1305 Uppsatser om Internal auditor - Sida 55 av 87
Utveckling av utbildningsmaterial vid implementering av Lean
In an ever more competitive environment Sandvik Materials Technology,SMT, runs a large-scale program to improve their processes for product development.The purpose with the program is to increase the company?s profitability by increasingthe number of new products in their product portfolio. The strategies SMT is usingfor reaching their goals are to change the way they work with product development byreducing lead time and learning how to prioritize products with the highestprofitability. In the R & D Department the work of improvement pursue by adaptingLean R & D to their way of working. Lean R & D encourages working withcontinuous improvements and eliminating waste.The main purpose for this Master?s Thesis is to develop didactic support to make iteasier to implement Lean in SMT R & D department.
Miljöchefer : - ledarskap och medarbetarskap inom kommunalt miljö- och hälsoskydd
Environmental management officers ? leadership and employeeship in local environmental health authorityThe purpose of this study was to illustrate the working situation of municipal environmental health management officers. This is a qualitative study where I have interviewed ten environmental officers in ten municipalities in Sweden. The interviews were based on a half structured interview guide with questions. I have interpreted the interviews through different leadership theories.
Säkerhet och integritet i närfältskommunikation
Context. In today?s society we use smart cards in many areas, NFC is a smart
card technology that allows contactless interaction between a reader and the
tag, the tag is often in the form of a card. NFC can be used for various
payment methods or as access card to a building which makes life easier. In
previous studies, the technique has proven to be weak to attacks using an NFC
reader connected to a computer.
Retorik i psykoterapi : Hur en psykoterapeut etablerar sitt ethos
This paper aims to describe and discuss psychotherapy in rhetorical terms; in particular how psychotherapists can use their ethos, or person, as a means for convincing the patient, and subsequently discuss how these insights in turn can be useful for other rhetors.Classical rhetoric is commonly associated with one speaker exercising influence on an audience of many, but modern rhetoric is broader, and includes all situations where someone is attempting, by speech or in writing, to affect anyone, including the rhetor himself. With this broader definition, psychotherapy may also be considered a form of rhetoric. Psychotherapy does, however, highlight the aspect of power distribution, in that it is clear that it is up to the patient to determine whether the rhetoric will achieve its purpose or not, that is, if he will be influenced by it. In psychotherapy, it is also important to differentiate between persuading and convincing: for a permanent change to occur in the patient?s thoughts and actions, the deeper, "internal" form of conviction is necessary for change to take place.When attempting to convince an audience, it is important for the speaker to establish a credible ethos, that is, present a trustworthy persona.
Folkbiblioteket ? en plats för social sammanhållning
The purpose of this thesis is to explore what possibilities Swedish public library has to work with and promote integration. The possibilities are examined on the basis of internal requirements of integration, the role of public library in the civil society and its policy documents. Further, the thesis examines what Swedish National library politics could contribute to this particular field. The experience of integration politics shows that a genuine commitment from all parts of the society is required in order to build an integrated society. The part of a society that public libraries are closest to and have the greatest impact on is undoubtedly the civil society.
Managern och den lärande organisationen - - managementrapport av Team Nordea 2003
Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Managern och den lärande organisationen ? managementrapport av Team Nordea 2003 Seminariedatum: 2004-01-14 Ämne/kurs: Management, 20 poäng Författare: Anders Isaksson, Johan Kropp, Jim Olsson och Louise Torehall Handledare: Håkan Lagerquist Företag: Nordea Fem nyckelord: lärande organisation, managementsyn, projektarbete, strategi, utveckling Syfte: Syftet med denna managementrapport är att förmedla våra lärdomar och att utifrån dessa reflektera kring managementrollen. Vi vill också göra ett inlägg i diskussionen om det goda arbetet och den lärande organisationen. Metod: Rapporten tar ett abduktivt avstamp och integrerar vår managementsyn med de insikter vi nått genom att hantera ett managementproblem och att arbeta som grupp. Teoretiska perspektiv: - Empiri: - Slutsatser: Vi har gjort ett antal gemensamma lärdomar: 1Strategianpassning till snabb omvärldsförändring riskerar att leda till resursga2 En bra strategi blir aldrig bättre än dess implementering tillåter 3 God motivation bygger på en balans mellan inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer4 Organisationskultur kan både gynna och hämma motivation 5 Feedback är samtalets A och O 6 Konflikter kan skapa lärande samtal 7 Intresse borgar för informationsutbyte Gruppens gemensamma lärdomar formar våra ambitioner som managers men likriktar inte våra sätt att leva upp till dem.
IFRS : Hur har de svenska företagen redovisat övergången?
Background: The last few years a globalization of the capital market has occurred. This have led to that it is more important for the companies that their financial information can be compared with other companies in order to compete on same grounds. In order to fa-cilitate for the companies within EU to compete with other companies and in order to strive for an internal market EU decided that IFRS should be used by all listed companies within the union.Problem: In 2006 the first financial reports according to IFRS will be published, and then it will be interesting to investigate how the companies have chosen to communicate the transition to its stakeholders. According to IFRS some information is compulsive but the companies have chosen to disclose voluntary information to a different degree.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe to what extent the Swedish listed com-panies have reported the transition to IFRS in their consolidated financial statements.Method: In this essay a quantitative method have been chosen in order to find general re-lations. The data collection is done with help of an evaluation model that have been devel-oped for this study.
Så var fallet löst : En narratologisk analys av Freuds fallstudie "Fröken Elisabeth von R."
The main purpose of this paper has been to use narratological theory for uncovering the narrative structure in Freud?s cases, such as anachronisms and focalizing. My aim was to investigate the narrative and through these viewpoints discover what impact Freud?s writing?s had on the look of hysterical women. I choose one of the earliest cases,"Fräulein Elisabeth von R." which is published inStudien über Hysterie (I?ve used the text translated to Swedish and published in Tidiga skrifter och historik.
Sociala Intranät : Dess användning, möjligheter och risker
Organizations over the world increasingly start to realize the possibilities of the use of a social intranet, also known as Enterprise 2.0. The social intranets can be used to collaborate and communicate with colleagues in the workplace. Both Cook (2008) and Coope (Barnett, 2011) say that Enterprise 2.0 is about to fundamentally change the way organizations communicate. But do companies know how these tools can be used?The study emanates from three questions:How can social intranets be used in business?How can internal communication and collaboration get easier through the use of a social intranet?What are the possible risks with the use of social intranets?In this study we have in a qualitative manner been interviewing two companies that currently use social intranets in their daily activities ? Securitas and Skåneme-jerier.
Internationaliseringsstrategier och finansiella resultat : En utvärdering av karaktärsdrag hos svenska modeföretag i samband med internationalisering
International expansion has long been associated with a positive trend that many companies, regardless of industry, choosing to realize mainly to expand its market share and hence its profitability. Various theories describe differentiated strategies to promote corporate expansion. Either they shall be financed by internal funds, or balancing equity with debt, or only increase leverage in order to achieve the desired results. This study focuses on the Swedish fashion market and its degree of internationalization. The purpose is to attempt to discern whether there exists a correlation between the degree of internationalization and its financial performance.The study was based on a quantitative approach where secondary data was collected so that we then would be able to perform regression calculations.
ABC och ekonomisystem : En studie av Volvo Construction Equipment Components AB
The accounting information system comprises budgeting, accounting, and costing. The accounting information system has, traditionally, constituted an integrated system where the different elements collaborate. If ABC is introduced this order is disturbed, since ABC is based on another logic which cannot easily be integrated with budget and accounting. ABC, therefore, is usually used parallely to the conventional costing method. There are, however, companies that have taken its ABC one step further by letting it replace the old costing model and integrate it with the accounting information system.
"Jag letar efter tjuven så letar du kapsyler" : En undersökning om vad barn kan lära sig genom pedagogiska dataspel i förskolan
This thesis treats the extended Swedish rules regarding deduction limitations on interest. The purpose for this thesis is to investigate whether the interest deduction limitation rules have potential to protect the Swedish tax base. The thesis also assesses whether the options presented how the extended rules could look liked had been better to protect the Swedish tax base. Furthermore thin capitalizations rules have been evaluated if this is a better method to protect the Swedish tax base.In 2009 the Swedish deduction limitations rules on interest came in to force to protect the Swedish tax base. Despite these rules companies was still able to avoid Swedish tax and therefore threatened the Swedish tax base.
Kommunicerad Talang : Kartläggning och utvärdering av Talang 2010´s externa kommunikation
This thesis will explore how swedish Talang 2010 used their strategic communication in Kalmar and Stockholm and how the effect of this work was shown in the two cities. With a focus on how the sender was working with the external communication in the two cities, the heart of the research was studying Talang 2010?s communication strategy in these two contexts. The research was made with surveys during two audition days in Kalmar and two days in Stockholm. The competitors, the audience and the general public were answering different surveys but with the same base to study the effect.
Riskhantering : viktigast i bankers internrevisionsarbete?
Då vi lever i en föränderlig värld är det alltmer viktigt att ha en väl fungerande internrevision. Då författarna förväntar sig att riskhanteringen bör utgöra en central del för kommersiella banker anser de det vara av intresse att undersöka om bankerna följer branschorganisationen The Institute of Internal auditors riktlinjer. Det främsta syftet med uppsatsen blir därmed att undersöka om bankerna lägger större tonvikt vid riskhanteringen i internrevisionsarbetet. Vidare har författarna även för avsikt att diskutera hur internrevisionen påverkas av regleringar och förordningar samt om den bör utgöra en intern funktion eller en extern. Ytterligare en frågeställning är huruvida internrevisionen sker koncernmässigt eller om den tillämpas olika inom olika geografiska områden.
Mål- och resultatstyrning inom domstolsväsendet: En fallstudie inom Migrationsdomstolen i Stockholm
The aim of this study is to enhance the knowledge of target and performance management?s effects on the judiciary. In the past decades there have been a number of reforms in the general public sector of many countries. The management philosophy often used to describe these public sector reforms is called New Public Management (NPM). One main theme has been an increased focus on the management control systems, for example a greater emphasis on target and performance management.