction and psychology, about how a graphical user interface (GUI) should be composed in order to facilitate interaction between humans and computers. Special emphasis is put on how the GUI should take into consideration the strengths and limitations of human cognition and perception. A study of three web catalogues shows how these theories appear when concretised. The following questions are answered in this thesis:What guidelines and styleguides can be found that specify the design of a user-friendly GUI?How do a few library catalogues on the web match a selection of these design principles?The guidelines are extracted from literature concerning human-computer interaction, psychology, automated library systems and web design.

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