

1289 Uppsatser om Internal auditing - Sida 57 av 86

Efficiency and optimization in the logisticsat company Dagab

This thesis describes possibilities for Metso Paper to lower their costs of spray pipes for their pulp wash press TRPE, with maintained good functionality and quality.Information that can be used by competitors has been censored in this version of the essay.To find solutions, alternative suppliers have been contacted and asked to quote. There has also been a new spray pipe designed. The manufacturing costs of the new design have been calculated.The thesis also contains a concept generation of an alternative product to the spray pipes in installations where a high pressure washer is used.To be able to ask other manufacturers of spray pipes to quote, a demand specification based on the currently used spray pipe was made. This was then sent to two alternative suppliers.An investigation of earlier used spray pipes, and the currently used, shows that the nozzles are a big part of the total costs of the spray pipes. To attempt to reduce the nozzles high cost an concept generation was made to find the best solution for a new design.There was a request that it should be possible to change the internal brushes in the spray pipe without cutting and welding.

Den kommunikativa medarbetaren : För att uppnå en ömsesidig kommunikationsprocess

This thesis addresses the subject of internal communication between the leadership and the employees. Communication is a common process and according to Tufvesson (2008), the primary focus has been on the role and responsibility of the leadership. This can mean that, from the employee's point of view, it is not clear what the organization expects, and this lack of clarity dimishes the ability of the employees to live up to those expectations (ibid). Tufvesson (2008) believes that today's organizations need common interpretations, which requires a well thought out communication strategy between leadership and employees. Because communication represents an organization's functionality, the report?s authors were interested in studying the employees? representatives.

SCA Skogs arbetsmetoder för att fastställa nyttan av en väginvestering

The basis of road investments is to minimize the transportation cost. The forest industry wants roundwood to be available during the whole year. One way of determine which road to invest in is to do a cost/benefit calculation. SCA Forest lacks a uniform approach to determine the utility of a road investment. The goal of this report is to describe how the organization works today and find areas of improvement. The data collection was done through interviews.

Implementering av ESG-kriterier i investeringspraxis : En studie om venture capital-företag i Sverige

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how venture capitalists implement ESG issues internally, as well as before the investment decision and during the investment period.Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework consists of previous studies that identify different driving forces behind the work of the ESG and present a number of different strategies for implementing ESG issues in the investment process.Method: This study aims at providing an understanding of a phenomenon which implies an inductive approach. This thesis applies a qualitative method of data collection in the form of semi-structured interviews. The sample in this study consists of venture capital companies that were members of the SVCA (Swedish Venture Capital Association) during the time of the survey, 2015.Result: The empirical findings in this thesis consist of a presentation of the data that was generated from eleven interviews conducted with eleven different investors in the venture capital sector.Conclusion: This study indicates a lack of written policies regarding internal work with ESG-issues which were offset by the application of the "unwritten" policies. Implementation of ESG-issues during the pre-investment phase was dominated by an avoidance of investments in sectors which lead to a negative impact on society. During the post-investment phase ESG-issues was integrated by monitoring the portfolio companies' operations.

LIN baserad kommunikationsmodul för GPS

The work that is the basis of this Master Thesis was performed on Scania´s group of cabdevelopment, and concerns the GPS-system in Scania´s trucks. Today, the GPS-systemconsists of an active antenna mounted on the roof of the truck. The antenna is connectedto the receiver with a coaxial cable.The purpose with this Master Thesis was to develop and evaluate a new GPS-system,where the information is distributed using a LIN-network. Today, each unit requiringGPS-information is equipped with its own antenna and receiver. This solution has beenthe most cost effective to this point.


Banking systems in India is quite popular and it needs some more changes to reach all the customers. Lack of the service is main problem in Indian baking system. If the common person wants to open the account, it take?s little bit high cost and banks are not near the people location. Due to the Lack of service, people do not want to be a customer of the bank.

Från gammalt högerspöke till nytt arbetarparti : De nya moderaternas politiska kommunikation under valrörelsen 2006

AbstractTitle: From old rightwing-ghost to the new labour party ? The new conservatives political communication during the Swedish election 2006Authors: Pontus CarestenAim: The aim of the essay is to study how the conservative party communicated during the election campaign in 2006. I wish to find out how political parties work in todays society and how the communication has changed over time. To get relevant results I will also see how the theories and empirics interact. The purpose is further to illustrate the new conservatives? campaign work from a senders point of view.Method/Material: I have chosen a qualitative method which consists of three interviews with relevant key persons.

Samhällsutveckling och förändrade förutsättningar för partier och medborgare i den politiska vardagen. : - en studie kring demokratisyner och värderingar i partiorganisationer på lokal nivå

                                                  AbstractThe development of our society has in many ways changed the relationships between the political parties and the citizens. Fewer citizens are active in political parties, which has contributed to the fact that we see a form of catch-all effect and a development of parties that organizes more in forms of professional organisations. This paper has made a research of modells of democratic ideals and values between leaders and party-members in political parties in the local area. The purpose has been to show how these ideals and values can reflect back on the political development. The result shows that the development has created a form of catch-all effect and a professionalism in the parties.

I en annan del av skolan : Hur elever under ett år på IV-programmet hittar sin studiemotivation

Under vår utbildning kom vi i kontakt med det individuella programmet på en skola där 82% av en årskull gjort sig behöriga till ett nationellt program. Det väckte vår nyfikenhet. Studiens syfte är att ta reda på vad som bidragit till att eleverna blivit studiemotiverade. En hermeneutisk undersökning har gjorts där både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder har använts genom intervjuer och enkäter. Resultatet visar att det inte är en tillfällighet att så många blir behöriga att söka ett nationellt program efter ett år på den undersökta skolan.

Revisionsplikt & Skattefel i Sverige : Hur resonerar intressenter på den Sociopolitiska arenan?

Revisionsplikten för de minsta aktiebolagen i Sverige avskaffades 2010, främst för att minska dessa bolags kostnadsbörda. Detta skapade olika reaktioner hos bolagens externa intressenter, både positiva och negativa. Det sågs som positivt för företagandet i Sverige, men det uttryckes också oro för risken att fel i bokföring och deklarationer skulle öka när en revisor inte längre behövde granska dem. Dessa fel kan resultera i felaktigt redovisad skatt och ett ökat skattefel. I skattefel inkluderas alla fel som har en påverkan på den redovisade skatten, och de kan vara både avsiktliga och oavsiktliga.

May I help you SIIR? -Ett experiment om hur personlig service i en pop up-butik med e-handel påverkar kundnöjdhet och graden av närmande

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the societysystem in Austria has influenced the library system. The aim is toanalyse in what way these influences have changed during thegrowth and development of the public library system and how it isdisplayed in each separate library branch. The focus of myinvestigation has been the municipality public libraries in Vienna,and mainly the three libraries in the third district of the city. Themethod I have used is literature studies, examining and analysingsource material from the internal archive of the public libraries inVienna. I have also used the qualitative interview method in orderto examine the situation in the selected libraries Rabengasse,Erdbergstraße and Fasangasse.As there is no common library law, there are significantdifferences in the library structure in different parts of Austria andeach municipality decides how they want to prioritize the libraries.Since the public libraries of Vienna are well organized together inBüchereien Wien, the library structure in the separate librarybranches is coordinated.

Elevers motivation för sina studier : - och mental träning som metod för att stärka den

In 1993 the internal market within the European Union was formed and ensured free movement of goods, services, capital and people. This led to the removal of trade barriers between members of the European Union. When opening up for competition, price differences between countries decreased and more jobs were created. A single currency was introduced by eleven countries in 1999 with the goal of reducing transaction costs, eliminating exchange rate risk and to further simplify trade. In 2001 Greece joined the collaboration and introduced the euro.

Arbetet med arbetsgivarvarumärkets attraktivitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie i tre företag om hur arbetet med "Employer branding" ser ut och implementeras i företag.

Arbetet med att stärka ett arbetsgivarvarumärkes attraktivitet, både internt och externt, det alltmer välbekanta begreppet ?Employer branding?, är ett vanligt förekommande koncept i dagens organisationer. Syftet med studien är att försöka ta reda på vad fenomenet ?Employer branding? är och hur organisationer kan bedriva arbetet med att göra sitt arbetsgivarvarumärket attraktiv på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Tieto, COWI och Klarna AB är de företag som deltar i studien.

Hur ett externt tryck leder till en intern handling : En fallstudie på Växjö kommun, Europas grönaste stad

Bakgrund: En kommun granskas intensivt av dess omgivande samhälle där skandaler och utmärkelser skapar ett externt tryck som pressar organisationer till att reagera. När ett externt tryck uppstår förändras rådande samhällssyn och påverkar organisationers strategiska handlande mot upprätthållande av legitimitet.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva Växjö kommuns interna handlande efter att ett externt tryck uppstått genom en utmärkelse- Europas grönaste stad.Metodval: Studien består av en kvalitativ intern fallstudie. Studien utgår ifrån granskning av offentliga dokument i kombination med ostrukturerade intervjuer som skett genom ett snöbollsurval.Slutsatser: Studien visar på hur kommunen bemött det externa trycket utmärkelsen medfört genom sitt handlande. Detta visas utifrån strategisk anpassning mot det externa trycket. Då två externa tryck motsäger varandra visar kommunens handlande på en anpassning mot det som anses skapa måluppfyllelse.

En osäker eller rätt(s)säker organisation? En hypotesprövande idealtypsanalys om gräsrotsbyråkraternas handlingsfrihet inom Arbetsmarknadsverket

Ever since Lipsky wrote about street-level bureaucrats in 1980 the main belief has been that certain characteristics of their jobs make it exceptionally difficult to severely reduce their discretion. However, discretion comes at a price and if public servants abuse their power the legitimacy of government is at risk and ultimately even the democracy.This thesis address this question by analysing the Swedish employment service which in the beginning of 2001 started a project called ?Af Sverige? trying to improve internal rule of law. By comparing two local and fairly equal jobcentres and how the street-level bureaucrats within use their discretion, I seek to find support for my hypotheses that organizing local jobcentres according to the principles of machine bureaucracy plays a significant part in reducing discretion.My findings show that a jobcentre characterised by strict rules, few units, good communications and a forthright manager who delegates formal power to the employees results in a stricter and more uniform application of regulations among the street-level bureaucrats. My conclusion is therefore unambiguous.

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