

1786 Uppsatser om Interaction rituals - Sida 44 av 120

Locus of control, syskonplacering och kön : Finns det några samband?

The purpose of this study was to examine if there was a relation between birth order, gender and locus of control. There where 162 participants in the study, 44 men, 115 women. Birth order was coded into three levels. There where no significant differences between birth order and locus of control. The result showed that female participants where more external when it came to locus of control.

Lyckat motivationsarbete ur socialarbetarens perspektivSuccesful client motivation from a social worker point of view

The purpose of doing this research except for educational reasons is to show significant effects that make motivational work successful. The choice of subject we decided out of experience from the term of practise. The description of the subject is from the social workers angle of approach. The method we used is a qualitative study with semi structured interviews. We have looked at three different fields of social work from the view of six social workers, two from each field.

Riskuppfattningar kring spårspring : Fokus på lokförare och personal på Trafikverket

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) hold great potential to support learning activities, for example by providing teachers and students with new and extended spaces for interaction and collaboration. However, this potential appears to be difficult to realize, and despite their perceived learning benefits, the reality is that LMSs are being used primarily for administrative purposes. Meanwhile, external pedagogical tools are successfully put into practice to improve learning outcomes, and the aim of this study is therefore to identify and discuss benefits and disadvantages associated with the LMS as a concept. By interviewing secondary school teachers, we disentangle the idea of integrating administrative and pedagogical aids into a single platform, providing detailed insight into the use of digital tools in secondary education. The study contributes to a deepened understanding of integrated learning environments, and we conclude that there is a conflict between structure and flexibility that needs to be addressed before determining the design of a digital learning space..

Gruppers påverkan på individen

I have done a theoretical essay and to find out the answer to my questions I used literature study as my method. You can kind of say that I have used the literature as my empirical material, so my essay is in one way a qualitative study. I choose to have a social psychologist perspective to approach my questions. To answer the questions I have used a couple of researchers who a find relevant to answer my questions. I found Meads symbolic interactionism together with Goffmans theatremeatphor as an important theory to explain the social interaction.

Med språket i centrum : Undervisning i svenska som andraspråk i den mångkulturella grundskolan

The aim was to find out teachers in Swedish as a second language in primary schools view on how they work with a language development teaching in a multicultural environment. I did a semi-structured interview where I both made questions before the interview and also used individualized follow-up questions during my interview. I did that because I really wanted to get answers to the subject and the aim of the essay. Two teachers in Swedish as a second language have been interviewed. The result shows that a holistic approach to language development is important, where great emphasis lies on understanding. Teachers say that communication and interaction are key factors and that it is important with good linguistically appropriate and understandable texts where the words/concepts are learned and used in the right context. .

Lek- och lärspel - en studie av hur IT kan stödja integration av lek och lärande

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur lek och lärande kan integreras i ett lek- ochlärspel för att skapa motiverande och engagerande övningar. I studien användes konkretaövningsexempel från ett modernt lek- och lärspel som presenterades och undersöktes medhjälp av elever i årskurs fem. Det som specifikt analyserades i övningarna var hur elevernalyckades interagera med systemet och hur inslag av motiverande faktorer för lek kan skapa enunderhållande användarupplevelse, samt om de lyckades lära sig något av denämnesrelaterade kunskapen. Krav på teknikvana, ämnesrelaterad kunskapsnivå samt enförståelse och lärande av den specifika uppgiften var det som satte gränser för hur väl delyckades engagera och lära sig något i övningarna. Med hjälp av observation samt intervjueridentifierade vi ett underlag som kan vara utvecklare, lärare, föräldrar och användare till hjälpför att reflektera över design och användande av lek- och lärspel..

Att gilla, eller inte gilla : En studie av meningsskapandet i interaktionen på sociala medier

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka användares subjektiva reflektioner kring olika interaktionsverktyg och deras användningsområden för att få en djupare förståelse för hur verktygen tillskrivs olika funktionella betydelser och alternativ mening i interaktionen och självpresentationen. Genom detta vill vi förklara hur fenomenet sociala medier påverkar människors vardag och interaktionen i samhället. Detta kan exempelifieras genom hur individer planerar och dokumenterar sin vardag för att kunna framställa sig på ett önskvärt sätt på sina online-profiler.Materialet i denna intervjustudie består av totalt sex intervjuer med personer i olika åldrar. Vi har använt oss av ansatsen semistrukturerad öppen observationsintervju, med motiveringen att detta ger oss möjlighet att studera reflektioner och handlingssekvenser samtidigt.Studiens slutsats är att användares interaktion på sociala medier i många avseenden liknar face-to-face-interaktionen mellan individer i deras vardag, då normer från det övriga samhället ständigt relevantgörs genom tillströmmandet och socialisationen av nya användare. Institutionaliserade användningsområden för olika interaktionsverktyg används som logisk utgångspunkt i hur verktygen används och tolkas, exempelvis hur användare genom dessa kan prenumerera på och visa uppskattning för andras uppdateringar och aktiviteter.

Hör upp!!

In this Bachelor thesis I explore sound and room as elements in design of user interfaces, both theoretical and practical in a specific application domain, to identify some of the advantages and disadvantage associated with these elements. As application domain I studied email clients and their usage at home amongst students at Blekinge Institute of Technology. In the study I found an activity, which seems to be highly distributed in the physical room where the user is located. The activity was notification of email and could take place in an arbitrary location of the home. I then augmented this activity with ideas from my theoretical assumption about room and sound. The result was a rule-based agent for notification of email, which primarily uses sound as interaction style..

Den tryckta annonsens förlängda arm : En studie i hur ett utvidgat kommunikationsutrymme skapas genom den tryckta annonsen

The foundation of our study is five strategically selected printed advertisements which all contains signs that refer to digital medias. Through a quality content analysis, we are studying how advertisers may use a room with extended communication too enlarge the space given in a printed advertisement. The potential in these rooms are proposing a social connection and a flexible interaction by providing content that is not possible to create in a printed advertisement. The form of communication is changing and there is a two-way communication created in an obvious way. The different kinds of roles in the communication process are here partially integrated with each other.

?Klicka? ?Gilla? ?Dela? En studie om användares uppfattningar, attityder samt beteende till anpassade annonser i nyhetsflödet på Facebook

This thesis is a study of Facebook users? beliefs attitudes and behaviour towards personalised adverts on the site, using Wang & Suns theory about the relationship between beliefs and attitude toward online advertising (ATOA) and the connection between attitude and behaviour. The result, based on qualitative research and interviews, will introduce a deeper understanding and interpretation of users? beliefs, attitudes and behaviour toward personalised adverts. The result showed that people perceive the site?s personal adverts as intrusive and interfering with their personal space and the purpose of the site.

Thailändska kvinnor och mötet med den svenska kulturen : Har det sekulariserade svenska samhället påverkat deras buddhistiska tro?

The purpose of the study is to observe how the participants of the study interacted musically through verbal, non-verbal and musically resonant expressions. Verbal communication was expressed in discussion of the music's tempo and to clarify for ensemble participants from where they we?re going to play and sing. Non-verbal communication could be used to gesticulate an instrument or a melody. For example, the movement of a hand could symbolize notes on a musical stave to indicate the notes placements.

Dialoger och samverkan : en kvalitativ studie av pedagoger och föräldrar i förskolan

The aim of this paper is to clarify the importance of communication between parents and educators, as well as collaboration. The survey involves cooperation between parents and teachers in preschool and in the survey; it is the educators? role and approach that is made visible. The issues I answer with the help of the interviewed teachers in the paper are: In what ways considers the interviewed teachers that can create dialogues with parents about children's daily life and activities? How do you describe the interviewed teachers that they interact with parents in preschool and the various forms of collaboration describe the interviewed teachers that they use in preschool?What difficulties consider the interviewed teachers may apply when creating dialogues and cooperation with parents in preschool Using a qualitative research method, the questions have been answered in the paper..

Förskollärarens roll i barns lek : En studie om förskollärares syn på sitt deltagande i barns lek

The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about how teachers in preschool regard their participation in children's play. Through this study you will get an insight into how teachers' involvement affects children's learning. I have chosen to look at the study from a socio-cultural perspective.The study is based on qualitative interviews with four pre-school teachers.The result shows that teachers believe that it is important to attend in children's play to support, challenge and develop their play. One sees that teachers take different roles based on the needs of the children?s group, such as actively participate in the play, being a supportive teacher, serve as inspiration or to be an observer.

När Hulken mötte Barbie : -Pedagogers förhållningssätt till könsstereotypa leksaker i förskolan

The aim of this study is to investigate how preschool teachers reason about gender stereotypical and gender neutral toys and other material. I would also like to see how the pedagogues reason about gender segregation when it comes to toys. To investigate the issue, I have interviewed three pedagogues from different preschools. The results showed that the work procedures differed a bit from school to school, although they all wanted to achieve the same goal. A goal that our curriculum mention as well: Not to make a difference between boys and girls.

Interaktivitet på YouTube : En kvalitativ användarstudie av interaktivitetens roll på YouTube

This essay is an investigation of the level- and importance of interactivity on YouTube for the active user. YouTube is a great example of a user-friendly Internet environment which enables the users to take part in a virtual community where they can create the content and, with the various functions the site has to offer, interact with each other. With Uses and Gratifications as a tool for this research we look at the motivations and needs of the user and how they come into play on the most popular video distribution site in the world today. Qualitative interviews on Swedish respondents give us insight in how the YouTube-users with their own words perceive this relatively new highly interactive era. We focus on a narrow group of the most popular age-group of YouTube-users to go deeper - not to expand.

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