

4302 Uppsatser om Internal Quality - Sida 30 av 287

Att uppfylla miljökvalitetsmålen, ett omöjligt mål? : Styrmedel och hinder på vägen för att nå målen Begränsad klimatpåverkan, Bara naturlig försurning, och Skyddande ozonskikt

Purpose: The purpose is to examine more closely why the achievement of the environmental goals is so low. To within the thesis work to make this as interesting and with as good quality as possible, especially the environmental quality goal Reduced climate impact, but also Natural acidification and Protective ozone layer, has been chosen to be studied further. Method: A qualitative method and text analysis has been applied. Intervention theory, as Vedung 2009 describes, is used as an intellectual backbone and as a help to structure the essay. The three environmental quality goals correspond cases, or units of analysis. Analysis: The fulfillment of the respective environmental quality goals is analyzed according to its goal, policy instruments, implementation and its effects. To this some of the problems are analyzed that exist on the path to achieve the goals.

Rapportering mellan revisorer för en internationell koncern : Hur kan införandet av ISA 600 komma att förändra rapporteringen

Background: The environment and the design of auditing regulation can vary significantly between countries, which can affect the form, content and quality of the audit report. The purpose of the International Standards on Auditing, ISA, is to facilitate the work for auditors on an international basis. Sweden today follows the RS 600 which is based on ISA 600, which contains standards for when an auditor use work performed by other auditor. In October 2007, came a revised and redrafted version of ISA 600 that will be enforced in Sweden in the audit of the financial year beginning on 1 January 2011. To what degree the new requirements will affect the group audit is clearly dependent on how the reporting, evaluation and instructions between the group auditor and other auditor has been carried out previously.Aim: The aim with this paper is to explain the reporting between the group auditor and other auditor in an international corporate group.

Är betygen rättvisa? : Rättvisan i betygsättningen ur ett elevperspektiv

Problem och Syften:Det har visat sig att en vanlig orsak bakom icke framgångsrika tjänsteföretag är att företagets medarbetare inte är tillräckligt informerade om vad företaget står för vilket gör att de inte alltid levererar tjänsten på det sätt de lovat sina kunder. En av orsakerna till detta problem kan vara att företaget misslyckats med att marknadsföra sin tjänst och sitt varumärke internt. Med denna studie vill vi då undersöka hur ett tjänsteföretag kan gå tillväga för att försäkra sig om att de anställda levererar tjänsten i enlighet med kundlöftet: Hur får ett tjänsteföretag sina kundtjänstmedarbetare att leverera tjänster i enlighet med vad varumärket lovat sina kunder? Vi vill undersöka vilka faktorer och problemområden som inverkar på detta problem samt undersöka hur dessa kan påverkas och hanteras på ett tjänsteföretag. Det ena av uppsatsens två syften handlar om att vi vill kunna skapa en modell samt ge praktiska exempel för hur ett företag kan använda de två teorierna Internal Marketing och Internal branding, för att arbeta med detta problem.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med fibromyalgi

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder. It affects muscles and connective tissue. It's a very complex disorder that has no adequate treatment or cure. The research has progressed but there are still some questions to be answered. Quality of life for these patients is decreased and leads to suffering.

Djur i särskilt boende : - en undersökning av ledningens medvetenhet och beredskap kring samt hantering av djur i särskilt boende i en kommun.

Today older people?s health and life quality are current topics of conversation in society. The number of old people is increasing and their health is deteriorating, that is why there is a need of new ways of meeting their necessities. In this study we have tried to illustrate heads of districts reasoning concerning pets? significance for old people in special housing.

Analys av varumottagningen och den interna logistikens effekter i Atollen

In central Jönköping, on Munksjöns northern waterside a shopping centre will be built, on the block Atollen. The construction will begin in autumn of 2007 and will be finished according to plan in 2009. Atollens goal is to counteract the competition from external retailers and strengthen the retail trade in the city centre, leading to more attractive and competitive city centre.Atollen will not be a shopping centre in traditional style and design, it will be focused on shopping and experience. The shopping centre shall be a natural venue with a wide and exclusive store mix, concentrated against trend conscious customers. This will be created with the help of a futuristic design and architecture, with light, open and transparent spaces.

Agila metoder : Produktivitetsökning i IT-projekt genom införandet av agila metoder

Problem och Syften:Det har visat sig att en vanlig orsak bakom icke framgångsrika tjänsteföretag är att företagets medarbetare inte är tillräckligt informerade om vad företaget står för vilket gör att de inte alltid levererar tjänsten på det sätt de lovat sina kunder. En av orsakerna till detta problem kan vara att företaget misslyckats med att marknadsföra sin tjänst och sitt varumärke internt. Med denna studie vill vi då undersöka hur ett tjänsteföretag kan gå tillväga för att försäkra sig om att de anställda levererar tjänsten i enlighet med kundlöftet: Hur får ett tjänsteföretag sina kundtjänstmedarbetare att leverera tjänster i enlighet med vad varumärket lovat sina kunder? Vi vill undersöka vilka faktorer och problemområden som inverkar på detta problem samt undersöka hur dessa kan påverkas och hanteras på ett tjänsteföretag. Det ena av uppsatsens två syften handlar om att vi vill kunna skapa en modell samt ge praktiska exempel för hur ett företag kan använda de två teorierna Internal Marketing och Internal branding, för att arbeta med detta problem.

Vem fångar FISK:en?

In recent years, several scandals have been revealed where public employees been involved. Some researchers argue, moreover, that the NPM's rampage has led to an increase in the risk of corruption in public administration. The Regulation on Internal Control shall, according to the government, lead to adequate protection against corruption by analyzing and managing risks. However, Riksrevisionen have criticized the authorities' protection against corruption to be too unstructured and unsystematic. In addition, they questioned whether the regulation really has significance in the work against corruption.

Survey of Fusarium species on yellow onion (Allium cepa) on Öland

It has been observed by both onion producers and a plant protection advisor on Öland (an island off the east coast of Sweden) that basal rot is the largest contributory factor to reduced onion quality and yield. Basal rot is mainly caused by species of Fusarium fungi. The aim of this study was to: a) investigate which species of Fusarium that can be found in onion produced on Öland, b) describe the symptoms caused by the different Fusarium fungi found and c) explore, through interviews with the onion producers on Öland, the mechanisms that may be involved in the observed increase in basal rot.Onion bulbs (Allium cepa) were sampled on two occasions. In total 181 onions from 11 different fields were analysed. In addition, eight onion producers were interviewed.

Ändamålsanpassad TINA-sortering av sågtimmer :

Swedish sawmills of today suffer from unsatisfying economy with high costs and low benefits. The economical result depends on how well the sawmill can use their raw material. Iggesund Timber AB, a sawmill in the Holmen group, produces a large amount is enduse orientated products for the woodworking industry. Therefore the aim of this student thesis was to investigate the possibility of automatic enduse orientated quality grading of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) saw logs by using a gamma-ray log scanner. Iggesund Timber AB has the possibility to grade logs automatically with TINA, a two way gamma-ray log scanner. Grading and classification of Scots Pine logs in Sweden today are mainly manual but can in some rare cases be automatic.

Sjöars känslighet för klimatförändringar ? vilka faktorer påverkar?

The Earths climate is changing at a higher rate, i.e between 1861 and 1994 the annual mean temperature in Scandinavia increased with 0,68º C and according to recent climate models the annual mean temperature is likely to rise with another 3º C during this century.A warmer climate in many ways is associated with changing conditions for lake ecosystems. An expected higher water temperature and a stronger summer stratification of the water column increases the risk of anoxic conditions at the lake bottom. Thus anoxic conditions are likely to cause a phosphate leakage from the sediment, i.e. a higher internal loading of phosphate.In this project, the extremely warm summer of 2002 has been used as an example for a possible scenario for a future climate. By comparing levels of phosphorus in the summer of 2002 with a ten-year median value, a phosphorus related sensitivity to climate change has been analyzed for 55 Swedish lakes.

Hantering av viktiga framgångsfaktorer vid utveckling av ett Data Warehouse

Business Intelligence may help organizations in making the right decisions byproviding data for analysis which can be presented to decision makers. DataWarehouse which is a central part of Business Intelligence can be built in severalways but the methods presented by Ralph Kimball and Bill Inmons are considered thetwo main methods. The solution provided by Inmon focuses on integrating the entirebusiness into one large database using relational database development. Kimballhowever proposes dimensional database modeling by creating one or more data martsand integrating these using a data bus. Previous research has shown that the quality ofa Data Warehouse can be measured through critical factors such as data quality andsystem quality.

Motivation på SFI : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning om fyra lärares uppfattningar kring hur man kan arbeta för att motivera eleverna på SFI

Due to lack of knowledge about motivation in Swedish for adult immigrants (SFI ), I have chosen to write about motivation. Motivation is a complex concept to understand. It has different meanings depending on what context the term is put in. In this study , you will read about the external and internal motivation . But also about integrative and instrumental motivation.

Vad påverkar en aktieanalystillförlitlighet? : En kvantitativ studie om relationen mellan tillförlitligheteni en aktieanalys och dess innehåll.

A debate in finance is whether a random investment gives the same return as carefully choose and valuing an amount of shares to invest in. Stock valuating Stock valuation is often done by fundamental valuation models, based on the company's underlying character, which tries to put a correct price on the stock. Today there are several different valuation models that can be used for this purpose. Since valuation models are only mathematical, equity research is underpinned by more subjective assessments about the company and its future.The purpose with this thesis is to describe which valuation models that are used by professional stock analysts, but also to see if the reliability on the equity research is affected by the used model to valuing the company. Furthermore, we want to see if the job that?s been done to understand the company, measured by the equity research quality, impact the reliability on the equity research.In this thesis, we have, to achieve our purpose, conducted a quantitative content analysis of 164 equity research done by professional analysts at firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. With basis in previous research, we have developed a method for determining the valuation model that is used in the equity research, the reliability on the equity research and a framework for assessing the quality of the equity research.In the theoretical framework the valuation models involved in our study are described, previous research on the reliability on the equity research and their practical use.

Vikten av användarvänlighet : Quality of Experience som metod för utvärdering av en mobil applikation

Det här är en litteraturstudie som undersöker hur forskningsfältet kring utomhusmatematik ser ut, samt de olika resultat som forskningen kommit fram till.Genom systematiska sökningar har tretton artiklar i sin helhet valts ut för granskning, samt nio artiklar som ej finns tillgängliga i fulltext. Dessa inkluderades för att bidra till en mer komplett beskrivning av karaktären för hela det aktuella forskningsfältet. Resultatet visar framför allt att det finns relativt lite forskning inom området. Endast fem artiklar kunde bedömmas uppfylla kriterierna som vetenskapliga och därmed får dessa stå till grund för att visa vad forskningen för området säger. Dessa artiklar konkluderade att elever spontant upplever utomhusmatematik som roligt, att de lär sig lättare samt får en djupare förståelse för matematiken.

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