1444 Uppsatser om Internal audit - Sida 16 av 97
Utemiljö för motion :
New technology and urban sprawl have resulted in almost half of the population in Sweden being insufficiently physically active. The sedentary lifestyle causes heart- and vascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, stress etc. in the population. One of the biggest priorities in the society is to promote more physical activity. Through literature studies and a questionnaire this paper will examine how we can design the built environment in order to promote physical exercise and if we can change the sedentary lifestyle with a outdoor environment that invite physical exercise.
There are both internal and external factors that have importance for people?s physical activity.
Utvärdering av en ny typ av lagerinbyggnad för traktionsmotorer
The thesis evaluates a new kind of bearing arrangement in a traction motor that ABB hasdeveloped. Since the arrangement is designed in a new and innovative way it needs to beevaluated to see if it is safe to use. In today?s traction motors, bearings with a big internalclearance (C4-clearance) are used. The basic idea of the new arrangement is to reduce the fitsbetween the bearing and shaft/house.
Revisionspliktens avskaffande : En studie om drivkrafterna som motiverar tandläkaraktiebolag att kvarhålla revision
This study seeks to outline the reason why public limited firms choose to bear the cost of auditing despite the annulation of legal requirements. The aim is to provide an overview and a better understanding of the decisions made by such firms. My research work focuses solely on the dentistry branch. Relevant data has been collected through interviews and adequate scientific theories are implemented to canvas and analyse the reality of auditing for public limited firms working with dental services.The background knowledge contains historical aspects and the importance of audit obligations together with the fact that the law no longer regulates these conditions. To begin with, the regulations were institutionalised in order to prevent financial and fiscal criminality and offence, in public limited companies.
ISO 14001 : En genomgång av SSAB EMEA Oxelösunds miljöledningssystem
Environmental issues is now taking a growing place in society and to ensure that companies meet public expectations and do their part in working towards a sustainable development, environmental management system is said to be an effective tool (Almgren & Brorson, 2009).This case study has examined a company's environmental management system in order to find strengths and weaknesses within the ISO 14001 system. The work was carried out using interviews, document reviews and analyzes in which the three main concepts control the report ; "daily work", "audit" and "environmental aspects".The results shows that the daily work looks different depending on where you are; in the production or at the office. The audit examined all documents related to the environmental management system and the study showed that the biggest strengths was the commitment and waste handling while areas such as environmental goals and management review needed improvement. As a result of the deficiencies identified, suggestions for improvements was proposed. The investigation of the routine of the environmental aspects showed an incomplete routine where the red wire from identification to evaluation was missing.
Intern marknadsföring: en fallstudie på Luleå tekniska universitet
For the success of universities, it is very important that the personnel are well motivated through internal marketing. The purpose of this report was to identify which activities universities uses to motivate their teaching and researching personnel and how the activities are valued by this group of employees. The study was conducted in the form of a case study. One interview with the chief administrator at Luleå University of Technology was conducted, and a questionnaire was sent to all the teaching and researching personnel at the same university. The result indicates that Luleå University of Technology uses many internal marketing activities to motivate their employees.
Förväntningsgapet : Vad revisionsinsatsen i HQ Bank innebär för förväntningsgapet
Problem: That the stakeholder?s expectations don´t answer to what auditors can and may do have been a problem for several years. This problem was defined for the first time by Liggio at 1974. Since 1974 there have been several researches about the expectation gap for auditors.Purpose: The purpose of our study is to research what the audit effort in HQ Bank means for the expectation gap.Theory: The theories in our study discuss the audit profession, the definition of the expectation gap, how trust develops between individuals, the regulations that the authorities discuss and a review of earlier researches in this subject.Method: We have done a qualitative study in which we interviewed approved auditors at PwC and Convensia in addition we interviewed the chief lawyer at the Swedish financial supervisory authority to answer our purpose.Conclusions: The conclusion of our study is that the expectation gap exists between the auditors and the stakeholders. Another conclusion is that the incidents in HQ Bank have influenced the expectation gap in a negative direction, to reduce the expectation gap we suggest that adjustments of the regulations must be done and that the auditors themselves must inform their stakeholders what auditors can and may do..
Att våga vara innovativ: En fallstudie om affärsutveckling av befintliga produkter i ett högteknologisk företag
High technology companies in Sweden spend a huge amount of money on research and product development in proportion to what they get back in earnings from their inventions. Product development has traditionally been regarded as much more important than business development. This thesis aims to point out the critical factors behind successful business development processes for high technology companies. We have chosen to make a case study of Hexagon, a highly successful and innovative company within the measurement technology business. Internal and external actors that are important for business development have been identified and interviewed in order to understand how ideas are developed and executed.
Hur påverkas företagens beslutsfattande om frivillig revision av lagförslagen SOU 2008:32 angående skattefel
Syfte: Utifrån lagförslagen om åtgärder mot skattefel i SOU 2008:32 vill vi se om och hur företagen påverkas. Metod: I vår uppsats har vi använt oss utav en kvantitativ metod där vi tillsammans med Företagarna har gjort ett utskick till dess medlemmar för att kunna besvara vårt syfte. I denna del ska framgå vilken metod har använts för att utföra studien, hur data har samlats in, analyserats och redovisats.Resultat & slutsats: Vi har kommit fram till att många företag kommer att skrämmas till att välja revision, men den största delen företag är oberoende av förslagen. Oberoende av fråga tenderade svaren att se likadana ut.Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Det förslag som vi har till fortsatt forskning är vad de olika intressenterna kommer att vilja ha för finansiell information då frivillig revision gäller. Uppsatsens bidrag: Denna uppsats ger läsaren en indikation på hur företagen resonerar kring de lagförslag om åtgärder mot skattefel som en utredning på uppdrag av regeringen har utfört..
Ordning och reda : Intern styrning och kontroll, COSO Internal Control ? Integrated Framework i praktiken
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Under årens gång har det inträffat flera företagsskandaler. Det har sett bra ut på ytan men insidan har visat motsatsen. Fasaden kollapsar till följd av bristande kontroll. Intern styrning och kontroll och COSO:s Internal Controll ? Integrated Framework blir allt mer aktuellt för att få ordning och reda.
Friskvård : Ett sätt att förebygga ohälsa
During the autumn of 2007 I carried out an investigation within the bank and finance Sector. The aim of the investigation was to see how informal aspects could be understood in relation to equality within Bank AB? The main question was: Which are the obstacles and opportunities for equality within Bank AB? To answer the main question I asked the following questions to the material: Are there any gender related different within the organization? How are men and women represented within the internal magazine? Which are the conceptions related to sex/gender within the organization? The investigation is based on a survey, the internal magazine was investigated and finally interviews took place. Throughout the investigation I used organization theory in a gender perspective. With the gender organization theory I examined concepts as structures, leadership, symbolism and changes associated with equality.
Vägen ut : En studie om vad som får en missbrukare att sluta
This report is based on factors that has had affect on drugaddicts in their decission on quitting their abuse. The questions we have built our report on are: What external factors have had an impact on the drugabuser to end his or her drugabuse? What internal factors have had an impact on the drugabuser to end his or her drugabuse? Does the police have an influence on the drugabuser to end his or her drugabuse? The report is based on intervjues with former drugaddicts. We have also studied the theory of symbolic interactionism and litterature written by different authors to obtain a broad picture of drugabuse. Our results in this report show that the people we have intervjued have been influenced by many different factors and people in their enviroment.
Vad kommer ett avskaffande av revisionsplikten att innebära?
Då avskaffandet av den lagstiftade revisionsplikten för småföretag är under utredning, är vårt syfte med denna uppsats att se vad ett avskaffande kan innebära för några utvalda intressenter..
Vad kommer ett avskaffande av revisionsplikten att innebära?
Då avskaffandet av den lagstiftade revisionsplikten för småföretag är under utredning, är vårt syfte med denna uppsats att se vad ett avskaffande kan innebära för några utvalda intressenter..
Lojalitetsskapande hos anställda på fristående hotell
The hotel sector has reviewed big changes, as higher requirements on independent hotels have been set. In order to be able to compete with big hotel chains, it is no longer sufficient to only use the 4P of marketing mix, it is also required a bigger focus on the personnel. Trained and service aimed employees are service companies' intangible assets and they become more important. Globalisation and internationalisation has however contributed to that the labor market has become more open, and employees easier can compare employment conditions or change job.The aim of this essay is to analyze and to evaluate conditions for the internal marketing at independent hotels, in order to be able to achieve employee loyalty. The essay builds on a comparison between managers' and employees' views about internal marketing.A qualitative hermeneutical study has been used in order to be able to analyze and evaluate conditions for the independent hotels' internal marketing.
Det krympande klassrummet : En studie av högstadielärares förutsättningar i ett reformerat skolsystem
Since the 1990?s the Swedish school system has undergone major and recurring structural reforms. Two of the most comprehensive changes has been the shift of primary schools as an integral part of the welfare state to the responsibility of the municipalities as well as the introduction of free school choice for the students. Through two months of participant observations and semi-structured interviews this thesis seeks to answer the question of how these reforms has come to effect the work of teachers in a medium sized public school in a small municipality in the outskirts of Stockholm. Earlier research has shown that public schools in socio-economically vulnerable areas are disadvantaged due to the reformation of the school system (Beach & Sernhede, 2011; Östh, Andersson, & Malmberg, 2013).